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Mad Poster
#26 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 3:38 AM
I made the game in AnyGameStarter without Maxis content and with mods in place to keep them from spawning, so NPCs only generated as they became necessary. One bus driver, one taxi driver, one paper girl, one cashier (Sadie Wilkie), one fireman (damn you Hamilton!), one mail carrier. Because Woody and Penny are CAS aliens, not even the PT has spawned (which is why, if you run the hoodchecker, it warns you that Skye's "met aliens" memories refer to a non-existent sim. I think that'll fix itself once you have a genuine abduction but I haven't tested that hypothesis.) Most of the playables have a greater or lesser degree of relationship with Sadie and I think a few of them have greeted the mail carrier or paper girl. That's why the Manns don't have a maid when you open the neighborhood. I wanted people who like to have the Pleasantview townies, or their own custom townies, or NPCs spawned with their own custom content, all to be equally happy with the ones they got in Widespot. As a result, Aegagropilon's Manns have a purple alien maid and her Scot is engaged to a pink-skinned ex-cashier, which is just how she likes it.

I also left so much empty space and kept the community lots so sparse so that each player could set the town up to suit himself. The gene pool is so limited (especially in the generation about to be born!) that anybody who plays long will want to add people, but whether that's family bin families or CAS sims or townies or Bluewater Village is not my business.

When I put Widespot into my full game, I started getting Pleasantview and social group townies immediately. If you don't, you probably have mods suppressing townie creation.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#27 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 3:40 AM
The cashier, Sadie, and the paper girl, Viola, and the mailman and driver, neither of whom I've paid enough attention to to learn their names. (Woody knows ALL the teen girls in town--at least my Woody does now, and he'd like to know them all better.) I don't think there's a maid, I got the sort of pause that you get when the game generates a sim when the Harts hired one (Rhett wanted to meet someone new). Mostly, you can fill up the hood with whatever you prefer, townies, playables, or nothing at all.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
#28 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 8:07 PM Last edited by BeckyBoo8 : 25th Feb 2013 at 10:05 PM.
Yeah my good generated a butler for the Manns and a maid for the Harts

At the Mann's:
Candy moved in with the family and right away was married to Junior, they didn't want to throw a party since she's pregrant with "his" baby and showing her baby bump. I made all of them get jobs, except Candy because she isn't the type to get a job. Candy is furious at Rich for WooHooing with his wife so she WooHooed with Junior to get back at him. It was a pretty slow day at the house, everyone wanted to rub or talk to Candy's belly (because of free will) which I thought was cute. Candy was in the pool for a while and Junior thought it'd be nice to invite Mary over. They were making out in the front yard even though Candy was just on the side of the house. Smooth guys, smooth. Lana likes having a job, it gives her something to do instead of just sitting on her butt all day long. Rich is just a happy man, he believes money can buy happiness and just bought some statues. Candy fears having a baby and I locked it because I fear it too. Who the heck is the daddy?! I'm so anxious to find out!

Now to the Lands
#29 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 1:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I made the game in AnyGameStarter without Maxis content and with mods in place to keep them from spawning, so NPCs only generated as they became necessary. One bus driver, one taxi driver, one paper girl, one cashier (Sadie Wilkie), one fireman (damn you Hamilton!), one mail carrier. Because Woody and Penny are CAS aliens, not even the PT has spawned (which is why, if you run the hoodchecker, it warns you that Skye's "met aliens" memories refer to a non-existent sim. I think that'll fix itself once you have a genuine abduction but I haven't tested that hypothesis.) Most of the playables have a greater or lesser degree of relationship with Sadie and I think a few of them have greeted the mail carrier or paper girl. That's why the Manns don't have a maid when you open the neighborhood. I wanted people who like to have the Pleasantview townies, or their own custom townies, or NPCs spawned with their own custom content, all to be equally happy with the ones they got in Widespot. As a result, Aegagropilon's Manns have a purple alien maid and her Scot is engaged to a pink-skinned ex-cashier, which is just how she likes it.

I also left so much empty space and kept the community lots so sparse so that each player could set the town up to suit himself. The gene pool is so limited (especially in the generation about to be born!) that anybody who plays long will want to add people, but whether that's family bin families or CAS sims or townies or Bluewater Village is not my business.

