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#1901 Old Yesterday at 2:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pico22
I love the snapshot above. If the game will give the same vibes it will be a must have for me.

I think the main problem people have with Paras is the way they look, though nobody will really admit it. They are not beautiful like Zois nor ugly in a nice silly way like a lot of Sims; they look and act average, like people you might see on the street or encounter in the shop at the corner or, to be quite frank, like me and you. And since life simulation games are as much of a fantasy as the ones where you run around with a wand in your hand and a strange hat on your head, Paras are not the avatars most people would like to identify with.

We were asking for more realism in life simulators forever and now that we've got it we are not happy either. But don't worry; if the game will be moddable when it comes out this deficiency will be rectified on day one.

Maybe it is just the way my mind works, but I find it really hard to get interested in ultra glamorous characters, either in the sims, or elsewhere.
Not that I think there's anything wrong with people loving their escapism shaped that way.
Mad Poster
#1902 Old Yesterday at 3:33 PM Last edited by daisylee : Today at 10:42 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by pico22

I think the main problem people have with Paras is the way they look, though nobody will really admit it.

HUH? The folks that do not like the Para, are screaming that we do not like them due to the graphics/look. We, or at least I, totally admit that I cannot stand the look of them. Anyone here have feet like the redhead? Or a neck that looks like he/she is 150? And I could list a lot more. The graphics are the problem. Not the animations, not the environment. Not anything else. It is the butt ugly IMO and poor way they are done that is the problem. If not for them, I would be interested in the game. Otherwise, it looks like a good game to me. It is entirely due to the way they are done that I will not even consider getting this.
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