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#1 Old 11th Aug 2024 at 5:45 PM
Default Where's your cat(s) right now?
Tell us what your cat or cats are up to at the moment! Names, quirky little details and such are very welcomed! I loooove cat stories!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 12th Aug 2024 at 1:54 PM
She's sitting at the ledge of my open terrace door, looking out into the garden at all the plants, birds and insects doing their thing.

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#3 Old 12th Dec 2024 at 8:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
She's sitting at the ledge of my open terrace door, looking out into the garden at all the plants, birds and insects doing their thing.

It’s a typical day in the neighborhood, but unbeknownst to their owners, the cats are leading double lives that are more exciting than anyone could ever imagine. As the sun sets and their humans settle down for the evening, the cats spring into action, ready for their nightly adventures.
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#4 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 8:32 PM
4.5 cats
Quote: Originally posted by sammy4eva
Tell us what your cat or cats are up to at the moment! Names, quirky little details and such are very welcomed! I loooove cat stories!

I have 4.5 cats, because ONE of them only likes to come in the house for food, and we basically accidentally adopted him (his name is Toast/Orange/TC/Twinkle Bottom Junior) and yes hes orange

I then have two old ladies that slee ontop of radiators Shiloh, used to be black but mostly reddish brown now (Baglett) and Peanut very large calico (Lord Chips)

And then the two brothers, Buzz who is fully black and Woody the tuxedo (Boo and Woo) who are currently asleep on one chair, Woody is sat ontop of his brother as is usual

The all love treats and are barefaced liars about the amount of food they get. Also they eat boxes, it looks like we have giant rats because the amount of shredded cardboard everywhere!
Test Subject
#5 Old Yesterday at 9:48 PM
Thorin, my maine coon mix, has currently stuffed himself between my dad's arms, sitting on his lap while he plays a game with mom. he's a big, fluffy boy, looks like he's having a pretty nice time. :3
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