Mad Poster
#1576 Old 3rd Nov 2024 at 12:04 AM
I so wish they created more styles for the style category and reorganized the items in the existing styles, or at least let us make our own collections like in 2 and 3.

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Forum Resident
#1577 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 1:13 PM
I see they've made a bunch of new colour swatches for the base game tombstone and urn, but I'm unable to change swatches for them at all. Even the occult tombstones that could already be recoloured (e.g. spellcaster) can no longer be changed. Anyone else running into the same issue?
#1578 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 2:49 PM
I don't know if the following is true or not. Last time I was on Twitter my account was banned for "picking on" EA. Once the ban was removed, I deleted my account. Anywho... apparently a angry TS4 mob ran Ninja off of Twitter over locking out snow in this new 'expansion' pack. There is a mod for PC and Mac players. SOL for console players...

SimGuru Deactivates Account Amid Severe Harassment from Simmers, EA Help responds bugs & More !

Is this the same angry mob that gets off on sending death threats to the TS4 modding community because they dare go on vacation? I don't remember any of this kind of crap going on for TS1, TS2 and TS3 and yet people like myself that call shit out are the 'toxic' people. Yeah, okay... I don't have to like / agree with anything that EA /Maxis does, but I don't go around threatening people. I say my piece and go about my life; it's a stupid video game.

Let me get this straight. TS4 community gets pissed off when there are dry spells of any kind of TS4 news, but angry mobs making death threats over the lack of snow in a video game is somehow going to make gurus or any of team Maxis want to be on social media? Somehow I don't think it is going to work out the way people ( the angry mob) thinks it is going to...
Mad Poster
#1579 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 2:59 PM
Layne has a bucket list goal to to be a parent. Great. Easy. Nyon lives in the same house and is engaged to Olive, who has a son.
To fulfill the needs, you can adopt. Perfect. Easy win.

Layne adopts Nyon as a caregiver. Nyon is now an adoptive dependent of Layne.

Wrong. Layne cannot give any assets to Nyon, nor can he be fulfilled as a parent.

->> Check Out Checkout: Journey To Employee Of The Month! <<-

~ Just a click a day is nothing short of helpful! ~
Smeg Head
#1580 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 4:49 PM Last edited by coolspear1 : 4th Nov 2024 at 6:29 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I don't know if the following is true or not. Last time I was on Twitter my account was banned for "picking on" EA. Once the ban was removed, I deleted my account. Anywho... apparently a angry TS4 mob ran Ninja off of Twitter over locking out snow in this new 'expansion' pack. There is a mod for PC and Mac players. SOL for console players...

SimGuru Deactivates Account Amid Severe Harassment from Simmers, EA Help responds bugs & More !

Is this the same angry mob that gets off on sending death threats to the TS4 modding community because they dare go on vacation? I don't remember any of this kind of crap going on for TS1, TS2 and TS3 and yet people like myself that call shit out are the 'toxic' people. Yeah, okay... I don't have to like / agree with anything that EA /Maxis does, but I don't go around threatening people. I say my piece and go about my life; it's a stupid video game.

Let me get this straight. TS4 community gets pissed off when there are dry spells of any kind of TS4 news, but angry mobs making death threats over the lack of snow in a video game is somehow going to make gurus or any of team Maxis want to be on social media? Somehow I don't think it is going to work out the way people ( the angry mob) thinks it is going to...

If saying the type of person who could easily issue terrible threats and insults over something so trivial, a game, the weather in the game, the lack of snow in a region, is a little braindead, it's no lie. Too stupid to know how to play the game itself, to get what they want. If they have the Seasons pack, to have Snow, then place a frikken Weather Machine in the region and get all the snow you want whenever you want. Want snow in StrangerVille at the height of the Motherplant's raging red storms, place and use a Weather Machine. Quite freaky to see. Want snow in Star Wars pack to make Batuu seem more like Hoth, place and use a Weather Machine. Done deal, I know it because I've done it and seen it.

