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Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 4:37 PM Last edited by armiel : 7th Aug 2013 at 9:09 AM. Reason: moar questions
Default Building Contest: Holiday Edition!
"Mommy, mommy!!"
"Yes dear?"
"The holiday is only a few weeks away, what are we going to do?! Please don't say we'll just sit home for the whole time again!"
"Well my dear, what would you like to do then?"
"I'd love to go somewhere. We could look up some adverts, right mom? Maybe we'll find something nice!"
"Alright, let's do that. Now what was the site that looked up all these options… Oh right, Simliciousholidays, that's it!"


My poor Sims never really got to go on a proper holiday. They've always sat home, doing their everyday things: working, school, homework, building skills… It's time for them to have some fun!

With this in mind, I want to present to you…


Qualification to host:
- Participant in the Official Foundation Contest
- Winner of Picture This! - A mini contest
- Second place in Foundations for Families Contest
- One of the winners in the Official Calendar Contest 2012, TS2
- One of the judges in the Official Calendar Contest 2012, TS3
- Winner of Building Blocks: A Foundation Challenge

The task for you is to build a lot where the Sims can spend a holiday in. It's up to you what kind of lot that will be: A hotel, resort, cabin, camping site…? Anything is possible!
While I won't be limiting your creativity on the lot size, price or type, or won't tell you what kind of items you should have on your lot, there are a few things I want to see on your entry.
Because I used to be mostly a lot builder, as well as a tutorial writer and a mentor, I want you to explore to the world of CFE, CAST and FOG EMITTERS. I also want you to put some effort in to your landscaping, so I'm expecting to see some TERRAIN EDITING, in the means of shaping your terrain, and painting it. If you post a flat lot, you will make me really sad!

- Forum rules apply
- Only for TS3
- There is no limit for the lot size or price
- The lot type is free as well
- All EPs and SPs are allowed
- Store content is allowed
- All CC is allowed, though keep in mind if you plan to also upload the lot to the site, you CANNOT use Pay content!
- Because I do like CC free stuff the most, using no CC or store content will reward you with bonus points!

Required things:
- You MUST use CFE on your lot.
- You MUST use CAST (Create a style-tool) on your lot
- You MUST use FOG EMITTER(s) on your lot
- You MUST EDIT THE TERRAIN of your lot in the means of shape and paint.
Please see a list of links at the end of the post, if you don't know what these things are, or need more ideas/help with them.

Your post:
- You need to post one picture, just one, that works as an advert for your lot. For this picture, you can use all Photoshop you want and let your imagination loose, but keep in mind that it needs to attract Sims to visit your lot! There is no size limitations on this picture, and you can upload it on the post, or host it externally. Make sure this picture is the first inline image in your post.
- In addition to your ad, you need to post the same pictures as the upload guidelines would require you to do: Front, back, floorplans. Please see the guidelines here.
- All images except the ad need to be min. 800x600px up to max. 1280x1024px and uploaded to the thread!
- You can upload up to 12 pictures+the ad, so if you still have room, you can post any type of pictures to show your lot better. While you are allowed up to so many pictures, please keep the amount of inline images at max 4.
- Tell us a little bit of your lot. Why would my Sims need to select your lot as their holiday location?
- Please also list what emitter codes you used, and where they are used on the lot.
- State if you used CC or not.

This contest is made for all kinds of builders, whether you were just starting to plummet in to the world of building for Sims, or have done that for years. The only things you will need are will to participate, skill to read the rules, and time to do this.

If you would like to be a judge, the requirements are basically the same. Please let me know if you want to judge!

Emergency judge(s):


Because this contest is not about architecture, but using some techniques to make Sims a tempting place to spend their holiday in, the scoring will be done based to the below criteria:

- Use of CFE: Did you use CFE on your lot? Does it make sense?
0 points for not using any CFE, up to 5 points based on the creative use of CFE.
- Use of CAST: Did you use CAST on your lot? Does it look good and make sense?
0 points if you clearly didn't use any CAST or only used so little it doesn't really count, up to 5 points based on the creative use of CAST, and another up to 5 points based on the aesthetics.
- Use of FOG EMITTERS: Did you use them on your lot? Does the way you used them look good and make sense?
0 points for not using any, up to 5 points based on the creative use of them, and another up to 5 points depending on how much the use of them adds to the aesthetics of the lot.
- Terrain editing: Did you alter your terrain and paint it all nicely? Does it look natural?
minus 5 points for a flat lot, as well as minus 5 points for not using any terrain paint. Up to 5 points for terrain altering based on how good it looks like and if it makes sense. Another up to 5 points for terrain painting based on how good it looks like and if it makes sense.
- Overall look and feel of your lot: Does it look like something Sims could spend a holiday in? Are there elements that clearly separate your lot from a regular residential lot? Does your lot really make the Sims scream "This is the one, I wanna go here!" ?
Up to 10 points based on above criteria.
- Time and effort: Does it look like you really put some thought to the build? Did you spend some time on it instead of just slamming something together?
Up to 5 points based on the above criteria.

