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Original Poster
#1 Old 17th Jan 2009 at 3:55 PM
The Architect - Round 4 & Final Results Posted! Congrats to our Winner!
Welcome to 'The Architect', a contest to see if you can come in on time and on budget with building designs for 4 very special clients! Submit your bids and see who will be named the 'Architect'!

(*No sims required or used in this competition.)

General Rules
1.) No photoshopping, adding text, graphics, borders to any submitted photos. Photos may be taken traditionally in-game, or by use of 'printscreen'.
2.) All lots submitted must be new, original designs. There will be no 'flipping' of pre-made Maxis homes allowed, or use of downloaded homes.
3.) Pay attention to the requirements for each round as following specific directions counts! Deduction in points WILL BE MADE from scores for contestants who do not follow directions!

Judging Guidelines
Round 2 Guidelines
Round 1 Results
Round 3 Guidelines
Round 2 Results
Final Round Guidelines
Round 3 Results
Round 4 Results
Final Results & Winner

The Rounds
This contest will have at least 4 Rounds, making the winner eligible for a 'star'. If all contestants are timely with their entries, we will perhaps have time to add a 5th Round. As of now the Rounds will be as follows:

Round 1- Exotica
Round 2- The American Dream
Round 3- On Golden Pond
Round 4- Two Tickets to Paradise
(Current Round in progress will be highlighted in bold print.)

Round 1- Closed/Complete
Round 2- Closed/Complete
Round 3- Closed/Complete
Round 4- Closed/Complete

The Contestants

1.) kattenijin-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

2.) Clw8 -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

3.) craziidaisii -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

4.) iCad -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

5.) LostSock -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

6.) Deatherella -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

7.) I.nfectious -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

8.) Eedgan -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

9.) SimCharley1990 -
Round 1
Dropped Out

10.) TRIriana -
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4


Round 1- Exotica
Your client for Round 1 is Olivia Sinclair, a beautiful, outgoing recent college grad who loves anything to do with 'the islands' and anything tropical. Olivia works a lot at her new job, but has many friends and entertains often. Her dream is to one day retire to the Hawaiian Islands, but for now your challenge is to give her an exotic dream home in the suburbs. Your budget for this round is $16,220. Olivia has specific needs for her very first home, they are:

~ A lot size no greater than 2X2
~ 2 story home of exotic/tropical design
~ A minimum of 1 Kitchen, 1 Bedroom, 1 Full Bathroom
~ A driveway (*See note below!)
~ Ready to move in condition: completed interior without furnishings. (**See note below!)
~ Completed exterior
~ Landscaping

(*NOTE: If you do not have NL, you may 'fake' the driveway using flooring materials. The specs on your drive should be 5X8 (5 squares wide by 8 squares long) to keep it within the size of the actual driveway. You must add $100 to the cost of your lot as if you were placing a real driveway. You will not be penalized by the judges for doing the driveway this way.)

(**NOTE: The definition of move-in condition means that there are counter-tops and a sink in the kitchen at minimum, basic lighting fixtures in all rooms (like ceiling lights), and a toilet, tub, shower, or tub/shower combo, sink and light fixture all bathrooms. It also means that all interior/exterior floors have been laid, interior/exterior walls painted, and all architectural details like doors, archways, windows, columns are completed/finished.)

Materials that need to be submitted for Round 1:
1.) Your name and the Round # in the subject bar of your post.
2.) 4 Photos of your completed design; 1 of the exterior from the front, 1 of the exterior from the rear, 2 overhead (1 of each floor) with roof removed so layout of rooms can be seen.
3.) A list of the names and dimensions of each interior room.
4.) The home's list of amenities.
5.) Total purchase cost of lot.

You are allowed to use as much or as little custom content in the creation of your lot as you'd like. No foundations to be used in this round. Remember to keep your client and her needs in mind when you are designing! You may add more to the home than the basic requirements, but remember, you must stay on budget and the final cost of the home must meet or be under the client's budget!


Official Judges
1.) chowgilly
2.) SoupOfLegends
3.) CisteCaise

Emergency Judges
2.) MissTech
(Please note that I will only step in as an emergency judge IF the first emergency judge is unable to step in, or if more than one regular judge has to skip a round, or, in the case of a tie. I will step in only in those circumstances. Should a judge need to step aside I will try to find a permanent replacement for them before stepping in to judge myself.)

The winner of the Architect will receive the sim from my avvie, Eve. The winner may choose from the teen or adult version of this sim. The winner will also receive a residential lot (2 Willow pictured below).

