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#1 Old 12th May 2018 at 7:35 AM Last edited by joandsarah77 : 7th Sep 2018 at 9:41 AM.
Default Strangetown: Trading Places (Makeover Contest)

Qualifications to Host:
Hosted Community Spirit building contest was a judge in gdayar's Wanderlust building contest

This is a home makeover with a trading spaces twist. House Rules is a TV show here in Australia where families swap houses and makeover not one room, but the entire house including the garden.

One starry night Loki was busy setting up his experiment on the roof of his house while across Strangetown Pascal Curious aimed his telescope towards a new blue star. The aliens hearing the call to an intergalactic party came down precisely when Loki’s experiment went horribly wrong. Not at all impressed at having lightening zap their ship and break their new plasma TV, the aliens sucked everyone out to the family bin leaving the houses as empty shells. Worse still, nobody could remember which house belonged to which family and as the fighting broke out the town council decided to assign each family to a house, no arguments allowed! Your job as town council is to decide which family gets which house. There are 7 Strangetown families to pick from and four houses to make over. They may not go back to their original house.

Game Set Up and Requirments:
This contest is open to base game players on, any skill level. This contest does not have to involve a lot of building.
The basic set up is to move the families out to the family bin to empty the houses. This can be done one at a time if you wish. The Grunt and Specter houses are not on the makeover list but you can use them as families. It may be easier to make a new sims folder for the contest. Simply rename your current folder, run the game and it will make you a new one. All you really need is each lot emptied. You do not have to move the sim families in.

  • This contest is for TS2 only.
  • No eliminations.
  • CC is not only allowed but feel free to go wild with it! There is no bonus to going cc free but you are also free to use no cc if you so choose.
  • Feel free to use any and all building cheats you want.
  • You may not add or remove full walls from the outside shell of the house. Do not remove outer foundation walls unless you are swapping it for wall so that you can add windows or doors. The outer shell must remain the same shape. You are free to change all the wall coverings inside and out. You may not add an attached garage.
  • You may add or remove half walls, fencing, lattice and stump decking. Remove or add fireplaces. Add or remove basements. Add or remove stairs so long as you don't remove the original wall or foundation to do so. Add or remove doors and windows. Add as many stories as you wish. You may remove and change roofs and platforms. Remove and add internal walls.
  • You may sculpt the terrain and change to any other terrain type. You may add foundation or walls for a carport or a garden structure that does not touch the house.
  • Each round will last for two weeks. Unless otherwise specified.
  • You may make up a short story about your families. Not required. You may show them in photos or not.
  • Make sure to say which family is doing the makeover on your entry. You can only choose a family one time.
  • And finally, have fun!

Rule Edit: I will allow the foundation to be replaced with walls so long as the outside shape stays the same footprint.

Picture Rules and Information

Picture Rules
  • All images must meet MTS Screenshot guidelines.
  • All but the first image must be placed under [ SPOILER ] tags.
  • You may edit your pictures up until the deadline.
  • Each round requires:
    1 shot showing the front.
    1 topdown image showing the entire lot.
    1 floorplan taken of each level taken as close as you can. This includes the roof and the foundation.
    1 shot showing the price. (If you have the needed EP simply show the price on the lot.)
    Base game players can show the lot price by taking a screenshot of the lot in hood view.
  • You are allowed another 12 extra photos to show off your lot to its best advantage.

Helpful image taking information
Screenshot basics

Helpful mods for better photos
No red pause Lines
Mootilda’s Turn on and Off Lights

Judges and Scoring

gdayars Justpetro yavannatw Emergency Judge Karen Lorraine

Each round will have a potential of scoring 25 points from each judge.
  • Build skill up to 5 points. This includes the floor plan.
  • Garden and outside up to 5 points.
  • Inside decorating Up to 5 points
  • Playability up to 5 points
    This does not include items set up only for deco purposes. For example, a strip of pool water used as part of a decorative fountain is not expected to be usable as a pool. If it is not clear on your photos if items are for decoration or use you should make that clear by adding an explanation.
  • Suitability and requirements up to 5 points
    Does the house seem suitable for the chosen family and meet their needs and wants?

