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#16876 Old 3rd Nov 2023 at 9:21 PM
#16877 Old 11th Nov 2023 at 9:07 PM
Hi, Sorry for the late update, was just getting all my content transferred to my new blog. Chapter 4.3
#16878 Old 17th Nov 2023 at 7:44 PM
#16879 Old 24th Nov 2023 at 9:38 PM
#16880 Old 1st Dec 2023 at 9:32 PM
#16881 Old 30th Dec 2023 at 6:48 PM
Test Subject
#16882 Old 10th Jan 2024 at 1:09 PM
Just got my game back after far too long and have the urge to try this challenge again. I had a quick question, though. I rolled the Joker and am not sure if that means I can reroll one income source (for one of my starting sims) or if I choose to reroll income I have to reroll for everyone.
Original Poster
#16883 Old 11th Jan 2024 at 3:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by foxrafer
Just got my game back after far too long and have the urge to try this challenge again. I had a quick question, though. I rolled the Joker and am not sure if that means I can reroll one income source (for one of my starting sims) or if I choose to reroll income I have to reroll for everyone.

The Joker allows you to re-roll any one category (not the entire roll). You can use it at any point in the challenge.

So yes, if you don't like your result for income, you can re-roll it one time and hope for something better. The other rolls (family structure, etc) will remain intact.
Test Subject
#16884 Old 12th Jan 2024 at 2:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
The Joker allows you to re-roll any one category (not the entire roll). You can use it at any point in the challenge.

So yes, if you don't like your result for income, you can re-roll it one time and hope for something better. The other rolls (family structure, etc) will remain intact.

Got it; thanks! I've always loved this challenge. Now to decide if I can finally create an actual blog.
Original Poster
#16885 Old 12th Jan 2024 at 9:00 PM
I would love to read it if you do!
#16886 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 8:33 PM
Test Subject
#16887 Old 28th Jan 2024 at 8:23 PM
Hi! Ever since I started Sims 3 again recently after so long, I've been hooked on this game to no end. I found revived love towards this game, to the point of actually creating a blog for this, I never have one before 😂 I've been doing this Random Legacy Challenge ever since I rediscovered the game just to test the waters, and I found the experience extremely enjoyable. That's why I decided to blog it, and my first blog ever you can check it out down below if you're interested hehe.

The Donavista Family — Generation 1
Original Poster
#16888 Old 30th Jan 2024 at 10:58 PM
Hi @IronApe! Thank you for sharing your blog with us!

I like your founders and I'm interested to see how your story will evolve. I tried to leave a comment on the blog itself, but blogger has been giving me sign-in issues lately. (It still lets me sign in and edit my own blogs, but commenting is finicky. Hopefully they fix this soon.)
Test Subject
#16889 Old 31st Jan 2024 at 3:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
Hi @IronApe! Thank you for sharing your blog with us!

I like your founders and I'm interested to see how your story will evolve. I tried to leave a comment on the blog itself, but blogger has been giving me sign-in issues lately. (It still lets me sign in and edit my own blogs, but commenting is finicky. Hopefully they fix this soon.)

Thanks for checking it out! I'll try my best to make the story works :D
Test Subject
#16890 Old 1st Feb 2024 at 1:46 AM
A few months ago I started a BACC where each house is in charge of a different challenge. The second family to move in town will be doing the random legacy. If anyone is interested in reading this legacy here is the 1st chapter.

Chapter 1

The story is self-contained enough that it's not necessary to read the entire bacc story to enjoy it.
#16891 Old 24th Feb 2024 at 10:05 AM
Test Subject
#16892 Old 22nd May 2024 at 12:11 AM
Hi folks, I hope this thread isn't too dead for me to ask a question. I was wanting to know if a plantsim baby would count as a biological or adopted child for the purposes of Mixed Couple?
Test Subject
#16893 Old 25th May 2024 at 10:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Demongoose
Hi folks, I hope this thread isn't too dead for me to ask a question. I was wanting to know if a plantsim baby would count as a biological or adopted child for the purposes of Mixed Couple?

