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#1 Old 13th Jul 2009 at 12:27 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise
Default Editing Package/Sim Files?
Hi! I read something where someone mentioned 'seeing' something in one of their sim saves and I was just wondering what program one can use to actually open the files and see their inner guts. I have no real great interest in doing Super Cool Mods (skilled, I am not), but there are a few minor tweaks I was considering trying out.

Does anyone know? Is it something special or specific? o.O Or should I just leave well enough alone? XD
Coffee, anyone?
retired moderator
#2 Old 13th Jul 2009 at 12:34 AM
Click on the Create tab on the navigation bar. There you will find links to the sims wiki. Any further questions should be asked in the various forums devoted to creating.

Locking, as your game is not broken.

I'm worried that my latest Salvation Army donation will result in homeless people looking like sluts from the 90s.
Locked thread | Locked by: Canoodle Reason: Not a technical help thread.
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