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#251 Old 22nd Jul 2024 at 4:22 PM
Looking at it closer, it really does look like Belle with Betty's mouth, and Betty's hair colour.
Field Researcher
#252 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 6:08 PM Last edited by kenoi : 24th Jul 2024 at 6:28 PM.
Here you go. Cover girl is now a part of the game.

I've included the Photoshop project file (PSD) in the download package (ZIP), so you can see how I did it.

(She was made up of C015FAmed_belle with the mouth from C006FAmed_deb, and Betty's hair colour, from C001FAlgt_Shannon01.)
Attached files:
File Type: zip  C015FAmed_covergirl.zip (113.3 KB, 15 downloads)
Test Subject
#253 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 7:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kenoi
Here you go. Cover girl is now a part of the game.

I've included the Photoshop project file (PSD) in the download package (ZIP), so you can see how I did it.

(She was made up of C015FAmed_belle with the mouth from C006FAmed_deb, and Betty's hair colour, from C001FAlgt_Shannon01.)

Oh my god thanks a lot Kenoi, she looks amazing.
You did great
Field Researcher
#254 Old 29th Jul 2024 at 11:19 AM
In The Sims, actions that the sims can perform are called "skills" because these actions (and their related properties, assets, and animations), are things that the sims gain from the objects that are introduced into the game/scene. The sims don't start out knowing them, but rather the objects "teach" them how to interact with the object. This is why they're called "skills".

This was done so that the design of the game would be such that the game would be expansible -- with new objects introducing new features to the game.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#255 Old 3rd Sep 2024 at 11:41 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 6th Sep 2024 at 3:43 PM.
Thank you for the >100.000 thread views.

Today's out-of-date throwback...

PC Games
APRIL 1999

Allegedly the first The Sims mag coverage outside of the USA. See how old and nightmarish the pictures are!

(so do you)
Field Researcher
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#256 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 11:05 PM


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Test Subject
#257 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 6:47 PM
My god, I just checked internet archives site, they removed 500k books because they lost from some corporations in court. This is just so bad, I hope internet archive survives in general, this is just bad.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#258 Old 4th Oct 2024 at 4:23 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 4th Oct 2024 at 5:30 PM.
Thanks for reminding us that that CC exists 😮! I will re-upload it in the other thread, okay? 🖼🖌

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Field Researcher
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#259 Old 20th Dec 2024 at 9:21 PM
Hi! I really missed doing this holistic documental research. I'll share you some of the coolest The Sims previews from back in the day.

ULTIMATE PC (UK )#23 - JUNE 1999

POPULATION GROWTH - EA Announce The Launch of A SimCity Spin-Off Titled THE SIMS


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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#260 Old 23rd Dec 2024 at 4:26 PM

SIMply Monumental: The Fans, The Phenomenon, The Future of The Sims

Such a nice article from CGM! I've been meaning to put my hands at a copy of this for a looong time. Just like I thought, I think it 100% sums up how Maxis was already drunk on fame way back then. And how they did place all their bets to TSO, believing it would be the great next thing.

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Field Researcher
#261 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 12:36 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm reading the book "Behind the Scenes of Harry Potter Video Games. The first three years at Hogwarts", original title in French " Dans les coulisses des jeux vidéo Harry Potter. Les trois premières années à Poudlard ". It suddenly contains some information about the development of The Sims. I don't know if you know this or if it's collected somewhere, but here it is.

In 1999, Electronic Arts was having problems producing The Sims. Don Mattrick suggested that bringing in a screenwriter from the television industry might help solve the difficulties. Don and his partner Paul De Meo joined the project in its final year of development, earning the title of co-producers. Their contributions included the development of complex design elements such as the characters' career paths, the presence of children, and the overall organization of the game. Despite their involvement in the project, this genre of games was not close to Don and Paul.