And if Maxis want the new death pack world to have a constant autumnal feel, great, so be it. Place and use a Weather Machine if you want to make a difference. On this issue I would not call EA/Maxis too lazy to do a full weather system in any new dlc region. On the contrary. I'll say yeah, the autumnal theme is great and all, but you got more chance of selling packs like Snowy Escape if you are limiting certain weather types for other world regions in new packs. I see it as more of a business strategy than it is being too lazy. Plus modding snow into the new death world is easy peasy, Maxis could do it in five minutes if they wanted autonomous regular snow there. Too lazy for a five minute coding job? Even Maxis aren't that bad... mostly. There's already a mod that does it, - not five minutes after pack released... see - for those players oblivious to what the in-game Weather Machine is capable of because they're too busy online issuing death threats.

From the reports I've seen, I understand that it rains far too often in the new death world. Weather Machine to the rescue once again. "We're having a Heatwave, a tropical heatwave..." Although given the amount of corpses accumulating in that area, I strongly advise against initiating heatwaves. The STINK would become unbearable!!! I can see now why you might want, and need, snow. Get those corpses frozen up good. The whole region acting as one big, giant chilly morgue. Makes a whole lotta sense now that I think on it. Snow, needed for sure. Not just aesthetically pleasing, but practical in preventing the vomit-inducing stench around town and the warm, soggy corpses spreading diseases. Dammit, the area needs permanent snow! Why didn't Maxis see this coming?!!! Lazy so-and-sos.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
Lab Assistant
#1581 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 5:49 PM
SatchOnSims states that the bucket list feature is shallow gameplay. Some goals are not aligned with traits while other goals are weird and almost unnecessary. He said in the video that he could not wait for modders to revamp the bucket list feature.

However, the funeral event is progressing as it should with no bugs or buggy AI behaviour.

The world does not have the full season cycle (no fall or winter, only rain), so SatchOnSims speculated that the reason for this are time constraints.

EDIT: The tarrot card system is shallow, with more care put into the design of the cards rather than the gameplay. But, the world, although small, has more things to explore like the festivals and collecting tarrot cards (although for nothing).
Smeg Head
#1582 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 5:58 PM Last edited by coolspear1 : 4th Nov 2024 at 8:32 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Casimir
SatchOnSims states that the bucket list feature is shallow gameplay. Some goals are not aligned with traits while other goals are weird and almost unnecessary. He said in the video that he could not wait for modders to revamp the bucket list feature.

However, the funeral event is progressing as it should with no bugs or buggy AI behaviour.

The world does not have the full season cycle (no fall or winter, only rain), so SatchOnSims speculated that the reason for this are time constraints.

Time constraints? It actually takes longer to code it out of a region than it would to use the default coding for each region to leave it in. Hence it's not time constraints nor laziness, given it takes more work and time to remove it. Albeit five minute to edit it out of the new death world region. The same minimum amount of time it takes for a seasoned modder to put it back in, no pun intended on the use of seasoned. (Okay, maybe a bit of a pun. ) It just is purposeful, from the Maxis point of view to have a permanent autumnal theme for the land of death. (As originally depicted from the tales of the ancient Greeks and their musings on Hades' and Charon's Underworld. Before early Christianity turned it into all out Hell. Though, ironically, the deepest, worst circle of Hell according to Dante is nothing but a landscape of ice and snow. Hellfire too good, too cosy, for the worst sinners cast down there into the frozen pits with the Devil himself. So why can't Maxis give us snow too! )

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
#1583 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 6:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by coolspear1
If saying the type of person who could easily issue terrible threats and insults over something so trivial, a game, the weather in the game, the lack of snow in a region, is a little braindead, it's no lie. Too stupid to know how to play the game itself, to get what they want. If they have the Seasons pack, to have Snow, then place a frikken Weather Machine in the region and get all the snow you want whenever you want. Want snow in StrangerVille at the height of the Motherplant's raging red storms, place and use a Weather Machine. Quite freaky to see. Want snow in Star Wars pack to make Batuu seem more like Hoth, place and use a Weather Machine. Done deal, I know it because I've done it and seen it.

