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#1 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 2:16 AM
Default Adoption
I'm wondering, does adoption work the same way as in the Sims 2?

As in, the adopted children are all randomly generated (or something), unless you have a sim who has his/her kids taken away? In the latter case, the adopted sim is the taken-away child?
Test Subject
#2 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 2:38 AM
Seems to be. I haven't had any Sim kids taken though, so I'm not sure.
Test Subject
#3 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 2:44 AM
I don't know. I have an adoption planned for one of my sims, though. So I'll get back to you.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 2:53 AM
Well you call the adoption and instead of wait till 10 am the next day they come in a ffew hours I believe and you also get to to pick the age, Gender, And Name
Test Subject
#5 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 8:46 AM
You can choose whether to have a baby, toddler or child; and unlike Sims 2, you pick whether you want a boy or a girl now. Which is good sometimes, but I wish it still had the random option too. Also, if a child is taken away from a family, it does not end up in the adoption pool. I tried it and it didn't work
#6 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 9:09 AM
I read somewhere (MATY?) that taken-away children can be adopted by the other families, too. So you can find them adopted in town before your active houshold has the chance to adopt them.
Test Subject
#7 Old 14th Jun 2009 at 10:34 AM
I have adopted two. Both boys and when they grew up they looked nothing like me (figured as much) and one was pretty hefty lol. Interesting that those taken away can be adopted by others, I might have to mess with that to see where my kid goes if I feel the need to neglect them
Test Subject
#8 Old 15th Jun 2009 at 4:10 AM
Default adoption
wish they allow you to pic from dl sim kids or give you 3 random kids to choose from like a real adoption from forser care
Field Researcher
#9 Old 15th Jun 2009 at 5:18 AM
I decided that my family oriented sim should adopt a child right after he and his wife went elder. He called before going to sleep and within a few hours the social worker came (I was expecting her to come at 10, but I had already added an extra wing to the house that had a room for her, so I didn't mind. I could chose the age, name, and gender. I chose a female child, and named her Eloise. She looked nothing like the rest of the family, and aside from being very dark, she looked extremely bland to me. I also really didn't like her personality much.

However, when she aged to teen and got the "mooch" trait, she turned out to be my prettiest sim in the game. Slightly chubby, but gorgeous. She ended up deciding to romance the youngest Goth child, Sedrick, the fugly brother Mortimer never should have had, and they ended up being the best couple in my game.

In contrast, I despise my first Born-in-game, Eloise's sister, and no one else is the family has had any romances that I didn't regret. This is the exact opposite of the way my adoptions used to go.
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