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#1 Old 14th Nov 2020 at 11:44 AM
Default Round-robin 'good genes' challenge, anyone?
I like playing the "breed out the ugly"/"good genes"/"breed out the weird" challenge and have come up with a way of playing it that i enjoy and that seems to work fine. I am wondering if anyone would be up for a round-robin style take on this challenge with me? It would be so much fun to play together with another simmer for once!

Here's how I picture it:

1. One of us makes a "weird" founder. I actually have some "weirdies" stored, but we don't have to use them.

2. The one who starts plays the founder. According to my rules, the founder has to marry and have nooboos with the first random townie they have three bolts with*) and only those children will count as possible heirs. I think the challenge is usually done using maxis premades and townies, but I only play this in my custom neighbourhoods, so I came up with this rule instead. I also don't cheatily age babies up, I like getting to know my sims. Player one takes some screenshots and shares some details of the first generation's life online for the other involved players to see.
After the children (At least three children to choose between. Of course the family can have more than three children but only the three oldest are allowed to be picked as heirs) have aged up to adults, we pick an heir - either player 1 picks the heir on their own or everyone involved does it together. The heir is then shared online, with personality stats, and downloaded by player 2.

3. Player 2 plays the heir. With my challenge rules, the heir has to marry and have nooboos with a random townie they have two bolts or more with, but it doesn't have to be the first one the have two or more bolts with. This means the player gets a bit more of a say in what genetics come into the family. As before, the generation is played through until the three heir-candidates have aged to adults, and the family is documented with screenshots and descriptions shared online. After that, an heir is picked and downloaded by player three.

4. Player 3 plays the second gen heir. With my challenge rules, the heir gets to marry any sim they or the player so wish, no restrictions. This means a maxis playable if you play in a maxis hood, or a sim you created, or a legacy spair from your latest legacy or whatever. All the nooboos don't have to have the same townie father/mother either, so if it's a romance sim they can have shortlived affairs and the resulting offspring might be picked as an heir. They also get to be alien pregnant or grow plantbabies if these things occur naturally and without cheats. However, only their three oldest children are heir-candidates. Details from generation three's life is shared online and when the heir-candidates are adults, we decide together with one is the winner, and the challenge is over. It's supposed to be the prettiest sim, but I don't always pick the winners like that. For example, you can say the winner is the sim who displays most of the founder's genetics without having any of the "weird". Or you can pick the sim who hasthe best mix of the generation three parents. Or you can say "sod genetics, this sim is just the coolest!"and pick the one you just like best. In any case, it is up to all the involved players to decide on together.

I really hope this sounds fun to someone else, not just to me! If it does, get back to me in this thread and we can discuss how to set this up. It's of course possible to play with just two players, one of us will just have to play through two generations. I'd be fine with doing that.

Some practical notes: I play with all the EP:s but mis some of the SP:s. I can't get the Anygame starter to work, so this is important to know. About taking screenshots and writing about the family's life - I don't want this to feel like a chore if you decide to play with me. No need to take pretty pictures or write in any special style, just show a bit of what the sims get up to and give the other players involved a good idea of what the heir-candidates look like.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 14th Nov 2020 at 4:08 PM
What if there will be more players who want to try challenge? Maybe let 3 players be "Player 2" and rest can be "Player 3" who can choose from these 3 heirs who to breed and at the end we will have even more pretty sims. And then everyone can decide just picking coolest and hit "agree"
Mad Poster
#3 Old 15th Nov 2020 at 4:21 AM
A round robin collective Sims storytelling thing sounds fun, but three generations seems too short and I'm kind of bored of the breed-a-face-one-sim challenge, honestly. If there were some other goal it could be interesting.
Original Poster
#4 Old 17th Nov 2020 at 7:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
What if there will be more players who want to try challenge? Maybe let 3 players be "Player 2" and rest can be "Player 3" who can choose from these 3 heirs who to breed and at the end we will have even more pretty sims. And then everyone can decide just picking coolest and hit "agree"

It's a fun suggestion - I suppose I never even thought of the possibility of so many players. And I have to admit that it doesn't even look like there will be even one simmer interested in doing this, I've asked around in some other places too.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 18th Nov 2020 at 1:43 PM
Last time I tried to install AGS it wrecked my game. Here's a pic of one of my fav aliens..I wouldn't mind just watching, or playing along so I could show MY Sims. I don't like long challenges, so this sounds interesting.

