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#1 Old 21st Jul 2010 at 3:11 PM
Default What do you believe?
Talk about your beliefs here!
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 27th Jul 2010 at 7:09 AM
Well, my beliefs are the same as Roman Catholic Christians, as I am one myself and my family. However, I, individually (some of my family may disagree with me) believe in divorce and am Pro-Choice, meaning I support abortions. *runs away and hides behind wall* DON'T KILL ME!!!! Don't hate me, either! We all have our beliefs!!! AGGHHHH Don't hate meeee!!!

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#4 Old 2nd Aug 2010 at 7:09 PM
I was raised as a Methodist, so my beliefs are shaped by that.

I believe that God hates sin, but accepts all people who desire a relationship. God chose before we were born to have a relationship with us, but we are free to choose God's way or our own.

I believe that everyone receives the Holy Spirit when you accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord, and you don't have to speak in tongues to prove it. There is no place in the Bible where it says that the same gift is given to everybody, and speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift.

I believe that you can expect hard times as a Christian. Jesus never promised that life would always be comfortable, just that you would never have more than you can bear with God's help. And God is always there, even when you can't feel God's presence. You can't develop faith that moves mountains if you never have a mountain to move. Besides, sometimes you need pruning, and pruning hurts.

I believe that Jesus intended Communion to be a way to draw all Christians together, not to split us apart over details.

I believe that God's love is infinite. This means that it is impossible for anything less than God to change it in any way. Infinity divided by the largest regular number you can name is still infinity. Infinity multiplied by the largest number you can name is still infinity. So there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less or any more than God loved you when Jesus was on the cross for your reconciliation.

I believe that your faith should not be left behind in the building after you have been to church. It's not true faith unless you live it every day. As Terry Pratchett said, anything less is just being nice. And a way to keep track of the neighbors.

This is getting long, so I'll stop now.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
#5 Old 27th Aug 2010 at 7:55 PM
I do support abortion and divorce, because it is necessary. I always thought that monkeys were made together with men. Not the evolutionist idea. I am Orthodox.

Evil doesn't worry about not being good. - The Warden, Dragon Age Origins
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 28th Aug 2010 at 3:28 AM
I am pro-life. I hate the thought of abortion because i saw a video on how they do an abortion, it made me feel SICK to my stomach.
Divorce is alright, i think people should be more careful who they marry. I'm not pro-gay, but i respect their decision. my next door neighbours are gay, and really nice, annoying but really nice.

I for sure believe that God created this entire universe and that he loves every single person, and he died for us. God performs daily miracles, and im always stunned at his love, because i could never love someone like he can.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 9th Sep 2010 at 6:24 AM
I'm mostly against abortion, unless medical conditions threaten the life of the mother or some other unpredictable situation arises. I just think it devalues that worth of human life...

As for homosexuals and the LGBT community, I'm not going to condemn them. It's not like it's my job to do that... My only job is to love them and if they're interested in Christianity, attempt to disciple them to the best of my ability. I don't believe that anyone is in the position to scream and kick and tell them they're sinners.

Divorce? Well, marriage is kind of gone down the drain, but I still think it's important to remain faithful. If that's an issue, then sure. There are stipulations and conditions to divorces that were explained in the New Testament.

For everything else, I'm orthodox. I believe that I shouldn't go condemn people since I'm not God and I'm far less than perfect.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 20th Dec 2010 at 3:33 PM
I tend to call myself a "freelance Christian" a lot, just because I've only ever been around uptight, snooty, two-faced "Christians" and I don't want to be associated with those types of people. Sadly, there are oh too many living in my area.

Personally, I believe that God is a loving God, which is why I'm very leniant concerning the topic of people who are not "straight", along with other things. I don't have a problem with gay men or women, or bis, for that matter. Love is blind. It has no preference. It doesn't know the different between male and female.

I kind of flip-flop when it comes to abortion though. I mean, it's a touchy subject for anyone, reasonably... I grew up with parents on completely opposite sides of political standpoints. One is a democrat, the other a republican. I've noticed that politics seaps into religious ideals too. My parents try to sway me to their side, of course... But I digress.

