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#1 Old 6th Jan 2022 at 11:04 PM
Default Fixing Premium Content / Reliable Store Fix
Can anyone really explain to me how I do go about fixing my store content: like what is the latest and efficient way of doing it? Like step-by-step would help,

Some say to use recompressor (which didn't work for me, on google I found this method (trying out, not sure if it eff up buydebug like decrap tech did). So I'm really unsure what's the right way is

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 7th Jan 2022 at 10:27 AM
#3 Old 7th Jan 2022 at 2:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by KatyFernlily

That one works fine, I use it my self. Trouble is (as I recently learned on another thread) if you use the buydebug cheat it gives you an infinite saving loop. If I'm planning on doing that, I make sure to temporarily remove it.

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#4 Old 9th Jan 2022 at 3:00 AM
I have Nona's ccmerged and all my store content loaded from sims3 packs and it all works fine for me.
Mad Poster
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#5 Old 10th Jan 2022 at 6:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mandelyn
I have Nona's ccmerged and all my store content loaded from sims3 packs and it all works fine for me.

Does it though fix the problem where certain accessories become invisible/missing (like the wood fire oven's tools/dough)?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
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#6 Old 10th Jan 2022 at 8:37 PM
Store content can be "broken" when decrapped, and then require the store fixes to work properly, so things like missing props. If you want to avoid the buydebug loading glitch, you need to install your store content without decrapping it so you don't need the fixes. S3rc from MATY should work, it's in the same download as the decrap tool - hopefully that will work for you?
You need the full ccmerged too, if your content wasn't installed as sims3packs before, in order for recipes etc to show up properly
Forum Resident
#7 Old 10th Jan 2022 at 8:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by zoe22
Store content can be "broken" when decrapped, and then require the store fixes to work properly, so things like missing props. If you want to avoid the buydebug loading glitch, you need to install your store content without decrapping it so you don't need the fixes. S3rc from MATY should work, it's in the same download as the decrap tool - hopefully that will work for you?
You need the full ccmerged too, if your content wasn't installed as sims3packs before, in order for recipes etc to show up properly

Yes, this. ^

I think some of it depends on how you install the content too. Like if you install the Sims3Packs themselves, and already have the store patches and whatnot in the right folders (ContentPatch for store patches and DCBackup for ccmerged.package I believe) then I don't think anything else is required.

However, if you want to install them as packages - the store patch and ccmerged will probably not work anymore since they expect the content to be installed a certain way. You can fix this though by copying both and placing them in Overrides and then they should function properly. Again, this is only needed if you install them as packages.

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#8 Old 11th Jan 2022 at 5:11 AM
I have no missing objects or problems with my Premium Content but I loaded it all as sims3packs through the download dashboard and just used Nona's ccmerged to be safe, mostly since I debate with myself regularly on turning it into packages without decrapping it (tried some of that once, what a nightmare). Only reason I do consider turning it into packages is some of it sometimes uninstalls itself and it is irritating.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 18th Feb 2025 at 9:18 PM Last edited by leahmay74 : 18th Feb 2025 at 9:42 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by zoe22
Store content can be "broken" when decrapped, and then require the store fixes to work properly, so things like missing props. If you want to avoid the buydebug loading glitch, you need to install your store content without decrapping it so you don't need the fixes. S3rc from MATY should work, it's in the same download as the decrap tool - hopefully that will work for you?
You need the full ccmerged too, if your content wasn't installed as sims3packs before, in order for recipes etc to show up properly

I'm needing some advice because I think there's a big issue with a recent post on Tumblr where someone is offering the whole store content she say's that's been decrapped with s storefix package. This feels like a big red flag to me. Decrapping store content now a days isn't needed and in the comments there is so much miss information. I know you can gently and safely convert to package files and fix store content with nonas ccmerged but there's no mention of that. I'm just asking for your opinion on this. She says it's a all or nothing with her files but I'm afraid some miss informed people are in for a world of hurt. Some mentioned "Oh ya it works great" literally right after she posted, lol! There's no way you know if it works great right after you install it. It would take days to go through and make sure everything is working and all accessories are there. Plus the buydebug issue and other issues this may cause Editing to say I also looked at her downloadable files she's telling people to place and wow the lag I can see this causing
#10 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 2:53 PM
I do wish there was a way to fix the Old Mill Teaset properly. When I installed it properly, Sims kept getting reset after trying to serve tea. I managed to find a store fix which stopped the Sims from resetting. But the issue now is that the cups disappears. So they do the drinking animation but without the cups. There are some coder spheres in front of them aswell. While I'm glad the thing actually WORKS now, I wish they didn't look so silly drinking air.
Test Subject
#11 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 6:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by leahmay74
I'm needing some advice because I think there's a big issue with a recent post on Tumblr where someone is offering the whole store content she say's that's been decrapped with s storefix package. This feels like a big red flag to me. Decrapping store content now a days isn't needed and in the comments there is so much miss information. I know you can gently and safely convert to package files and fix store content with nonas ccmerged but there's no mention of that. I'm just asking for your opinion on this. She says it's a all or nothing with her files but I'm afraid some miss informed people are in for a world of hurt. Some mentioned "Oh ya it works great" literally right after she posted, lol! There's no way you know if it works great right after you install it. It would take days to go through and make sure everything is working and all accessories are there. Plus the buydebug issue and other issues this may cause Editing to say I also looked at her downloadable files she's telling people to place and wow the lag I can see this causing

Unfortunately, that's piracy, which is forbidden to be discussed or advocated here. However, converting your own legitimately purchased store content to packages isn't piracy and is fine to talk about. The same is true for decrapping and store fixing your own premium content (although, as others have said above, you don't need to decrap nowadays and it unnecessarily complicates package conversion).

Discussing and correcting misinformation is always valuable, so please carry on there! I only wanted to caution you about the "no piracy" rule.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 19th Feb 2025 at 6:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CaveBoundGirl
Unfortunately, that's piracy, which is forbidden to be discussed or advocated here. However, converting your own legitimately purchased store content to packages isn't piracy and is fine to talk about. The same is true for decrapping and store fixing your own premium content (although, as others have said above, you don't need to decrap nowadays and it unnecessarily complicates package conversion).

Discussing and correcting misinformation is always valuable, so please carry on there! I only wanted to caution you about the "no piracy" rule.

Right, sorry! Didn’t even think about the piracy issue. My bad. Thanks for replying and clarifying the decrap problem.
#13 Old Yesterday at 1:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I do wish there was a way to fix the Old Mill Teaset properly. When I installed it properly, Sims kept getting reset after trying to serve tea. I managed to find a store fix which stopped the Sims from resetting. But the issue now is that the cups disappears. So they do the drinking animation but without the cups. There are some coder spheres in front of them aswell. While I'm glad the thing actually WORKS now, I wish they didn't look so silly drinking air.

Have you tried using Nonasims ccmerged package instead of the store fix? It fixed all my store premiun content. Just scroll down the page to download the package. https://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012...-content-items/
#14 Old Yesterday at 4:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mandelyn
Have you tried using Nonasims ccmerged package instead of the store fix? It fixed all my store premiun content. Just scroll down the page to download the package. https://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012...-content-items/

I tried that. Didn't work. Now, the site mentioned that missing props could be fixed by reinstalling. So I might try that.
#15 Old Today at 6:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I tried that. Didn't work. Now, the site mentioned that missing props could be fixed by reinstalling. So I might try that.

well, you could test it by installing the old mill set as package file. launcher can be a lot of mess so I'd rather choose installing all sims3pack as package, I've been converting all store contents to package and still find no problem whatsoever.

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