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#1 Old 8th Feb 2025 at 8:11 AM Last edited by LUCPIX : 5th Mar 2025 at 4:13 AM.
Default Soccer Ball

This custom object is a reimagined version of The Sims Online's soccer ball, developed to enhance its scripting and align its functionality with other TS1 sports items.

Up to 4 Sims can play at the same time! Sims can also boost their Body points with it.

Works in all versions of the game!


Last Update: Feb. 16, 2025, 2:30 a.m.

💾👇 1-Click Install (It automatically installs for you. Recommended if you're new to installing mods):

If you own a copy of The Sims Legacy on Steam: lpx_soccerball_steam.zip — 494.2 kB

If you own a copy of The Sims Legacy on the EA app: lpx_soccerball_eaapp.zip — 494.2 kB

If you own a copy of classic The Sims (2000-2005): lpx_soccerball_original.zip — 494.2 kB

💾👇 Manual Download (Contains files + instructions for manual installation. Recommended to advanced users who are familiar with downloading Sims 1 CC):

lpx_soccerball_2.0.zip — 247.2 kB

Some of the ways this version differs from its original TSO counterpart:

i. Tweaked the sprites in GIMP to have slightly darker edges—barely noticeable, but it helps with the 3D effect.
ii. Fixed the "Hard" and "Light" kick interactions so they actually trigger the right Maxis animations instead of always defaulting to "hard kick."


iii. Instead of the repo man’s gunshot sound like in the original, the ball now plays one of three randomly selected custom ".wav" kicking sounds.

iv. Added a new "Play" interaction—Sims can now kick the ball around indefinitely, cycling between "hard" and "light" kicks at random. Playful Sims will keep at it until their Fun meter is almost maxed out, while Serious Sims will lose interest once they're a little over halfway there. If their Fun is high enough, they’ll only give the ball a single light tap when told to play again.

v. Improved the randomized "goto relative" logic that determines where Sims should aim their next kick, choosing from n,e,s and w at random. They should struggle less when obstacles are in the way—even if they decide to play soccer indoors.

vi. If Sim B is standing in the way of Sim A's next kick, Sim B will now move aside rather than just standing there and blocking the shot.

Demo video:


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Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 8th Feb 2025 at 8:21 PM
Wow, that's cool!

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at http://corylea.com/Sims1ModsByCorylea.html
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 11th Feb 2025 at 8:03 PM
Thank you!

2.0 is coming along real nicely. Fortunately a portion of the "group talk" routines can be automatized with the global script Maxis already has! The biggest dilemma now involves choosing how to give Sims a 'waiting for the other Sim to kick the ball' routine without looking terribly unnatural. Just throwing in an ordinary "idle" Global is the quick answer, however they will just freeze in place as result. "animated idle for" will probably be the final choice, as at least they will be scratching their asses, taking a quick breat whilst they look towards their company!


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#4 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 5:46 AM
OK, the next version will support up to 4 simultaneous players! I'm thinking of setting different cheering sounds depending on how playful the Sim is — from shy "hmpft!"'s to yodeling.

Is the PIP thingey too much?

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Test Subject
#5 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 3:14 PM
I'm so glad people are still making mods for TS1! Thanks!

I'll try this out later. Can't wait for version 2.0. My broke sims would love to have some less expensive objects for gaining body skill :D
Field Researcher
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#6 Old 16th Feb 2025 at 7:53 AM Last edited by LUCPIX : 16th Feb 2025 at 8:42 AM.
My eyes notice there's a weird and recurring traction of unregistered users reading this thread. Provided you're not a search engine bot, we're glad you're here!!!

Alright, my friends! 2.0 is out and as solid as it could possibly be given the current circumstances!

