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#1 Old 18th Nov 2024 at 1:24 PM
Default WCIF Qnie/Qvoix's files?
Qvoix used to make some lovely outfits, especially for kids and toddlers, but has stopped posting as of 2019. All of the links, which used adfly, are dead, and only one, the newest adult 'violette' which still uses linkvertise, for an adult outfit, still works. Does anybody have working links to a complete collection of their outfits? I'm mainly after their kids' and toddler outfits, but I know they made a lot of adult outfits, hairs, accessories, poses, et cetera, so if anyone has archived those, that's likely also a help. Thanks in advance!
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 18th Nov 2024 at 4:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SadoAlice
Qvoix used to make some lovely outfits, especially for kids and toddlers, but has stopped posting as of 2019. All of the links, which used adfly, are dead, and only one, the newest adult 'violette' which still uses linkvertise, for an adult outfit, still works. Does anybody have working links to a complete collection of their outfits? I'm mainly after their kids' and toddler outfits, but I know they made a lot of adult outfits, hairs, accessories, poses, et cetera, so if anyone has archived those, that's likely also a help. Thanks in advance!

This simsfileshare folder archives a lot of Qvoix cc, although I don't know if it's everything - https://simfileshare.net/folder/83242/
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