The Families
Requirements Along with the requirements listed with each family there is an additional requirement, that the makeover somehow reflects the sim family who is doing the renovation. Make sure there is at least one item or a room/area that would suit each sim. What would they want to add to this reno? A moat? A sports car? a garden? You can use their bios, job, personality or aspiration for inspiration since some are tricky.

The Smith family
A family of four who look like they want the perfect suburban life. They consist of elder alien Pollination Tech#9 Smith, his adult wife Jenny, teenage son Johnny and child age daughter Jill.
Requirements: Each child must have their own room the parents an en-suite bathroom.

The Beaker family
This science and medical family consists of Loki, his wife Circe and the adult ‘boarder’, Nervous Subject.
Requirements: Nervous will require his own room and Loki a lab of some kind.

The Curious Brother’s Lambert’s
This scientific family consists of three adult brothers; Pascal, Vidcund and Lazlo.
Requirements:Each brother should have his own bedroom with a nursery ready for Pascal's coming alien baby.

The Grunt family
A military family of four males. Father and widower General Buzz, teenage sons Tank and Ripp and child age Buck.
Requirements: 3-4 bedrooms and something to keep fit that isn't a radio or TV.

The Specter family
Consists of elder Olive Specter and her teenage niece Ophelia Nigmos. Known for her dead husbands and her graveyard, Olive is also a professional party guest…
Requirements: Each sim must have their own bedroom and a secret room for Olive to do - who knows what.

The Single Ladies
A group of four female adult sims. Lola and Chloe are sisters, no one is employed.
Requirements: At least two bedrooms and two full bathrooms.

The Loner family
A family of just one. Since nothing much is known about Ajay except that he is a loner and wears black.
Requirements: A masculine home and a way to make money.
Another fortune sim Ajay has no job.

These will be announced each round. It’s up to you, the town council, to pick a family to go with the house.

There will be 4 rounds total, each lasting two weeks. Judges will get 1 week.

Round Four
You may pick any residential Strangetown lot you want! This can be an occupied or unoccupied lot.
You may spend as much as you like.
Make sure to pick a family that you have not picked before.

You may have 12 walk around shots but floor plan shots are always free.

Emerald1234118.5 singles59Curious59.5----
Aysarth278.5 Spectre66.5Smith72Grunt69Singles71
Mordant17139 Loner69.5Smith69.5----

Play AlongR1CommentR2CommentR3CommentR4Comment

Finished Rounds

Please be sure to follow all picture rules here

Round Four Entries Judging Time

Can you add a picture of the original house, the one you are making over for your round 4 entry-Thanks.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#2 Old 20th May 2018 at 11:37 PM
Contest Approved
  • Do not post replies and/or contest applications before the contest host has checked in on this thread, or your post will be deleted.
  • DO NOT WRITE USELESS POSTS like "Hey cool contest, I think I might join." Reserve type posts and useless posts about coming back with an application will be deleted.
Needs Coffee
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Original Poster
#3 Old 20th May 2018 at 11:48 PM
Checking in. Please feel free to ask questions as I am sure people will have some.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Turquoise Dragon
retired moderator
#4 Old 21st May 2018 at 12:37 AM
So how do you become a judge?

Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#5 Old 21st May 2018 at 12:42 AM
If you can either put up some pictures of a lot that you have built or decorated (A makeover of a maxis lot will do just fine too) or link to one you uploaded.

Thanks for volunteering to be our first judge. :D

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Turquoise Dragon
retired moderator
#6 Old 21st May 2018 at 12:53 AM
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#7 Old 21st May 2018 at 1:33 AM
LOL - love the concept. Good luck everyone.

