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Test Subject
#26 Old 26th Jul 2010 at 9:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PiT91
yes, you do. You need AT LEAST lots that are big as the rabbit hole, or more, unless you do want them to be on your roads. =)

ok thank you..

Where do you find this City Hall (small) 33x22 one in the game? I did't recall seeing a city hall that small..

Forum Resident
#27 Old 26th Jul 2010 at 11:47 PM
If you're building custom rabbit holes, with the rabbit hole buildings in the basement, you can, by using moveobjects on. Place stairs down and wa-la!

Test really well with sims. I had one with the Hospital and sims could go down, and not up for some reason. Half the town was trapped down there.
Mad Poster
#28 Old 30th Sep 2010 at 1:22 AM
So nobody has the sizes for the Ambitions Rabbit holes yet then?

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#29 Old 30th Sep 2010 at 8:35 AM
I thought Ambitions added actual playable building types, not rabbitholes...

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 30th Sep 2010 at 2:07 PM
Well, some got changed, didn't they? E. g. the diner is smaller, but hm... why don't you just check yourself, Menaceman44? Someone will need to count.

I play Sims in German, so I apologize in advance for any "funny/wrong English term" I might use when describing something about the game. ;)
Mad Poster
#31 Old 30th Sep 2010 at 9:10 PM
Fair enough. will do.
There's a new school building with Ambitions isn't there in Twinbrook?

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 1st Oct 2010 at 12:57 PM
You can actually find many sizes here, I just discovered.

I play Sims in German, so I apologize in advance for any "funny/wrong English term" I might use when describing something about the game. ;)
Test Subject
#33 Old 3rd Oct 2010 at 9:45 PM
I'm interested in what the Late Night rabbit hole sizes will be, I wish someone could have discovered these during a preview.
Mad Poster
#34 Old 6th Oct 2010 at 5:49 PM Last edited by Menaceman44 : 6th Oct 2010 at 6:15 PM.
Rheassi, the 33x22 City Hall is from Riverview.

I have just gone through every Rabbit Hole and Decorative Community object that shows up under the Community Buildings build sort in my game. Here are my findings:

Rabbit Holes

City Hall -------------------- 49x23
Riverview City Hall ----------- 33x22
Ambitions City Hall ----------- 48x21
Bookstore ------------------- 10x14
Ambitions Bookstore --------- 10x14
School ---------------------- 37x20
Riverview School ------------ 35x21
Ambitions School ------------ 32x24
Police Station --------------- 19x21
Hospital --------------------- 33x26
Riverview Hospital ----------- 33x26
Ambitions Hospital ----------- 33x26
Stadium --------------------- 50x32
Ambitions Stadium ----------- 50x32
Theatre --------------------- 17x24
Bistro ----------------------- 15x15
Hogan's Diner ---------------- 18x11
Hogan's Deep Sea Diner ------ 28x9
Ambitions Box Car Diner ------ 10x7
Office Block ----------------- 22x22
Riverview Office Bock --------- 22x22
Ambitions Office Block -------- 22x22
Supermarket ----------------- 17x13
Ambitions Supermarket ------- 17x13
Military Base ----------------- 42x42
Riverview Military Base ------- 42x42
Ambitions Military Base ------- 42x42
Science Facility -------------- 35x21
Riverview Science Lab -------- 35x21
Ambitions Science Lab -------- 35x21
Spa ------------------------- 15x12
Riverview Spa ---------------- 15x12
Mausoleum ------------------- 7x10
Ambitions Mausoleum ---------- 6x9
Criminal HQ ------------------- 22x22
Ambitions Criminal HQ --------- 26x22

Deco Objects

Riverview Sports Sign --------- 9x2
Barn ------------------------- 11x19
Ambitions Barn --------------- 11x19
Science Dome ---------------- 58x51
Ambitions Lost Ruins ---------- 17x10*
Radio Tower ------------------ 21x19
Renault Charge Station -------- 29x35*
Satellite Dish ----------------- 13x13
Water Tower ----------------- 19x20
Riverview Water Tower -------- 19x20
Ambitions Water Tower -------- 16x16
Ambitions Old Water Tower ----- 5x5