When I put Widespot into my full game, I started getting Pleasantview and social group townies immediately. If you don't, you probably have mods suppressing townie creation.

Assuming that you have only used Pescado's notownieregen and antiredundancy mods, a camera mod probably is not required for playing the game neighborhood. The "empty space" presumably refers to the additional roads that can be used for attaching lots and building houses. The "sparse" community lots presumably refer to the distribution of the individual lots on the terrain, or it may refer to the way the lot is decorated (sparsely decorated) with light fixtures, wallpaper, terrain, floors, gardening stuff, fences, furniture, plumbing, et cetera.

In the neighborhood creation, I presume that you created Widespot with only playable characters with AnyGameStarter and then turned on the full game, which led the neighborhood to generate Pleasantview townies because your N001 folder is Pleasantview. However, Widespot is a completed neighborhood. To my knowledge, Pleasantview townies only generate during neighborhood creation, not installing a neighborhood. So, if a person were to install the neighborhood, one would probably only gain the given playable characters and the game will generate new townies and NPCs from scratch, given that the person does not have any townie/NPC-suppressing mods.
Mad Poster
#30 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 3:18 AM
Aegagropilon has the Pleasantview townies, too. I took the folder out of AnyGameStarter and dropped it into the full game to test it several times before I started playing for real, and always got the familiar townies. It should generate townies and NPCs according to however you have things set up for the game you play it in. The point was to keep character data to a minimum - both to maximize customization at the player end, and to minimize the possibility of screwing up at my end. The simpler I made it, the less likely I was to make a major mistake.

I never said anything about camera mods. You shouldn't need anything special to see the whole map, as it's only Sedona.

I was deliberately minimalistic both in having only three community lots and in decorating them, to leave room for the taste of the player. Besides, with only base game content to play with, there was only so much I could do!

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#31 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 3:41 AM Last edited by CrèmedelaCrème : 26th Feb 2013 at 4:26 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Aegagropilon has the Pleasantview townies, too. I took the folder out of AnyGameStarter and dropped it into the full game to test it several times before I started playing for real, and always got the familiar townies. It should generate townies and NPCs according to however you have things set up for the game you play it in. The point was to keep character data to a minimum - both to maximize customization at the player end, and to minimize the possibility of screwing up at my end. The simpler I made it, the less likely I was to make a major mistake.

It must have something to do with AnyGameStarter and how it handles "Full Game Mode". I actually don't play with AnyGameStarter, and what you are telling me actually doesn't happen in the downloaded completed neighborhoods I have played. If I want to create a new neighborhood without any pre-made townies or NPCs, then I would go into my computer files and change the name N001 to N001.bak, start the game, and load up a new game neighborhood with no townies or NPCs. Otherwise, by default, Pleasantview townies/NPCs will always generate at start-up. I highly doubt that removing the custom neighborhood folder from the Neighborhoods folder will cause Pleasantview townies to emerge; however, that may happen with AnyGameStarter.

Edit to Add: I hypothesize that AnyGameStarter makes the game "think" that the player is creating a new neighborhood, even though the player is really just switching the neighborhood to Full Game, thereby creating the Pleasantview townies as soon as the game neighborhood is loaded up for the first time.
Mad Poster
#32 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 3:52 AM Last edited by Darby : 26th Feb 2013 at 8:46 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
not even the PT has spawned (which is why, if you run the hoodchecker, it warns you that Skye's "met aliens" memories refer to a non-existent sim. I think that'll fix itself once you have a genuine abduction but I haven't tested that hypothesis.)

Speaking of which, I don't have much to report on my Widespot play yet, as I've only done one day per household so far, but in my one day on the Weiss lot, Skye was abducted, which tickled me greatly. It was a due purely to the normal Stargaze action, and a total surprise. I was just letting him fulfill a want to stargaze.

Anyway, the only other thing I have to say so far is that

One last thing: I think Rhett will be my first playable evil witch.
Mad Poster
#33 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 4:50 AM
I am wildly happy that Skye got abducted right away for Darby. It makes so much sense. I bet Penny's cheesed off that they didn't take her, too.

