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#26 Old 24th Jul 2023 at 4:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
The first four are just busy-work to get your Sim a good grounding in Politics generally. Things go wonky starting with level 5: City Council Member is a little high for a complete novice, since they're the Mayor's advisors as well as being movers and shakers on their own account.

6: State Assemblyperson is way too high, you're already way above mayoral level. The assumption here is a unicameral state (not city) legislature - some states (like the one I live in) have two chambers, represented by Assemblypersons or State Representatives (lower house) and State Senators (upper house).

7: Congressperson is national (not city, not state) level, a member of the House of Representatives.

8: Judge is a sharp comedown, you're back to city level.

9: Senator is national level again - there are only two of them per US state, and they are the "senior" branch of the national (not state) legislature.

Since I have a pretty good idea how my local city works, I rewrote the career so that it makes sense to me.

(Sims 3 went in the other direction and grossly inflated the job levels, putting "Mayor" down around level 7 and finishing up with "Leader of the Free World", forsooth - what chutzpah!)

I'm glad someone else hates that "Leader of the Free World" nonsense in Sims 3! I wouldn't necessarily say Mayor of SimCity in too far in the other direction. It sounds about on par with "Police Chief of SimCity" as Level 9 of the Law Enforcement track. I agree that it doesn't fit thematically with the lower levels though. Also, might just be me because I'm not American but "Judge" being in the Political track/electing judges in general is so utterly bizarre to me. Clearly they didn't have any plans to make a Law track later when the base game was being made.
Mad Poster
#27 Old 24th Jul 2023 at 4:44 PM Last edited by FranH : 25th Jul 2023 at 3:17 AM.
For me the Criminal career is pretty dumb that I avoid it. The lower levels only make sense, later on everything is so watered down, basically what kids think that criminals do. Where are dealers, mafia bosses, godfathers? I wish they included 'enemies' that at least kicked your trashcan and tormented your household. For higher levels would be realistic to install a security system to your home.

There is a criminal career that will do that kind of crime-it's called "The Mafia Career" and it's available here:


Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
#28 Old 24th Jul 2023 at 9:00 PM Last edited by ZenGarden : 28th Jul 2023 at 1:52 PM.
Slacker is my favorite career, the chance cards are hilarious. I have a personal vendetta against the Education career (despite working as a teacher irl). I have played TS2 Seasons actively since 2007 and I have never been able to advance past level 5 as I have a 100% success rate of picking the wrong chance cards in that career. I think it's just God playing a prank on me

what does his name even mean?
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Original Poster
#29 Old 24th Jul 2023 at 9:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PipthePuffin4
Also, might just be me because I'm not American but "Judge" being in the Political track/electing judges in general is so utterly bizarre to me.

It's a US thing, and not even everywhere in the US at that. In some jurisdictions (local) judges are elected, in others they are appointed.
At the Federal level they are almost always appointed, and have to be confirmed by the US Senate. This includes Supreme Court Judges, which is probably what Maxis was thinking of for "The Law" (Law career level 10).
Mad Poster
#30 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 1:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
It's a US thing, and not even everywhere in the US at that. In some jurisdictions (local) judges are elected, in others they are appointed.
At the Federal level they are almost always appointed, and have to be confirmed by the US Senate. This includes Supreme Court Judges, which is probably what Maxis was thinking of for "The Law" (Law career level 10).

I think you're right about what Maxis was envisioning, but the Law career is one of a few where I basically just headcanon the level 10 positions as being superhero/villain things for more comic-book-inspired stories, rather than a 'real' job (the others I think of this way are Law Enforcement, Criminal, Oceanography, Natural Scientist, and sometimes Science. I suppose Paranormal and Gamer might be in there as well, but I've never had a character at level 10 there)

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
#31 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 3:45 AM

If we need to keep so much of the game in our heads, what do we have a computer for.

I stop my people from getting promotions after they get the job that fits the character even if they could easily skill up and make more money.
Mad Poster
#32 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 10:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
If we need to keep so much of the game in our heads, what do we have a computer for.

I stop my people from getting promotions after they get the job that fits the character even if they could easily skill up and make more money.

I have a mod that prevents pixels from advancing without getting all the skills (edukashuon is gud, http://cyjon.net/node/309 ) and unless they actively want to do so, they don't go anywhere.