* these objects don't seem to have a footprint as they can be placed over the lot boundry without MoveObjects. They don't allow Sims to route through them though.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Test Subject
#35 Old 29th Oct 2010 at 10:03 PM Last edited by Nadinz : 29th Oct 2010 at 11:42 PM.
************(LATE NIGHT)**************
- Rabbitholes
Theatre/Cinema - 35x37
Diamond film set thingy - 36x32
School - 21x41
Stadium - 56x48
Books & Spa - 30x29
City Hall/Police dpt/Army Base - 49x21
Research facility - 21x35
Subway - 7x4
Restaurant & Office - 23x22
Foodstore - 17x13
- Apartments
House #1 - 50x50 (Studio, 1 WC)
House #2 - 40x40 (2 Bedroom, 1 WC)
House #3 - 40x40 (2 Bedroom, 2 WC)
House #4 - 30x40 (1 Bedroom, 1 WC)
House #5 - 30x40 (3 Bedroom, 1 WC)
House #6 - 30x40 (1 Bedroom, 1 WC)
- Lots
Diamond film set thingy - 64x64
Waylons something thingy - 46x32
Bar #1 (exclusive) - 42x57
Plasma 501 (vampire bar) - 40x55
Dance club - 30x40
Normal tacky bar - 40x44
Disco club - 40x32
Sports Bar - 52x29
Fusion bar - 46x42
Other Items (Only from base game)
Water Tower - 20x21
Radio Tower - 19x21
Hospital - 34x26
Diner - 18x11
Cmetery house - 7x10
Now lets build AWESOME cities!
- Nadinz
#36 Old 30th Oct 2010 at 3:22 AM
Thanks for posting that Nadinz, very useful.
I haven't got Late Night yet and sort of suspected from reading the response to it in the Sims 3 discussion section that the night spots are quite large in size. The dimensions you posted confirm that. Honestly, what is wrong with a nightspot 30 x 30 and less? I prefer my social comm lots to be realistically close together (and smaller) to encourage more sims to congregate. Guess I'll have to get off my lazy butt and build my own clubs.
Test Subject
#37 Old 30th Oct 2010 at 4:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jodemilo
Thanks for posting that Nadinz, very useful.
I haven't got Late Night yet and sort of suspected from reading the response to it in the Sims 3 discussion section that the night spots are quite large in size. The dimensions you posted confirm that. Honestly, what is wrong with a nightspot 30 x 30 and less? I prefer my social comm lots to be realistically close together (and smaller) to encourage more sims to congregate. Guess I'll have to get off my lazy butt and build my own clubs.

If you have CAW you can build the lots really close with a sidewalk in the middle of each lot (thats what i do) in that way i create a "busy" town with alot of buildings If youre going to create a new world with buildings close to each other make the lots as the sizes i posted for the buildings you want etc, you know what i mean!
#38 Old 31st Oct 2010 at 12:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Nadinz
If you have CAW you can build the lots really close with a sidewalk in the middle of each lot (thats what i do) in that way i create a "busy" town with alot of buildings If youre going to create a new world with buildings close to each other make the lots as the sizes i posted for the buildings you want etc, you know what i mean!

Yeah, I guess I'm just being lazy and hoping that those Late Night comm lots could just be dumped into my world.