Quote: Originally posted by CrèmedelaCrème

Edit to Add: I hypothesize that AnyGameStarter makes the game "think" that the player is creating a new neighborhood, even though the player is really just switching the neighborhood to Full Game, thereby creating the Pleasantview townies as soon as the game neighborhood is loaded up for the first time.

Any Game Starter is only relevant because that's where I built Widespot in order to have an empty neighborhood. I then took the PGWS folder and dropped it into the Neighborhoods folder of the game files I normally use, which does not use AnyGameStarter to launch. All the stealth neighborhoods for all the expansions install, because I don't have any empty templates loaded in my regular game files, and that always includes the Pleasantview townies. I tested it like that because I assumed that's what most people would be doing with it and I needed to test it in real play conditions; and those conditions always generated the Pleasantview townies and the full complement of family bin sims. I haven't actually taken anyone to a hobby lot yet, but there's no reason for them to be any different.

I think the normal game behavior when a new neighborhood is installed is to check and see if each stealth neighborhood has been installed, and then to make any that are missing.

Anyway, why not drop it into your normal game configuration and see what happens?

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#34 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 5:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Any Game Starter is only relevant because that's where I built Widespot in order to have an empty neighborhood. I then took the PGWS folder and dropped it into the Neighborhoods folder of the game files I normally use, which does not use AnyGameStarter to launch. All the stealth neighborhoods for all the expansions install, because I don't have any empty templates loaded in my regular game files, and that always includes the Pleasantview townies. I tested it like that because I assumed that's what most people would be doing with it and I needed to test it in real play conditions; and those conditions always generated the Pleasantview townies and the full complement of family bin sims. I haven't actually taken anyone to a hobby lot yet, but there's no reason for them to be any different.

I think the normal game behavior when a new neighborhood is installed is to check and see if each stealth neighborhood has been installed, and then to make any that are missing.

I think we are all experiencing different situations due to differing game configurations. To my knowledge, I am not aware of any stealth neighborhood, and I actually used SimPE to visit a particular neighborhood file, which leads me to assume that there is something about AnyGameStarter and how it treats Full Game mode. I downloaded and played with Seagull Island, and basically it had Pleasantview townies before installation, plus the playable characters, leading me to the conclusion that Pleasantview townies only generate at the creation of the new neighborhood. Apparently, the creator of Seagull Island may not have used AnyGameStarter, but they may have just played with the base game normally.
Mad Poster
#35 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 2:18 PM
Yes, just like I said to begin with. If you don't know about stealth neighborhoods you have some research to do - stealth neighborhoods are the ones in the game files where the premade townies, pets, hobby instructors, family bin sims, etc. are stored to be added into each neighborhood when it loads for the first time. That's what's happening during that long loading screen on creation and on installing a new EP. If you don't want these premades, you need to either replace the stealth neighborhoods with empty ones, or use a device like Any Game Starter which bypasses certain content when directed to do so. These are the "empty templates" you'll hear people talking about here.

Adding Widespot to any game except a base-game-only setup with empty templates is just the same as installing new EPs to it - which is why most of you will experience a neighborhood reset.

If you want to know how the creator of Seagull Island created that neighborhood, you'll have to talk to him. I only know how I did Widespot, following the relevant portions of the directions Mootilda provided here: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=420196 My biggest concern, after making it fun and avoiding corruption, was to put no more into it than was necessary, so that every player would be playing the game the way she likes to play it.

Oh, and Darby? If you'd run the Hoodchecker and see if Skye still comes up with memories to a sim who doesn't exist or not, that would be awesome! Because I can't make alien abduction cheats work in my game and haven't been able to test that myself.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#36 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 3:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Yes, just like I said to begin with. If you don't know about stealth neighborhoods you have some research to do - stealth neighborhoods are the ones in the game files where the premade townies, pets, hobby instructors, family bin sims, etc. are stored to be added into each neighborhood when it loads for the first time. That's what's happening during that long loading screen on creation and on installing a new EP. If you don't want these premades, you need to either replace the stealth neighborhoods with empty ones, or use a device like Any Game Starter which bypasses certain content when directed to do so. These are the "empty templates" you'll hear people talking about here.

