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#1 Old 20th Jan 2023 at 4:06 AM
Default Create a Dog/Cat Breed Evolution Challenge
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and this is also the very first sims challenge I've created, so I'm very excited to be sharing it with you all. For now my challenge only has a backstory, rules, and story progression prompts, but I hope to be adding a points system too in the future. Maybe you guys could help me with that.

I spent some time searching online and I couldn't find a sims 3 challenge for creating your own unique cat/dog breed across many generations of breeding, so I decided to make my own challenge. I haven't attempted this challenge yet but I'm gonna start sometime later this week and I will be posting updates on my progress along the way in this thread.

Before you start this challenge, you must have THIS mod installed to help increase genetic diversity of the cat/dog litters. You also need to have Master Controller and Portrait Panel Installed for this challenge to work. The unmodded game only allows up to 6 pets in a household, but you'll want to use the mods to raise the maximum pet limit up to 12.

Feel free to share this challenge on other platforms. I'd love to see what you guys can come up with!!

Anyways here is the challenge, lmk what you think!!!

Invent a Dog/Cat Breed Evolution Challenge

Backstory: Your animal-loving sim, “XXX”, has always dreamed of developing the perfect dog/cat breed and has decided to make it their life's mission to achieve this goal. Thankfully, “XXX” lives with their supportive partner/spouse/roommate/family member who is willing to be the household’s breadwinner while "XXX" pursues this dream. The breed you want to create looks nothing like any of the dogs/cats currently in existence in the Sim universe, so it’ll take many generations to evolve the breed. You may even have to resort to using some eccentric strategies (using CAS) to reach your end goal. You must gradually create a healthy and sustainable breeding program using different purebreds and different mixed breeds as foundation stock (AKA the Adams and Eves) for the breed. If your sim “XXX” dies before you beat the challenge, the future generations of your sims’s family can take over the breeding program.

-You have won the challenge after you simultaneously meet all of the following requirements:

(1) Your kennel has 3 breeding males and 3 breeding females that consistently produce offspring with similar physical features and personality traits.

(2) You can produce five (5) litters back to back where each puppy/kitten in those five litters all have similar or identical physical characteristics and they all share at least 2 or 3 personality traits when they reach adulthood.

(3) These five generations of the breed must be the result of crossing different dams (females) with different sires (males) each time; none of those five litters can have both the same mom and dad.

General Rules:

-You can only breed cats OR dogs, not both, during one challenge.

-All human and pet lifespans must be set to normal. You can extend life of pets and humans through any non-cheating means (for example eating ambrosia or buying the young again potion for pets using lifetime rewards)

-You must start the challenge with two sims in the household (they must be young adult, adult or elder).

-The two starting sims can be roommates, a married couple, siblings, etc.

-One sim in the household must dedicate their life to the breeding program. This sim will be known as the Program Director.

-The Program Director cannot have a full-time job, since running a breeding program is their full-time job. But they can develop skills and make money through side-hustles (opportunities, competitions, gigs, selling paintings or gardening produce, etc.) as long as the skills and side hustles don’t interfere with the care of the pets in the breeding program.

-The other adult sim will work full-time and be the family’s breadwinner. They can work in any field and are encouraged to pursue hobbies, personal interests, side hustles, and to help the Program Director whenever possible.

-The Program Director must conceive or adopt one heir per generation to take over the program.

-The household can have up to 3 children per generation, but the firstborn must be a teen before having the third child. If your Program Director dies or chooses to retire before the challenge is won, an heir for the breeding program must be chosen. The heir must be an immediate descendant of the Program Director, as previously stated. Adopted children count as immediate descendants.

-You may use cheats to build and buy on your lot if necessary, before officially starting the challenge. There are no restrictions on lot/house size and value, so you can create a mansion if you want, or live out of a tent. Regardless of the house you choose, when you officially start the challenge the household funds must be set to 10,000 simoleons.

-Absolutely no cheats can be used on pets, or to increase family finances, after starting the challenge.

-A butler or other cleaning aid (whether human or inanimate) can be used to help clean up after pets if necessary and if finances allow. Older kids can also help take care of pets as part of their chores.

-The lot MUST have a kennel area for the breeding program. This kennel MUST have:
(1) A small enclosure for each pet in the breeding program. Each enclosure should be furnished with toys, food bowl, and a bed (six enclosures total)

(2) A shared outdoor playspace with partial shade for sun and rain protection. All 6 main enclosures should be directly connected to this playspace.

(3) A smaller, private outdoor yard for breeding pairs.

(4) A kennel specifically for housing newborn litters until they are sold, adopted out, or join the breeding program. This kennel will be directly connected to the breeding yard.

Breeding Rules:

-Before starting you should already know more or less exactly how you want your breed to look, and you must choose two (2) personality traits that will be shared by all the offspring in your last 5 litters.

-The breed you create must have unique and distinct colors, markings, and/or body proportions that aren’t seen in any of the pre-existing breeds available in the pet CAS.

-Making a “miniature” or “large” version of an already existing dog breed (for example a mini great dane or a large yorkie) does not count for this challenge. Half-and-half mixes such as goldendoodles and pomskies do not count. The goal is to be as innovative and creative as possible with your breed idea, so come up with something no one has ever seen before.

-If you're deciding to create a breed with solid body color (such as a solid black or solid white dog) it must have at least one very uniquely distinct body shape feature AND a unique eye color not seen in any of the pre-existing breeds or mutts in the unmodded game.