But I usually end up creating my own clubs in TS2 for example anyway.. eventually I'll get round to doing it in TS3.
Test Subject
#39 Old 1st Nov 2010 at 11:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nadinz
************(LATE NIGHT)**************
- Rabbitholes
Theatre/Cinema - 35x37
Diamond film set thingy - 36x32
School - 21x41
Stadium - 56x48
Books & Spa - 30x29
City Hall/Police dpt/Army Base - 49x21
Research facility - 21x35
Subway - 7x4
Restaurant & Office - 23x22
Foodstore - 17x13
- Apartments
House #1 - 50x50 (Studio, 1 WC)
House #2 - 40x40 (2 Bedroom, 1 WC)
House #3 - 40x40 (2 Bedroom, 2 WC)
House #4 - 30x40 (1 Bedroom, 1 WC)
House #5 - 30x40 (3 Bedroom, 1 WC)
House #6 - 30x40 (1 Bedroom, 1 WC)
- Lots
Diamond film set thingy - 64x64
Waylons something thingy - 46x32
Bar #1 (exclusive) - 42x57
Plasma 501 (vampire bar) - 40x55
Dance club - 30x40
Normal tacky bar - 40x44
Disco club - 40x32
Sports Bar - 52x29
Fusion bar - 46x42
Other Items (Only from base game)
Water Tower - 20x21
Radio Tower - 19x21
Hospital - 34x26
Diner - 18x11
Cmetery house - 7x10
Now lets build AWESOME cities!
- Nadinz

Thank You so much. I've been searching for this since the game came out. Thanks a lot.
Test Subject
#40 Old 1st Nov 2010 at 11:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SimsLvr
Thank You so much. I've been searching for this since the game came out. Thanks a lot.
No problems! Glad I could help!
Test Subject
#41 Old 10th Mar 2011 at 1:12 AM Last edited by RobbynGirl : 10th Mar 2011 at 1:12 AM. Reason: Mess Up
Default UpDate Sizes For Late Night Lots
Waylon's Haunt (Dive Bar) 46x32
The Prosper Room (Lounge) 42x57
Plasma 501 (Vampire Lounge) 40x55
The Grind (Dance Club) 30x40
Eugi's (Local Watering Hole) 40x44
The Brightmore (Disco Club) 40x32
Bridge Sport Zone (Sport Bar) 52x29
Banza Fusion Lounge 60x30
Aquaris (Poolside Club) 46x42
Community Fire Dept. 30x20
Barney's Salon and Tatoo (Salon) 30x20
Grady's Junkyard 30x20
Landgraab Sell n' Swap (Consignment Store) 30x20
Plumbob Pictures Backlot (Film Career Rabbithole) 64x64
Mad Poster
#42 Old 10th Mar 2011 at 2:27 PM
There's a Wiki article here with rabbit hole sizes as well:
Some Late Night ones are still missing though.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Test Subject
#43 Old 4th Apr 2011 at 3:17 PM
Default Need Help With New Lots
Can someone make some lot sizes for the sims 3 so that I can put the new building, barsm etc from LN into sunset valley or tell me how to create actual lots that are like 40x30, 52x50, and so on?
The Babel fish is a dead giveaway
retired moderator
#44 Old 7th Apr 2011 at 11:12 PM
Boogabear, you can add lots of any size in CAW (up to 64X64), but if you want custom lot sizes available in World Editor then you need this:

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Lab Assistant
#45 Old 25th Jul 2011 at 8:01 PM
Do you think you update later to Town Life including Ambitions and Late Night?
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 21st Oct 2011 at 5:44 PM
I've been waiting for Pets to come out to add some new rabbit holes to a world I'm working on. I needed the sizes so I thought I would share my findings.

