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#1 Old Today at 5:30 AM
Default OFB - DJ Employee Question
Hellp Guys!

I've hired one employee for the DJ position, but she worked for a while and just left... Checked the business card and it shows she is currently no position...
Is this usual? I thought the DJ position should be permanent like other job positions...
Mad Poster
#2 Old Today at 6:34 AM
I think I remember there being something bugged about that one. However, I use Business Runs You now, and with that mod I have no issues assigning someone to be the DJ (through the BRY interface) and having them work their full shift.
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Original Poster
#3 Old Today at 11:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
I think I remember there being something bugged about that one. However, I use Business Runs You now, and with that mod I have no issues assigning someone to be the DJ (through the BRY interface) and having them work their full shift.

Ahhh!! Thank you! I will try this mod to see if it could fix this!
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