In TS4 land, you are a genius because what poking around I've done surrounding this whole issue, not a single person has suggested or mentioned placing the Weather Machine to get snow. Some of these people claim to be die hard TS4 players and even they're scratching their heads.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but perhaps Ninja should have made the same suggestion. This does not mean he wouldn't be met with a different angry mob, but apparently people that have spent literally over a $1000.00 on this game, don't know how to play with things that are in the game. Then there are the weirdos that don't know if they have Seasons or not, but that is a whole other conversation.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1584 Old 6th Nov 2024 at 9:01 PM
Simmers (as a whole, not talking about those who tweak and do more than just play) weren’t really brightest tools in the shed. Somebody complained that TS3 was fault because it was crashing on their computer system (???). Abd there are people who for some reason cant think of using google for simple gameplay questions at times.

While I do not agree that weather setiings/system should *only* revolve around a reward object (imagine if Life Span was customizable through birthday cake kr whatever), I do get the point that people are overlooking ways when the workaround present. That does not mean it sucks how flexibity is always locked in this game.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#1585 Old 6th Nov 2024 at 10:01 PM Last edited by Gargoyle Cat : 6th Nov 2024 at 10:39 PM. Reason: typo
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Simmers (as a whole, not talking about those who tweak and do more than just play) weren’t really brightest tools in the shed. Somebody complained that TS3 was fault because it was crashing on their computer system (???). Abd there are people who for some reason cant think of using google for simple gameplay questions at times.

While I do not agree that weather setiings/system should *only* revolve around a reward object (imagine if Life Span was customizable through birthday cake kr whatever), I do get the point that people are overlooking ways when the workaround present. That does not mean it sucks how flexibity is always locked in this game.

IMO the problem is more deeply rooted than just having a toggle for weather.

Not only did the angry mob bully a guru off of Twitter, but then they went after the guy that created the mod to help so people could have what they wanted. Go figure!

The reason the mob went after the guy? Because he made a cheeky comment about how he did something that Maxis couldn't. It was a joke, but the mob needs somebodies neck to feast on. They're not happy unless they have something to yap about how everything is offensive, mean, toxic, blah, blah, blah.


I don't know what it is about TS4, but the legend of this game giving the sims community as a whole the ick,...continues.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1586 Old 8th Nov 2024 at 2:04 AM
If a person gets that emotionally defensive over some bloke that programmed in some virtual wheater in a game and over a joke where afromention employee decided that its best not to do disprovingly, then maybe the person should consider therapy if they gorta lash out their irrational anger to gave someone unalive themselves. Do wish if banning from a game of this instances was possible, or very least banned from social medis as a light flick to knock some sense.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#1587 Old 8th Nov 2024 at 1:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
If a person gets that emotionally defensive over some bloke that programmed in some virtual wheater in a game and over a joke where afromention employee decided that its best not to do disprovingly, then maybe the person should consider therapy if they gorta lash out their irrational anger to gave someone unalive themselves. Do wish if banning from a game of this instances was possible, or very least banned from social medis as a light flick to knock some sense.

I agree, but since this stuff doesn't happen directly under EA's roof ( EA doesn't own Twitter, ect...they can't do anything) this shit is going to continue to happen. At the end of the day when it comes to the cesspool that is social media, it is up to the person that is being bullied whether to stay or not. If it were me, I would never try to help again. I'd give them all a one-finger salute and take my mods with me.