"If the sim either didn't go to college or dropped out before completing the sophomore year, then maximum job level is based on the final high school grade:

If final high school grade was C or better, maximum level is 5.
If the final high school grade was D- to C-, maximum level is 3.
If the final high school grade was F, the sim is effectively a high school dropout and has no diploma. Maximum job level is 1."

It does keep it real, and in case that doesn't work there's another hack that will prevent them from progressing at all-the Job Stopinator: http://cyjon.net/node/327

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#33 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 4:25 PM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 25th Jul 2023 at 4:36 PM.
There are some careers that I don't allow my playable Sims to enter. I don't really want professional criminals in my somewhat utopian game, and, since I really don't believe in paranormal/occult stuff, I'd rather they weren't in that career either. In fact I don't, as yet, have Sims in any of the University jobs, as nobody in my game has graduated yet. In fact none of my playable students have even reached their second semester yet, except for some of Peni's pre-mades at LGU. In the fullness of time I think I shall let my graduate Sims enter the Natural Science career, but I won't let them take the career reward, which is the cowplant. Because all my Sims have an inalienable Right to Life guaranteed by the Constitution.

Some of the jobs in the Maxis careers are a bit weird -- I don't know if I really want Captain Heroes flying about fighting evil! But the pace of my game is very slow, and the Grim Reaper may very well come for me, before I have to worry about that!

I'm not convinced about edukashuon is gud. I recall a manager once saying to me that most young people today have some sort educational qualification, and therefore you take that into account for initial recruitment. But once they have been working for a few years, you look at how they are doing at work, rather than at how they did at school or college. There are plenty of successful people in this world who don't have university degrees. Bill Gates famously dropped out of university in order to start Microsoft. Had he waited till he graduated, the opportunity would have been missed. On the other hand there are people like myself who have university degrees, but have never really been a "success" in wordly terms. In fact, in real terms, I was better off when I was working as a young railwayman before university, than I've ever been since. So, as far as my Sims are concerned, I'm not going to hold back somebody who is obviously talented, just because they didn't jump through the right hoops in their teens and early twenties. Not even if they dropped out of school at 13 (as my father did).

I have the Job Stopinator, but I've never actually given the token to anyone. I thought of using it to stop there being more than one Mayor. But in Veronaville, which is my main game, there are two attached "shopping districts", Bluewater and Monopolis. So why shouldn't there be three mayors -- Mayor of Veronaville, Mayor of Bluewater and Mayor of Monopolis? In fact as yet there isn't even one Mayor. Ex-Downtownie Senator Kerie Hanby is currently running for Mayor of Veronaville. (I suppose, even in the U.S.A., a Senator for a small State -- say Delaware -- might run for Mayor of a big city -- say New York.) Actually I think my playstyle, which I suppose is derived from my own personality, probably makes the Job Stopinator unnecessary in my game. If my Sims don't need, or strongly want, a promotion, I just don't push them to skill. I've already mentioned this in another thread, but both I, and most of my Sims, find more entertaining than skilling. I will sometimes say to my Sims, "Would you like to stay in and study Mechanical tonight? Or would you rather go out shopping , or dining, or dancing or clubbing? Or maybe just stay in and ask some friends round?" Very, very few of them choose to study!! Quite a lot of my Sims are Romance; guess what they would rather do.

Actually myself I am rather shy and introvert. But I think I was telling the truth when I once said that I live my life vicariously through my Sims! They can do things that I might like to do, but would never dare to do in reality. And I think in Veronaville and my other neighbourhoods, I've created a space where my Sims can live wildly but safely. And I love to see them push the envelope, but stay safe, and be happy! Because -- when I see them happy -- I'm happy too!

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#34 Old 26th Jul 2023 at 8:53 AM
This is another take on "Edukashun is Gud" - lowered chance (but still possible) to get promoted without certain education levels.

I don't have either in my game at the moment, but I'm considering it.


What is quite interesting about the Paranormal career is that it is written very cleverly, so that it can be read equally in two ways: Either your sim is a devout believer in the occult, or they are a charlatan looking for an easy way to deprive gullible fools out of their money. I have played it both ways, and it works just as well.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#35 Old 26th Jul 2023 at 12:13 PM
What is quite interesting about the Paranormal career is that it is written very cleverly, so that it can be read equally in two ways: Either your sim is a devout believer in the occult, or they are a charlatan looking for an easy way to deprive gullible fools out of their money. I have played it both ways, and it works just as well.

