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Mad Poster
#51 Old 27th Dec 2011 at 2:24 PM
I found this in New York magazine - http://nymag.com/daily/entertainmen...3&rid=422509877

So we just might get to look at Dylan McDermott again - yay!
Original Poster
#52 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 2:19 AM
well from what was said Evan Peters will most likely not be back which breaks my heart because he is so talented and I love his face he is both attractive and strange and within my age range, but I'm really hoping we get a medly of monsters and not just ghosts not that i don't adore ghosts I just think if the focus was on something else it would be easier to make it not like the first season and open up more possiblities.
Mad Poster
#53 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 3:02 AM
I had never seen Evan Peters in anything before - I thought he did a fantastic job in a difficult role. But the entire cast was excellent.
Original Poster
#54 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 3:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by RoseCity
I had never seen Evan Peters in anything before - I thought he did a fantastic job in a difficult role. But the entire cast was excellent.

I believe it was his first(big) role and he was fabulous I think he will become an amazing actor because he handled this so well. And yes the whole cast was wonderful and I think this will launch many careers.

Speaking of the cast the show was sucessful because not one character was miscast which tends to happen to at least one character in like 75% of new shows.
Test Subject
#55 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 7:58 AM
I saw Evan in 4 different roles before he landed in AHS, but they were all goofy-side kick type characters, so I was really surprised by his range in AHS. I'm now kind of disappointed Evan didn't get the role of Peeta, Josh Hutcherson must have had one hell of an audition.

Even though we starting with a new cast next season we still get to see the cast together at the golden globes! I really hope Jessica Lange wins, she deserves every bit of that award.

I really hope the new series gets to haunt a hotel. That would be amazing. And I'd love to see Taissa play a crazy ghost (if they bring her back that is...I can dream, right?)
#56 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 5:09 PM
Okay, so I just finished the show and I have some questions that you fine people might be able to answer for me.

1.) What was the point of the "piggy" dude that Ben was attempting to help and then died? Was there something I was missing there, or was that just a filler?

2.) Can Tate leave the house? There was the Halloween episode where everyone could leave, but there was also the episode where he met Ben at some shop for their session, so... unless that was the same episode, then

3.) Why didn't Vivien and Violet attempt to save Ben at the end? Is there some weird flux going on where they possibly might have not witnessed it? (I find that hard to believe). If they truly wanted him to leave with their son; it seems they would have gone out of their way to help him and stop [insert crazy's name here] from killing him. *shrug*

4.) Why would Vivien allow Constance to take her baby (the living one)? I understand that she was running out of options and such and needed to get the baby out of the house (because everyone there has some weird fascination with babies, it seems); but still. Constance? Really? She's loony tunes. Unless Constance was lying about Viv saying it was what she preferred when she snatched it from [insert crazy's name here again].

Aaaaaand I'm done.

"Goonies never say die."
Test Subject
#57 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 5:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GigaRevival
Okay, so I just finished the show and I have some questions that you fine people might be able to answer for me.

1.) What was the point of the "piggy" dude that Ben was attempting to help and then died? Was there something I was missing there, or was that just a filler?

2.) Can Tate leave the house? There was the Halloween episode where everyone could leave, but there was also the episode where he met Ben at some shop for their session, so... unless that was the same episode, then

3.) Why didn't Vivien and Violet attempt to save Ben at the end? Is there some weird flux going on where they possibly might have not witnessed it? (I find that hard to believe). If they truly wanted him to leave with their son; it seems they would have gone out of their way to help him and stop [insert crazy's name here] from killing him. *shrug*

4.) Why would Vivien allow Constance to take her baby (the living one)? I understand that she was running out of options and such and needed to get the baby out of the house (because everyone there has some weird fascination with babies, it seems); but still. Constance? Really? She's loony tunes. Unless Constance was lying about Viv saying it was what she preferred when she snatched it from [insert crazy's name here again].

Aaaaaand I'm done.

1.) There was a point to "piggy" dude, though I'm not sure if so many people caught it. It was touching on real fear v.s supernatural fear. Basically the show plays on this a lot, The Haunted House? Supernatural fear. School Shooting? Real Fear. Piggy Man was ficsiated on the supernatural fear, only to be killed by a real fear (burglars).

2. Tate can't leave the house. Are you talking about the time Tate and Ben were at the table discussing? Because that was Halloween still. I think you may be confused because it was the same episode, but it was a two parter, so it seemed longer. I was initially confused by this as well.

3. I think this was just a product of lazy writing. They needed a way to kill Ben, but didn't execute it very well.

4. I don't think Viv actually knows Constance has the baby. Didn't Constance steal the baby?
#58 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 5:41 PM Last edited by GigaRevival : 28th Dec 2011 at 5:42 PM. Reason: Goonies never say die.
Quote: Originally posted by Concordia
4. I don't think Viv actually knows Constance has the baby. Didn't Constance steal the baby?

She very well might have. She just said that Viv wanted her to take it from [good god, I need to look up her name] in the basement. I can totally believe that she stole it; I just cannot fathom Viv/Violet/Ben being aware that she did and not attempting to stop her. Although, again; I think Viv was at the point of desperation of just getting her son out of that damn house already and might have allowed it to happen.