-You will be adopting a couple of mixed breed pets during this challenge. You will have the opportunity to use CAS to edit any and all of the PERSONALITY traits (not physical traits) of up to THREE mixed breed pets you adopt from the town (can be from the shelter, a neighbor, or from the street), but you CANNOT edit any of their physical traits. Its up to you which generation you choose to do this but these pets cannot be used for breeding one of the last 5 litters.

-You will have the opportunity to use CAS to edit the PHYSICAL traits (not personality traits) of up to THREE purebred dogs/cats, if you are trying to create a breed with colors/markings/body shapes that are impossible to find naturally in the game (for example, green fur or huge eyes). If you want to make this part even more challenging, give any purebred pet you edit on CAS randomized personality traits. It is up to you when to edit the pets on CAS, so you can choose edit your first two starting dogs/cats if you want, or you can wait until a later generation if you prefer. The only restriction is that pets whose traits were edited on CAS cannot be involved in the breeding of the last 5 litters.
**You can only change TWO things about each purebred pet:
(1) size (applies to dogs only, can be small or large)
(2) physical proportions (such as body size, ear shape, tail length, and facial features)
(3) markings (such as stripes, spots, white undersides etc. allows adding/removing layers of markings but not changing colors)
(4) eye color (they can have different colored eyes too)
(5) fur color (allows for adding and removing solid layers and changing color of existing markings)
(6) fur texture (short, long, straight, curly etc)

** Note you can only change two of the above per pet. So for example if you wanted to give curly green hair to a German shepherd dog, you wouldn’t be able to change the shape of its ears or give it spots. If you give purple eyes and blue spots to a siamese cat, you cant give it long fur and a short tail.

-Only one pregnancy/litter in the household at a time. You can only keep one offspring per litter for breeding purposes, you must sell or adopt out all the others. You don't have to keep any offspring in a particular litter if they don't have what you're looking for in the breed.

-Each dam (female) can only have 3 litters and sires (males) can only have 5 litters in their lifetime, and then they must be sold or adopted out. Note that this is just a maximum number of litters and you can choose to do fewer breedings per pet if that’s what you want. Up to two (2) dogs/cats retired from the breeding program can be kept as pets in the case your sim became too attached to them and doesn’t want to get rid of them.

-You cannot have three active breeding males until after you retire your first sire (which would be after his fifth litter).

-For the first 5 litters, pups/kittens cannot be adopted out or sold until they reach adulthood. Afterwards, pups/kittens can be sold or adopted out at any age. This is done because adults have more personality traits and more detailed fur markings/physical features than pups/kittens, so if you wait until they reach adulthood you'll know what your future breed generations will look like better.

Story Progression Ideas: Consider these to be prompts for the challenge. They aren't rules so feel free to follow as many or as few of these ideas as you want.

-Congratulations! After working many long, hard hours to save up 10,000 simoleons, your sim has just quit their dead-end, soul sucking job, and is now ready to become a full-time dog or cat breeder. Create or choose a household and move them into an appropriate lot.

-Choose one starting strategy you want to use from the following options. This will further determine the difficulty level of the challenge:

(1) Create a purebred male and purebred female in CAS that are not the same breed, and start the challenge with these pets included the initial household. Each pet should have some of the physical characteristics you are looking for in your made up breed. (Easiest option)

(2) Create one purebred dog/cat in CAS and start your game with only one pet, then adopt one mixed breed of the opposite sex from the town. This mixed breed can be from the shelter, street, or from a neighbor. This mixed breed should have some of the physical characteristics and personality traits you are looking for in your breed (easy option)

(3) Start the household with no pets, and begin the challenge by adopting two dogs/cats from the town with as many of your desired traits as possible. The pets you adopt from the town can be any breed or mixed (harder option)

(4) Create two completely randomized dogs/cats in CAS and add them to your starting household. Make sure not to change anything about the randomized pets. This way it’ll be more more likely that these pets have none of the traits you are looking for in your desired breed (hardest option)

**Remember that you can use CAS to edit up to two (2) of the physical characteristics of up to three (3) purebred dogs, and you can edit any of the personality traits of up to three (3) mixed breed dogs to help you progress in your made-up breed.

-You have successfully bred your first litter. Use this time to properly raise the puppies/kittens and to look for a mixed breed cat/dog to add to the breeding program to add to the lineage.

-You have successfully bred your third litter! Use this time to continue raising the puppies/kittens and add a purebred dog/cat of any breed to your kennel. If you cannot find any purebreds in town, you can add one to your family with cheats by adopting a random mixed breed pet, selecting “edit in CAS” and turning it into a purebred. Remember only 2 physical traits per purebred can be changed, and no personality traits can be edited. After this initial edit you cannot make any further changes to this particular pet.

-You have just retired your first sire (male) after his fifth litter. A few days after rehoming him you notice a sick, flea-infested young stray male lurking around your property. You feel bafd for him so you decide to foster him to bring him up to good health. You temporarily place him in the kennel of the sire you just rehomed, since it’s now empty. Somehow he manages to escape the kennel one night. He ends up mating with all the females in your kennel, getting them all pregnant! You are shocked. Depending on the look of his babies, you either decide to rehome him or keep him for breeding.

-The first three dams (females) in the program are now officially retired. You decide to commemorate this moment by keeping the most productive/successful one as a retired pet. So you only rehome two of them.

-Oh no! A fire broke out on your property, killing every pet in your breeding program except for the current litter of puppies/kittens, and one adult. Your progress has been set back but you're still determined to create your breed. Use your lifetime rewards to clone your surviving adult pet once or twice.

-Don't forget about the importance of personality traits when developing your breed, looks aren't everything!!
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