Or probably both options. I could say something about religion, but will refrain. I might offend someone...

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#36 Old 28th Jul 2023 at 11:52 AM
I believe the careers are silly by design, and I have no problems with accepting them After all, my criminal masterminds have never robbed anyone as far as I know; my politicians give great speeches at weddings and my soldiers can easily switch to the athletic career (like Matthew Picaso, if I remember correctly, who was put into the military by Maxis and I later found him his dream job).

Perhaps I don't take some things seriously enough; I can easily justify to myself why a person in a certain career needs a skill, and have fun even if I don't even bother to justify it to myself.

It's a game, after all.
#37 Old 28th Jul 2023 at 12:18 PM
The silliness is a big part of the fun for me. Some of the chance cards always make me laugh.
Mad Poster
#38 Old 28th Jul 2023 at 1:35 PM
Of course we could even posit the claim that EA is actually mocking the American work ethic-that all careers are potentially stupid and limiting-and that even a slacker career is self-limiting.

I mean who wants to become a professional party guest? I know of a lot of people in the world who do nothing but attend parties and I believe by putting it up as a career EA is actually saying, "Yeah, really? This is a job? Are you kidding? In whose world?"

After all, Americans have been shown to be overworked and underpaid for years, and they allow themselves to be. If one looks at all the careers in total it's a subtle dig at the culture of 'workaholism' that we have allowed ourselves to get sucked into without any sustained benefits.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
#39 Old 28th Jul 2023 at 6:46 PM
I probably have to say 'Slacker'? Mostly because I find it kinda... dumb that it seems to indicate that stuff like retail positions are nothing but sitting on your butt. I know it's all in jest, but it just feels a bit mocking.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#40 Old 7th Aug 2023 at 5:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by emeraldzephyr
There’s this tutorial that might help.

Well, I tried it. The instructions are not as clear as they should be (particularly when it comes to which files to add and how to add them). After several fumbling efforts I got as far as getting all(?) the .simpe files added (.xml files are extraneous, per most other tutorials) and a package made...but something didn't work right and Bidou's Career Editor couldn't read it.

If no one is going to extract the additional careers and make them available too, the only remaining alternative is to completely remake the career(s) from scratch, starting with a blank template. This is WAY more work than simply editing an extracted career would be, but if that's how it rolls, that's how it rolls.
Mad Poster
#41 Old 8th Aug 2023 at 12:33 AM
The Music career is....odd. Most of the levels are for popular music (piano tuner and concert pianist could be classical, but it seems a bit vague) but then level 9 (symphony conductor) jumps to classical music for some reason before level 10 is Rock God.

I'm not even going to guess what's going on with Entertainment.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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Forum Resident
#42 Old 22nd Aug 2023 at 1:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
You become Mayor after being a Senator? Most politicians are going to go for Governor or higher office than that.

One thing I have on my mind to do is make a Presidential elder career path with extremely high stakes chance cards and extremely high skill requirements, with job levels of Primary Election Candidate, General Election Candidate, and President of the United States. The downside to this is that elder jobs are also open to teens, but I suppose it's not illogical to say that in a Sim world teenagers can be elected to the White House... (Without getting political and naming names, I frequently think to myself as a school employee that some of my high schoolers would make a better President than some who have held the title, lol).
Mad Poster
#43 Old 22nd Aug 2023 at 3:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bnefriends
One thing I have on my mind to do is make a Presidential elder career path with extremely high stakes chance cards and extremely high skill requirements, with job levels of Primary Election Candidate, General Election Candidate, and President of the United States. The downside to this is that elder jobs are also open to teens, but I suppose it's not illogical to say that in a Sim world teenagers can be elected to the White House... (Without getting political and naming names, I frequently think to myself as a school employee that some of my high schoolers would make a better President than some who have held the title, lol).

I think a jellyfish would make a better President than the 2016-2020 one.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#44 Old 22nd Aug 2023 at 4:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bnefriends
(Without getting political and naming names, I frequently think to myself as a school employee that some of my high schoolers would make a better President than some who have held the title, lol).
I think some of my teenage Sims could make a better job of it! ("Come on Andrew, what are you waiting for?!")