Because I'm open-minded, and have heard just about everything my parents have to say about darn-near everything, I am - strangely enough - both pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-life because everyone deserves a chance at life (it's only fair); and, pro-choice because there are situations in which abortion becomes acceptable (i.e. the mother is a rape-victim, the baby has a defect to where its life will be difficult and unpleasant for him/her, or the ever-illusive, fantasical "the mother will give birth to Satan's offspring".) That last part was just a joke though. ^^

Also, I mentioned over on another thread in this group that I haven't actually read the Bible. At least not entirely. But I still believe in and love God and Jesus Christ. And when it comes down to it, that's all the matters, no? =]

God Bless! ^_^
Test Subject
#9 Old 22nd Dec 2010 at 9:49 AM
Default Looks like people are avoiding this thread??
...............Well,.....as far as me..... I call myself "faith-confused". I used to call myself Christian but there are so many "types" of Christians now that I have no clue where I fit anymore. I don't do the organized religion-church thing. For many....many reasons. some of which are that I find as the years go on and society becomes more & more "me" oriented, that too many people only go to church to --say-- that they go to church. Then they act like backstabbing, gossiping, greedy, heartless, vile heathens for the remaining 6 1/2 days of the week. I have also sat & listened to people who should have been listening to the sermon chatting away about who's wearing what, divorced who, etc...... I know that not all churches are like that (at least I hope not. That would be sad) But I decided that wasn't for me.
I do believe there is a God. As unpopular as that seems to be now days. I also believe that even if there wasn't, certain "rules" should apply to society just because they're whats's right. For instance..... loving & respecting others. Even if you don't believe in God, being treated like crap/ being disrespected kinda sucks so why do that to other people? Helping people in need. It's the human & the Christian thing to do. We have all hit rough patches, without the kindness of people around us how could we have the strength to get back up? So many other things...but,

On the issues listed by others.... I personally have chosen against abortion for me. It would just be too traumatic to deal with. However, I am not anti-abortion as I do see valid reasons for it. Luckily, I do believe in divorce. I say luckily because I am headed that way and am glad to not add a moral issue to the whole thing along with all the other issues already involved.
I believe that even the most vile human beings have access to God & Christ should they chose to seek them out. I believe (and know) that having faith does not guarantee you an easy life. It actually can be much harder to live in God in todays society. I believe that all people have value & try to always treat them as such! I am extremely open-minded (another problem as far as churches are concerned) so I don't see color, sex, sexual preference, beliefs on "touchy" issues, relationship status, etc.... when I meet people. I just see another person. I am anti-preachy as well. I don't hide my beliefs, but I also don't try to push people into my beliefs or talk them out of (belittle or otherwise devalue) theirs. Even if they're non-believers. If they ask me, I have an open discussion about both sides. I'm actually insanely curious about other peoples beliefs. Both because I enjoy learning/understanding other people views, and because I believe that to know someone and truely understand them that you need see where they're coming from on a religious & an intellectual level. I'm weird that way! Ummm....there's lots more, but I'll leave it at this for now.
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Original Poster
#10 Old 22nd Dec 2010 at 3:50 PM
I know this thread is old... but I haven't said my beliefs.

I don't think I'm that religious... but still believe that god exists and Jesus died for us. But I don't believe that god made the universe or the Earth. I also believe in evolution, and I don't believe in Adam and Eve. PLZ DONT KEEL MEEEE!!!
#11 Old 28th Dec 2010 at 1:19 AM
I'm Presbyterian and I go to a medium sized church that I really love, everyone is honestly friendly (to my knowledge, I've never had problems with anyone) and it's really welcoming and open. I get really sad when everyone hates on the church because of homosexuality issues etc. but I know a lot of churches that are open to stuff like that. I don't have a problem with it. I don't have an opinion on abortion really, it's wrong to kill babies but also some people just aren't ready... I believe in evolution and that God always has a plan.

Hi I'm Paul!
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 31st Dec 2010 at 1:59 AM
I believe in Jesus with all my heart and I love being a daughter of God

Hii!! ;)
Mad Poster
#13 Old 31st Dec 2010 at 6:54 AM
I'm Evangelist. I'm not afraid to tell people that.

I don't believe you have to go to church to be a Christian. God doesn't always call you to be part of a church in my opinion.

