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Mad Poster
#51 Old 14th Jun 2014 at 1:01 AM Last edited by christmas fear : 14th Jun 2014 at 2:01 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by emmyzrulz
Cool! I love your sims already! :'D

Thank you! I have some pictures and I'll post them tonight. For some reason my sims garden disappeared. My game has been weird because my sims had a freezing spring for some reason. It's finally summer in sunset valley again and the weather is back to normal sunny days though.

so let's see..

this is santa's girlfriend (i kind of forgot her name?)

this is santa claus.

my next roll was to adopt three children! so i adopted child number 1 so far. this is ciara.


lots of makeup, ugly clothes, dislikes children

so, we read her to sleep (very cute)

and that night, the house was robbed but the thief was caught (thank god, because this family is broke right now.) the tv and the couch were stolen but returned by the officer.

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#52 Old 15th Jun 2014 at 9:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by christmas fear
and that night, the house was robbed but the thief was caught (thank god, because this family is broke right now.) the tv and the couch were stolen but returned by the officer.

Phew! That could have been bad, good thing evil never triumphs! (That is, unless you yourself are evil... for some reason.)
I hope your having fun xD
Test Subject
#53 Old 17th Jun 2014 at 7:02 AM
Totally doing this! Will post progress once I get on the right computer.
Test Subject
#54 Old 17th Jun 2014 at 8:00 PM
EE! Love this challenge! Tried it once but failed miserably so I’m doing it again with a tighter belt around the rules.

The Unfortunate Victims-

Name him Bob
Red Hair
Inappropriate trait REROLL

Give traits you hate REROLL
Pink hair
Big breasts
Neat trait

Meet Bob and Christina Thoms! Unfortunately, the first thing they did when they moved in was try for baby, so their tiny cabin will already be crowded. Oh well.

First roll: Party time! (Throw a party and invite everyone you can.)
I guess they have to actually know people to do that…

At least they had a good time...
Test Subject
#55 Old 18th Jun 2014 at 8:35 PM
Free Normal house! (Use free real estate cheat and give yourself a normal house.)

Got the Rhapsody in Blue, only a slight improvement from the cabin…

Christina’s been bored without a job, so she goes to community locations a lot.

“Aah, nothing like an alcoholic beverage to soothe the pregnancy nerves…”

It’s a boy! He shall be known as Hedwig until told otherwise.

Next roll: Tv show! (Create a Sim from your favorite TV show and move them into your town and then for the next three days befriend them) REROLL(1/3)

adoption center! (adopt 5 babies if house is full then nothing happens.)

Oh god…

First child- Male:
Named Clark Kent

Second- Female:
Red eyes
Dream girlfriend REROLL

Incidentally, Hedwig aged up as well.

Give traits you hate REROLL
Yellow eyes
Red hair

Ah, takes after his father.

Still awaiting the last three adopted kiddos… *sigh*
#56 Old 19th Jun 2014 at 3:49 AM Last edited by PSDuckie : 19th Jun 2014 at 5:55 PM.
Well, I decided to try this challenge My rolls for the sims were as follows:

Male Sim:
  • Lots of makeup
  • Extra 2 rolls
  • Elf ears
and the extra two rolls were...
  • Lucky trait
  • Make your dream boy friend in game

Well, that last one was kind of hard for me to do, given that I'm a guy, so what I ended up doing was making a fantasy/sci-fi version of myself. With elf ears. And lots of makeup. And the lucky trait. Meet Foxfire Asperia.

His traits are Lucky/Genius/Artistic/Ambitious/Computer Whiz, and his LTW is High Tech Collector. I'm going to put him in the Magician career.

Now for the female sim:
  • Ugliest clothing you can find
  • Black hair
  • No makeup

Having already made Foxfire with the ITF clothes, I looked at the female ITF outfits to see if I could find anything especially ugly, and I did. Meet Lumeria Astara, a Sim with terrible fashion sense but a heart of gold. She's also Foxfire's girlfriend.

Her traits are Good/Adventurous/Over-Emotional/Hopeless Romantic/Rebellious, and her LTW is Dynamic DNA Profiler, which I'm going to have her follow.

And now for the event roll: Duel! (Fight another sim) Let's see who ends up getting into a fight.......

(P.S. 10 points for anyone who knows where I got Foxfire's first name from!)

