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Original Poster
#1 Old 10th Feb 2009 at 3:15 PM
Welcome to Stages of Life- a contest that follows your sim as she grows from a wee toddler to an elder!

General Contest Rules
1.) You are allowed to enter 1 sim only. This must be your own creation or simmie born in-game and all MUST BE Human and Female. (Sims may be the offspring of downloaded sims, but they must be at least 2 generations removed from the downloaded sim/s.)
2.) NO PHOTOSHOPPING OR ALTERING OF PHOTOS IN ANY WAY!! This means no adding graphics, text or other decor to photos, no touching up of photos. All submitted photos must be pure in-game shots only.
3.) No spamming please! In the past when this contest was run, it tended to generate a lot of in-thread spamming (though it was very nice conversation). You are more than welcome to ask questions or make comments to your fellow contestants, just please keep this to a minimum.
4.) No deadline extensions! In order to get through all the lifestages in the contest in the alloted time of one month, I am sorry but no extensions can be given to anyone for any reason. If you fail to complete an entry for a round you will be eliminated.
5.) FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! Each round will have very specific instructions for what is expected in the entry. Following directions counts in the judging, so please read them carefully and follow them directly. If you are unsure of something please ask!

Latest Contest Updates & Information
General Judging Info for Contestants
Round 2 Guidelines
Round 3 Guidelines
Round 1 (App) Results
Round 2 Results
Round 4 Guidelines
Round 3 Results
Final Round 5 Guidelines
Round 4 Results
Round 5 Results

Contest Rounds
Application Round (1) - Isn't She Lovely (Toddler)
Round 2 - Sugar & Spice (Child)
Round 3 - Sweet 16 (Teenager)
Round 4 - All Grown Up (Adult)
Round 5 - Twilight Years (Elder)
(Current round will be highlighted in bold print.)

Contest Timeline
Application Round 1- Closed
Round 2 - Closed
Round 3 - Closed
Round 4 - Closed
Round 5 - Closed
(Current Round will be highlighted in bold print.)

1.) Cadence Smith-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

2.) Anna Maniatis-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

3.) Kimberly Mengado-
Round 1

4.) Rachel Rose-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Skipping Round 4

5.) Brekken Stillwater-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

6.) Emme Gilchrist-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

7.) Amanda Pennyworth-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

8.) Dora Pucket-
Round 1
Round 2
Skipped Round 3
Skipped Round 4

9.) Clara Temelcoff-
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4


Round 1 (App) Details
Little girls are a delight and we cannot wait to meet yours! Introduce us to your little girl in this round, keeping in mind that first impressions are key! We want to get to know your little one, and to do that we need you to post the following items for your Round 1 (application) entry!

~ Your toddlers' name and Round 1 in the subject bar of your post
~ 1 closeup facial photo of your toddler
~ 1 full body shot of your toddler
~ 1 photo of your toddler engaged in her favorite activity
~ 1 photo of your toddler with her favorite person
~ An up to 50 word paragraph describing your sim. (from where she hails, her favorite things- designed for you to show her personality.)

I will need at least 3 people willing to volunteer to judge this contest, and at least one emergency judge. The rounds of this contest are going to move along very quickly so I ask that if you volunteer, to make sure you will be available to judge all rounds of this contest. Please do not volunteer if you have a friend that has entered this contest. If you would like to judge, please send me a PM. Requests to judge posted in thread will be ignored. Thank you!

Official Judges
1.) clw8
2.) ashilieee_x3
3.) HystericalParoxysm

Emergency Judges
1.) thatsfancy
2.) LouBarratt88

A prize will be offered to the winner of this contest. Donations of a prize will be gratefully accepted and welcomed! PM me if you wish to donate a prize to the winner.
retired moderator
#2 Old 23rd Feb 2009 at 6:49 AM
Contest Approved
Begins 2.23.09
Ends 3.26.09
  • Do not post replies and/or contest applications before the contest host has checked in on this thread, or your post will be deleted.
  • DO NOT WRITE USELESS POSTS like "Hey cool contest, I think I might join." Reserve type posts and useless posts about coming back with an application will be deleted.