"Goonies never say die."
Mad Poster
#59 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 6:59 PM
Vivian made a remark about Constance stealing her baby. But the family can't leave the house and go next door to get him.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
Mad Poster
#60 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 7:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GigaRevival
She very well might have. She just said that Viv wanted her to take it from [good god, I need to look up her name] in the basement. I can totally believe that she stole it; I just cannot fathom Viv/Violet/Ben being aware that she did and not attempting to stop her. Although, again; I think Viv was at the point of desperation of just getting her son out of that damn house already and might have allowed it to happen.

Nora, the ghost of the house's original owner, took the dead baby after it was delivered. Constance took the live baby over to her house. That was the baby that Ben went to pick up from Constance, and she let him take it - although she warned him not to go back into the house. After Hayden and the home invaders killed Ben, Hayden had the living baby, but Constance got him back with the help of Travis, her now ghostly former boyfriend. Vivien got the dead baby back from Nora who realized she didn't want to deal with him - they were discussing where and how he died, I guess to establish why he existed in the house as a ghost.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed like the ghosts couldn't stop each other from doing things - they could only interact if both wanted to. Thus, Violet could banish Tate.
#61 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 7:58 PM
Goodness, that baby was certainly exchanged a lot; wasn't it? I guess I didn't pick up on that, but I *did* watch it all in one sitting... so...

"Goonies never say die."
Original Poster
#62 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 9:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GigaRevival
2.) Can Tate leave the house? There was the Halloween episode where everyone could leave, but there was also the episode where he met Ben at some shop for their session, so... unless that was the same episode, then

It was mentioned that both of these happened on halloween but I did not see anyone say why this happend. Tate cannot leave the house unless its halloween at which point all the ghosts are free for the night. You may have known this but since It wasn't mention I figured i say it.

The hotel thing would be cool but a mansion divied up into apartments would be cool too or just a really old apartment building would rock as well or an old club/bar or anything they could really take this anywhere which is great. but I'll say it again want more supernatural creatures mied in with ghosts it would be really cool if the did that and it would be great if they were not trapped in the house and could go other places.
Test Subject
#63 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 5:02 AM
Apparently there's a clue about what season 2 will be about in the "Birth" episode

It’s been a week since the shocking finale of FX’s American Horror Story which found the entire Harmon family dead but happily haunting their home. Co-creator Ryan Murphy told the media last week that season two would be a complete reboot of the show with a new location and new cast. He also teased that the secret to next season could be found in AHS’ final three episodes. Well, AHS fans, EW is gonna narrow it down even further for you: the secret to season two can be found in….SPOILER ALERT…”Birth,” the penultimate episode of the season and the one in which Vivien went into labor. Says Murphy, “Go through it frame by frame. I planted it in there. I will never reveal it.”

Presumably, it's an image/scene rather than a word...I guess I'm off to watch the labor scene again!
Mad Poster
#64 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 11:27 AM
Anybody have it on DVD????

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
Mad Poster
#65 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 3:39 PM
I have it on DVR (but I'm not going to be watching it frame by frame).
Mad Poster
#66 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 5:22 PM
Ahh, come on. (kidding). Seriously, I didn't know you had to view it that closely. I thought maybe you could just pick it up by watching it closely. That was an episode where there was a lot of cutting from scene to scene. I can see how something could easily be hidden in it.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
Mad Poster
#67 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 5:48 PM Last edited by RoseCity : 29th Dec 2011 at 10:19 PM.
I hate that he said that thing about 'go through it frame by frame' - now by sane lazy half is battling my OCD half over trying to find the clue.
Original Poster
#68 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 7:32 PM
Was it birth i thought the clue was in afterbirth I thought the clue was when constance said that violet took the baby and ran she mantioned a specific place I was kinda under the impression that the was the clue well back to square one.
Mad Poster
#69 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 11:32 PM
I know she kept talking about her sister in Florida. She did that in the last couple of episodes before the last one.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
Test Subject
#70 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 11:48 PM
Here's the main speculation for next season from fans -

Possible Location #1: Vermont The episode opens in 1984 with Newhart playing on the television in the background. The show, which ran from 1982 to 1990, took place at an inn ... rife for the haunting?

Possible Location #2: Florida This has been a popular theory with fans. The location was repeatedly mentioned throughout the season since it's where Vivien's sister Jill lives. Plus, there is no shortage of dead people in the retirement capital of America.

Possible Location #3: A Geographically Irrelevant Prison Psychic Billie Dean Howard (played by the divine Sarah Paulson) has a long soliloquy about paramagnetic grip -- how evil can be absorbed by an environment. She says, "You see it all the time in places like prisons or asylums. Negative energy feeds on trauma and pain. It draws those things to it." This echoes a sentiment Ryan expressed during the conference call: "There are all different kinds of horror stores to tell, be it serial killing stories or true crime stories or prison stories."

Possible Location #4: North Carolina circa 1590 In an attempt to help Violet expunge Chad from the house, Billie Dean tells her a story about a Ghost Colony that lived in Roanoke around the turn of the century.