UPDATE: Lumeria went to visit the MacAnnas and Teagan randomly attacked her. Lumeria lost the fight, but the roll is complete.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Day 3 has come, and I rolled Hair lice! Both Foxfire and Lumeria are getting haircuts. Oh, and Lumeria is pregnant.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: It is now Day 8. Day 6's roll was Shopping spree! so I had my Sims buy the Jimmy Sprocket set for Arilyn (Foxfire and Lumeria's first child). I did not have them buy food because they do not have a fridge to store it in. (I'm using the food replicator from ITF instead.) Speaking of Arilyn, due to Lumeria's wish to have a girl and no conflicting wish from Foxfire, I used watermelons to force the gender. Her rolls were as follows:
  • Grey/white/black skin
  • Tiny breasts

Lumeria is stuck at level 2 in the Law Enforcement career due to marital (that's right, I had Foxfire and Lumeria get married) and maternity leave, while Foxfire is at level 4 in the Magician career.

And finally, due to a wish from Foxfire and incredible luck with Risky WooHoo (seriously, there is a 0.9% chance of things happening the way they did), Lumeria is pregnant again.

The Darkdusk Legacy has ended. Read the whole thing!
The Nightmagic Legacy has ended. Read the whole thing!
Last of Her Kind has ended thanks to a dead computer.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#57 Old 20th Jun 2014 at 7:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by -Vi
Free Normal house! (Use free real estate cheat and give yourself a normal house.)

Got the Rhapsody in Blue, only a slight improvement from the cabin…

Christina’s been bored without a job, so she goes to community locations a lot.

“Aah, nothing like an alcoholic beverage to soothe the pregnancy nerves…”

It’s a boy! He shall be known as Hedwig until told otherwise.

Next roll: Tv show! (Create a Sim from your favorite TV show and move them into your town and then for the next three days befriend them) REROLL(1/3)

adoption center! (adopt 5 babies if house is full then nothing happens.)

Oh god…

First child- Male:
Named Clark Kent

Second- Female:
Red eyes
Dream girlfriend REROLL

Incidentally, Hedwig aged up as well.

Give traits you hate REROLL
Yellow eyes
Red hair

Ah, takes after his father.

Still awaiting the last three adopted kiddos… *sigh*

Haha! What an adorable family you have. I love all of your sims xD
I hope your having a super awesome amount of fun! ^^
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#58 Old 20th Jun 2014 at 7:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
Well, I decided to try this challenge My rolls for the sims were as follows:

Male Sim:
  • Lots of makeup
  • Extra 2 rolls
  • Elf ears
and the extra two rolls were...
  • Lucky trait
  • Make your dream boy friend in game

Well, that last one was kind of hard for me to do, given that I'm a guy, so what I ended up doing was making a fantasy/sci-fi version of myself. With elf ears. And lots of makeup. And the lucky trait. Meet Foxfire Asperia.

His traits are Lucky/Genius/Artistic/Ambitious/Computer Whiz, and his LTW is High Tech Collector. I'm going to put him in the Magician career.

Now for the female sim:
  • Ugliest clothing you can find
  • Black hair
  • No makeup

Having already made Foxfire with the ITF clothes, I looked at the female ITF outfits to see if I could find anything especially ugly, and I did. Meet Lumeria Astara, a Sim with terrible fashion sense but a heart of gold. She's also Foxfire's girlfriend.

Her traits are Good/Adventurous/Over-Emotional/Hopeless Romantic/Rebellious, and her LTW is Dynamic DNA Profiler, which I'm going to have her follow.

And now for the event roll: Duel! (Fight another sim) Let's see who ends up getting into a fight.......

(P.S. 10 points for anyone who knows where I got Foxfire's first name from!)

UPDATE: Lumeria went to visit the MacAnnas and Teagan randomly attacked her. Lumeria lost the fight, but the roll is complete.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Day 3 has come, and I rolled Hair lice! Both Foxfire and Lumeria are getting haircuts. Oh, and Lumeria is pregnant.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: It is now Day 8. Day 6's roll was Shopping spree! so I had my Sims buy the Jimmy Sprocket set for Arilyn (Foxfire and Lumeria's first child). I did not have them buy food because they do not have a fridge to store it in. (I'm using the food replicator from ITF instead.) Speaking of Arilyn, due to Lumeria's wish to have a girl and no conflicting wish from Foxfire, I used watermelons to force the gender. Her rolls were as follows:
  • Grey/white/black skin
  • Tiny breasts

Lumeria is stuck at level 2 in the Law Enforcement career due to marital (that's right, I had Foxfire and Lumeria get married) and maternity leave, while Foxfire is at level 4 in the Magician career.