I think we are using different names to describe the same situation. You use the term "stealth neighborhood" and then provide a description, which sounds similar to what I said here:

Quote: Originally posted by me
It must have something to do with AnyGameStarter and how it handles "Full Game Mode". I actually don't play with AnyGameStarter, and what you are telling me actually doesn't happen in the downloaded completed neighborhoods I have played. If I want to create a new neighborhood without any pre-made townies or NPCs, then I would go into my computer files and change the name N001 to N001.bak, start the game, and load up a new game neighborhood with no townies or NPCs. Otherwise, by default, Pleasantview townies/NPCs will always generate at start-up. I highly doubt that removing the custom neighborhood folder from the Neighborhoods folder will cause Pleasantview townies to emerge; however, that may happen with AnyGameStarter.

Adding Widespot to any game except a base-game-only setup with empty templates is just the same as installing new EPs to it - which is why most of you will experience a neighborhood reset.

I think the Widespot is a neighborhood folder (e.g. N001, N002, N003, etc.). Based on my experience with neighborhood folders, I have encountered new townies/NPCs generating, not the Pleasantview townies. I used this method here: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...pic,5861.0.html. Anyway, once the neighborhood was created with 0 characters in the Characters folder, new, unfamiliar characters were actually generated as soon as I entered the game in live mode. Many of them are teens, though, and not of marriageable age. I still think it is AnyGameStarter.

If you want to know how the creator of Seagull Island created that neighborhood, you'll have to talk to him.

Given that the creator of Seagull Island has created a neighborhood with Pleasantview townies, which sounds very similar to my created neighborhoods with Pleasantview townies, I assume we share the same method, unless otherwise stated. Unfortunately, the creator of that neighborhood does not really provide a way to contact him/her, and I am not sure if the creator uses the same name on various Sims websites, or whether or not the creator is still active in the Sims community.
Mad Poster
#37 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 3:35 PM
Of course it's a neighborhood folder. What else would it be? I named it PGWS so as to eliminate any possibility of conflict with anybody else's custom neighborhoods, but not starting with N doesn't change the nature of the folder.

And "stealth neighborhoods" is the proper term for discussing the programming that installs the premades. It's used here at MTS all the time. A common vocabulary prevents confusion.

You seem to be trying to figure out for yourself things I've already stated for the record. You individually don't get the Pleasantview townies because you individually have taken steps to prevent them - just like I said. I haven't taken those steps, so I get the Pleasantview townies - just as intended for someone who hasn't taken steps to avoid them. No one who doesn't want them will be stuck with them; no one who wants them has to go without.

I'm confused about what point you're trying to make here, and I'm afraid you'll confuse prospective players about what to expect, too.

The thing I want to make sure everyone understands clearly is that everybody will get the Widespot playables, the small number of NPCs generated by the game during development (which I listed), and whatever extra sims they've set up their game to generate, and nobody else.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Site Helper
#38 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 4:48 PM
Knowing what I do about the AGS, I cannot believe that this has anything to do with the AGS at all.

Downloaded neighborhoods should behave just like any other neighborhood, regardless of whether AGS was used in their creation or not. If you have removed the stealth neighborhood template sims, those sims will not be added to your neighborhood. If you have the correct mods, new sims will not generate except as need.

To avoid further speculation about this, I will do some research later today, to confirm that the AGS is not responsible for anything that is happening. Just remember, the AGS is not magic. You can see everything that it's doing by examining the BAT and REG files associated with your AnyGame.
#39 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 5:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
And "stealth neighborhoods" is the proper term for discussing the programming that installs the premades. It's used here at MTS all the time. A common vocabulary prevents confusion.

I am not familiar with the MTS culture yet.

You seem to be trying to figure out for yourself things I've already stated for the record.

Yes. That's true.

You individually don't get the Pleasantview townies because you individually have taken steps to prevent them - just like I said.

