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Mad Poster
#76 Old 29th Sep 2020 at 3:48 AM
Posting here again to ask a question to (primarily) trans users of the gender transition potions mod: what do you think about enabling them for children? Children do socially transition, after all, and I've had people tell me that if there was a magic potion like this they totally would have drunk it when they were ten. As far as I know, the body shape and voices of children are all identical, so the main change would be a) the clothing and hair you can pick for them, b) which bathroom they use, and c) which pronouns the game uses in chance cards. Obviously the text of the memory would have to be slightly different if it was used in childhood, since the mention of body transition doesn't really apply for children. The transitioned children should then grow up into the right gender body when they become teens, so it doesn't quite follow the path of using blockers until age 16ish and then going on hormones, if you imagine that the teen transition happens at like age 12, but it's magic, so whatever. What do you think?
Mad Poster
#77 Old 29th Sep 2020 at 6:58 AM
It would be great as I wished I could've done something to stop some of the changes I went though in puberty and delayed some until a later age.I'm actually FTX because of my gender identity not matching my birth gender exaclty.I prefer my body shape to by that of a boy's body so I won't have too many issues fiding swimwear or summer clothing in the summertime.
Mad Poster
#78 Old 29th Sep 2020 at 9:57 PM
Ok, cool! I might have to use a different animation, since I'm not sure the one I'm using now actually exists for children. What do you think the child transition memory should say?
Mad Poster
#79 Old 30th Sep 2020 at 2:53 PM
I'd have it mention that they've made a transition and should grow up in the right gender of body when the time comes to grow up.
Test Subject
#80 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 10:20 PM
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