And finally, due to a wish from Foxfire and incredible luck with Risky WooHoo (seriously, there is a 0.9% chance of things happening the way they did), Lumeria is pregnant again.

I think thats awesome! by the sound of everything you seem to be doing good ^^ I hope you have lots of luck and don't havto kill anyone soon xD
Lab Assistant
#59 Old 20th Jun 2014 at 8:00 PM
my game has been failing again so no updates until i fix it
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#60 Old 20th Jun 2014 at 8:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by slave_zombie_student
my game has been failing again so no updates until i fix it

I know how you feel, My entire computer failed, I have to wait until I can get it fixed to play my game at all D:
Lab Assistant
#61 Old 20th Jun 2014 at 9:58 PM
Adopt 5 babies!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!? lol
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#62 Old 20th Jun 2014 at 10:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by youcrAzy
Adopt 5 babies!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!? lol

LOL. Because i'm pure evil. Bwahaha.
Make note... I didn't say you had to treat them well or anything.... xD
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#63 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 1:26 AM
I had to restart the entire challenge because of a personal issue with the computer (BURN IT TO HELL!!!)
I had to simply restart. ^^ I hope you all enjoy the new sims and story, and i'm sorry about this....
I would also like to note I am NOT ever going to use a re roll. ^^

I chose before hand to create a lesbian couple because I like new styles of game play. ^^

So the first female sim is Strawberry Cream (because of her unique hair color ^^)
Rolls: Blue eyes, Elf Ears, Big Breasts! A Sim sum up (You see what I did there?) She's very shy and tries to avoid people entirely because men keep flirting with her. And its no kidding why! xD

My second sim is a bit more... Insane. Don't worry, not in a Sir Hogwash sort of way ^^ Her name is George Cream, don't tell me a woman can't be named George because Nancy drew says other wise :P
Rolls: Ugliest clothing you can find. (Oh. Okay, Rule said nothing about decorating them to try and make them non ugly.... xD) Lots of makeup (Bleh... Makeup. xD I love making sims without tons of makeup. ^^), Insane Trait. A short sim sum is that she loves animals.... As in she used to be a taxidermist xD The ugliest clothing I find is the more provocative clothing. >w> (And no. I think glasses are super sexy!!! :D)

I will go ahead and roll, but the first event won't be until a bit later ^^'
Build a new house (Crap I'm not going to have any money for this... Guess there getting a crap house then.)

Okay, See you guys later! ^^
Mad Poster
#64 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 2:50 AM
ugh, man i hate ITF clothing with a burning passion. and there's literally only one female outfit i like from WA.
EA clothes are the worst sometimes
Test Subject
#65 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 5:35 AM
Default Cool Challenge!
I would love to do a Lets Play on Youtube of this challenge, as long as that's okay with you? I will give you credit for the challenge idea, no worries I don't think we are allowed to post links to other sites (Youtube) on here, so I will post pictures of my progress as well in this thread.
~Metznmbr2 (aka odomdl2)
#66 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by odomdl2
I would love to do a Lets Play on Youtube of this challenge, as long as that's okay with you? I will give you credit for the challenge idea, no worries I don't think we are allowed to post links to other sites (Youtube) on here, so I will post pictures of my progress as well in this thread.
~Metznmbr2 (aka odomdl2)

I've posted Youtube links before and never had any problem with it. Granted, this was in the Movies section, but I just thought I'd let you know.

The Darkdusk Legacy has ended. Read the whole thing!
The Nightmagic Legacy has ended. Read the whole thing!
Last of Her Kind has ended thanks to a dead computer.
Test Subject
#67 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
I've posted Youtube links before and never had any problem with it. Granted, this was in the Movies section, but I just thought I'd let you know.