Possible Location #5: London, England In the episode, two doctors treat Vivien: Dr. Marchesi and the unseen Dr. Hall. Well, Marchesi Hall is located in St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

I personally think that next season will take place in a mental hospital. Mainly because, let's say, Ben Harmon (or some other character) is a patient at a mental hospital. He dreamed up/imagined the whole thing (all the occurrences in S1) as a way to cope with his life. (this was big speculation that Ben Harmon was in a mental ward throughout the season for various reasons). Plus it would tie in extremely well with the theme of psychoanalysis that was prevalent in S1.

Since RM confirmed some actors would be coming back, but as different characters, this twist would actually make sense and be a believable way of having actors come back but as different characters.

Also check this out -

Seems out of place to me. After all it's not in Ben's office, it just seems like a really strange thing to be placed.

I think it's taking place in a pysch ward next season.
Mad Poster
#71 Old 30th Dec 2011 at 12:55 AM
Great idea - that looks like the kind of clue he was talking about.
Mad Poster
#72 Old 30th Dec 2011 at 1:15 AM
I watched the whole season in one sitting last week, and I really enjoyed it though at some points I thought it got a bit excessive.

Also, I don't understand the complete adoration some members of the fandom have for Tate. Evan Peters is attractive and adorable in interviews, yes, but his character is violent, aggressive, and even if he cares and loves Violet, that doesn't make up for, you know, raping her mother, setting a man on fire, and going on a shooting spree at his school.

I hope next season is at a psych ward of some sort. I have a creepy fascination with hauntings at such places, so it'd be really cool for the show to be set there.
Test Subject
#73 Old 30th Dec 2011 at 1:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I watched the whole season in one sitting last week, and I really enjoyed it though at some points I thought it got a bit excessive.

Also, I don't understand the complete adoration some members of the fandom have for Tate. Evan Peters is attractive and adorable in interviews, yes, but his character is violent, aggressive, and even if he cares and loves Violet, that doesn't make up for, you know, raping her mother, setting a man on fire, and going on a shooting spree at his school.

I hope next season is at a psych ward of some sort. I have a creepy fascination with hauntings at such places, so it'd be really cool for the show to be set there.

I think the unnatural amount of love for Tate (and I mean as a person - not a character) was for the fact that he was a seemingly a very different character for the first 7 episodes, and many people got attached to him during that time period. If he had been shown murdering innocent people, and raping mothers from the start I don't think there would have been such a fandom love for him.

Truthfully, Tate really was nothing more than a troubled kid with some mental problems in the start of the series, and even when it was revealed that he shot up his school there were many allusions to house possession (like the original Larry story, and Constance making a remark that the house lead Tate to do it) and even some twin theory things. Especially how confused Tate was when the dead breakfast club confronted him, a lot of these things seemingly added up to Tate (possibly) being innocent, so a lot of Tate's actions were "forgiven" for awhile because not everyone was convinced that it really was Tate's doing.

I think this has largely to do with the fact that Murphy didn't tell Evan that he was rubberman/a more sinister character so Evan was just playing him as he was - a confused kid. Had Evan known he was a more sinister character I think his acting style would have been different and made it seem like Tate was less innocent for the first couple episodes (for example, after the rubberman reveal Evan's acting styling became much more sinister/manipulative/creepy).

I think people just got attached to him in the early episodes, and refuse to not love him any less after he became much more sinister. That being said, I like him as a character - as a person, not so much.

tateconfessions is as entertaining as hell tho. It's a scary tumblr. To say the least.
Original Poster
#74 Old 30th Dec 2011 at 4:56 AM
Firstly i think it is absurd that people think London, England is going to be the setting for American Horror Story sorry if I'm taking the title to literaly but I was under the impression that at least the main story line will take place in America. So i could see foreign(to america) characters but not foreign settings.

On Tate ihave to say i think he was probably bi-polar or someone with another high functioning mental illness from the start and he was not a psychopath he doesn't acctualy fit the bill besides I still believe that the house took advantage of that. Also i think Evan did know where the character was headed simply because he acted sinister in the basement when he scared that girl who was mean to violet. the fact is Tate as a character had an imense amount of duality. he truely loved violet but he was also insane.
Test Subject
#75 Old 30th Dec 2011 at 5:24 AM
The scene in the basement lead a lot of people to form the theory that Tate had either (a.) a twin (b.) an alter ego (c.) dissociative identity disorder

Oh Evan definitely knew that he wasn't playing a mentally stable character, but I don't think he was necessarily gearing up for what his character would eventually become. Personally, scaring a girl in a basement isn't necessarily the epitome of disgusting things that Tate has committed, and he actually became less insane as the episodes went by until episode 8 were it went FULL BLAST.

I actually put down my theory that Tate suffered a mental disorder pre-house ghost. At least not from the typical depression symptoms etc (And paranoia). The school shooting he committed seemed to be in effect from the drugs he was taking (and added stress from mother/house) at least that's what I feel RM was hinting at. Growing up with a mother that murders her husbands doesn't help either I suppose...
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