Elon Musk isn't going to do anything. People keep insisting that Twitter is more of a dumpster fire now than when Jack Dorsey was behind wheel. There isn't much difference between the two other than Elon hasn't had to sit in front of Congress as often since Twitter is now private. Ol' Jack used to show up high as a kite on something. He didn't care what happened on his platform or what mental state he was in while sitting in front the US Senate. To be fair, they didn't care either as long as Twitter continued to make them money. Not everybody can break out in a shirt-soaking-flop-sweat like Mark Zuckerberg when he's under pressure to be honest.
Forum Resident
#1588 Old 10th Nov 2024 at 4:09 AM
WARNING: Contains sarcasm.

Just like to point out that despite recent updates and the constant game-disrupting presence of the "Reapers Rewards" breaking just about everything in the game, they have added a new FREE feature to City Living.

I present to you the "DOUBLE HIT FESTIVAL".

Now you get TWICE as many activities, TWICE as many food-stalls, TWICE as much seating and amazingly, TWICE as many coloured lights and trash cans. Come into the City and enjoy the unholy chaos of the Double Hit Festival!!! YES! We've dragged all those old festivals from out of the skies above San Myshuno and dumped them all outside Planet IHOP! ( BTW the bar is now a pancake & coffee restaurant )

Thank you Maxis, now can you fix Dine Out (that broke two months ago now) again....

Edit: Looking at it again there may even be THREE lots of stuff in there

♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Smeg Head
#1589 Old 10th Nov 2024 at 4:12 PM
Maxis did indeed move the older coding for these events further down to the bottom of drama_scheduler xml, and give them new names more specific to the pack. Seems like, by giving the coding a new name, they now have two sets of everything spawning on both the old name and the new one.

After ten years of consistent blundering to make them the laughingstock, cautionary tale of the gaming industry, how is there anyone remaining at Maxis who is still so cocksure of their work they continue to feel there's no need to double check and test it in game before release? EA cannot be that terrible an employer, as any other industry would have long since fired such repeat-offending, ignoramus bozos by now. EA a kindly, lenient and sympathetic employer. Must be. Right?

I would've canned their asses and kicked them to the curb long ago. I guess I'm just too evil in the face of EA's blinding benevolence.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
#1590 Old 10th Nov 2024 at 6:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flaygor
WARNING: Contains sarcasm.

Just like to point out that despite recent updates and the constant game-disrupting presence of the "Reapers Rewards" breaking just about everything in the game, they have added a new FREE feature to City Living.

I present to you the "DOUBLE HIT FESTIVAL".

Now you get TWICE as many activities, TWICE as many food-stalls, TWICE as much seating and amazingly, TWICE as many coloured lights and trash cans. Come into the City and enjoy the unholy chaos of the Double Hit Festival!!! YES! We've dragged all those old festivals from out of the skies above San Myshuno and dumped them all outside Planet IHOP! ( BTW the bar is now a pancake & coffee restaurant )

Thank you Maxis, now can you fix Dine Out (that broke two months ago now) again....

Edit: Looking at it again there may even be THREE lots of stuff in there

Can sims even walk around in that mess?

I suppose it could be like a IHOP experience depending on what kind of experience one has.

The last time I was at a IHOP ( over 15 years ago) one of the cooks went running through the dining room while holding his butt. I don't know what the outcome of that little adventure was, nor do I remember what I ordered to eat that day. What I do know is I haven't stepped foot into a IHOP since then.

If people want to compare the state of TS4 to a cook running to the nearest bathroom while trying to make sure nothing happens along the way... I can see that.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1591 Old 10th Nov 2024 at 8:49 PM

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#1592 Old 11th Nov 2024 at 2:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix

Beautifully executed.

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#1593 Old 11th Nov 2024 at 2:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix

I can't decide if Malcolm is being a playah for views or not.

For a dude that is so concerned about proof of death threats, I find it interesting that he left out the entire second half of the story where there is proof of neanderthals behaving badly. Superior Simmer figured out how to show both sides and both of them watch each others videos.

With the stans one day, against the stans the next. Maxis won't change either way. We're 10 years in and I'm still waiting for the SEC to announce that companies can't talk about a product before it hits a virtual store shelf or a brick and mortar one, because Graham said so.

