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#1 Old 2nd Jan 2013 at 11:42 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 7:46 PM.
Default NPC Babies Challenges
Hello Everyone, this is a baby challenge with a twist so here ya go!

WARNING: If you don't like children or the grim reaper, you should move along.

You have a man living in a big house, he want children, LOTS. But has commitment issues. So you must have as many children as possible with townies etc. (anyone really) and then... dispose of them.

How to Achieve this:
Create a male in CAS. Build a big house with 2 secret rooms. Inside the rooms there must be- couch (cheap), bed (cheap) and a chair (because I'm feeling generous). Your sim must bring female sims into his lovely home, and make them fall in love and get her to move in. Make her pregnant and send her down to one of the chambers. Give her her as many meals needed to keep her alive and let her have her baby. Take the baby out of the chamber and take care of it. Repeat the steps above and once both chambers are full, kill both women, whatever way you like (boolprop allowed but not recommended). See how many women you can kill and how many children you can have until your sim is an elder.

NO SCORING (because I find it boring, but if you wish you can make up your own scoring system)

This is the first time I've posted anything, so if you have any questions feel free to ask and please give feed back!

Field Researcher
#2 Old 5th Jan 2013 at 9:30 PM
I'm terrible at killing off my sims (not many elders in my game, because I don't let most of them age up), but this could be interesting. And you include two things I love: lots of kids and no scoring. My success with secret rooms is limited, but I can try. With my dislike of letting my sims die, he will probably never become an elder, so I'll come up with some other criteria that works for me, like six kids married (one of the lifetime wants of some of my sims).

Question. Do you think he should have a certain aspiration? I'm thinking either family because he likes kids or romance because of his commitment issues.

Also, I have TwoJeffs triplet/quad hack in game. It is set for random/original/choose. For this should I stick with original (which only allows single birth and twins) so as to make sure I don't run out of space for a second pregnant lady after only one pregnancy? I usually pick random, but lately I've been getting a lot of quads, which I like, but I don't think works for this.

The in secret room chair, is it a cheap chair? Also, are they not allowed toilets? I had a pregnant sim I almost lost because even with just sleeping and eating she wasn't getting enough of either. Add motive issues like puddles she's using energy to clean up and some sims might not survive the pregnancy. I know after the pregnancy they aren't supposed to survive, but the baby needs to be born.

The way you word it, it looks like you wait until the baby is born to start looking for the next mom. Since he doesn't care about the moms I would think he would start looking immediately if he can.

You describe his house as big. Does that mean you should use money hacks to build it? Or should you just build it up as time goes by? Although if he's the only one looking out for the kids, I doubt he has time for a job unless it's something stay at home like painting or novel writing or digging or fishing or gardening. None of which are huge money makers. And do you have a specific lot size in mind?

It definitly should be interesting to try.
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Jan 2013 at 6:42 PM
Do you think this challenge would work for sims 3 because my sims 2 isn't working xxx
BTW I love this challenge i've done somthing simlar to this before on sims 2 where i made a man fall in love with this gothic woman then i lck them each in a room, one by one. I 'm not a psycho i swear LOL!
Field Researcher
#4 Old 6th Feb 2013 at 6:54 AM
I've started this, but I ran into a little problem when the game informed me that the mayor accused families of ten or more of causing global warming. Um. Okay. I have a household of one. Let me move this lady in.

