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#1 Old 7th May 2009 at 9:46 AM
Default A Vampire's look - Your Opinion
Morning mates
I've noticed, pretty hard not noticing it , that people have different opinions on how a vampire should look like. So I wanted to know what you imagine when you hear the word vampire

And so you may say your opinion, I am here because I want to know. I dislike the word obligated but I do not want a youtube-fighter here. So if you have a problem with accepting others opinions, I am sorry but this is not a thread for you. You may discuss why you imagine your vampires that way but you may not be insolent to others and their opinions. (In other terms, you are obligated to behave properly :>)

Hope I didn't take it to far


- "I eat cookies and pocky cuz' I am not allowed to kill anyone o.O" ~ Dr.Therapy
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#2 Old 7th May 2009 at 6:50 PM
Blood blood BLOOD!!!! *evil laugh*

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#3 Old 7th May 2009 at 6:56 PM
To me a vampire is this:

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Fat Obstreperous Jerk
#4 Old 8th May 2009 at 1:52 AM
Vampires look just like everyone else, only more mean and sunlight-hating. You'll never find a vampire with a tan.

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#5 Old 8th May 2009 at 8:57 AM
Haha, yeah blood! (Y) x'D
Mm, a vampire with a tan must be incredible rare O_____o (8D

- "I eat cookies and pocky cuz' I am not allowed to kill anyone o.O" ~ Dr.Therapy
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#6 Old 8th May 2009 at 8:58 AM
Hmm... But if someone who's dark-skinned as mortal, does they stay like that when/if they goes immortal? O.o

- "I eat cookies and pocky cuz' I am not allowed to kill anyone o.O" ~ Dr.Therapy
#7 Old 12th May 2009 at 5:47 AM
Thank you Dr. Therapy for such an interesting topic and no, you didn't take it too far. I love to hear how others seem Vampires.

As for me, I think a vampire is extremely pale, and there skin is a bit translucent, you know so you can see the veins, which are very, very promminite. The eyes become brighter and more expressive but become cloudy, like after death. The hair stays the same but it will not grow any more. The vampire has an average strenghth but as the amount of blood increases, they become strnger and their senses become hyper sensitive to the point where they ca her other' thoughts and smell and taste the blood, or anything else, of a victim at a far distance. Due to this hypersensitivity, they are unable to go into sunlight, direct or indirect, no matter how much or little blood is consumed. They will burn as if in an oven, skin reddens, blisters and begins to cook and then burns, then they wil dissolve into an ash. A vampire can not be revived from after they begin to burn. They must be sleep in coffins or something of a similar, light blocking design. Their bodily functions (such as excreations, digestion, and sex) are still carried out as long as they consume at least 20 liters of blood at first transformation and a minimum of 3 liters of blood a night. They stil can feel everthing since the nerves still work.

I guess I went a little over board but it is an overall description and thank you again for this topic.
#8 Old 12th May 2009 at 9:06 PM
When I hear vampire, I imagine the vampire to have the skin as they did as a mortal, same eyes but are cloudy(with a chance of rain ) like Vampire of Death said. They are a little stronger than humans, they can survive without blood for about three months. They ARE able to walk into sunlight, but feel tired even though they don't sleep. Newborns would be more sensitive to the blood of humans.....of course.

#9 Old 2nd Jul 2009 at 9:08 AM
When i hear the word Vampire, i usually have 2 ideas of them the first one is: the vampire has a pale skin tone and very unusual eye color that changes with their thirst into a bloody dark red, super strength and all that but with the grace of wind and the beauty of diamonds, that helps them hunt their prey but luring it in with their beauty and they (i know twilight hates are gonna kill me) sparkle in the sun!! there i said it :P, basically this is what the good guys sound to me, now for the second one (i know ppl will kill me here for my speech here but plz bare with me as i am sick right now with a bad cold xD) : the vampire also has pale skin but always bloody red eyes that can make a heart stop beating once you gaze into them, always wanting blood and attacking anything in it's path with brutal force and they turn into bat like beasts in the sunlight and become very strong, basically this is the "wild" version of them to me...hope i helped =D

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#10 Old 2nd Jul 2009 at 7:27 PM
For me this is a vampire.
Field Researcher
#11 Old 15th Jul 2009 at 8:50 AM
It's not the best picture, but hey

I'd draw one myself and upload it, I have a knack for drawing, but I'm much too lazy
Mad Poster
#12 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 12:16 PM
Seeing as I can't draw, I figure I should just describe it.

In my mind, vampires look exactly like they did in their human life with some differences.
Their skin becomes very pale because of the lack of blood running through their veins. Vampires have retracted fangs, but when they feed they come out. The fangs are also seen when they get especially angry or, seeing as in many stories vampires are very sexual beings, when they are aroused. Their eyes remain the same colour that they did when they were human, but they are very slightly cloudy because of the fact that they are, well, dead.
Vampires are very strong and very fast, and also able to move in relative silence. When they feed they do not have to kill. Their saliva is healing and their blood, when given to a human, gives the human strength, and also forms a bond between the two.
Vampires cannot go into sunlight because they will burn, and they are weakened during the day because of sunlight. There are certain rules about what vampires can and can't do. They do appear in mirrors and photographs, but their image is slightly distored in photos.