Formerly known as boolPropped
Original Poster
#3 Old 23rd Feb 2009 at 10:14 AM
Checking in! Now let the games begin! :D
#4 Old 24th Feb 2009 at 12:17 PM
Since i know you run a great contest, i shall be back soon with my application. Come on peeps, join in, ya know ya wanna!
#5 Old 24th Feb 2009 at 6:27 PM
Default Round 1 - Cadence Smith
Cadence Smith (born in game, with added CC)

Head Shot

(Shes a bit of a poser!)

Full Body Shot

Favourite Activity

Playing with her xylophone. She loves to make music, or as much noise as she can! I can certainley see her being a little musical prodigy when she gets older!
Favourite Person

Enjoying snuggles with mummy Kristen.


Cadence is a happy little girl, she loves going to nursery, spending time with other children as she is an only child. She lives with mummy Kristen in New York. Her father was sadly killed on tour in Afghanistan when she was just a baby, so her and Mummy are very close.
#6 Old 26th Feb 2009 at 8:52 PM
I feel bad that your contest hasn't gotten much activity (nor has mine), however, I will sign up to be a judge, though
I would enter an entry, however, I already have my own contest, and am in the midst of completing a contest, so, I don't wanna over load myself!

But, like I said, I'll be a judge, if you want.

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
#7 Old 26th Feb 2009 at 9:26 PM
ill enter i have a lot of free time

EDIT: scratch that. lol can i be judge?
Field Researcher
#8 Old 27th Feb 2009 at 12:46 PM
Default Round 1 - Anna Maniatis
Annas close up

Anna, full body

Anna singing with mom, favorite activity

Anna with her favorite person, oldest brother Aleksandros

Anna lives in the small village Kalikardia, and is the daughter of Magda and Elias. She is the youngest in the family of six and get a lot of attention! She loves music, and sings all the time. Growing up with three older brothers is not easy, however, her oldest brother Aleksandros is always protecting her, and loves teaching her new songs.

Credit to All about style (http://www.all-about-style.com) for great clothing.
Original Poster
#9 Old 27th Feb 2009 at 3:06 PM
Hey gang! Thanks for the entries and offers to judge. I updated the main post, but I fear there will not be enough contestants to run a full contest if I stick the planned schedule. I suppose I could extend the application time for a day or so and hope for more entries...

Come on people! This is a fun contest that actually lets you play your contestant while in the contest instead of just keeping her in limbo (or from changing/aging) while you compete!
Undead Molten Llama
#10 Old 27th Feb 2009 at 3:56 PM
I'll join! I've got a good little simmie to use, so I'll take pics tonight and have 'em up by morning.
#11 Old 27th Feb 2009 at 9:07 PM
Kimberly Mengado, third Generation Sim


Full Body shot

Her fave toy

Her fave person Uncle Simon

Kimberly and her family just moved into town after her Dad lost his last job. The stress that had bothered the family was just too much so her parents decided to move. Luckily Kimberly's uncle Simon decided to move with them. Kimberly loves him and is the happiest person when he reads to her or when they both just snuggle. Kimberly's favorite toy is her Bear and yes her uncle Simon gave him to her.
Undead Molten Llama
#12 Old 28th Feb 2009 at 6:24 AM
Default Round One: Rachel Rose
Rachel Rose
(Spawned with Tombstone of L&D and then assaulted with CC )

Close-up head shot:

Full body:

Playing with her blocks:

Being read to by Uncle Robin, a Family Sim who adores her. The feeling is apparently mutual.

After a long battle with the system, gay couple Tyson and Roger Rose were finally able to adopt a child to call their own, a little girl named Rachel, who already shows signs of remarkable intelligence. She's content to play for hours with her blocks, figuring out how to fit the different shapes in the holes. She can already talk, and she loves to be read to. Already, Tyson and Roger call her their little mad scientist...

(Note: Like chowgilly, I used Photoshop to crop these images and resize and compress them to comply with SC2's file size limits. No other retouching or editing was done. Now, had I actually remembered that I wouldn't be able to edit before I took the pics, I'd've turned shadows off in my game when I took the pics. Ah well. )
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 28th Feb 2009 at 9:52 AM
I will judge if you have a spot! :D
Original Poster
#14 Old 28th Feb 2009 at 6:03 PM
Hey gang- had some unexpected errands to take care of this morning, but now here to update. I am going to extend the application round for one more day. Deadline now March 1 8:00 AM EST.