Dante de Morte, my sim is playing it up with the Sim ladies and has managed to make friends with more than one. I am considering trying to move him in with her and see if that works. She probably has a nice home, although I've never played her before.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 7th Feb 2013 at 8:59 PM
I'm tempted to do this just to give him what he thinks he wants! First mommy has quads (a hack) - she "dies in childbirth". A couple nanies will take care of them, as our hero is busy romancing his next baby-maker, who will pump out another group just as the first become toddlers. And since the second mommy is destined to also (but understandably) die in child birth, shell I let him go nuts trying to take care of toddlers? Nannies can take care of new quads, but they are hopeless with toddlers. So there he will be, stuck with 2 litters of demanding children; if I make him a romance sim I could set him up to go nuts. Good thing I have a hack to prevent social worker! With random townies as moms, who know what the kids will be like.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Field Researcher
#6 Old 8th Feb 2013 at 5:35 PM
I don't really post pictures (although I might try to get around to it one of these days), but Dante currently has two woman locked up in his secret rooms. Because of how I locked them up (secret bookshelf doors) they have some form of entertainment, but I discovered this doesn't work for getting the baby out, so I will probably be changing this to just a lockable door, although a lockable door is not nearly as secret looking. The first baby, Abigail (the Gail is for Florence Nightengail, since her mom is Florence Delerosa), appears to be a brunette with #3 skin, but I'll be able to tell better when she's older. The second captive, Danielle Lillard, is almost a day along with her baby. I have a large selection of women he is trying to become friends with to find his next victims. I will admit, watching these women pace the tiny room and write in their diaries (the only autonomous thing they do with the bookcase) is getting on my nerves fast, so I may not do this for too terribly long before I just stop. I think I will set a goal of continuous prisoners and getting Abigail Delerosa into college. As I don't have any hacks for larger families, this will probably stop me at about three or four kids, which is really low for me. I'll consider other options for him after that, because despite his lifetime want of Golden Aniversary, he's not made to be a Sim with sticking power.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 9th Feb 2013 at 1:26 AM
I think I'll take a break from my currently legacy to give this a try.But, I'm putting my own spin on it and playing it as a legacy. My addons are as follows, after killing 2 victims he has a 10% chance of being caught. (roll 1-10 1=caught) If he is caught all children grow up in an orphanage UNLESS he is caught before he has a chance to kill his next baby momma (if a 1 is rolled roll 1-10 again 1-5 = the police make it in time and she lives) If he is caught then one of his male heirs finds his journal detailing his work and decides to continue his legacy. However if the children grow up in an orphanage, there is only a 10% chance of one finding his journal. (Once children are moved to orphanage roll 1-10 1=one of the boys finds his dad's journal among his things, draw a random name to see who will continue his father's legacy. If children do not grow up in an orphanage draw a random name.)
If however he reaches 6 victims and has not been caught he decides to take a break to raise his children and choose an heir. After choosing he then continues his work with his son at his side and has a 30% chance of being caught whereas his son only has a 10% chance. if The son is caught and the father is not, a different son becomes heir. No matter what the heir MUST be a male and the other children never know anything about their father's dastardly deeds. (Interesting addon that might? be incorporated- if he wants a telescope one must be purchased and he has a 20% chance of being abducted and impregnated. If he is and his alien child is a girl she may become his heir and can impregnate men or women (using inTeen or tombstone of L and D) to continue his work)
I swear I'm not a crazy person I just watch a lot of Criminal Minds

Frankly my dear I'd rather be playing sims :P
Field Researcher
#8 Old 10th Feb 2013 at 5:00 AM
Criminal Minds is awesome. I don't mess with legacies, because I don't let me sims age to elders and die of old age, but your legacy idea seems to work well with this.

Dante now has two daughters, Abigail (daughter of Florence Delarosa) and Lily (daughter of Danielle Lillard). Abigail has short spiky black hair with I think number three skin while Lily has long red hair in a ponytail with a flower in it and number four skin, both things like her dad. Florence is dead. I used the insiminator to kill her, death by flies. No ghost sightings as of yet. Danielle has been dying of hunger for a day and has several other things in all red, but she is still alive. I'm going to just let her die on her own, but it is taking forever and I don't like it one bit. Ivy Copur seems like the next victim lined up. My sister has Ivy married into her main family in another hood. For that matter, I think we "adopted" Danielle in the same hood. I think he is just going to stop at six...if I can manage to stomach that. It's certainly a different way to get rid of sims. I have been using a combination of the Insiminator and TwoJeffs' Sim Blender to change the girls last names to match their dad's. I was going to let them keep their mom's last names, but then I named Danielle's daughter, Lily, and Lily Lillard just didn't work and I really wanted her to be Lily. Since I use TwoJeffs triplet and quad hack and I don't want to over populate instantly (my last two pregnancies in game other than these have ended in quads). Trying to raise the girls from toddler to child with just Dante training them is crazy, but I can't use the prisoners, so I make do. I think maybe I will let Ivy train them some when she moves in before she gets pregnant.
#9 Old 10th Feb 2013 at 3:00 PM
I have the perfect sim for this and it sounds fun. I'll start tommarow; maybe. I just spent near 8 hours building him a large house based off the Asakura house... Needless to say I had to scale it down a bit. >> << Now I am just trying to put in windows and furniture before I snag my first victim. I'll add plants and/or decorations for each victim. That way it saves me having to do landscaping right now XD.

Disclaimer: I am just being a goof ball, please ignore me if offended.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 11th Feb 2013 at 2:51 AM
I just finished another round in my Killer Shack (the lot name ). As planned, I moved Ivy Copur in and used her to help raise the girls. Abigail is now a child and although Lily hasn't learned anything yet (unless you count the four mechanical skills), but I think it's time for Ivy to join the victim pool. Danielle not only died, but she came a haunting, scared Dante out of his wits twice in the same night. One of these days I will at least get you some pictures of the kids and their parents, but not today. Probably when Abigail goes away to college or something. Oh, and I changed Abigail's hair. She now has long hair with a floppy hat on her head. The hat has a sunflower on it.
#11 Old 12th Feb 2013 at 8:46 PM
This is the profile of my monster Jihoon LeTourneau started off as a NPS in yellow. Then one day he was ripped from him his meaningless life by "god" to go to college. Things did not go to well for him in college: This To make matters worse he was laughed at by Charming Monty. Charming who's family itself was a mess, and he had already stolen Jihoon's first crush (Charming's half-brothers half-sister).