I'm pro-life myself but respect decisions to abort if a child has a severe mental or physical disability that the parents or parent can't afford to take care of, if the mother will be harmed by the pregnancy or birth, or if it was rape. Adoption, as an adoptee, is not the pretty thing you see on TV. It's messy, emotional, and can often lead to children stuck with their birth parents or in a shelter, orphanage, or fostered, because the legal matters take literally months, years, sometimes decades to wrap up.

I do believe in God, but I think that you don't have to be an all-out goody-two-shoes to get into heaven. You simply have to believe with all you've got, that's it. I also believe - no, I know - that hell is not a fiery place of torture and bad times. Hell is where your soul is -consumed- by flames, and you wink out forever, that's it, no more you. God is merciful. He doesn't want you to burn forever. He loves all. So people who don't believe in heaven and just believe you wink out of existence when you die, well, they're kind of going to get what they asked for on that one.

The Bible is not the only way to God, and I don't think that following it word-by-word is going to help you much if you don't put some free thought into it. I support gay rights, divorce, and the use of contraception, but does that really make me a bad person? God takes in everyone with his love. It doesn't matter what your opinions are as long as you believe.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Test Subject
#14 Old 9th Jan 2011 at 4:51 AM
I'm laid back. I'm pro abortion when it comes to incest, rape and medical problems. My thing is, if you don't like abortions, don't get one. No one is forcing you. This isn't China... Yet.... >__<

I have no problem with the LGTB community because I belong to it. I fall under the B category. :3

I'm not big on organized religion but I got to church with my BFF whenever I can because... Well, up until now, everyone there was nice... Now Most of the people I was friends with think I'm a monster for no reason. (they don't even know my pro life viewpoint or my orientation. Wutthafuzz happened?) So it's becoming less friendly there... I might just go to the little church in town for now on.

Yes, I believe in God, but I also believe the Bible was rewritten to fit the personal beliefs of various other groups. I know, sounds crazy to some, but oh well. It makes sense. I'm with the atheists on one point. God is supposed to be an all loving, merciful God, but the Bible doesn't make him seem so, especially the Old Testament. Also, there are many contradictions. It's a bit confusing.

Also, on divorce, I'm all for it. I'm a child of divorce. Had my mom and dad been forced to stay together, one of them would have be in prison for murder right now or the other would have committed suicide. Hehehe, yeah... That's not a joke...

Also, I've always felt weird trying to convert people. A lot of churches I've been to say you need to get up in someone's face and tell them they need to convert. I'm just not comfortable with doing that. A lot of people I know say "we need to rid the world of Muslims!" because they only focus on the extremists. (The Muslim religion isn't really as bad as everyone says. Sure, the Koran has it's disturbing points, but so does the Bible. You don't have to believe this, but take it from a girl who hung out with a lot of Muslims in school.) The way I see it, if someone wants to learn more about Christianity and they come to me and ask for help with it, I'll be more than willing to help. But I can't just sit there and force someone to convert. Finding Christianity isn't that hard these days. You don't actually need to shove it down people's throats. :\
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 6th Mar 2011 at 1:22 AM
Worried for how most people see Christianity...
After reading over my old comment and onward to the newer ones, I have some things I would like to reply with on other peoples' views. jrhk72, kksimmer and cupcake28 in particular.
By the time I finished reading kksimmer's and cupcake28's entries, my mouth literally fell open with shock. I can't believe that (finally) I see others who are just like me! In terms of beliefs, of course. I am a Christian, one hundred percent, but I am curious on others' religions. It's fascinating to get an inside look into the minds of others and see how they view the world from their religious standpoints.
I also cannot find a way to properly try to "convert" someone into believing what I believe without feeling like a blind and deaf dictator for it. Blind, for not seeing that I may be annoying the person whom I'm trying to convert; deaf, for not hearing and understanding that they just don't believe (in my belief, or anyone's); and a dictator, for pushing my beliefs on someone who probably doesn't want to hear a word of it, obviously.
Even read a pamphlet once, not long ago, that was supposedly christian and it said something along the lines of if you think you're being nice for allowing others to believe in a religion other than Christianity, it's not. It's Satan's way of keeping you from saving others from damnation. It may have said something else disturbing also, but for the moment I can't seem to remember what... But even just that one thing (written in bold) is enough to make you go: Or is that just me?
In conclusion, I have a question for jrhk72. As written in the second paragraph of this post, I'm a curious girl, and I was wondering how you believed in God and at the same time that He didn't create all things? How do you think the world came to be, and what is God to you, if not the Creator?
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 13th Mar 2011 at 4:17 AM
- just looking back at my old comment, and im adding on:

Abortion: I volunteer at the pregnancy help center where i live. Yes, im pro-life, and i am against abortion, but if it's a medical issue, then it has to be done, but if it's 2 people fooling around, thats NO exception.

