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#26 Old 9th Feb 2015 at 4:27 PM
Hi guys, sorry I've been MIA. I've been busy playing way ahead. I want to get to my first heir vote already! D<
I did update but I'm too lazy to go get the link. Maybe later 8D I'm gonna catch up on your stories instead~
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#27 Old 11th Feb 2015 at 3:58 PM

I have a chapter up.

2.5 - The prodigal daughter returns

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#28 Old 16th Feb 2015 at 11:46 PM
I have a new update!

2.6 - Big Day Coming

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#29 Old 20th Feb 2015 at 10:03 PM

2.7 - You Fill Up My Chapters

This challenge may be old, but it still generates "firsts" for me nearly every time I open the game.

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#30 Old 25th Feb 2015 at 12:43 AM
*troops on*


2.8 - We Want the Heir Waves

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#31 Old 15th Mar 2015 at 10:39 AM

Just to let you all know you could post your ISBIs here if you wanted to. Like I do now.

New generation!

3.1 - Another year older and deeper in debt

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 25th Mar 2015 at 1:17 AM Last edited by WingedCat : 25th Mar 2015 at 1:28 AM.
luvs this! toxi I have been reading, and how is Alvine not ded yet..?
EDIT: Just read next chapter =( Why won't you keep her around the house? Then maybe she'll sleep in a bed for once...

scooby dooby don't
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 25th Mar 2015 at 1:30 AM
where'd you get Julie's hair? btw I'm starting this! Hopefully I'll have my own crazy, immortal Alvine!

scooby dooby don't
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#34 Old 25th Mar 2015 at 4:08 AM
@WingedCat Thank you. Julie's hair is a peggy hair retextured by littlecat on tumblr. Her downloads page is editsim.tumblr.com, it's somewhere there.

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
#35 Old 26th Mar 2015 at 1:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by toxi
@WingedCat Thank you. Julie's hair is a peggy hair retextured by littlecat on tumblr. Her downloads page is editsim.tumblr.com, it's somewhere there.
thanks! it's so amazing!
EDIT: Any idea which page it is? I'm kinda lost here

scooby dooby don't
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#36 Old 12th Apr 2015 at 5:05 PM
Hi @WingedCat, sorry, I missed your question. Not sure, but when you're looking for something on Tumblr, it's always easier to type in /archive after the address. So in this case, editsim.tumblr.com/archive. If you're just patient, it will show up eventually. You can do that with every Tumblr blog, it always works the same way.

Since I'm here anyway, I'm going to post the latest update, even if I've kind of given up on a living ISBI thread:

3.6 - I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday

ALL YE ISBI WRITERS, COME HERE AND SHARE YE MISFORTUNES! It's fun, it's free, it's utterly stupid - what more could you possibly wish for?

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
#37 Old 13th Apr 2015 at 1:55 PM
I'm literally starting my game right now! Sadly, I still need to find a way to post pictures, and I don't have a blog or anything... I need to ask my dad if he has photobucket or something like that. And... what's with Grim?

scooby dooby don't
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 3:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by WingedCat
I'm literally starting my game right now! Sadly, I still need to find a way to post pictures, and I don't have a blog or anything... I need to ask my dad if he has photobucket or something like that. And... what's with Grim?
nope didn't mean for that to be a link

scooby dooby don't
Field Researcher
#39 Old 1st May 2015 at 4:40 AM
I'm not a writer, but I have an ISBI that's been going for... more than a year now at this point (and I'm only on Generation 5!) I'm playing with the Evil family trait.

Some highlights:
  • Plenty of fistfights between family members
  • A surprising amount of passing out on park benches
  • Parents woohooing each other when their child is in the same room
  • Parents slapping their teenage children to the point that they would be enemies if they could declare it by themselves
  • Everyone going on dates with the maid behind their partner's backs
  • Lots of cackling with glee whenever someone dies (and then they go on to sob intermittently for the next three days)
  • Two simultaneous sets of surprise twins – Generation 2 decided to risky woohoo at the same time that their child was trying to bring in Generation 4, and I guess they all listened to too much Kids music.
  • A Hypochondriac, Ambitious doctor who keeps getting demoted and promoted because she only goes to work half the time
  • A Good kid who got left behind as a teenager when they moved
Field Researcher
#40 Old 24th Sep 2015 at 5:30 AM
While I'm waiting for my husband to mess with my hard drive and save my game files, I decided to start a different type of challenge! Something less hands on I thought an ISBI would be PERFECT!

Meet Simone Persimmon, my founder for the oh-so-originally-named Persimmons ISBI

She starts it off originally, though. That's for sure!
Field Researcher
#41 Old 26th Sep 2015 at 10:00 PM
Next few chapters are up!

Chapter 2 - It did TOO happen!

Chapter 3 - The Friend Zone

Chapter 4 - Lucky kind of day..
Field Researcher
#42 Old 27th Sep 2015 at 5:21 PM
@toxi (and anyone else currently playing!) I have a question about the rules! I seem to recall seeing somewhere that you can accept opportunities for your uncontrollables & hit the button sending them to complete it. The early rules say no opportunities. Which do you guys play with?
Field Researcher
#43 Old 28th Sep 2015 at 4:32 PM
I finished these the other day:

Chapter 5 - The graveyard shift...

Chapter 6 - A day at the beach...

Chapter 7 - Woohoo on the Beach

Chapter 8 - Oh, for the love of Heart Farts!
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 28th Sep 2015 at 4:55 PM
Okay, I will try this...eventually. @toxi The link to the original rules no longer works. The Proboard was disabled or something...
Field Researcher
#45 Old 28th Sep 2015 at 10:27 PM
@FairyKairi - I saw that, too! And I was surprised because it was only from January of this year! I found other rules at https://wintersisbi.wordpress.com/about/
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 29th Sep 2015 at 1:56 AM
@MommyIce With those rules, I am for sure in...after my 100 Baby Challenge is over/nearly over. I have enough on my plate right now with school to add ANOTHER Sims 3 challenge to the mix.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#47 Old 30th Sep 2015 at 12:54 PM Last edited by toxi : 1st Oct 2015 at 7:34 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by MommyIce
@FairyKairi - I saw that, too! And I was surprised because it was only from January of this year! I found other rules at https://wintersisbi.wordpress.com/about/

Thanks for letting me know, I updated the link.

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#48 Old 30th Sep 2015 at 1:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MommyIce
@toxi (and anyone else currently playing!) I have a question about the rules! I seem to recall seeing somewhere that you can accept opportunities for your uncontrollables & hit the button sending them to complete it. The early rules say no opportunities. Which do you guys play with?

That button is off limits the way I play it, because in effect it's the same as telling them to do something. I do lock in opportunities that doesn't require sending them somewhere though, like "work out for two hours" or "dance for three hours" (if the TH takes them to a dance club and they just happen to dance all by themselves). The early rules don't even allow locking in opportunities they can complete on 100 % free will, but I don't see the point in that.

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
Lab Assistant
#49 Old 30th Sep 2015 at 1:32 PM
@toxi You're welcome! Does it necessarily have to be the Insane trait that every heir has? I've seen others with other traits... Also, your Cuckoos are ABSOLUTELY hilarious!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#50 Old 30th Sep 2015 at 1:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FairyKairi
@toxi You're welcome! Does it necessarily have to be the Insane trait that every heir has? I've seen others with other traits... Also, your Cuckoos are ABSOLUTELY hilarious!

That's kind of the whole point of the challenge, isn't it? What other traits did you have in mind, and where have you seen them?

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like their silly antics.

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
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