This is Jihoon .

After college he moved into a spacious three floor house : One Two . Wanting a family but not wanting to deal with woman he built a hidden room . Some say he must be related to a Kappa other think that NPS are just bejorked to begin with.

Victims so far Titania Summerdream, "god" always hated this sim. She always came off as a -; glad I didn't peg her off yet. She ended up having a daughter Ping Hng. It took her many days to finally die. One would almost think she could have gone through a second pregnancy with how long it took for grimmy to show up.

Next victim was Prof. christy sell. He actually liked Christy Sell and could see her having many children and a happy family together, however this made him more determined for him not to let her life. Not only that but it made Jihoon more cruel to her. Feeding her only spoiled food when she cried out in hunger long enough. She would have twins Jihoon II and Mok Ji-Sang. Christy is currently still alive.

Jihoon is unto a third victim, however I do not remember her name. Last time I saw her she was sleeping face first in a plate of food.

All babies are babies so no pics yet. Also Jihoon can be found if you scroll the send sims to college function. He'll be wearing a yellow hat... ... Didn't know he'd grow up so adorable.

Disclaimer: I am just being a goof ball, please ignore me if offended.
#12 Old 13th Feb 2013 at 9:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Faerieimp
Add motive issues like puddles she's using energy to clean up and some sims might not survive the pregnancy. *snip* The way you word it, it looks like you wait until the baby is born to start looking for the next mom. Since he doesn't care about the moms I would think he would start looking immediately if he can.

Here's a thought -- get two women in at once, and get one pregnant, so she can take care of the other one and clean the floors and stuff. Or just stagger their pregnancies so that the one is on her first day and not feeling bad while the other one is ready to pop and sleeping all the time.
Field Researcher
#13 Old 16th Feb 2013 at 4:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SimMegaptera
Here's a thought -- get two women in at once, and get one pregnant, so she can take care of the other one and clean the floors and stuff. Or just stagger their pregnancies so that the one is on her first day and not feeling bad while the other one is ready to pop and sleeping all the time.

It wasn't so much that I didn't know how to handle that as I wanted to know what the creator of the challenge thought should be the rule on that. Apparently she doesn't care all that much, because she hasn't been back. My serial batchelor now has a teen (Abigail), a child (Lily), and a toddler (Conner, son of the already desceased Ivy Copur) with one on the way (mom is Lyndsay Louie). Ivy and Lyndsay were in the house at the same time, but I decided to not wait on killing Ivy. And per the rules, the woman are in two different secret rooms.

Thanks to Florance's money (and her daughter is adorable), I have built a second story to my house. The only hacks I have used (besides ones like more snow which are built into my game play) are ones that change the names so that the kids have their dad's last name and ones that tell me if anyone on the lot is pregnant, how pregnant, and with how many babies.

Other than the killing sims part, I am having fun with this. I think this will be the only time I try this one, simply because I don't like the killing aspect of it, not like this anyway.
Field Researcher
#14 Old 21st Feb 2013 at 11:38 PM
Abigail has a silver thumb, she taught Lily how to study, and she is the one raising Conner for the most part. The newest du Morte is Louis and he is still an infant at the time of this. His mom, Lyndsay is still alive, but how long is a mystery. Dante is on the prowl for more women, but trying to raise his kids has cost him his relationship with them, so it's taking time. In the meantime, I am trying to find a good time to invite the headmaster over so the kids can get into prep school.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 22nd Feb 2013 at 12:23 AM
I may decide to forgo the legacy part I had originally wanted to do. The story that started to kinda form from my playing this challenge is Danny is actually gay and absolutely hates women (something to do with his mother, he doesn't like to talk about it ) but he obsessed with passing on his genes so he only thinks of female sims as a way to do so. I'm debating on whether or not he will find a man who can truly love him and will help him end his killing spree.

Frankly my dear I'd rather be playing sims :P
#16 Old 20th Nov 2013 at 9:18 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Feb 2014 at 8:54 PM.
Default NPC Baby Challenge
I don't know if anyone's done this before, but it seems like a simple enough challenge to me. Your challenge is to have create a family of NPC children by having a female sim become pregnant by every available NPC.