Yes. That's true. I think I may have misinterpreted your words. I thought you were referring to actually downloading the completed neighborhood and getting Pleasantview townies. From my experience, Pleasantview townies only generate from created neighborhoods. Here's what I think happened: you used AnyGameStarter to make the game neighborhood with no townies/NPCs at all and then in the Full Game, townies arrive, because it's a newly created neighborhood. Without AnyGameStarter, there is nothing to suppress the townies, so they will appear as soon as a family is put on the lot and allowed to be played for a while. I think that's what you are trying to say all along.
#40 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 5:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
Downloaded neighborhoods should behave just like any other neighborhood, regardless of whether AGS was used in their creation or not. If you have removed the stealth neighborhood template sims, those sims will not be added to your neighborhood. If you have the correct mods, new sims will not generate except as need.

As a matter of fact, I actually agree with this.
Site Helper
#41 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 6:53 PM Last edited by Mootilda : 26th Feb 2013 at 7:08 PM.
OK, then I'm not sure where the confusion comes in. I'd prefer not to spend my time researching something which is obvious to everyone.

Addition of pre-made sims to a neighborhood, and spawning of sims, has nothing at all to do with the AGS, except that the AGS is a tool which has an "empty" mode which allows you to create junk-free neighborhoods.

If someone has a copy of Widespot which contains the pre-made townies from Pleasantview (without going to a lot of work to add them manually), then I'd really like to see that neighborhood.

The term "stealth" subhood was probably coined by me. It's a term which tries to describe the way in which those subhoods are different from normal subhoods. Normal subhoods are added by the user intentionally; stealth subhoods are added by the game without the user's consent or knowledge. A knowledgeable user can remove the stealth subhoods, but the game is designed to give you those subhoods without any action on your part.

Just like the term "universal sims", it can be helpful to have a "shorthand" term to describe something in the game.

Does anyone know how to ask google to find the first post in existence to use a term?
Mad Poster
#42 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 7:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Oh, and Darby? If you'd run the Hoodchecker and see if Skye still comes up with memories to a sim who doesn't exist or not, that would be awesome! Because I can't make alien abduction cheats work in my game and haven't been able to test that myself.

I've never really used the Hood Checker, but I think spotted all the lines relevant to the issue.

Unexpected Sim Subject: 0x0010 Skye Weiss: Met Alien (Good) (Subject: 0x0010 Skye Weiss) This twice, followed by Had Penny Weiss and Had Woody Weiss, respectively.

The line referring to the in-game abduction (I assume) reads:
Valid: 0x0010 Skye Weiss: Met Alien (Good) [Positive] [Date: 1997/6/20] [Value: 100 (100->10 by 25]

I'm sure much of that is extraneous, but from what I can tell, it does seem like it indicates that things are working as they should, with regard to PTs? For the record, I've got a multiple PT mod installed, plus BO's Alien Experiments mod, if any of that matters.
Site Helper
#43 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 7:16 PM Last edited by Mootilda : 26th Feb 2013 at 9:31 PM.
Memories have two different references. The subject of a memory is a GUID and (I believe) the PT GUID will be the same in everyone's game (needs research to confirm) [Update:] Confirmed that the PT is a universal sim, with a fixed GUID and its user data in the objects package [end update].

For some reason, EA decided to include a duplicate reference for memories involving sims; that reference is the Sim Description instance number. If the PT has not yet been added to a neighborhood, then the PT will not have a Sim Description and that reference will (by definition) be wrong. However, my belief is that this reference is the less important of the two, and it is the GUID which must be correct. The HoodChecker will report an invalid second reference and attempt to fix it, but I wouldn't worry about that error as much as some others. I've noticed that when subhoods are added to a primary hood, the second reference may not be updated correctly. So, this is a common error.

I believe that Peni has done the most appropriate thing, given that the PT is not in the neighborhood. Of course, ideally the PT would be added to the neighborhood and then its Sim Description instance number would be correct.