Homosexuality; Let's just say i love the people, but hate the lifestyle. Homosexual people can be very sweet and loving. I get annoyed when the world celebrates it too much. Like i said, I love the people, hate the lifestyle.

My faith; Yes, I am a Christian, and no, I'm not going to put down other religions. I believe that God has my back, that whatever HE has planned for me, will be the best for me.

Hi, Im Abby, please to meet you :3
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 20th May 2011 at 10:27 PM
I'm technically a Christian though I scarcely ever attend mass or anything. I just live through life knowing God is there. Deep down, I know I'd gone through too much with him to ever ignore him for real.

I believe in abortion, but under certain circumstances. I feel bad for rape victims and young mothers who never expected it (like, they didn't see it coming. People who frequent premarital sex deserve their kids, though). Marriage should also be final, and the only reason I see a divorce is if the partner starts beating you or threatening you or something. Everything else, including cheating (as long as its only once or something) could be cured with counseling. It hurts, yes, but everyone makes mistakes and there should be a better way to punish the cheater and make them never do it ever again.
Test Subject
#18 Old 9th Oct 2012 at 10:28 PM Last edited by Rava : 5th Dec 2012 at 4:40 PM. Reason: originally put "Bible at its word" accidently changed it to "God at its Word" meant to put "at His Word"
I was raised as a Christian. But, like some on here I was turned away by people who, well to put it the way I do now, don't follow Christ's example.

Two things I believed my whole life are that "God is love", and that He is right(eous), and that there is a right and a wrong. If that's not so, then there is no "God".

This is kind of a shortened version but, I really cared about animals... and the planet. One day, someones animal died, and a person who really didn't know what they were talking about, instead of giving comfort, told that person that it was really childish to care about animals so much.

That's just not right. If God is love, as the Bible says, then loving more would only bring you closer to God. (Jesus is called "the lamb of God", by the way.)

Because of peoples attitudes mostly, I became a vegetarian and then a vegan. Because, of the continual mocking of "animal lovers", I became a vegetarian. I wasn't sure I agreed with everything that they said, but I just became one. For some of them, it was just a temporary thing, in protest against the treatment by them in some farms. That includes dairy farms, which some of them were the worst offenders. So I became vegan.

The more I was mocked, the more I turned away. I asked, "Would a religion from God, deny all forms of life, except mankind?"

I always wondered why humans, had to die, and also animals. I couldn't find any answers. I read and studied on other religions. Paganism, and Hindu, were what people directed me to, but they didn't have any answers either.

Pagans, "Harm no one". The first Pagan I met IRL, worked at McDonalds. What about animals, I say?

Some of the things that they said about Pagans, were untrue. That really hurt my faith. But, being raised Christian, I saw how the Hindu's and the Pagans do the same thing with Christ's teachings. I now realize that a lot of people just repeat what they hear, and don't do any research.

I was content being a Vegan, until one day I met a "Fruitarian". Fruitarian's don't believe in hurting plants. "Plants willingly offer up fruit, in exchange for you spreading their seeds around." It's impossible to live as a fruitarian.

I broke down. It finally got me around to asking the question , "Why does anything have to die?"

Everything needs energy to live. The only way we could stop killing, is by drawing energy from an unlimited supply outside of the Universe.

Think about it. What would that be? That would be God. The Bible even calls God, "all-powerful", and Jesus, simply, "the life". If God were the Universe, like Pagans usually believe, this wouldn't be possible. And if sin separated us from God, how can we blame Him, for us having to kill to live?

You see, opening your heart cannot bring you away from God, but closer to Him.

Jesus is the answer. He's hope, and the only hope any one of us have.