- Your post:
Ad picture: Does it make the Sims wanna visit the lot? Does it show the lot in an alluring way?
Up to 5 points.
Your required pictures: Did you post all required pictures? Are they the required size?
10 points. Minus 1 point per picture that was forgotten, or too small/big. Minus 1 point per pic that exceeds the allowed amount of inline images.
Your story – tell us a little about your lot: Did you do this? Is it more than a mere few words like "This is a lot that every sim wants to visit!"?
Up to 5 points based on how well you presented the lot with words.
List of emitter codes: Did you list them, and tell where they were used?
5 points.
Stating if used CC or not: Did you do this?
5 points.

Bonus points:
10 points for not using any CC/Store content!
10 points for using at least 5 different kinds of plants on the landscaping. The more bushes, the merrier!

Each judge will submit their scores to me, and I will count an average on each criteria. If I can do any math, the top score would be something along the lines of 100 points in total!

I created the scoring with the new upload scoring in mind, though you won't be rejected or sent a CR here!

1 point2 points3 points4 points5 points
Meh…Kind of thereGood!Well done!Great!

I do hope that the rules and the scoring do not look too intimidating. I wanted to break it all in to tiny bits for it to be easier for you to understand what I want you to do, and for the judges to score. :D

Prize for the winner?!
Because this is a one round contest, the winner won't be receiving a blue ribbon under their avatar. I do however want to encourage you to take part and work your best… So I'm going to come out of my retirement just a tad. The winner may request me to create them an unique item to use in their lots (build/buy), or I can build them a lot by their wishes. Something small though for either case.

The contest will open up July 1 st, and stay open for entries for the month. It will be closed August 1 st, after which the judges will do their scoring. The results will be posted as soon as possible, though not before August 5 th.
If I only get 10 entries, the judging should not take too long, but you all understand that if there are over 30+ entries, it WILL take some time. :D

Posted --> Open for entries TIMER -->Closed for judging --> SCORES!

LucyBorgiaVilla Omorfi68.3
VolvenomThe Spanish Steps54.3
VolvenomFredvang Resort60.3
cutsocksMistlemire Hall89.0
PlayinSafeRoadside Kitsch Stop79.3

Here is a link to the Scores-post! Clicky!

Helpful links:
My CFE video tutorials
My landscaping video tutorials
My tutorial on CAST
Building cheats
Huge list of emitter codes
Another great resource for Fog emitters - Thanks Buckley
Build tutorials forum

Got questions?
Please post the word bushes before your question, so I'll know you at least scraped the surface of this massive post! :D


I got the idea of hosting this contest from my own holiday this summer. Me and my son will be spending almost the whole summer holiday in Germany!
The contest will run in the time I'll be there, but don't you worry! I'll still have plenty of time to check in here daily, if not multiple times a day. By the time of judging we have returned home to Finland.

Have fun everyone!

Regarding amount of allowed participants:
I do not wish to add a limit to entries just yet, but if it starts to seem I'll be drowning in them, there will be a set limit later. But you will be warned if such case occurs before hand.

Some questions from the thread with their replies

Please do read these, as they not only make the rules more clear, but answer some things that weren't on the original post at all!
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#2 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 4:39 PM
Contest Approved
  • Do not post replies and/or contest applications before the contest host has checked in on this thread, or your post will be deleted.
  • DO NOT WRITE USELESS POSTS like "Hey cool contest, I think I might join." Reserve type posts and useless posts about coming back with an application will be deleted.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#3 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 5:09 PM
Checking in!
While the contest only opens for entries tomorrow, you may post any questions you have about the rules or concept already!

I will post about when I'll be accepting entries tomorrow. Any lot posted before that will be automatically rewarded minus points for time and effort. I'm kidding, Maybe. Am I?
#4 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 5:17 PM
So I just want to make sure I'm not missing the concept entirely, but by holiday can we pick any "human" holiday rather than TS3's Love Day, Leisure Day, etc? And if we are doing human holidays, can we pick something as vague as the summer?