ALL CONTESTANT PARTICIPANTS, (who completed the contest) will receive their choice of one of the two prizes offered to the winner for their loyal participation!
retired moderator
#2 Old 20th Jan 2009 at 10:51 PM
Contest Approved
Begins 1.20.09
Ends 2.21.09
  • Do not post replies and/or contest applications before the contest host has checked in on this thread, or your post will be deleted.
  • DO NOT WRITE USELESS POSTS like "Hey cool contest, I think I might join." Reserve type posts and useless posts about coming back with an application will be deleted.

Formerly known as boolPropped
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Jan 2009 at 3:13 PM
Officially checking in! Welcome everyone. Hope to see some entries soon.
#4 Old 22nd Jan 2009 at 4:19 PM
Ooh, yay! I was hoping this contest would go. :D

I have a question though. The round 1 said no foundations, but is that just that the house can't be on foundations? Can we use them for stairs or in the garden?
Undead Molten Llama
#5 Old 22nd Jan 2009 at 9:41 PM
Hmmm...I might just do this. Question, though: On the list of rooms and dimensions, by dimensions, I'm assuming you mean "# of tiles X # of tiles," right? I mean, that's the only way I can think of of denoting dimensions, but have been known to be dense on occasion...
Original Poster
#6 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 10:03 AM
Hi guys, thanks for your interest in the contest! Answering questions:

LostSock: Yes, no foundations used in this round of the contest on the house. If you wished to make a gazebo in the yard on a foundation, that would be fine because a gazebo is not technically part of the house. Hope that helps.

iCad: I dont quite understand your question. The only dimensions given in the list are the lot size (2x2), and the dimensions (number of tiles) for a driveway so those that dont have nightlife can simulate one. Other than that, there are no specifications on room sizes. But yes, I did mean number of tiles in the dimension listing for the driveway. Hope thats what you were looking for.
Forum Resident
#7 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 6:58 PM
I think iCad was referring to this bit here-
Materials that need to be submitted for Round 1:
3.) A list of the names and dimensions of each interior room.

If that is the case, then I do believe he has the right idea, for example
Living Room 6x4 (tiles)

One question- is it ok to use bits of the stage/split level tool inside the house?

"I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind, yet, I'm ungrateful to those teachers. "- Kahlil Gibran
Undead Molten Llama
#8 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 9:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by megativity13
I think iCad was referring to this bit here-
Materials that need to be submitted for Round 1:
3.) A list of the names and dimensions of each interior room.

If that is the case, then I do believe he has the right idea, for example
Living Room 6x4 (tiles)

Yep, that was exactly what I meant. Might be difficult for me, as I have a habit of creating rooms that aren't square/rectangular, both for Sims and in real-life houses that I design, but I'll figure it out.
#9 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 2:55 AM
Hey...I'm most likely going to join... just thought i'd mention that

Oh, just thought of something. You say not to photoshop things, but, you also request a 2 story home, and only allow 1 pic for interior views. So, do you allow photoshoping to combine the 2 pics, or, should I just post 4 pictures total, instead of 3?

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Original Poster
#10 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 11:24 AM
Hey everyone-Just an update!

First- Hi Meg! Thanks for clearing that up and you are correct. I totally missed that in my own thread. We'll just chalk that up to my having a "senior moment!"

iCad: your rooms do not need to be completely square. should you have an odd shaped room, you can put in the dimensions as 6.5 X 3.5 for a room dimension if you have to.

clw8: Yes you are correct. you need a layout photo for each floor, so that means you need 4 pictures instead of 3. I'll go fix that in the main post. Thanks.

craziidaisii- I am not sure on how to resize things outside of a paint program, but if you need to use that to resize pics to make them fit on here, that is okay. My no photoshopping rule does not apply to resizing to fit the site guidelines. Perhaps someone in this thread knows. Sorry.

Katt- Hi! So nice to see you! You are also the very first contestant! Thank you!!

Just a quick note to all of you: So you guys are more familiar with me and how my contests work... I tend to come online VERY early in the mornings (eastern time since I live on the east coast usa), and try to take care of stuff then. I do try to check in on the thread a few times a day, though I may not necessarily be logged in each time I check. If you need me for some reason, or have some problem, I prefer you PM me with it rather than posting in thread, unless its a problem your fellow contestants can help you with.
I intend to run this contest no matter how many enter, though of course if there are too few entries it wont be much fun. The optimal amount of entries though (I think) is 10 so that this contest can earn the winner a star.