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Test Subject
#6 Old 18th Nov 2020 at 5:53 PM
This sounds like a lot of fun! I usually get bored of the challenge after a while, but doing a round robin style with other players might just keep me interested!
Mad Poster
#7 Old 19th Nov 2020 at 5:39 AM
I am interested too but only as "player 3" because I don't have townies.
Original Poster
#8 Old 19th Nov 2020 at 12:11 PM
grammapat: Interesting to hear you've had trouble with AGS, I thought I was pretty much the only one who couldn't make it work. In any case, I think it would be great fun to see your sims if we ever got this going and you decided to play along.
IgglyBuff: Yay! I really like the idea of a round-robin, I love to see what other simmers do that I wouldn't or what happens in their games that rarely happens in mine . So far that makes two interested players.
Annaminna: Double-yay! I''m so glad to see someone else interested in playing, now we have the minimum of 3 players we need.

Can we get this started? I'm happy to be either player 1 or player 2. I have to stay rested for health reasons, so I have time for long playing sessions but I'm a slow layer. I can play through a generation in one day minimum, would probably need two days minimum before I could have screenshots and clean extracted sims for download. What kind of time frame would be good for you, IgglyBuff and Annaminna? And how do we do the founders - should we pick one already existing or make a new one especially?

Of course, if other people show up after this post and are interested in playing, you are most welcome. The idea of having more than one player for each generation is inspiring, I'd really love to see the different results people would get, and how the families lived in everyone's games!
Test Subject
#9 Old 19th Nov 2020 at 12:44 PM
@anmal I'm usually a slow player as well, so needing a couple days to get screenshots and upload extracted sims seems about how long it would take me. I also think it'd be fun to make a new founder made especially for the challenge, and also, I'm down with either player 1 or player 2. Maybe we could flip a coin? lol
Mad Poster
#10 Old 19th Nov 2020 at 3:03 PM
I have plenty of time on weekends but not so much on workdays. It will be more fun to breed out any "special" feature,
Original Poster
#11 Old 20th Nov 2020 at 12:38 AM
Okay then ! I went into random.org to flip a coin, then I realised I hadn't set the conditions: I say heads - I start, tails - you start, IgglyBuff. And whoever starts gets some extra days to make a weird founder, screenshot them and introduce them to the rest of us. Does this sound good? If we get the founder this weekend I figured we would be ready for player 3 by next weekend, since Annaminna says she hasn't got much time on weekdays.

Oh, practical question - where would it be best to upload screenshots and sims?
Mad Poster
#12 Old 20th Nov 2020 at 1:14 AM
...I don't even know HOW to "extract" a Sim...
And just to clarify: someone makes the founder - in one of the Maxis skin tones (which would LOOK different in my game, as I have skin defaults). The first player finds the spouse, finds them jobs?, and gets 3 babies to adult-hood --this seems too long to me. Player 3 is downloading or "extracting" the final heir; I assume the heir would have all the genetics intact but have no memory of their relatives - correct?
I think we would be allowed to post pics in this thread.

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Field Researcher
#13 Old 20th Nov 2020 at 1:55 AM
this sounds similar to the challenge at GOS.

Have you ever walked into a room & forgot why you went in there?
What if God is playing The Sims & he just cancelled your action.
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Test Subject
#14 Old 20th Nov 2020 at 6:44 PM
So, I started the challenge today!! Having a bit of trouble finding anyone with three bolts, but there's two potential candidates with two bolts if our founder can't seem to find 'the one'. Didn't take very many screenies because literally all the gameplay was going to random community lots and hoping a guy shows up that she might be attracted to.
Mad Poster
#15 Old 20th Nov 2020 at 9:51 PM
And CUTE! not...

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#16 Old 21st Nov 2020 at 12:53 PM
Love the founder, IgglyBuff, she has character . I'm having a bad migraine and it feels like it might last another day, but I'll be able to be active and comment properly once that is done.
Test Subject
#17 Old 21st Nov 2020 at 6:17 PM
Alright, time for an update! Our lovely Elisa (which is her name, idk how I forgot it in the first place) spend a good part of her time still scouring bars and even paying the matchmaker obscene amounts of money to find her true love. Unfortunately, apparently Elisa doesn't have a single sim she shares three bolts with, and I decided to cut my losses and go with the first sim she got /two/ bolts with. Close enough. They almost immediately autonomously tried for baby (thanks ACR) and only decided to marry /after/ their first daughter was born, who I named Clara.