Here is quote from book, on French:
Danny Bilson et Don Mattrick deviennent amis ce jour-là. Cette amitié sera d'ailleurs très fructueuse puisque Danny permet à l'équipe d'EA Canada d'utiliser son studio de tournage pour filmer leurs équipements, tels que des moteurs de voiture par exemple, afin de faciliter le développement de la série Need for Speed. Don, en échange, se contente d'abord de lui offrir quelques jeux ... jusqu'à ce qu'une idée lui vienne en tête. En 1999, Electronic Arts rencontre un certain nombre de problèmes lors de la production des Sims. Don pense alors qu'un scéna-riste venant de la télévision pourrait les aider. «Avec mon partenaire Paul De Meo, on a travaillé sur ce jeu lors de sa dernière année de développement et on a obtenu le crédit de coproducteurs. On a principalement conçu des éléments de design complexes, tels que les carrières des personnages, la présence des enfants et l'organisation générale du jeu. » Cependant, malgré le plaisir qu'ils prennent à participer à cette production, il ne s'agit pas d'un titre auquel Paul et lui aiment jouer, ce n'est tout simplement pas leur style de jeu.

Page 45.

The Sims 2 Beta Library
Russian Betahunters forum thread "The Sims 2 Development History" - without them, many secrets of the Sims 2 would not have been discovered and investigated.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#262 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 1:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Liza

In 1999, Electronic Arts was having problems producing The Sims. Don Mattrick suggested that bringing in a screenwriter from the television industry might help solve the difficulties. Don and his partner Paul De Meo joined the project in its final year of development, earning the title of co-producers.

Here is quote from book, on French:

Page 45.

Hey Liza! No, that's 100% new info, what a cool behind-the-scenes gossip Apparently these men are listed down at the "SPECIAL THANKS TO" part of base TS1's credit roll!

Quote: Originally posted by Liza
Their contributions included the development of complex design elements such as the characters' career paths...

As a matter of fact, we don't have any sort of solid information along the lines of the Sims' career paths till early 1999! Did you know that Maxis shared a massive .pdf document to fans back in March 1999 with the complete (but, er, unfinished) set of career path dialog messages, as well as the descriptions of Sim skills (Mechanical, Cooking, Charisma...)? They are not dramatically different from their later polished texts, however you might find it interesting.


Quote: Originally posted by Liza
the presence of children, and the overall organization of the game.

As a matter of fact, we don't have any documented existence of playable child Sims throughout the game's building up until early '99! Check it out:


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Field Researcher
#263 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 2:30 AM Last edited by Liza : 4th Feb 2025 at 8:41 AM.
In the hustle and bustle associated with the release of The Sims 1/2 Legacy Collections, it's easy to forget about one more important piece of news. The Video Game History Foundation launches early access to its digital archive of video game history research materials, available now at library.gamehistory.org . So far there's not much about The Sims and nothing about The Sims 2, but it's still worth checking out what's there about The Sims series in general. They also say that the library will be updated with new materials.

The Sims 2 Beta Library
Russian Betahunters forum thread "The Sims 2 Development History" - without them, many secrets of the Sims 2 would not have been discovered and investigated.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#264 Old 5th Feb 2025 at 12:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Liza
In the hustle and bustle associated with the release of The Sims 1/2 Legacy Collections, it's easy to forget about one more important piece of news. The Video Game History Foundation launches early access to its digital archive of video game history research materials, available now at library.gamehistory.org . So far there's not much about The Sims and nothing about The Sims 2, but it's still worth checking out what's there about The Sims series in generaThey also say that the library will be updated with new materials.

Yes ! I am subscribed to them on YouTube, and was very happy to hear the news! I have definitely seen something SimPeople in it...

Can't make a fancy statement as I am on vacay and I have only my phone in hands but.... Happy anniversary The Sims xxx

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Field Researcher
#265 Old 2nd Mar 2025 at 10:48 PM
A large number of strings starting with the word "unused" have been added to the article about unused content in The Sims 2. You can read more about it here:

I suspect that these strings might be from The Sims 1, and they may also not be used there. This seems likely, especially considering a few lists, such as the strings "unused - Personal Styles" and "unused - update who", for which this has already been confirmed.