The previous sentence is satire. Graham did say that, but the SEC never has. Graham said it to get himself out of a hot seat; his plan failed.
#1594 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 1:23 PM
The usual stuff. New pack, things are broken, saves are being destroyed. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Residential Rentals in Sims 4 Are Broken Again and Ruining Saves
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1595 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 2:09 PM
I am on part of TS4 console facebook group chats (as Im contemplating of getting TS3!on there for a change and maybe look into if I should TS4 just to experience for what it is as a full-on pc game) and I kid you not, the problem people face loading in their game and what not made me rethink

People have mix feelings and skeptcism including the console version because of poor controls or what not, so really makes me annoyed they rush and don’t even bother do proper transitions to other platforms and that TS4 name is cursed of all horrendous issues.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#1596 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 8:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
I am on part of TS4 console facebook group chats (as Im contemplating of getting TS3!on there for a change and maybe look into if I should TS4 just to experience for what it is as a full-on pc game) and I kid you not, the problem people face loading in their game and what not made me rethink

People have mix feelings and skeptcism including the console version because of poor controls or what not, so really makes me annoyed they rush and don’t even bother do proper transitions to other platforms and that TS4 name is cursed of all horrendous issues.

I've never played TS3 on console. I have no idea what that experience is like.

If you're not feeling sims right now for whatever reason ( whether it is TS3 or TS4) then take a break. There are no rules that say you have to play.

This new pack is just another pack added to the list of memes regarding how when Maxis releases content, they break stuff in the process. This has been a problem since TS2. The difference between then and now is the problems seem far more destructive with TS4 than they were in TS2 and TS3. I could be sitting alone in that camp though...
Mad Poster
#1597 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 10:39 PM
Creators getting a 5% commission on their own kits is WILD.

->> Check Out Checkout: Journey To Employee Of The Month! <<-

~ Just a click a day is nothing short of helpful! ~
#1598 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 10:52 PM Last edited by himawara106 : 15th Nov 2024 at 12:58 PM.
The problem is now, I really want to try some new storylines but while playing I encounter so many bugs that are not easily fixable anymore.

Normally I search for the last exception and find similar issues at the official forums, but many of them are bugs that exist since years and have become worse due to too much expansion packs.

For one bug they suggest to limit the amount of sims to 200 and to not build in every world. Yes, I can do this, but what’s the whole point of this?

Uninstalling expansion packs with worlds so that my save game doesn’t get corrupted? They say they are going to make expansion packs for many years to come. How will the game engine handle this when it’s already at it’s limit? Maybe someone here with better technical knowledge can answer this. It really interests me.

Edit: Here is a thread starting from 2015 about the common problems related to save game corruption:

You never know what’s comin’ for ya.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1599 Old 15th Nov 2024 at 10:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by himawara106
For one bug they suggest to limit the amount of sims to 200 and to not build in every world. Yes, I can do this, but what’s the whole point of this?

Uninstalling expansion packs with worlds so that my save game doesn’t get corrupted? They say they are going to make expansion packs for many years to come. How will the game engine handle this when it’s already at it’s limit? Maybe someone here with better technical knowledge can answer this. It really interests me.

Edit: Here is a thread starting from 2015 about the common problems related to save game corruption:

They could set a limit to 200 fire code, or… dare I say it - fix their game instead of recommending players to not install many packs while they keep releasing packs to be installed for? But what I do know - my silly little life hack is out of anyone’s sane mind.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#1600 Old 16th Nov 2024 at 11:36 AM
At this point I don't believe that this game will ever get properly fixed by EA. They are going to just release new content to make the shareholders happy. That's their main goal. There have been too many years with major bugs still around and now to the point where save games become unplayable.

That's why I wish so much that they stop creating new content for this game so that modders can fix it. This won't help console players but at least people who are used to playing with mods.

You never know what’s comin’ for ya.
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