IT TOOK SO MANY FREAKING ATTEMPTS, I have not failed, but found 1000 ways to not make a light bulb kinda. Not to say that it run the best way imaginable (or that I didn't find out too late that I didn't have to make certain attribute-based conditional trees *that* overcomplicated, and that the stakes of making them simpler were too high, so maybe we should save the programming polish for a later date), but at least seems solid enough for the doors to be open for potential feedbacks, troubleshooting and anything else that can work as improvements for later! But believe me, you'll find it very fun!


Let's see what we can do with this thing:

> It's now a group object -> Up to 4 Sims can play soccer at the same time. The more Sims play it, the more Fun points they will be supplied with. This is further reinforced by the engine since the object's tree table DOES identify the joining interaction as a proper "join ID", hence its automatically-given status as a group item on the ball's Buy Mode description. In practice, it also meant that I could add a series of global scripts to the code; they would make the Sims halt their running for a while and start talking with each other about their interests, pretty much the same way they do when they play chess or have a lunch together, for example. A nice gimmick to be featured in theory, but the neutral talking interaction proved to be a little pace-breaking in the midst of all the running, so I decided to scrap it for now;

> Having at least 2 Sims playing simutaneously now triggers the SpEcTaCuLaR PeléCam (animated PIP overlay with the "PeléCam" string ID printed on it) so you (the player) will be granted the possibility of keeping one of your eyes on the current game even if you're taking care of other businesses.

> Sims can "Practice" their soccer skills by themselves (a nice excuse to make the ball a Body skill item), complete with a custom "success" string and all!

> When playing/kicking, Sims utter sounds of different pitches, moods and intensities depending on their Playful personality score!

If you find any bugs, report them here!

Demo video:


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Test Subject
#7 Old 16th Feb 2025 at 11:03 AM
Unbelievable, my new favorite group activity item! Thank you so much <3
Field Researcher
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#8 Old 16th Feb 2025 at 5:13 PM
Thank you legend! Let me know if you find any bugs in it. I experimented many different scenarios that could potentially trigger a SimAntics error dialog to no success (which, in a way, in fact means success), but it in no way shape or form means it's bug free!

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Test Subject
#9 Old 17th Feb 2025 at 8:52 AM
If this was part of the game itself, I have a feeling that the hygiene need would go down extremely quickly to offset the cost to the object (or else require expensive goal nets).
I wonder how feasible it would be to have nets/goal objects, but then you have to deal with teams, and routing that would probably break
Test Subject
#10 Old 20th Feb 2025 at 5:35 PM
Another great object! And this idea of reducing hygiene during use sound like a good addition for a future update
Field Researcher
#11 Old 23rd Feb 2025 at 1:27 AM
@LUCPIX This is amazing! I wish Volleyball and Basketball also built the body skill, would you perhaps be interested in making them do that too?
Field Researcher
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#12 Old 26th Feb 2025 at 4:20 PM
Absolutely love how you all prioritize gameplay to the point where in-game disasters and general failure states become essential to the experience. Making things too easy kills the fun sometimes. Almost done with a new version that tweaks character pathfinding a bit (what the hell is that walking stuttering Sims sometimes do as they wait for play B, C or D to do their kick? Prolly has to do with the fact I added two consecutive go to routing slot primitives to the point Sims are commanded to go to the exact same place they're already at, ultimately leading to having them... shaking, or whatever, when forced to look towards the stack object (ball)) and adjusts motive changes to strike a better balance of buffs and debuffs. Not only out of soccer matches lives mankind.

Picture below is a portion of the code that asks the fourth player to wait for their turn to kick the ball. Sorry about the visually messy arrangement. This was changed so much to the point of me concluding that having them horizontally and vertically aligned is pointless, at least until we deem the code fully cleaned up:


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#13 Old 1st Mar 2025 at 5:55 AM Last edited by LUCPIX : 1st Mar 2025 at 7:17 AM.

Added an easy 1-click install utility to this CC! Recommended to fans who are not used to installing CC. Please check the original post for links.

p.s.: (does anyone know the Epic Games Legacy version files path?)

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