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
If you want to know how the creator of Seagull Island created that neighborhood, you'll have to talk to him. I only know how I did Widespot, following the relevant portions of the directions Mootilda provided here: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=420196 My biggest concern, after making it fun and avoiding corruption, was to put no more into it than was necessary, so that every player would be playing the game the way she likes to play it.
If I remember correctly, the creator of Seagull Island seems to have started with Pleasantview and then added the Pleasantview playable characters again, then tried to correct that mistake without actually deleting the sims safely. I'm sure that s/he didn't follow my guide, since it wasn't written yet. I wrote that guide after researching the existing neighborhood downloads, to try to help people avoid making the same mistakes that were made with those early hoods:
Mad Poster
#44 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 7:55 PM
And your doing so is much appreciated! I would never have ventured to make a shareable neighborhood without instructions like that in hand, given all the things that might go wrong and defeat the purpose. And it's been a very rewarding exercise.

Thanks, Darby. Short of cheating an abduction and playing Woody and Penny's entire lives, making the memory was the only way I could think of to work that part of the story. I had to take out all Skye's Mystery Sim memories and add in the alien, or they'd have been the children of the Mystery Sim and Skye wouldn't be a virgin, which would just be Wrong.

Now, if that clears up all the technical confusion, perhaps people could share their juicy drama some more? I really like to hear what these characters get up to under the guidance of others and how people resolve the conundrums I left them with. Not to mention the kick I get out of the

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Field Researcher
#45 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 8:03 PM
The anticipation is killing me you guys, I need to stop coming on this thread!
Mad Poster
#46 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 8:39 PM
Alijah, unless I missed something about Peni no longer being allowed to do so, or having stopped doing so on her own, she's been sharing a download link to Widespot to those requesting it via pm.

I don't have anything terribly juicy going yet, but I did follow through on my plan to turn Rhett into an evil witch. Reason being, I think there's an evil spell that compels friendship, and I figure that with zero nice points, he'll have no compunction against using it to make the conquests he needs for his LTW of WooHoo 20 Different Sims.

So I sent him to the Makeout Spot, to which I've added a few things to make longer stays more comfortable, and had him befriend the evil witch, when she appeared. They went on a date, actually. Rhett didn't roll any wants related to witches at all, so I was a bit conflicted about having him ask Teach Me the Ways of Darkness. If I'm going to creature-fy a sim, I don't want it to feel arbitrary. Problem is, Knowledge sims are about the only sims to ever roll such wants!

In Rhett's case, it struck me that he only asked the question because he thought it sounded sexy *snort*, and was a bit surprised by the reaction. But once a witch, he thought it was pretty cool. After all, he does have a high interest in the paranormal! (If he didn't, I'd probably feel compelled to cure him, if I'd even had him ask in the first place.)

By the way, something else I forgot to mention getting quite the laugh out of, Peni, is Valentine's bio.
Valentine loved his wife. But she's dead now, and he has needs. So shut up.
I showed my son, a non-simmer, and he laughed out loud too.
Field Researcher
#47 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 8:42 PM
I'm looking forward to playing this hood once it comes out. Hopefully it'll come out about the time I finish up my current neighborhood I'm playing If not, once I reach then end of my Pleasantview story I'll send Peni a request.

Can someone post some pics though? I'd love to see the characters you all are talking about.
Mad Poster
#48 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 8:52 PM
Thinking about making use of my as-yet-unused Tumblr/Simblr to share some pics. I say this publicly in hopes of lighting a fire under my own ass about it.
Mad Poster
#49 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 10:21 PM
Thanks, Darby; I'm a little proud of that bio, myself.

Well, Anaticula, I've been posting a few Widespot pictures mixed in with my regular Drama Acres ones over in the Pictures forum, like this morning in Family Photos and Snapshots:
You could poke around there a bit. And if you look in the Pets thread, on the first page
(http://www.modthesims.info/showthre...25#startcomment) Aegagropilon posted some pics of the cat she got Rich to stroke while he's plotting Captain Hero's demise. Rich and Lana are post-makeover in those pics. Doomsday is a world-class cat; I wish I could bundle him up with the neighborhood for everybody to use!

She also used them to model some custom content she made recently: http://aegagropilon.dreamwidth.org/

If you do post pics, don't forget to hide them under spoiler tags or post them in expandable thumbnails or something, so as not to make opening and closing the thread annoying for those who don't want to see them.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#50 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 10:32 PM
Wait a sec.... Sandy's pregnant?! Oh geez, how did I miss this?!
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