Oh, I could go on forever .
#13 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 3:16 AM
Blue Bloods. I think vampires are the way she described them in her book.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 12:39 PM
I think that for starters they're all pretty much the same when it comes to skin colour and that they all have really pale white skin and although everyone says they're veiny I don't think so. It's not like they pop out of everywhere but I think they'd really stick out on their arms and maybe legs. Other than that they'd want to keep a normal apearance, mingling in with normal people to a point. Like, holding down some night jobs and stuff but not having any friends or anyone close enough to expose their secret. They'd keep up the masquerade and not reveal that they are vamps at any rate. They also look incredibly handsome and pretty and feminine. Like not gay but they'd give off a gentle air about them and look soft and fluffy as a sort of trap. They are positively ripped (six packs for the boys, optional six packs for the girls but they should have killer bodies too as part of the trap) but not built like trucks either. Like..... can't think of anyone that has properly shown that in tv or anything (no one I've seen anyway) but they really should have great physique and look it too. But also look frail too. To make you feel like you have to protect them or something.

Im not sure though..... I may be biased by this Anita Blake poster I'm looking at (With Jean in his sexy pose :D). But they should all look sexy. Like, ooze sex. I mean they shouldn't look like sluts but they should look sexy! But dress normal for what they're going to, not wear clothes from 100 years ago. They should not look like they've been living under a rock. They should pretend to fit in and draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Like for example kinda what my used-to-be-friend (or the cousin of a used to be friend of mine, I can't remember) wrote in a HP fanfic of hers. They should be solitary and hostile as well as beautiful creatures that don't age but unlike her story I don't think they should follow lil children who later grow up to be pop idols take them home just before random guys break in to steal stuff. That's way too huge a coincidence. But other than that I liked how she portrayed the vamp -broody, moody and in your face :D- but I do reckon they should stay towards the slums or old money places of the town rather than flaunt themselves and try to be superstars (cause people will notice when you don't die or age). They should stay at the corner of society looking in and forever alert for hunters. And about apearance I don't think they should all have black hair but that'd probably be more original. I mean if they all have the same skintone then they'd probably all have the same haircolour.... naah nevermind that. I do think they should all have some kind of default eyecolour. Like black. Or at least change eyecolours when they are super hungry or about to do something like giving into the beast. Or like maybe when they're feeding have their eyes turn red. dun dun dun!~

Anyway I spent waaaaay too much time writing this and too much space too and I feel embarassed for rambling again so I'll shut up now :@, sorry.
#15 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 2:25 PM
I have to agree with the overlord person. Blue Bloods has a vampire description that I agree with. Except for the fact that you can become a vampire by bite and that we don't need dogs to protect us. Still, it'd be cool to get a dog just for being a vampire.
#16 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 2:26 PM
I have to agree with the overlord person. Blue Bloods has a vampire description that I agree with. Except for the fact that you can become a vampire by bite and that we don't need dogs to protect us. Still, it'd be cool to get a dog just for being a vampire.
#17 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 2:26 PM
I have to agree with the overlord person. Blue Bloods has a vampire description that I agree with. Except for the fact that you can become a vampire by bite and that we don't need dogs to protect us. Still, it'd be cool to get a dog just for being a vampire.
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#18 Old 24th Aug 2009 at 6:48 AM
I think they should all look like Stuart Townsend, and not sparkle ^_^
Top Secret Researcher
#19 Old 24th Aug 2009 at 9:57 AM
IMO, the vampires of the "Legacy of Kain" series are a waaay cooler representation of a
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Mad Poster
#20 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 1:06 AM
Default What I think a vampire looks like.
Uhm....I picture a vampire pretty much like in the Night World series by L.J. Smith

Their skin tone lightens quite a bit, but they aren't exactly ghostly pale or pure white or anything, they have rather translucent skin.
They have retractable fangs, that come out at will, and when a signifigant amount of pressure is put on the fangs, they retract. They keep the same exact eye color, but when they going into feeding mode, they get silvery. So, like, if you have green eyes, they go a rather catlike-silver I s'pose.
They need blood because their blood does everything except carry hemoglobin, and they need the human/animal's hemoglobin to do that for them. If they don't get the blood, their muscles seize up from oxygen deprivation, and they die of oxygen deprivation if not fed for a long period of time.
There is two types of vampires. A race of vampires dating back to the first vampire (I'd go into detail, but it might spoil the book for joo. ^.^), who can reproduce (I'd guess with other vampires of their kind...I dunno about humans.) and age, but can stop aging whenever they want. And the 'made' vampires, which are vampires that are bitten and stay frozen at the age they were bitten.
And the only thing that can kill a vampire is wood. Anything else, they heal themselves. Even a minor cut from wood, and it's there to stay, can't be healed. Annnnnd vampires can go out in sunlight, but it weakens their powers and bugs their eyes, especially new vampires.

I...think thats it

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#21 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 10:56 AM
Well I always imagined vampires to be pale, beautiful and dangerous. They have long hair, fangs (that only show when they want) and maybe an eye color that changes in certain circumstances. Also they're strong, fast and can't go into sunlight because they will burn....
Mad Poster
#22 Old 4th Sep 2009 at 2:24 PM
*glares at whoever made up that vampires burn in sunlight*
*finds it completely and utterly irrelevant*

Oh, hi, how are you holding up?
Because I'm a Cass.
Mad Poster
#23 Old 4th Sep 2009 at 2:54 PM
I think there are vampires among us and we don't realise, because they can look just like us in the day but gain their powers at night. Plus, I think they can turn into bats whenever they want to.

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Mad Poster
#24 Old 5th Sep 2009 at 1:40 AM
*also glares about vampires shapeshifting into bats*
The only way THAT would happen is if they were a shapeshifter that exchanged blood with a vampire and became a vampire.

Oh, hi, how are you holding up?
Because I'm a Cass.
Field Researcher
#25 Old 20th Sep 2009 at 8:11 PM
To me, a vampire has just an ordinary human skintone, is extremely attractive (for enchanting or luring others) and has fangs, which they can hide if neccessary. So I guess they could pose as a human quite easily.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live." - Mark Twain
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