No cheats or mods that speed up relationships
No cheats/mods that allow for an instant pregnancy
The NPC must remain an NPC; in other words, no moving in, no marriage

NPCS for the challenge
Since certain NPCs aren't safe to interact with/ only available with certain EPs these are the ones you should go after
1. Bartender
3. Maid
3. Cash register clerk
4. Firefighter
5. Gardener
6. Headmaster
7. Mail Carrier
8. Paper Boy
9. Pizza Guy
10. Police Officer
11. Grocery Deilvery Guy
12. Repairman
13. Burglar

So, can you do it? Let's find out
Field Researcher
#17 Old 20th Nov 2013 at 9:50 PM
Aren't 7) and 8) teens? So you would need mods to allow relationships between adults and teens and/or to have pregnant teens?
#18 Old 20th Nov 2013 at 10:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by aliceclaire
Aren't 7) and 8) teens? So you would need mods to allow relationships between adults and teens and/or to have pregnant teens?

The Paper Delivery is a teen, but the mail carriers are adults
#19 Old 30th Jul 2014 at 7:21 PM
im gonna do this, i did this in sims 3 once before i knew of a challenge being it, and i had like 20 babies, im so glad its in sims 2, love this challenge :D
Test Subject
#20 Old 31st Jul 2014 at 9:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tallis195
Hello Everyone, this is a baby challenge with a twist so here ya go!

WARNING: If you don't like children or the grim reaper, you should move along.

You have a man living in a big house, he want children, LOTS. But has commitment issues. So you must have as many children as possible with townies etc. (anyone really) and then... dispose of them.

How to Achieve this:
Create a male in CAS. Build a big house with 2 secret rooms. Inside the rooms there must be- couch (cheap), bed (cheap) and a chair (because I'm feeling generous). Your sim must bring female sims into his lovely home, and make them fall in love and get her to move in. Make her pregnant and send her down to one of the chambers. Give her her as many meals needed to keep her alive and let her have her baby. Take the baby out of the chamber and take care of it. Repeat the steps above and once both chambers are full, kill both women, whatever way you like (boolprop allowed but not recommended). See how many women you can kill and how many children you can have until your sim is an elder.

NO SCORING (because I find it boring, but if you wish you can make up your own scoring system)

This is the first time I've posted anything, so if you have any questions feel free to ask and please give feed back!


I have one question, am I able to have babies with the kids I produced, like once they age up and my sim is still living, can I?
Top Secret Researcher
#21 Old 31st Jul 2014 at 11:01 PM
This sounds like a thing I did some time ago. I was experimenting with "testingCheatsEnabled" on a community lot and I was making random townies selectable, then Impregnate them ovet thombstone of L&D with my sim. Speed up pregnancy and you get a baby born on a community lot from a single pet parent. Then I either made NPCs unselectable or aged them up untill death. It was so hilarious.

BTW I like both tallis195's and Lord St.Croix's rules, but I will be doing Lord St.Croix's challenge.

And @simsailor13 I really do hope I can continue this as an NPC Legacy challenge.
Test Subject
#22 Old 22nd Sep 2019 at 7:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lord St.Croix
So, can you do it? Let's find out

I tried it, but I had a few issues.
First: Some of the service sims may be female. I preferred to woohoo them and then just impregnate my sim via Tombstone of Life and Death.
Second: Some are teenagers. Without inteen I used Tombstone of Life and Death, just without having a romantic relationship, but a similar close friendship instead. If you consider this cheating I can't help it. But I couldn't find another way with the teens without installing inteen, and with the women, I didn't want to move over and over again, so I may have a male maid in house #5000.

I'll attach a few pictures, but you can read the full story on my blog: https://xiang012.wixsite.com/thelat...-baby-challenge
#23 Old 23rd Sep 2019 at 7:11 PM
Can we do this challenge with a woman and multiple men? I'd rather kill the males off!
Mad Poster
#24 Old 29th Sep 2019 at 9:25 PM
I wonder if the challenge is to get the "carriers" to be willing to have sex; without cheats that does take time, and sometimes is never possible. It doesn't really sound like the ORIGINAL challenge was about the fun of a single person raising lots of babies. And I just don't like the idea of locking the moms in a room till they die.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#25 Old Yesterday at 4:09 AM
This challenge sounds interesting kinda gives me criminal minds vibes maybe I can have a male sim keep the women locked until they are either no longer tolerated by the male sim and them kill the female npcs when their untoleratable or have the female die if the third female sim or other sims catches the sims in the locked secret rooms or have the npcs die in the secret rooms if they no longer can get pregnant due to infertility issues occurs like dying close to almost becoming elders or maybe the sims becoming have infertility issues for other reasons.
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