*These are based on the rabbit hole itself, I tried to take things like overhangs and flags into account. First number is the entrance side. You'll need a bigger lot to make it look nice =)

Appaloosa Plains Civic Center (City hall) - 31x21
Crestview School and Stadium - 56x31
Darris Teeter Art Theater - 21x30
Darris Teeter Grocery & the Koffi Cafe - 23x18 (grocery+diner)
Hueber Associates & Kim Gould's Steakhouse - 31x30 (business+restaurant)
JRA International Equestrian Center - 54x35
Petite Pony Equestrian Center - 35x35
Wolfson's Hospital and Research Facility - 33x33 (Hospital+science, corner entrance)

Items with own footprint:
Rustler's Den 17x12 (crime)
Walls' Book 'n Bath LLC 17x17 (bookstore+spa, corner entrance)
Butterfield family mausoleum - 7x8
Waylon's Water Tower - 18x18

There you go! Totally jealous of the criminal warehouse being from "Sudden Valley," was thinking of naming my world that in an homage to Arrested Development
Field Researcher
#47 Old 14th Nov 2011 at 4:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Shanna86
I've been waiting for Pets to come out to add some new rabbit holes to a world I'm working on. I needed the sizes so I thought I would share my findings.

*These are based on the rabbit hole itself, I tried to take things like overhangs and flags into account. First number is the entrance side. You'll need a bigger lot to make it look nice =)

Appaloosa Plains Civic Center (City hall) - 31x21
Crestview School and Stadium - 56x31
Darris Teeter Art Theater - 21x30
Darris Teeter Grocery & the Koffi Cafe - 23x18 (grocery+diner)
Hueber Associates & Kim Gould's Steakhouse - 31x30 (business+restaurant)
JRA International Equestrian Center - 54x35
Petite Pony Equestrian Center - 35x35
Wolfson's Hospital and Research Facility - 33x33 (Hospital+science, corner entrance)

Items with own footprint:
Rustler's Den 17x12 (crime)
Walls' Book 'n Bath LLC 17x17 (bookstore+spa, corner entrance)
Butterfield family mausoleum - 7x8
Waylon's Water Tower - 18x18

There you go! Totally jealous of the criminal warehouse being from "Sudden Valley," was thinking of naming my world that in an homage to Arrested Development

Thanks a ton! Trying to finish a world that was delayed due to the CAW issues (and a delay in getting Generations), and holding off installing Pets till it's placed in game. This list will be SO helpful in making sure I leave spaces for these new buildings. Any idea for the Pet Store that came with the limited edition, or is it not a rabbithole?
Mad Poster
#48 Old 14th Nov 2011 at 6:25 PM
The pet store isn't a rabbit hole so you don't need to worry about that. It's just a prebuilt lot. I believe it is 20x30 if you do want to leave a lot for it.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Field Researcher
#49 Old 14th Nov 2011 at 11:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
The pet store isn't a rabbit hole so you don't need to worry about that. It's just a prebuilt lot. I believe it is 20x30 if you do want to leave a lot for it.

Thanks, exactly what I was looking for! Just want to be sure I leave a space. Installing this world before Pets, just in case CAW goes bonkers on me, and want to be sure I have room. Much appreciated! :D
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 12th Jan 2012 at 10:40 AM
Just my little list put together from the info page.

Abandoned warehouse
Outstanding Citizen Warehouse Corp. Orig. Sz. 21X21
Llama Corp. Shipping Company orig. sz. 25X21
East Tradewinds Shipping Co. NOT Given
Rustler's Den orig. sz. 12X17

Little Corsican Bistro orig. sz. 14X13
Hueber Associates & Kim Gould's Steakhouse orig. sz. 35x60
(note) in Bridgeport The Bistro is in the same building as the business career.

Divisadero Budget Books orig. sz. 10X14
Always Studious Bookstore orig. sz. 10X14
Wilki's Fabulous Books and Bath orig. sz. Not GIVEN
Walls Book 'n Bath LLC orig. sz. 25X40

Mausoleum orig sz. 7x10
Egyptian Mausoleum orig sz. 7X10
Chinese Mausoleum orig sz. 7X10
Jolina Family Mausoleum orig sz. 6X9

City Hall
sunset orig sz. 49x21
River orig sz. 31X21
Twin orig sz. 41X21
Bridge orig sz. 64X54
Appaloosa orig sz. 43X40

