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#1 Old 16th Feb 2025 at 3:36 PM
Default WCIF This 4t3 Conversion of Curbs Caitlyn?
Hello! I have had a bee in my bonnet about this conversion of Curbs Caitlyn that the Sim in the picture is wearing.

I have had no luck so far trying to track it down, and hope that someone may have more knowledge of where this hair is from. I am almost certain that it's not by Rollo or Satellite because it's not in their downloads from January or February 2020, and the picture was made in February 2020 so it can't have been made any later than that.

If anyone has any knowledge, I would appreciate it! Thank you!
#2 Old 17th Feb 2025 at 6:13 AM
The pictured sim gives me tau1tvec vibes. Her tumblr only goes back to 2022, and I can't remember her user name before that as she has changed it a few times.

Maybe someone else can remember? Or maybe I'm completely wrong
#3 Old 17th Feb 2025 at 6:23 AM
mmm, I should have just clicked on the link you supplied

When this sim pic was taken she was "simbeings" was taultvec and Noelyely now she is tau1tvec

I don't remember her ever making hair though, so still doesn't help, but she could have converted it herself?

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#4 Old 17th Feb 2025 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsmidgen
mmm, I should have just clicked on the link you supplied

When this sim pic was taken she was "simbeings" was taultvec and Noelyely now she is tau1tvec

I don't remember her ever making hair though, so still doesn't help, but she could have converted it herself?


Thank you for linking! I'll check the files and then maybe message her if it's not in there. The worst thing she can say is 'no.'
#5 Old Yesterday at 12:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by windermeresimblr
Thank you for linking! I'll check the files and then maybe message her if it's not in there. The worst thing she can say is 'no.'

I should have also said, she is very WCIF friendly, hopefully she’ll still have the hair
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