After tomorrow morning I will decide what to do next. I am hoping a few more opt to enter. In the meantime, I have the judges slots filled, though we could use an EJ for the just in cases that occasionally pop up! That is about it for now!
#15 Old 28th Feb 2009 at 8:08 PM
Default Brekkan Stillwater - Round 1
I'd like to introduce Miss Brekkan Stillwater . . .

Isn't she a sweetie? (Face Shot)

Taking those tentative first steps. (Body Shot)

Brekkan loves riding her pet pig, Skeeler. (Favorite Activity)

Brekkan and her father, Drake Stillwater, having a story before bed. (Favorite Person)

Brekkan lives with her father, Drake Stillwater, on a country road outside Pleasantville. She's a viviacious little doll who loves to stay busy learning new skills or playing with her pet pig -- and her dad. It's a toss-up. But, her mother and older sister recently moved out so Brekkan has been needing some extra attention from Daddy.


I have an editing question, too. In the pic of Brekkan and her father, you can see a smudge of the night sky in the mirror, right? I had a far better pic of them sitting together reading, but since they are upstairs under the roof, a ceiling doesn't show up. I've never figured out why not. Some houses it does, some it doesn't in homes that I never put ceiling tiles over the second floors. Are we allowed to cut off the crap like that -- it was the top 10 or so pixels of the better pic, or do you want them totally unedited?

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Test Subject
#16 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 5:32 AM
Default Emme Gilchrist, Round 1 Stages of Life


Emme asleep on her Dad's bed.

I hope this is ok. There's not a whole lot you can do with a Toddler

Fav. Activity

After the loss of her mother Emme lost interest in her favourite activity but has recently started to show the same amount of enthusiasm in singing her nursery rhymes.

Fav. Person

Emme's favourite person is her Dad who quit his job so that Emme had his undivided attention in the hard times they have faced.

Emme, a very bright, outgoing and energetic young girl, is just beginning to get back to herself after the loss of her mother. Now bonding with her father she is loving the extra time with him. She is beginning to enjoy singing her nursery rhymes which she often did with her mother and loves to look at photo's of her mother as often as possible.

???? Is this too much writing please let me know as it is only my second contest? Thanks
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 7:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MissTech
Hey gang- had some unexpected errands to take care of this morning, but now here to update. I am going to extend the application round for one more day. Deadline now March 1 8:00 AM EST.

After tomorrow morning I will decide what to do next. I am hoping a few more opt to enter. In the meantime, I have the judges slots filled, though we could use an EJ for the just in cases that occasionally pop up! That is about it for now!

EJ works! :D
#18 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 12:22 PM
If you can extend it a couple of more hours, I'll send in an application. I need to nip out to the supermarket, and it isn't very far away so it shouldn't be too long, .
Original Poster
#19 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 12:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TRIriana
If you can extend it a couple of more hours, I'll send in an application. I need to nip out to the supermarket, and it isn't very far away so it shouldn't be too long, .

Sure, no problem! I'll hold...

Oh, and Ash- good job on the writing. I see no reason to change it.

Okay everyone. First thanks to you all so much for your interest in the contest, offers to judge, and all these great entries so far! Since we are getting close to having a full contest, I was thinking about extending the app round into Round 2. More on that shortly!

Judges- look for your judging instructions to be sent to you via PM a little later today. Contestants- look for Round 2 to be posted a little later today as well. :D
#20 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 2:29 PM
Default Amanda Pennyworth: TRIriana: Round I



Favourite Activity

Favourite Person

A little about Amanda...
Amanda is an incredibly mischievous toddler, and perhaps takes this a little further than most! When she has it in her sneaky head to do something, the tenacious tot will...expecially when it means obtaining something shiny or tasty; particularly chocolate, which she noticed her siblings like. Amanda comes from a big family but she likes to spend her time with her father.
Test Subject
#21 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 4:05 PM
Default Dora Pucket - Round 1

Drawing has always been Dora's favorite activity. At her young age she can now remember and draw things around her. I know she'll be a great artist someday!