Hum...maybe I was thinking of a different site...lol. I will try to post a link, but if I can't I will just post pics. Thanks Duckie
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#68 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 1:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by odomdl2
I would love to do a Lets Play on Youtube of this challenge, as long as that's okay with you? I will give you credit for the challenge idea, no worries I don't think we are allowed to post links to other sites (Youtube) on here, so I will post pictures of my progress as well in this thread.
~Metznmbr2 (aka odomdl2)

Yes yes yes yes xD You can totally do that, Just link me the video's in pm's... if your allowed to do that.... xD You don't have to post pictures if you don't want to, I love that you think this challenge fun enough for a lets play :'D have lots and lots of fun xD
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#69 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 1:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by christmas fear
ugh, man i hate ITF clothing with a burning passion. and there's literally only one female outfit i like from WA.
EA clothes are the worst sometimes

I just roll wit it. I had some pretty CC dresses but none of them would fit there personality ^^
I wish you could make CC way easier. I would have a ball. xD I'm hoping with the sliders in the new sims 4 they add a sort of feature that lets you slide the clothing... that would be awesome!
Test Subject
#70 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 5:11 PM
Default Yay!
Quote: Originally posted by emmyzrulz
Yes yes yes yes xD You can totally do that, Just link me the video's in pm's... if your allowed to do that.... xD You don't have to post pictures if you don't want to, I love that you think this challenge fun enough for a lets play :'D have lots and lots of fun xD

I think it has great potential! I will link it either through here or pm. Have a great day
Test Subject
#71 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:07 PM
This challenge looks really fun so I thought I'd give it a go . This is my first time attempting a proper challenge. Here goes:

Piers Lancaster - Loner trait, Pink eyes, beard
Celeste Lancaster - Hat Hairstyle, All Traits I hate (absent-minded, technophobe, commitment issues and angler), Vegetarian trait
Family Member - Daughter [Theresa Lancaster - Very Muscular (will have to wait until she's older), Ugly nose, Blue Eyes]
Event - Stupid Bank Robber (set family funds to zero)

I moved the Lancasters into one of the cheapest houses I could find and then set their family funds to zero. Thankfully, the house came fully furnished will all the essentials and enough beds for all three of them. Due to the lack of funds, Piers had to get a job in the Music industry (his first wish). But his wages weren't enough to pay the bills, so a couple of lamps and a houseplant had to be sold to pay them off.
The toilet got clogged up a couple of times and as I couldn't afford the repair man (never has £50 simoleons felt so dear ) Celeste had to take care of it whilst Piers went off to work.
Theresa constantly wished for a play table but Piers' wages had to be spent on more important things (smoke alarm ).
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#72 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:09 PM Last edited by emmyzrulz : 21st Jun 2014 at 8:38 PM.
Okay, so no new uploads on the story due to the fact It erased my save (Screww itttt.)
I'm going to completely make a new save ;-;
I hope you all like it <3
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#73 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by odomdl2
I think it has great potential! I will link it either through here or pm. Have a great day

Oh! And if you are allowed to post you tube links, then I'l link your lets play in the challenge itself. Okay?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#74 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BlueSkyGirl448
This challenge looks really fun so I thought I'd give it a go . This is my first time attempting a proper challenge. Here goes:

Piers Lancaster - Loner trait, Pink eyes, beard
Celeste Lancaster - Hat Hairstyle, All Traits I hate (absent-minded, technophobe, commitment issues and angler), Vegetarian trait
Family Member - Daughter [Theresa Lancaster - Very Muscular (will have to wait until she's older), Ugly nose, Blue Eyes]
Event - Stupid Bank Robber (set family funds to zero)

I moved the Lancasters into one of the cheapest houses I could find and then set their family funds to zero. Thankfully, the house came fully furnished will all the essentials and enough beds for all three of them. Due to the lack of funds, Piers had to get a job in the Music industry (his first wish). But his wages weren't enough to pay the bills, so a couple of lamps and a houseplant had to be sold to pay them off.
The toilet got clogged up a couple of times and as I couldn't afford the repair man (never has £50 simoleons felt so dear ) Celeste had to take care of it whilst Piers went off to work.
Theresa constantly wished for a play table but Piers' wages had to be spent on more important things (smoke alarm ).

Oooh! Cool! I love Celeste. ^^ I hope your having tons and tons of fun ^^
Test Subject
#75 Old 21st Jun 2014 at 6:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by emmyzrulz
Oh! And if you are allowed to post you tube links, then I'l link your lets play in the challenge itself. Okay?

Sure! Thanks
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