Hogan's Deep Fried Diner orig sz. 11X17
Brunton's Boxcar Diner orig sz. 10X7
Hogan's Deep Sea Diner orig sz. NOT GIVEN
Darris Teeter Grocery & The Koffi Cafe orig sz. 48X30

Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital orig sz. 34X26
County Care General Hospital orig sz. 34X26
Twinbrook Foundation Hospital orig sz. 34X24
Wolfson's Hospital and Research Facility orig sz. 48X62

Military base
Fort Gnome Military Base orig sz. 39X39
Fort Salas Military Base orig sz. 39X39
Sims in Arms Military Base orig sz. 39X39
Public Services Office orig sz. NOT GIVEN- Public Services Office in Bridgeport houses the city hall, military base, and police department.

Office building
Doo Peas Corporate Tower orig sz. 21X21
High Products Business Building orig sz. 21X21
Hueber Associates & Kim Gould's Steakhouse orig sz. 35X60

Police department
Police Department orig sz. 19X19

Crestview School and Stadium orig sz. 64X62
Children and Teens go to school at either Community School for the Gifted in Sunset Valley, Truelong Community School in Riverview, Stary Community School in Twinbrook, Public School 67 in Bridgeport, or Crestview School and Stadium in Appaloosa Plains.

Science lab
Landgraab Industries Science Facility orig sz. 35X20 (note) Dome can be placed anywhere with moveobjects or placed in CAW. Facilities are lied up side by side frnt facig dome slightly more in front tha the two buildings. Dont ask how to set up parking lot I am still working that out any suggestion would be welcome.
Soil and Water Research Facility orig sz. 35X20
Science Lab twinbrook orig sz. 35X20
Landgraab Marine Science Facility orig sz. NOT GIVEN
Wolfson's Hospital and Research Facility orig sz. 48X62

Sharma Day Spa orig sz. 13X12
Sunflower Spa orig sz. 13X12
Wilki's Fablous Books and Bath orig sz. NOT GIVEN
Walls Book 'n Bath LLC orig sz. 25X40

Llama Memorial Stadium orig sz. 50X32
Bachelor Stadium orig sz. 50X32
Dr. Pepper Stadium orig sz. NOT GIVEN
Crestview School and Stadium orig sz. 64X62

EverFresh Delights Supermarket orig sz. 13X16
Grocery Grab Supermarket orig sz. 13X16
Mike's Cornerstore orig sz. 13X16
Darris Teeter Grocery & The Koffi Cafe orig sz. 48X30

Tent orig sz. 4X5

Wilsonoff Community Theatre orig sz. 17X25
Metropolis Movie Theater orig sz. NOT GIVEN (DR> PEPPER PROMO)
Theater (bridgport) orig sz. NOT GIVEN
Theater (appaloosa) orig sz. NOT GIVEN

Time Machine orig sz. 2X5

Film studio orig sz. 64X64

Skyscraper orig sz. NOT GIVEN- are rabbit holes and neighborhood scenery objects that were shipped with the third expansion pack of The Sims 3, The Sims 3: Late Night[1]. They are "Shell buildings"[2] and only offer one or two floors (In one building you live in the basement. Some nicer penthouses have a second floor bedroom.) as a playable area for either residential penthouses or community lots, such as Bars[3]. More than one Rabbit hole can be inside a skyscraper[4]. This is the first time in the series that a skyscraper can be made without the use of cheats, though they could be placed in the neighborhood for decoration in The Sims 2: Nightlife, and The Sims 2: Apartment Life. Skyscrapers are available to be placed in build mode, though, as any rabbit hole, it has to be placed before a family moves in.

Subway orig sz. 7X4-It can be placed on residential and community lots.
Sims using the Subway run the risk of being robbed.

Tree House orig sz NOT GIVEN-There are three types of tree houses: The Kid's Clubhouse, The Sci-Fi Hideaway, and The Princess and The Pauper Castle. There is another tree house included in The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff, the Sunny Bungalow Clubhouse.
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