Since I'm trying to speed this up so other people have a chance to play, I'm aging everyone like I would for a baby challenge, with toddlers aging up when they learn to walk/talk/use the potty, and kids and teens when they hit A+ on their report cards. Almost immediately after they had Clara, they autonomously tried for baby AGAIN, and Elisa was once again pregnant. This time with triplets (This is what I get for hitting random with the triplets and quads mod) and so the house is pretty crowded lmao. In order the triplets go Mable, Wesley, and then Michelle. And that's all that's happened so far. Pics included of course.
Mad Poster
#18 Old 21st Nov 2020 at 6:35 PM
Looks like hubby is the moody type...and first born is your heir?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#19 Old 21st Nov 2020 at 6:42 PM
Wow, now we have 4 heirs to choose from. Michelle looks so cute. Take your time. You two have whole week.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#20 Old 21st Nov 2020 at 9:03 PM
I love the first triplet, with the pink dress and blue coat. Adorable, especially the eyebrows! :lovestruc

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#21 Old 22nd Nov 2020 at 8:50 AM
IgglyBuff, looks like a very normal sim household - ACR producing babies before either parent is willing to commit, getting married in your underwear and woohooing going on in front of the innocent young . I think all of the kids have something going for them: Clara is cute and nearly normal looking, Mabel looks sort of touching with those sad eyebrows. Wesley looks like he got a good mix of his parents genetics (dad's skintone, mum's hair and eye colour) And Michelle looks like she has a normal mouth and chin. I'd say this is looking hopeful for our future generations! Like Annaminna says we have a week, so just don't stress too much to have fun while your playing.

I'm nearly out ofthe migraine now so I'll reply to some other stuff as well:

Grammapat: There are tutorials on extracting sims. I learned through this one. You're correct in thinking that the extracted sims would have no memories of their previous life, they would just be a clean clone of the original sim. And if playing through a household until the kids are adults feels like too much of an effort, then don't. You can always age them all up early, like IgglyBuff did. For me, that hasn't been a fun way of playing the challenge, because everything circled around the sims looks. I've enjoyed playing the families and getting some sort of idea who all the sims are. Sometimes I've picked the most messed up looking heir just because I liked them so much .

Peace: Yes, it's that challenge, and I first learned about it at GoS. I've tweaked the rules to suit a game with no maxis premades and maxis townies in it though, and I've never seen it set up as a round-robin game before.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 23rd Nov 2020 at 8:08 AM
This would be fun to follow along though I've got my game so hacked out and loaded with CC that I wouldn't be able to share sims or a commmunity because not everybody would have all of the exact same CC items or hacks in their game so I could play along with my own sims and set up my own town.I would start with a few families in my own town and it would be fun to show my sims and playable townies off.
@AnMal - I thought of one issue with sharing sims you might not have which is that soms of us use CC skins and eyes like I do and I can easily make my own sims and build my house in a new town I set up.I'll just use templates to create some different sims and sims who just look like they lost the genetics lottery.
Original Poster
#23 Old 23rd Nov 2020 at 10:47 AM
Of course most of us will use CC skins, eyes, etc. When you download a sim from Mod the Sims or some other site you are usually given information on if they are packed with CC or not. Hopefully you use the Clean Installer and you can opt out of installing any CC you don't want in your game. Downloading sims from this challenge wouldn't be any different! But it's relatively easy to make your extracted sims CC-free anyway - you will have to use Bodyshop to clone and pack them, so while you're still in Bodyshop, just remove any custom items they are wearing, if you feel they are important to the character and look of your sim you can always zip up the individual items together with the sim in the upload. Defaulted sintones, eyes, etc will of course not install with your sim in anyone else's game, they will revert to maxis originals or to whatever defaults other simmers have.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#24 Old 23rd Nov 2020 at 11:29 AM
Well I'm up for it, I'll happily add one of @IgglyBuff 's sims to one of my neighbourhoods to play! :lovestruc

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#25 Old 24th Nov 2020 at 5:07 AM
I would share sims without any CC if I didn't have to worry about my internet often crashing and losing the connection which is why I can only follow along and play with my own sims or just make one in Body Shop to add and pretend it was downloaded.
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