Actually in our Veronaville the Head of State is a teen. Veronaville is a constitutional Grand Duchy. The position of Grand Duchess goes to the head of the Capp family with a matrilineal rule of succession which is the mirror image of the one which until very recently applied in the British royal family. (So Tybalt could become Grand Duke, but only if both Juliette and Hermia died without issue.) Of course as a constitutional hereditary Head of State Juliette's political powers are very limited, but the teens of Veronaville do rather like their Head of State being one of their own, especially as Juliette freely socializes with the other teens of the town. (She is often to be seen dancing with Romeo at the downtown Bopperz nightclub.)

It was of course Juliette as Grand Duchess of Veronaville who recently granted the Russian Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Romanov sanctuary in Veronaville along with their brother Alexei, and their parents Nicholas and Alexandra. The Romanovs are having to learn to adapt from the rather straight-laced ways of early 20th century Russia, to the very relaxed dress fashions and sexual mores of 21st century Veronaville, but what's a hundred years between Sims? Just yesterday young Alexei was seen, looking a bit puzzled, trying to play a pinball machine at the downtown PaintBoyz nightclub for gay teenage boys.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Forum Resident
#45 Old 22nd Aug 2023 at 4:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I think a jellyfish would make a better President than the 2016-2020 one.

He actually wasn’t one I was thinking about, but I’m sure there’s others we’d agree about. There’s downloadable Sims of the two before him and both make great cowplant food. Most politicians of either of the two American flavors would make great cowplant food.

And that’s enough of a window into where I stand, not here to debate politics. 😉

Edit to include additional reply:
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I think some of my teenage Sims could make a better job of it! ("Come on Andrew, what are you waiting for?!")

Teenaged Angela Smyth (Angela Pleasant, with adopted name Angela Morgan at the time) would make a better President than some even with a traumatic brain injury she was adjusting to living with (and the bullying that goes with that) and DJJ having her on juvenile probation. I think the Nookington’s employee she stabbed with a pencil (who hates her guts) might vote for her over some real world politicians, lol.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#46 Old 28th Aug 2023 at 3:27 AM
Follow-up on Epi's "Magician" career: it is supposed to override the original "Entertainment" career - but apparently it doesn't, or else you have to kick everybody (including Townies) out of that career first and start over. I had SUCH a hard time getting Edward Fuchs out of that tin can, even long after he had left "Entertainment" behind for "Historian" (somebody else's custom career). Finally ran Wardrobe Cleaner on him to get everything out of his wardrobe that wasn't absolutely necessary (and if he no longer has access to that stupid armor, maybe he won't show up in it again).

As for the Townies...insufficient data at this time.
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 7th Mar 2024 at 9:51 AM
Game career. Only one job, the highest, is realistic. Seems that sim work as charachter in other game or some kind of streamer until finally get raise to game designer. It would be more realistic if sim would work different positions in game industry. (tester, programmer, average desinger, head desinger etc.)
#48 Old 7th Mar 2024 at 1:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
Follow-up on Epi's "Magician" career: it is supposed to override the original "Entertainment" career - but apparently it doesn't, or else you have to kick everybody (including Townies) out of that career first and start over. I had SUCH a hard time getting Edward Fuchs out of that tin can, even long after he had left "Entertainment" behind for "Historian" (somebody else's custom career). Finally ran Wardrobe Cleaner on him to get everything out of his wardrobe that wasn't absolutely necessary (and if he no longer has access to that stupid armor, maybe he won't show up in it again).

As for the Townies...insufficient data at this time.

Does this Magician career satisfy the Entertainer LTW? I have a Sim who rolled that, and don't want to replace it as it fits him perfectly.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Field Researcher
#49 Old 8th Mar 2024 at 1:36 AM
I've always imagined a Service career track, with Firefighter, Maid, etc. I don't know what the top position would be, though, maybe butler? lol
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 8th Mar 2024 at 12:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Neverwinter_Knight77
I've always imagined a Service career track, with Firefighter, Maid, etc. I don't know what the top position would be, though, maybe butler? lol

I would like see this in TS3 Ambitions. Sims would went their neghbours house to repair objects or clean.
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