I was looking into the woods one day, seeing all the trees dieing, when I heard a voice inside of me say, , " (My first name), Why are you looking for another answer to death? You know, that I AM the answer." I started crying.

I believe in Jesus. I believe in Him with my whole heart. He's saved me, and He's saved my life. I'm not walking down the road that I was. He's real. He talks to me. He's not like any other. He comforts, me and He's giving me answers.

I don't belong to a Church. I know He really wants me to, but I'm waiting for Him to lead me to one.

There's a lot of controversy about if death existed before the Fall of man. But, this is what Jesus gave me. The Bible says, that death came by man, and that the last ENEMY destroyed will be death. You can say give a lot of alternate possibilities, but I take God at HIS Word.

God bless you!

Test Subject
#19 Old 25th Dec 2012 at 6:00 AM
I believe that Christ died on the cross so that I might have an abundant life. I believe in the resurrection and the promise of His Return. I believe that the armies of God are Awakening and Beginning to March in Unity. I believe that the Great Outpouring of His Spirit has already begun. I believe that Love does cover a multitude of sin and that we do not wrestle against Flesh and Blood but against Spirits of Darkness in High Places. I believe that Abortion is murder and God will avenge the blood of these slaughter children, but I also believe there is Forgiveness and Redemption for ALL sins. Terrible things happen to innocent people, but God is the HEALER of the HEART, MIND, & BODY and there is NOTHING TOO BIG that He can not REDEEM! I believe that Homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle, and I, myself, fight this raging war in my heart and mind EVERY DAY! I believe that we CAN walk in Victory of all sin. I believe that one Glorious Day Jesus will rapture His church, and at the end of the Tribulation Period He will return again with us by His side. Every eye WILL see Him on that day and Every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ IS the Lord! I believe that when Heaven and Earth Collide we will Reign with Christ for a thousand years. I believe that Heaven is more than Streets of Gold and Pearl Gates. I believe that we will live as God intended when He first created the Garden of Eden and placed Adam and Eve there. I believe that there will be Marital Unions in Heaven, just as God joined Adam and Eve. I believe that we will continue to multiply and cover the face of the earth. (I do not understand it, but by Faith I believe!) I believe that there is ONE for each of us, and we must learn to listen to God as He directs our paths together and NOT listen to our flesh that grows impatient. I believe that when we do not heed God's direction in Marriage we surely will miss the mark and it may lead to Divorce.

We could all go on forever so I'll just leave it here.

I am not labelled by any denominational category, so...I'll just say, I'm a young Christian who seeks the HOLY WORD TRUTH!
Test Subject
#20 Old 4th Feb 2013 at 3:20 AM
Default mine
i would say but everyone just call me gay or just dam stupid mine is a little silly and weird and hard to say but i find it a good one that makes me smile everyday and gives me hope to get up in the morning
Forum Resident
#21 Old 9th Feb 2013 at 11:09 PM
I don't really have a way with words, so this could come out either good or very bad...
I am a Catholic, and I follow the true Catholic teachings. This means that I believe in the Eucharist, going to mass, the Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, Healing of the Sick), I also believe in the preservation of life, born or unborn, young or old. I believe in preserving marriage and love the way God intended, love between a man and woman. So many people mock Christians because of this belief and say that we "hate" people who are homosexual. The truth is that the Church says the opposite. We are to love everyone, regardless of their mistakes. This doesn't mean condoning the mistakes, it means showing people Jesus's love and leading them to Him. Homosexuality is a temptation like being tempted to sin in any other way, and prayer an devotion are the ways to overcome it. Still on marriage, I believe that divorce shouldn't be taken lightly, over petty things. If there's a true reason to be divorced, such as abuse or someone being pressured into marriage heavily, the couple should seek annulment, which isn't the Church's form of divorce, but rather saying that a valid marriage had not occurred. I believe That Jesus died and rose again, and someday He will come again. I also believe strongly in the power of prayer, because of experience. Even if you think nothing is going to happen, God is listening and you have to really really trust and believe that His will is best for you, because it will be the best in the end. I believe in God's forgiveness, and no matter how far gone someone thinks they are there is always hope. I'm going to stop there, because there are so many things I could say.
God Bless you
Field Researcher
#22 Old 18th Jan 2014 at 6:41 AM
I'm Lutheran (of a conservative denomination, WELS), and we believe in everything the Bible says. It is the Holy Word of God: if you want to know right from wrong, you go there. Now, when it comes to converting others, it is to be done out of love. You're trying to save that person's soul, especially those around you. Why? Simple! Because you WANT them to be with you in Heaven, you WANT them for all eternity beside you.

