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Mad Poster
Original Poster
#76 Old Yesterday at 8:25 PM
They probably just moved the options to different menus in the English version, then, and forgot to do that for other languages.
Lab Assistant
#77 Old Today at 6:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
They probably just moved the options to different menus in the English version, then, and forgot to do that for other languages.
objects.package is exactly the same as in the original game, they didn't make any changes. These options are simply not there, they aren't in the different menus. I even compared the mailbox code in SimPE to make sure.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#78 Old Today at 6:41 AM
Huh, you compared everything, including all of the text lists, in both English localizations? Well, I've added it to the list.
Lab Assistant
#79 Old Today at 8:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Huh, you compared everything, including all of the text lists, in both English localizations? Well, I've added it to the list.
Omg, I'm so sorry for misleading, you're right! I'm just stupid. I checked once again and compared English and English UK, it looks like this problem has always been in the game, it's not a Legacy issue. Options are in different menus depending on English localizations, I'm just bad at finding them 🤦
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#80 Old Today at 8:45 AM
Ok, thanks for clarifying. It would be pretty weird if they could change something like that without modifying objects.package, I don't think any of those strings are hardcoded in the exe. It is often a source of confusion that there are two completely different English localizations for the game, especially when SimPE is defaulting to using the one that isn't being used by your game.
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