LAZYVIOLET has offered some prizes, so there will be updates coming to that area soon. Three cheers for lazyviolet!!! ALSO, we need judges!!!! Maybe I should mention here that I give prizes to my judges as well for taking the time to help with the contest. (This is usually something I dont announce so its a nice little surprise for the judges at the end of the contest, but since we NEED some to step up now, I thought I'd mention it!)

Think that's about it for now!

EDIT: Ever since they took the linky button away in the post control panel, I cannot get links to lay out correctly or the way I want them. I want them to say "Round 1" and open them in a new window, but every time I put the code in, it just displays the code. Anyone know what I'M doing wrong?!?!?
#11 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 4:14 PM
Default Clw8: Round 1 - Exotic/Tropical Suburbian
16 Get-Away Ln.
Your perfect little get-away....


Being built on a island, though a little inland, it only seemed fitting to place on stilts, though, this also played around with the whole jungle / safari look too. This is the perfect wild get-away from the city home, for 1 or 2 sims max.

Main Features: Driveway, Bed-N-Bath Suite upstairs with view, Matured Trees + Healthy Saplings.

Other Features: Kitchen, Additional Bath (Full Size), Double Living Areas.

-Smallest lot thru BV: 3x1 lot
-Price: $15,947

Entry Floor:
Kitchen - 4x4 (-2 tiles) -Counters, Sink, Light Fixture
Full Bath - 4x2 -Tub/Shower Combo, Toilet, Sink, Light Fixture
Living - 3x6 -Stairs, Light Fixture

Top Floor:
Living - 4x6 (-4 tiles) -Stairs, Light Fixture
Bed - 4x6 (-4 tiles) -Light Fixture
Full Bath - 3x2 - Toilet, Sink, Shower, Light Fixture

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 4:21 PM
Default craziidaisii - Round One
923 Iris Street

This two story house on Iris Street is perfect for a couple or someone looking for a place of their own. With beach just on the other side of the road, you can wake up to an ocean view everyday. It is not overwhelmingly beach like because it has to blend in. There are plenty of wall inside to paint as bright as needed.



First Floor:

Entry: 1x3
Kitchen: 3x5
Living/Dining Area: 4x8 plus a 1x3 area

Second Floor:

Landing: 3x6
Bedroom: 4x5
Bathroom: 3x3

This house is on a 2x2 lot and costs $15,771. There is a refrigerator, oven/stove, sink, smoke detector, burglar alarm, toilet, pedestal sink, and a shower.
I know there are four pictures, but I couldn't find a way to edit them without the pictures being really, really small.
This is my first contest, so bear with me.
Undead Molten Llama
#13 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 11:43 PM
Default iCad: Round 1
Octagonal Oasis!
Brand-new beachfront construction offers the best...on a budget!

This stylish contempo is the perfect home for a single Sim with a small pocketbook and a full social calendar. It offers a roomy open floor plan and irregularly-shaped rooms to challenge and stimulate your decorating sensibilities. Floor-to-ceiling second-floor windows offer spectacular ocean and neighborhood views, and the second-level sundeck or spacious back patio are perfect places to entertain or just to relax and work on your tan. Finished inside and out in soothing greens and clean, peaceful whites, with hardwood, stone, and ceramic tile flooring, this is the perfect house to get away from it all...or to party to your heart's content. Comes complete with mature palm trees to sway in the wind.

Front view:

Rear view:

1st Floor:

The first floor offers:

Covered and half-walled entryway (3x3)
Entry Foyer with stone flooring (Roughly triangular, 3 tiles on a side)
Full Bathroom w/private toilet compartment (4x2, plus 2x1 bump-out for tub/shower)
Kitchen (Roughly 4x3. The countertops and sink are in place, obvious niches for range and refrigerator)
Open Living/Dining Area (Irregularly shaped, roughly 5X7...ish )
Spiral Staircase

2nd Floor:

The second floor offers:

Ensuite Bedroom (No fixtures in bath): Bedroom is irregularly shaped, roughly 4x6. Bath is 2x3.
Sitting/Hobby/Study Area (irregularly shaped)
Outdoor Half-walled Sundeck (Roughly 3X4)

All this for $16,160!

(Note: There is a real driveway on this lot; it's an invisible recolor of the concrete one, and it's sitting on top of the stone floor tiles. Also, my screenshot shows a lot size of 30 x 20, too, when it is indeed a 2x2 lot. I double-checked. I, too, have the Lot Adjuster in my game, so that must be what it is.)
#14 Old 25th Jan 2009 at 9:40 AM
Default LostSock Round 1
Here I present CapeTown, a small suburban lot on the edge of a hill in the sunny neighbourhood.

Built for the island life craving sim, this home has many elements of Caribbean and Hawaiian architectural features, as well as still retaining some features for comfort for the occupants, as the neighbourhood still experiences the full four seasons.

From the road we can see the front entrance and a lovely bright façade, with simple and elegant windows to allow as much light possible to flow through the home.

The backyard features a lovely little pool amongst the hardy tropical trees, with a separate patio partially sheltered beside the house, for back yard barbeque parties. There is plenty of space to expand and build a garden, or create a larger pool. From here you can also see the multitude of windows, again for allowing viewing pleasure of the yard and to soak as much sun in the house as possible.

The first floor contains a small half bath, a corner kitchen fully equipped and with room for a small breakfast area, as well as a raised livingroom perfect for entertaining. There are half walls shared with the kitchen, in order to permit more flow through the space and allow for socializing with visiting guests while running to the kitchen to fix dinner. The livingroom is 4x4, the kitchen is 3x6, and the half bath is 2x2.

The top floor houses a very large open bedroom with large windows. The floor is a very light hardwood, as the traditional Caribbean tile floors would be too cold in the winter. In the stair landing there is room for a small desk and office. The bathroom has plenty of light, with a full bath and storage under the sink. The bedroom is 5x7, minus a 3 square balcony, and the bathroom is approximately 3x3, in a non-square shape.

And the costs. Oddly, it's a 2x2 lot, but shows up as 2x3. I don't have lot expander though. :S

Original Poster
#15 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 10:16 AM
Hi everyone, just a quick update!

Well, we have judges! We still could use an emergency judge, but we are now set with official judges.

The contestant list has been updated to reflect the most recent entries.

Now the deadline for entry is approximately 25 hours away. I MAY extend this for a period of 24 extra hours because our schedule does allow for a small extension. As I said prior, we will be going ahead no matter the number of contestants, but I would really like to get as many as possible to hopefully make this contest 'star-worthy' for the winner. I will make that decision tomorrow morning.

Sorry if anyone thought I bailed because I wasnt on yesterday. It was my youngest's birthday (14), so I was doing birthday stuff with him.
#16 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 3:23 PM
Default Deatherella - Round 1 Exotica
The Kaluah Ketch on Belladonna Cove is perfect for the imaginative Sim looking for a home in an ocean front setting reminding one of tropical islands. Naturally stained wood flooring and stucco walls are featured throughout the home. The exterior of the home has blue-stained wood. A driveway in pastel cobblestones contrasts nicely with the ocean and the home.
One enters into a two-storey foyer featuring floor to roof windows and an open balcony above. A hanging chandelier will light your way after dusk. The kitchen is ready for the lucky new owner to finish with appliances of her/his choice. The walls are done in white stained wainscoting with mocha stucco along the top. A large living area will accomodate guests while entertaining. It is done in harbor blue stucco -- bringing the ocean in -- with a hanging chandelier perfect for a dining area off the kitchen.
A full bathroom done in neutral tone mosaic tiling can be found on the second floor. Off the hallway, a small mezzanie offers one a space to take a little walk-about. Along with a large bedroom done in sage green stucco. Soft ocean breezes enter through the floor to ceiling windows opening onto a "hull-shaped" deck. One can go outside at night and watch the sunset over the water or wish upon a star with that special someone.

Street View:

Back View:

1st Storey:

2nd Storey:

This is a 2x2 lot costing 16,211s. The driveway is invisible over painted terrain.

Foyer: 3x4 on first floor, 4x4 on second (including balcony).
Living/Dining Area: 7x8
Kitchen: 4x4
Bedroom: 4x7
Deck: 3x7
Bathroom 3x4 (with a 1x1 sq cut out of one corner)
Mezzanie: 1x7

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Top Secret Researcher
#17 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 3:34 PM
I may join this - i'm no house builder at all but I might aswell give it a try.
And i allowed to have a 'fake' beach lot- i mean a regular 2x2 with 'beach' terrian, or because it's in the suburbs would it have to be a 'grassy' terrian?

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#18 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 5:57 PM
oh wow! what a great contest! expect my entry in sometime soon
Mad Poster
#19 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 9:16 PM
I would very much like to enter, but I won't be able to get my entry in until tomorrow evening (GMT), ie in about 24 hours. Would that still be ok?
#20 Old 27th Jan 2009 at 4:16 AM
Default I.nfectious: Round One
Tropical Hideaway

Front View

Rear View

First Floor

Second Floor

A two-storey tropical home tucked away on the edge of town. Originally the building was a fishing tackle shop before being lovingly restored by it's current owners.
It is now on the market for §16,214.
Lot Size: 2x2 (it says 3x2 but it isn't - I don't have the lot adjuster)

Ground Floor
Entance Porch: 1x3
Hall Area: 3x3
Living Room: 4x5
Bathroom 2x3
Kitchen/Dining Area: 4x8 fitted with sink & oven
Outdoor Entertainment Area: 5x5

First Floor
Landing Area: 2x3
Bedroom: approx 4x4

*I used the invisible driveway over terrain paints

Interior & bonus shots can be viewed *HERE*

Original Poster
#21 Old 27th Jan 2009 at 9:31 AM
Hi everyone. Okay, I am going to extend the entry deadline for another 24 hours. This now makes the deadline to enter Wed, Jan. 28th @ 6:00AM EST. If you know anyone interested in entering tell them to do it now!! LOL!

SimCharley- yes a beachy lot would be perfectly fine.

Still hoping for an EJ to come along, but other than that, things are going pretty well!
Forum Resident
#22 Old 27th Jan 2009 at 8:15 PM
Default Eedgan - Round 1
13 Wave Crest
Lot Size – 2x2
Lot Value – R16 045

Eedgan Construction Co is proud to present our latest creation. Number 13 Wave Crest is a simple, no nonsense home for a single person or a newly-wed couple. Clean lines, uncomplicated floor plans and plenty of light – what more can you ask for in a home? Built on a 2x2 lot, it boasts a swimming pool, parking for one vehicle as well as the most breathtaking views of the Simpacific Ocean. The ground floor features an open plan living room, dining area and kitchen – ideal for entertaining. French doors off the dining area lead to an outdoor entertaining area beside the pool – this area also includes an outdoor fireplace - great for those chilly evenings or for roasting marshmallows! The upper floor houses a spacious bedroom and en suite. French doors in the bedroom lead to another outdoor entertaining area – for more intimate entertaining and spacious enough for a hot tub, should you so desire.





Room Dimensions

Living Room/Kitchen/Dining Area - 9 x 7
Toilet - 2 x 2
Bedroom - 6 x 5
En Suite - 2 x 3

I have not entered a contest in ages! I hope I remember to do everything correctly... Good luck to all contestants.

I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something is wrong with me.
- Anonymous

Sideways Garage Tutorial
#23 Old 27th Jan 2009 at 9:20 PM
Just thought I'd clear my head of virtual laughter, as, my house up there is a total joke. I must have been 'on' something when I made it. Its actually my redo, as, my first one was actually a beach house! Blue walls, palms, everything. Then, I really don't know what happened up there with that Japanese type of thing. Err.! So, if you wanna like cut me from the competition you can, cause yeah, I totally understand that it doesn't fit in with the challenge.


Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Top Secret Researcher
#24 Old 27th Jan 2009 at 9:26 PM
Default simcharley. -R1.

1 Guilden Lane

Room Dimensions-
Downstairs Bathroom - 2x2
Upstairs Bathroom - 4x2
Kitchen (open plan) - 4x4 (without rest of the open plan)
Rest of downstairs open plan - roughly 7x7
Upstairs open floor - roughly 7x7







1st Floor.

2nd Floor.

"All walls are plastered with a simple white design - ready for the new resident of the house. The floors are a simple wood floor which can be easily removed to the owners liking. There is a simple kitchen acquainted with a fridge, sink, sereval counters and a stove. The little bathroom has a sink and toilet, while the master bathroom has a sink, toilet and a shower/tub combo. Overall, I aimed for a 'beach shack' design for the house while keeping it 'sub-urban' worthy."
The total cost for this house is - £16,408 and is on a 2x2 lot.

** I used an invisble driveway recolour with a mixture of terrian paints to cover it.

I hope everything is ok, i'm not a very good builder, nor have I entered in house-building contest before :/

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#25 Old 28th Jan 2009 at 1:20 AM

Kitchen: 3x5
Dining Room: 3x5
Living Room: 6x6
Bathroom: 3x3
Bedroom: 9x6


Front View

Back View

Ground Floor View

First Floor View


This beach front property is a very open plan type of place, providing room for entertaining within the walls whilst also giving a deceptively spacious feel to the building. A medium-sized dining room follows from the small kitchen and, whilst space may be lacking here to some it more than provides for one person, like our grad student. The living room has plenty of space and, just off this is a full downstairs bathroom. Upstairs the area is given over entirely to a large bathroom, which sports wallpaper in a more tropical fashion. The house does overlook the sea from the front, and the adjacent properties from the back, where a driveway can also be found. From front and back are sizeable terraces, giving two exterior areas that can also be given over to entertaining guests. The plot also has plenty of room for future extensions.
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