Also, that house is hideous.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
#8 Old 21st May 2018 at 2:08 AM
Application to be a judge.

I do not have any lots uploaded in here. So very hard to link to those. But I did take a part as a contestant at your Community Spirit and as playalong (yes yes late late) in gdayars's Wanderlust. Too bad pics were eaten by MYP

EDIT: found some what was still at my compu

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#9 Old 21st May 2018 at 2:15 AM
Thanks gdayars, I will add you as judge one.

Quote: Originally posted by maxon
Also, that house is hideous.

It really is. *nods* Couldn't happen to a nicer place.

@Kukamuukaanmuka Can you link to some pictures or add at least one here, thanks.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#10 Old 21st May 2018 at 2:23 AM
Yep, here


~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#11 Old 21st May 2018 at 2:26 AM
That will do nicely, congrats on being judge two!

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#12 Old 21st May 2018 at 2:38 AM
runs away from judging and contestanting

I will just lurk from the side lines on this one
Mad Poster
#13 Old 21st May 2018 at 3:08 AM
Well, I won't be participating in this one because the health crap has gone really wonky, but also because I have vowed not to waste any more time on that particular house. It's not only hideous, it's massively inconvenient, and nothing I've ever done to it has helped.

I'll watch, though. I'm sure what I see will be inspiring, so good luck to all.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#14 Old 21st May 2018 at 3:30 AM
Jo, can judge also be playalong? I can judge palyalongs also, sure, but would like to try that horrid house myself too

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Turquoise Dragon
retired moderator
#15 Old 21st May 2018 at 3:58 AM
Sorry to hear you aren't doing well Peni :/

and yes so glad I am just judging the attempts think it would be only fair to attempt to fix its ugliness myself so you know, no unreasonable expectations :D
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#16 Old 21st May 2018 at 4:17 AM
Sorry to hear that @Peni Griffin I hope things get under control for you soon.

@Kukamuukaanmuka Feel free to play along. :D

I think anything that people can do to that house will be a vast improvement. I only attempted one makeover of it some years ago myself, so I know how horrible it is. I would totally be doing one now if my game was fixed.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#17 Old 21st May 2018 at 4:18 AM
One thing; it'll all be down hill from here! Every other house in Strangetown - yes, even the Curious Bunker! - will be easy in comparison to the Hell House.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Top Secret Researcher
#18 Old 21st May 2018 at 6:18 AM
I won't have time to compete this time round but would like to be a judge? Take your pic from these uploads:

Edit: For the short time that I played Strangetown I used that house for a creep who imprisoned passersby in the downstairs part.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#19 Old 21st May 2018 at 6:30 AM
Well looks like you are my third official judge @yavannatw

The house does have a creepy vibe.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Top Secret Researcher
#20 Old 21st May 2018 at 6:46 AM
Woohoo! Thanks.
Mad Poster
#21 Old 21st May 2018 at 7:44 AM
Sorry for the deleting, my pc is misbehaving this morning.

I was going to apply for judge, but the time zones prevented me (It is just after 8am here).
So I will apply for emergency judge.
Here is a link to my maxis makeover lot: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=557162
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#22 Old 21st May 2018 at 8:11 AM
Done @Justpetro

Now let's hope we get some contestants...

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#23 Old 21st May 2018 at 8:23 AM
Thanks, Jo - I am sure the contestants are working on their application round
Mad Poster
#24 Old 21st May 2018 at 11:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Budget: The lot may be worth up to $40,000. It comes from the bin at $15,638 so your family gets $34,362 to spend on the renovation.
I know even my Sims say I'm a pedant, but doesn't that add up to $50,000 ?

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
Original Poster
#25 Old 21st May 2018 at 11:09 PM
@AndrewGloria Thank you for that catch. I did that on my calculator and must have been thinking 50K and change my mind to 40K or something. Also, thank you for posting, I am worried if anybody is interested in this contest.

I will go fix that up immediately.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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