So as to the so-called "controversies" of late, make no mistake: that's Satan's way of getting you to justify yourself before God, that because the rest of the world has decided right and wrong doesn't make it so. As my pastor always says: when you have a question, turn to scripture. After all, God only has to mention once that something is "wrong" for it to be wrong forever.
#23 Old 18th Aug 2014 at 8:49 PM
Hi, just discovered this group, so that's why I'm posting after a while. I was raised Methodist but took a "break" from the Church and was Buddhist for a while and then Wiccan. Those other religions never felt "right" to me, though, and I craved the love of Jesus that I had once felt. So I came back and basically said, "God, if you'll take me back, You can have me," and here I am. My overarching belief is that God's love is the most important thing. And of course I believe in Jesus as God's Son and the risen Savior, and the Holy Trinity. I believe in the Word of God but I don't always take everything in the Bible literally or at face value; I try to have balance in my life, spiritually and otherwise, and take context into account. I actually go to Ghost's church in real life and have known her since I was a wee little girl of ten, so I echo her beliefs. (It's quite ironic we both ended up on MTS after all this time!) Because homosexuality is not a choice, I do not believe it is a sin to be homosexual. I also do not believe loving another person is a sin. And even if it was, that is not my place to judge. I fully support gay marriage and rights and transsexual rights. I believe that abortion does destroy a life, but I also believe that it should be legal and that women who choose to get an abortion should not be demonized for it, because it is a hard choice but sometimes it may feel like the only choice. Single moms should definitely not be judged because they chose to keep the child and raise it themselves, and that takes a huge amount of courage and strength. And as for divorce, I have not had to deal with it myself, but it is again not my place to judge. I think it's up to the people in the marriage to weigh the pros and cons of the decision. I'm pretty laid-back, I guess, and I go by the quote "If you judge people you have no time to love them." I try to spread a tiny bit of God's love wherever I go, in any way I can.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Field Researcher
#24 Old 20th Dec 2014 at 6:01 PM
Hi fellow believers!

I was born without a religion but steeped in Christian beliefs; chose to be a Christian in elem. school, got serious with Christianity during univ. by being active in Charismatic Churches and Pentecostal Churches, then willingly and gladly adopted Roman Catholicism before I married my sweetheart.

Hopefully my time here in MTS will be one of the channels through which God pours His blessings -- for believers or otherwise.

#25 Old 25th Jan 2015 at 7:33 PM
My beliefs are really odd. I don't know anyone, online or off, who believes the exact same things as me. For one, I believe that God's history with humans go back a lot longer than we think, and that there may have been highly advanced civilizations on Earth before, that were destroyed because humans meddled in stuff they didn't properly predict the consequences of. That's what I think the forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge may have been an allusion to, anyway.

For the most part, I believe in evolution and natural history, but I don't think we know the whole story. I love archeology and zoology, and I think we're meant to search for the truth about the world we live in, and its long history. There is a lot to be discovered yet, things we probably haven't even thought of. I'm definitely not against science, but I believe that it should be a resource for humans (and animals), not the other way around (where discovery is a goal in itself, and humans are a renewable resource to be used). We were made intelligent so we could learn and discover, I think. It really annoys me when atheists say that religious people are hypocrites for seeing doctors or using technology instead of praying, because I believe that God wants us to take care of each other using the gifts and resources we have. It may be the reason why we're here, to learn about compassion and responsibility in an environment where everything is breakable, and every action has consequences.

I don't really hate anyone. Sometimes I get disappointed in people, for doing things I think are selfish, irresponsible and short-sighted, but it's hard for me to pass judgement if they're friends of mine. There are people I'm not a fan of, and there are some who I strongly dislike because of things they have said or done, but I don't hate them. I don't want them to die painfully and go to hell. BTW, I don't believe in the Bosch version of hell, or a big, red devil with a pitchfork.
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