25th Jun 2005 at 5:42 PM
Last edited by Lethe_s : 26th Feb 2006 at
7:39 PM.
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How can I share Sims made with CAS or were born in-game?
Note: If you made your Sim using Body Shop, you can package your Sim that way and share them wherever you want. This is how you can package your Sim that you made in Create-A-Sim (CAS) or any other Sim already in-game:
You will need
SimPE and you can download it
After it has been installed, launch SimPE.
Go to
Tools (top menu). Choose
Neighbourhood in the menu.
Neighborhood Browser.
Choose your neighborhood.
Then go back up to
Sim Surgery.
Find your sim. On the right side choose
use under the top square box.
Once you do that the word
Export above that same box where you sim picture should now be will be in
And you're done!! EASY!! Your sim will now be in your Saved Sims folder and show up in BS and CAS. :D
(Originally written by SilkStockings and found