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#5 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 5:22 PM
Holiday, vacation, call it what you want :D

No, I wasn't thinking of any set dates, like what you used as an example Reya, but ANY kind of holiday you can think of. Whether is was just a lazy weekend at a Holiday Spa, or a week-full-of-fun trip to a Ski resort for example.

Summer? Of course it is ok!

Does this make it any more clear? :P
#6 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 5:27 PM
Much! Thank you, Armiel.

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Field Researcher
#7 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 8:46 PM
I think Armi was using the word "holiday" in the European sense of "get away" or "vacation", whether or not it's tied to an actual celebratory, official holiday.
As soon as I'm done with my other assignments I may give this one a go. I haven't done a community/public lot in ages, and I've just recently been reflecting on how much I like to do those!
Echezzman Nwokeoma
staff: senior moderator
#8 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 9:00 PM
Hahahahahahah a building contest and did I hear holiday. Thats a contest indeed. This is lovely. Applying to be a Judge.
Captain Louie
retired moderator
#9 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 9:23 PM Last edited by QBUILDERZ : 30th Jun 2013 at 9:42 PM.
Already have my idea. Shall be done sometime this week!
(Will be good practice for when I can finally get my blue ribbon!)

Now streaming on at Twitch.tv/SeveralNerds or UglyHoesConnect.com - whichever is easier for you to type in your browser.
#10 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 9:34 PM Last edited by Sparklypotato : 30th Jun 2013 at 10:37 PM.
I can't do this. TS3 is NOT co-operating with me. I'm not in a great mood and this isn't helping. I'm staying in, but can't do what I originally planned


#11 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 9:36 PM

Just a quick question, does it have to be a community lot where many sims can visit or can it be a residential lot which can be used as a second home?
#12 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 10:26 PM
I have a vague idea in my head for what mine will be.
And I've never used CFE in TS3 yet, although I did in 2 so it can't be that much different
Quick question though, what is an emitter code?
Captain Louie
retired moderator
#13 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 10:28 PM
When you use the fog emitter, a little dialog box pops up that asks you to set its function. The command you enter into it is the emitter code, TCU

TFC -- The post says the lot type is free, and Armi suggests that the contest is about any sort of vacation. To me, vacationing is packing up a tent and a sleeping bag and heading into the woods, if yours is rolling down the windows and heading to a breach house, I'm sure it still fits into the rules.

Now streaming on at Twitch.tv/SeveralNerds or UglyHoesConnect.com - whichever is easier for you to type in your browser.
#14 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 10:30 PM
Another quick question, what are the codes you put in?

I'm so out of my depth here
Captain Louie
retired moderator
#15 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 10:31 PM

The 5th and 6th links

Now streaming on at Twitch.tv/SeveralNerds or UglyHoesConnect.com - whichever is easier for you to type in your browser.
#16 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 11:00 PM
Thanks qbuilders that's perfect
(Am I allowed to say that or is this a pointless post?)
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#17 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 4:36 AM
The contest is now OPEN FOR ENTRIES!

I have updated the main post with the timer, you can see it here too.

Also added AdonisPluto as a judge. Thanks for volunteering!

Thanks to Qbie for replying to the questions!
fairycake89 The lot type is free, so a community/residential/second home/... is all up to you.
TheCantankerousUnicorn Looks like you got your question answered, so I won't go repeating things here.
#18 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 4:55 AM
Ooooh, may I be a judge?

"You're born naked, and everything else is drag."
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#19 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 4:58 AM
Sure thing Paks, adding you up now.
mature minion
retired moderator
#20 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 11:40 AM
Bushes - who doesn't love them?

My question is : Is there a limit on the number of entrants to this competition? Also can we submit more than one entry?

I'm looking forward to this!
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#21 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 12:02 PM

no limits on participants/number of total entries for now, as said on the main post.

If you feel like making more than one entry, go ahead, I don't mind I guess. Should I set a limit on those? Let's say 3. Should suffice even the craziest builders like you. :D
#22 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 4:43 PM
Quick question, does the writing for the advert have to be incorporated into the image or can it be separate?
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#23 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 6:57 PM
The ad image and the lot description, ie. why the Sims should choose that lot as their holiday destination are not one and a same thing. I am expecting a separate description. You can however include text on the image as well, I do think that should be clear with "use all Photoshop you want" as PS also has ability to add text.

So many questions and so little bushes!! *weep*
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#24 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 9:56 PM
*bushes..* I noticed but I had no questions... :D
#25 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 2:21 AM
More bushes!

What about a chat thread for this contest? Just a little place for those who are thinking of entering to let off some steam and leave this more official thread for updates and the entries?
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