I would consider it an adoption, since the roll considers clones that way. Of course this is just my opinion, since I consider plantsims to be closer to clones than biological children.
Field Researcher
#16894 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 6:47 AM
Hopping in for the first time in years (lol) but sadly not to update any of my blogs. I recently completed 10 generations of an RLC family and wanted to share! Only the second time ever after all these years haha.

I decided to carry them over into a new RLC and changed one major thing... I changed the toddler, child, and teen stages to match ageing irl. The infant stage is 2 days, toddler 4 days, child 7, and teen 5. I thought it would be super unbalanced, but it has actually been a lot of fun. It does mean that perfect children is impossible rules as written, but I haven't rolled it yet haha. The only thing I'm disliking is that it makes it hard for teens to get an A in school.

Hope everyone's still doing well and having fun with the sims I still read old RLC blogs and new ones that get posted here.
Lab Assistant
#16895 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 10:03 PM
Hi guys! It's been literally four years, but I'm back (well, sort of). I was expecting that everyone who used to post in here would be gone, but even if it's not as active anymore, I still see some familiar faces (or usernames, anyway).

For anyone who doesn't remember me (probably most of you, I updated for like a year and then vanished), I'm Rohan, and I used to update the Doe Random Legacy! Then I started college and immediately stopped having time to even play Sims for fun, let alone update an increasingly elaborate and plot-heavy story blog. But that said, I've felt bad about abandoning my legacy for all these years, and I got my degree this spring and now I have a real grown-up job and enough time and energy to actually have hobbies, so I've been thinking about picking it back up.

The problem is, I've switched computers over the course of those four years, I don't play Sims 3 very much anymore, and honestly Sims 3 barely runs on my computer and trying to get five more generations out of it sounds like a nightmare. So I've decided (tentatively) to move my legacy over to Sims 4, which is much easier for me to run. I recreated my major characters, I've reworked the plot of the rest of this generation, I rerolled for remaining generations, and I think I really want to make it happen. I thought I'd let this thread know in case anyone still here remembers my legacy and wants to follow me into the world of Sims 4, but I'm also planning on posting on the Sims 4 RLC thread once I actually have the legacy up and running.

If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them! It's been forever since I posted on here (I barely remembered my login info) and I think? my signature has my legacy website in it, but in case it doesn't and any new people want to get caught up before I start posting again, here it is:
I plan to still update on the same website, as it's the same legacy, just in a different game.

Sorry for the giant post!
Original Poster
#16896 Old 18th Aug 2024 at 3:49 AM
Hi Marcy!

And of course I remember you and the Does, Rohan.

I haven't had the energy to play in a long time (life just keeps kickin' me while I'm already down), but I'm glad the RLC still has a place in people's hearts. I hope to get back to my blogs one day and will happily read anyone else's in the meantime.
Lab Assistant
#16897 Old 19th Aug 2024 at 1:23 AM
Alright guys, we're officially back! From now on I'll be posting my new chapters on the Sims 4 RLC thread and not here, since it won't be a Sims 3 RLC anymore, but this chapter is a transition chapter so I'm gonna be posting it in both places. If you want to keep reading my story, either keep an eye on the Sims 4 thread or add my blog to your reading list so you can see when I update.

Anyway, here's the chapter: Chapter 4.8 - Major Life Changes

I'll miss this thread, but I'm looking forward to moving my legacy forward into Sims 4! And of course, again, I hope y'all keep reading even though I won't be posting the updates here anymore.

Update: I just looked at the Sims 4 RLC thread and it is extremely dead, so idk if I will be posting my updates on there, if I find a better place to post them (wherever the Sims 4 RLC community congregates) I will let you guys know so you know where to find them - in the meantime I might keep posting them in here.
Original Poster
#16898 Old 23rd Aug 2024 at 12:40 AM
I don't think anyone will mind if you want to keep posting updates here, since the blog starts off as a Sims3 RLC.
Lab Assistant
#16899 Old 24th Aug 2024 at 10:14 PM
Alright! I have another chapter, and with approval, I will keep uploading here (I also put it up on boolprop after someone suggested posting there).

Here it is: Chapter 4.9 - A New Home
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