After her mother passed away not too long ago, Dora never felt away from her father. He's always there to play with her, he even quit from his job just to give her more attention. Dora needs nothing more, she's contented for what she has now and she'll be surely a lovable child to her father as she grows up.
Original Poster
#22 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 5:43 PM
Default Judging Information for contestants
Hi Contestants!

I wanted to give you a run down on the judging for this contest so you will know what to expect!

First, because there are so few contestants, there will be no eliminations from this contest! The winner will be determined by the contestant with the highest total of points from all rounds. Each contestant is identified by their Contestant #, which was determined by your entry into the contest.

Your entries in each round will be given a numerical score. The breakdown of scoring is as follows:

Photos- Your photos are judged on their quality, clarity, and if you have fulfilled the requirement for each photo as listed in the round requirements. This area is worth 1-10 numerical point. (Whole numbers only)

Description- Your written description as required per round is judged on how well it is written and how well what you've written conveys the personality of your contestant. 1-5 numerical points (Whole numbers only)

Overall- This area is about the judges overall impression of your entry as a whole. 1-5 numerical points (Whole numbers only)

The highest score you can receive from any one judge in any round is 20 points. The highest total score you could receive in any single round is 60 points. The highest combined point total for the contest is 300 points.

The judges will submit the scores to me privately via PM, and I will tabulate and keep track of scoring for all rounds. After all scores (for each round) have been received and tabulated, I will post the results of the round. The results you will receive will list you in "Rankings" from the highest to lowest scoring for each round. You will not receive your numerical scores until the contest is complete. At that time I will post all numerical scores from all judges for all rounds of the contest for all contestants. (For an example of this, see "The Architect" results postings in the Closed Contests thread.)

The judges may, but are not required to, make comments with each round of judging. Should comments be made, they will be posted with each round results. (See any round results from "The Architect" in the Closed Contests thread for an example!)

Remember that this contest is about PERSONALITY above all else and you are using your photos and description as an opportunity to showcase your sim, her personality and her life. The more rich, vibrant, you can make your sim's environment and personality the better off you will be!

As a final little note, I would love for this contest to be "star worthy" for the winner because of the effort you are all putting in, therefore I will be leaving the apps open until we either reach 10 contestants, or until Round 2 closes- whichever comes first.

Now, Thank You all for your entries and GOOD LUCK :D to each of you!

(Judges- you should have received your Judging Instructions PM and you may begin judging the Application (Round 1) now!)
Original Poster
#23 Old 1st Mar 2009 at 7:02 PM
Default Round 2- Sugar & Spice
Oh little girls are such a joy
whether they're little princesses
or little tomboys!

Your little girls are growing, going to school, learning and exploring! They are starting to develop their own style, interests, skills, hobbies, friends! Here is your chance to show us your little girls expanding world!

Round 2 Requirements
~ Your Little Girl's name and Round 2 in the subject bar of your post
~ 1 closeup facial photo of your little girl (No other sims in photo)
~ 1 photo of your little girl with her best friend*
~ 1 photo of your little girl engaged in her favorite activity/hobby/skill**
~ 1 photo of your little girl celebrating her favorite holiday.***
~ An up to 30 word description for each of the posted photos.

*Note: This photo must have 1 other sim depicted in the photo with your contest sim. This photo can be taken at any residential, community or vacation lot of your choice.

**Note: This photo may have other sims depicted in the photo with your contest sim. This photo can be taken at any residential, community or vacation lot of your choice.

***Note: This photo must have other sims in the photo with your contest sim. This photo must be taken at the contest sim's home (residential lot).

Your Round 2 entries are due by FRIDAY, MARCH 6th, 2009 by 8:00 AM EST! Good Luck to you all! :D
#24 Old 2nd Mar 2009 at 11:37 AM
Do you still need another contestant? If so, I'll try to get an entry in today. If not, just let me know.
Original Poster
#25 Old 2nd Mar 2009 at 12:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LostSock
Do you still need another contestant? If so, I'll try to get an entry in today. If not, just let me know.

Sure! Would love to have you join up! I extended the apps in hopes of an entry. Looking forward to seeing your entry. :D
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