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#1 Old 2nd Apr 2018 at 3:28 PM
Default Missing Sim Lane houses?
So I have the 8 in 1 version and when I installed all the old town houses were there fine, but all the houses and families in Sim Lane were missing. I tried to copy and paste TemplateUserData but they were still missing. Does anyone have a userdata that has them that I could use?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd Apr 2018 at 3:33 PM
You're sure you're in Neighborhood 1? Neighborhood 1 has the familiar houses, Neighborhood 2 has the Mashugas and a few more empty houses, and all the other neighborhoods are empty in the loop, with the same Old Town.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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Original Poster
#3 Old 2nd Apr 2018 at 7:09 PM
Yup, it is neighbourhood 1, though I deleted it because Sim Lane was empty and someone said on the internet that copying the TemplateUserData and renaming it UserdData would fix this, but it didn't and Sim Lane is still empty.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 4th Apr 2018 at 4:35 PM
That's odd, but not unheard of. Sometimes the game just has a mind of its own; if you're referring to the original Sim Lane houses and families, you can find them on Sim Echoes: http://simechoes.org/simechoes1/maxis/homes/homes.html

If you had any families, you can try -that is, if you have a copy-, copypasting your UserData/Houses and UserData/Characters folders and their contents over the new ones. Does 8 in 1 allow to install separately every expansion pack?
Field Researcher
#5 Old 4th Apr 2018 at 5:54 PM
If this "8 in 1" being discussed is The Sims Complete Collection, then no it doesn't give options to install individual expansions, it just prompts for the next disc. If it's installed on a computer that already has another version of Sims 1 installed, then it leaves the neighborhood data that's already there and installs the additional content. At least this was my experience with installing Complete Collection on a computer that already had the base game and (IIRC) Livin' Large.
Test Subject
#6 Old 26th Mar 2025 at 7:54 AM
Pleaseeeeee help! I checked the website and the goth fam is missing! I've been up for hours trying to get this ToT

Quote: Originally posted by ed95
That's odd, but not unheard of. Sometimes the game just has a mind of its own; if you're referring to the original Sim Lane houses and families, you can find them on Sim Echoes: http://simechoes.org/simechoes1/maxis/homes/homes.html

If you had any families, you can try -that is, if you have a copy-, copypasting your UserData/Houses and UserData/Characters folders and their contents over the new ones. Does 8 in 1 allow to install separately every expansion pack?
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 26th Mar 2025 at 5:27 PM
...I used to have that exact Goth family backup but that was probably three computers ago. At any rate, here's a zip I just compiled with FAM and house files that should be version 1.1 (basegame with patch) compatible as well as FAM and house files that are from a non-Legacy all-EP installation (specifically Deluxe plus all non-LL expansions): http://www.simfileshare.net/download/5373110/

Because it does not currently have a readme included, I will document it here:

- Prior to today my current install had NEVER opened the Goth house and saved it, so this is an unmodified save made within 1 second of the lot loading. The save was made prior to the Magic Man showing up AFAICT.
- Based on the time the 1.1 version was at when I went in to double check my FAM/house file for it would be unmodified, I probably saved that one within 10 seconds of the lot loading, last June.
- The graves' sprites are different between these two lots. I do not know why or when they changed.
- A complete all-EP install should be able to use either set of files. Installs that do not have all EPs will likely need to use the basegame compatible files or you may run into issues (objects disappearing, errors, etc).
- You DO NOT need BOTH the fam AND the house iff! You should put the FAM in your UserData\Import folder if you want the house AND the family, but if you ONLY want the house, you should put the House05.iff in the Houses folder in the UserData folder for the neighborhood number you want it to appear in. If you put them both in, then importing the family would technically replace the house anyway, so it's just extra work for you. (The pub doesn't have to be placed anywhere for versions of the PC game so you can ignore it.)

If this "8 in 1" being discussed is The Sims Complete Collection

USUALLY 8 in 1 refers to a specific unofficial compilation IIRC that in my experience is usually recommended against because it has numerous issues. (I think there might also have been an official version that isn't named that but sometimes gets called 8 in 1 colloquially? But in my experience it's usually referring to a specific unofficial all-EP compilation.)
Test Subject
#8 Old 27th Mar 2025 at 4:01 PM
Thank you so much!! one problem tho, I think I installed it correctly. But when you play the game its just an empty lot with no family.
Top Secret Researcher
#9 Old 27th Mar 2025 at 4:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Brnr456
Thank you so much!! one problem tho, I think I installed it correctly. But when you play the game its just an empty lot with no family.

Are you running Legacy or the older version?

The houses in the older version go in The Sims\UserData\Houses, BUT although Legacy has UserData files in its installation directory, Legacy saved games are not actually kept there. To replace a house in Legacy, it needs to go in C:\Users\(Your User Name)\Saved Games\Electronic Arts\The Sims 25\UserData\Houses.

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at http://corylea.com/Sims1ModsByCorylea.html
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 27th Mar 2025 at 5:23 PM
Additionally, House05.iff WILL be an empty house with no family.

The one that is the family, and the only one you need to add if you want a family, is Goth_5.FAM. (The specific location is in my last bullet point in my prior post.) Once it is in the right place, you need to use the house icon with the plus button in the top of the neighborhood screen to choose to import it. That will add the house to your game (without you needing to place House05.iff in the Houses folder), and the house will have the family in it, doing what they did at the exact time the house was saved.
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