Could you take a look at these lists and comment on them? Or maybe you could add information to the article about what these strings might relate to, and whether they are from The Sims 1? If so, what they might relate to?

The Sims 2 Beta Library
Russian Betahunters forum thread "The Sims 2 Development History" - without them, many secrets of the Sims 2 would not have been discovered and investigated.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#266 Old 3rd Mar 2025 at 8:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Liza
A large number of strings starting with the word "unused" have been added to the article about unused content in The Sims 2. You can read more about it here:

I suspect that these strings might be from The Sims 1, and they may also not be used there. This seems likely, especially considering a few lists, such as the strings "unused - Personal Styles" and "unused - update who", for which this has already been confirmed.

Could you take a look at these lists and comment on them? Or maybe you could add information to the article about what these strings might relate to, and whether they are from The Sims 1? If so, what they might relate to?


Wow, looks like some serious tomb raiding went down there! These Sims 2 strings are basically super old raw text labels that can be originally found in The Sims 1’s Edith primitive editing/tracing tool dialogs—though most never made it anywhere near from being referenced in the final product's object BHAVs. Even funnier, they’re apparently still in The Sims 2’s STR# bank, practically unchanged. Just another piece of evidence that Sims 2 was built directly on top of Sims 1’s engine and tree script system.

I can definitely add a comment to the article, but it looks like you’ve already nailed the root of the case—that a lot of the documented behavioral string data is straight off of Sims 1. One of the most interesting (or absurd) examples would be 0x000000A1 (unused - bubble icons), which contains labels for the thought/speech bubble icons that we recognize from the Steering Committee demo of Sims 1 (1998), where they were used for the first and last time throughout the entire course of development. After that demo, they’re basically old leftovers already. That said, I wouldn’t take their presence in Sims 2 as proof that Maxis ever considered bringing them back—they’re just remnants. Makes you wonder why they never bothered scrubbing them entirely.

0x000000A1 (unused - bubble icons)

"bubble icon" labels used on the "Set Balloon" primitive editing dialog (Edith)

(so do you)
Field Researcher
#267 Old 3rd Mar 2025 at 11:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LUCPIX

Wow, looks like some serious tomb raiding went down there! These Sims 2 strings are basically super old raw text labels that can be originally found in The Sims 1’s Edith primitive editing/tracing tool dialogs—though most never made it anywhere near from being referenced in the final product's object BHAVs. Even funnier, they’re apparently still in The Sims 2’s STR# bank, practically unchanged. Just another piece of evidence that Sims 2 was built directly on top of Sims 1’s engine and tree script system.

I can definitely add a comment to the article, but it looks like you’ve already nailed the root of the case—that a lot of the documented behavioral string data is straight off of Sims 1. One of the most interesting (or absurd) examples would be 0x000000A1 (unused - bubble icons), which contains labels for the thought/speech bubble icons that we recognize from the Steering Committee demo of Sims 1 (1998), where they were used for the first and last time throughout the entire course of development. After that demo, they’re basically old leftovers already. That said, I wouldn’t take their presence in Sims 2 as proof that Maxis ever considered bringing them back—they’re just remnants. Makes you wonder why they never bothered scrubbing them entirely.

0x000000A1 (unused - bubble icons)

"bubble icon" labels used on the "Set Balloon" primitive editing dialog (Edith)

Thank you for information. I added this information to article:

The Sims 2 Beta Library
Russian Betahunters forum thread "The Sims 2 Development History" - without them, many secrets of the Sims 2 would not have been discovered and investigated.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#268 Old 4th Mar 2025 at 8:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Liza
Thank you for information. I added this information to article:

Thank youuuu -- you mentioned the "lost graphics" bit over at sims 1 page lol that's brilliant. It'd be interesting had the 1998 icons survived multiple builds up to Sims 2 beyond its label strings. Some clueless fellow would open up SimPE and come across , and , and be like WTF?!.

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