I resurrected a sim with no character data what do i do to the clone now?
Ok so here's the breakdown;
I resurrected the hidden Darleen that's only visible in SimPE. I downloaded a clone of her from the Internet and i basically did the steps to resurrecting a Sim with no character Data (i went to the clones char file, extracted the files and placed them in a new folder and deleted unnecessary files and gave the files to Darleen. I also tried to swap the GUID numbers but i failed but hidden Darleen is now a fully playable sim with character data.)
Now that Hidden Darleen Dreamer is a functional Sim, her clone on the other hand has incomplete character data and is unplayable. Do i delete the clone or do i keep it? The tutorial never said anything about what to do to the clone once you've fully resurrected your sim. I am afraid if i delete the clone my Darleen will be corrupted.
Here's the tutorial i saw: