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#1 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 5:54 PM
Default Being in control - why did EA make this so hard?
Last week, I bought sims 3 like everyone else. I love it, and it has a lot of new opertunities. But what I didn't like, was that the neighborhood was packed with pre-made maxis sims, that I didn't really feel like playing at or exploring (except the goths and crumplebottom...). I didn't feel like I was in control, and I like knowing all the sims names... I wanted to play on my sims.

Therefore, I started over in riverview, and deleted all families that were living there (except Don Lothario, the Newbies and the Broke's). I made a few families, and moved in, feeling excited to see how the neighborhood would evolve.

My first disappointment, was when maxis-made families kept moving into the empty houses. It was probably the game feeling like the neighborhood was a bit empty, but it was very annoying. I wanted it to me my neighborhood, with my own sims.

Then, suddenly one of my sims had a baby without a mother. I have herd about this bug, and I know that it has something to do with the story progress. I have read the instructions EA has given us, but I don't know how to do it. My computer has Norwegian as language, and my game is installed in Norwegian. Therefore, I'm a bit afraid to start changing the files, because I don't want to ruin anything...

Why did maxis have to make it so hard to make your own neighborhood. I know that they have said that they're going to place out tools to make your own neighborhoods, but why didn't they put that in the game? The game was delayed, didn't they have enough time?

Hmm, I wish it was easier being in control...

Lab Assistant
#2 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 6:01 PM
I don't know. Honestly, I think EA thinks that they can take away the customizability of TS2 and get away with it by distracting us with the shiny new texture/color options.
#3 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 6:13 PM
Well the ability to turn off story progression is SUPPOSED to be a click of a button. It's just that that button doesn't work right now...

They can really only give us a living thriving neighborhood OR complete control. They can't do both.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 7:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by alyria80
Well the ability to turn off story progression is SUPPOSED to be a click of a button. It's just that that button doesn't work right now...

They can really only give us a living thriving neighborhood OR complete control. They can't do both.

The neighbourhood can be living and thriving without 1000 sims movin in or removing already present sims, or giving them stupid babies with only one parent.
#5 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 7:31 PM
Pescado's AwesomeMod really works to fix this. Not only can you turn story progression off, you can "destroy all humans" by typing in one word in the command box. (Do it before you move your sim in, or else he will get snuffed out too.)

If you keep story progression on, the AwesomeMod has an anti-parthenogenesis feature. Babies need to actually have parents to be born. Now you can't stop your sims from hooking up with someone and reproducing, but now you won't find that every single sim in town has a mystery baby with no real parentage whenever you log in.

I don't think I'd like playing without the AwesomeMod.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 7:32 PM
u can have the story off options if u get the awesomemod, whichi have and works, one other thing i noticed is that these premade families some of them dont have the complete family tree correctly, like the sekemoto one, the single dad with the toddler? the toddler doesnt have his mom in the family tree? whos his mom? its a mistery ^^
Mad Poster
#7 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 7:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mamasita
u can have the story off options if u get the awesomemod, whichi have and works, one other thing i noticed is that these premade families some of them dont have the complete family tree correctly, like the sekemoto one, the single dad with the toddler? the toddler doesnt have his mom in the family tree? whos his mom? its a mistery ^^

The dad was a tramp and had many one night encounters with the ladies of sunset valley. One morning he found a little basket on his doorsteps with a worm, ahem, little bundle of joy inside. That's the story all the single dads in my neighbourhood share. I have the awsome mod installed, but some managed to get their way into the game before I installed it.
Field Researcher
#8 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 11:29 PM
All Story Progression needs is a proper AI and a lot of people wanting a living, striving, changing, evolving neighbourhood would be very happy.

Me, I just don't want any of that. Story Progression will always be turned off, except I decide to make a neighbourhood where I play only one family at a time.

All I want now is being able to turn aging off for certain Sims/families so I can play my multible families the way I want. The moment I'm happy with their lifes and I reached everything with them, they can age again however fast they want.

The way the game is now, it seems unfinished, messy. I can't get myself to really play more than an hour a day.
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