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#1 Old 20th Mar 2018 at 4:54 AM Last edited by joandsarah77 : 21st Mar 2022 at 9:25 AM.
Default How To Clean A Lot of Sim References
This information was originally discovered by Jawusa http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=4156819

All lots, even bare unplayed with lots have Sim references. So what's the huge issue with them then? Well those base references are what the game draws on from the files, but when you move a sim in you are adding in references specific to that sim. This information is fine within the hood you built your lot in but you don't want to spread that data to another hood and especially not to someone else's game. Unplayed Sim Bin lots that you might want to makeover are also full of sim references and need cleaning. Luckily we can remove those with simPE.

You can also remove Sim references with an updated version of the Lot Compressor by Chris Hatch. Original Lot Compressor was by Mootilda.

Method One manual
Before you start, make a test game for this. It's very easy to rename your sims 2 folder and force the game to make you another vanilla Sims 2 folder. Make a test hood. This won't hurt your real game.

Package your lot and place it somewhere handy like your desktop.
Next open up SimPE and go up to Tools >package Tools> Open sims2 pack.
Having the pack on the desktop makes it easy to find. That will open a window, just click open.

Look to the list on the left and scroll it down. You will see things such as
-Sim Information
- Sim Relations (SREL)
- Sim Wants and Fears (SWAF)
- SimScores
- FamilyTree
-all things relating to sims.

Do each one you see in turn. You may not see everything listed here. Click what you see relating to sims in the left hand column and the information will show to the right. It is this right hand column that you want to delete. Click on the blank space and do CTL A to highlight all showing, then right click the highlighted part and select delete. You will see all those files now have a line through them like this Once they are all done go up to save, you will only have Save As as an option. Call it whatever you like but do not name it the same name.

Go to your desktop and you will find that SimPE file that you just saved. That is your new clean lot.

Now there is probably more than one way to do this, this is how I do it.
Go to Documents>EA Games>The Sims 2>LotCatalog and open it. You will see heaps of lot files. Right click and make a new folder and put all those loose lot files you see into it. This won't harm them and makes things easier for you. Then copy and paste your cleaned lot file into the LotCatalog so it's the only one showing. Rename it Cx_00000001.package

Load your test game and test hood. When you look in the lot bin you should find your clean lot is the only one in there. When you grab it you will see it has some ridiculously low price tag, that is your nod that the lot is now cleaned. Don't worry everything is still in your lot, and once you place it in the hood the lot price will show up correctly.
Now that you have your cleaned lot placed down, load it up and move one thing then place it back. Most time I move a chair but it can be anything. Save and go to hood view.

Your lot is now cleaned and ready to be packaged.

*Just adding this includes sim bin lots, those 'empty' lots that came with the game. Well those are not empty.

Method Two Automatic
Download the Lot Compressor by Chris Hatch http://simfileshare.net/download/479352/
Add this to your SimPE folder.
Make sure the house you want to clean is empty of sims, graves and pets.
Run the Lot Compressor selecting the hood and lot, tick the box 'remove Sim data' click next.
You are done.

Same lot after using method two.

Thank you to Mootilda for the original Lot Compressor http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=426409
And to Chris Hatch for the updated version. http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=223639

Adding a link to Chris Hatch Lot Cleaner Globe.
This item can only be used on a lot that loads as it needs to be clicked in catalogue.
Use this after cleaning if your lot is crashing or glitchy. Also removes the Hug Bug.
$400 under Misc.
Use only on lots empty of sims or it may crash. This means even clicking on it.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#2 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 8:09 AM
Thanks for this up-to-date valuable information. I'm working on a couple of lots to upload, and so apprehensive about uploading a clunker. This will help assuage my fears a lot.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 1:29 PM Last edited by Rosebine : 22nd Mar 2018 at 1:46 PM.
As long as your lot has no CC, this works just as explained above. Unfortunately, my own stuff often ends up in my own lots. A total vanilla clean new sims 2 folder for me, is not an option...unless I am ready to redone my lots after cleaning them up, and go at it again.
Luckily for me, when I followed this how-to, the lot I was cleaning had only 2 cc floors of mine. The cleaned up version was empty of flooring though. So I needed to bring that cleaned lot into my real game, add floors, repack. Might be a bit of a hassle when I'll have one that contains bedroom items, walls, floors, bathroom items, fences, recolors of architecture items etc...
Fortunately, I should not have to clean more lots!

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#4 Old 23rd Mar 2018 at 2:14 AM
@Rosebine You might want to clean before adding CC or you could place the CC used into the test hood or even your entire download folder if you wish. It doesn't have to be cc free, just that it's safer messing about with a test hood than your real hood. The point of No CC was simply to make loading the game fast.

Or you could try method two, it's quite easy. I checked the lot after and nothing was missing. I haven't tested with CC in a lot though, just a CC free Maxis made bin lot.

@d4RE Glad to help although the second is all thanks to Chris Hatch who contacted me with his add on to the Lot Compressor.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
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#5 Old 23rd Mar 2018 at 1:22 PM
Yes, I totally agree. If ever I think I need cleaning, this is what I will do, moving my cc into that new not-so-now vanilla one.
One thing that will be useful, will be to write down/take notes of what cc I used...especially when it comes to recolors. We all know how Clean Installer loves to include everything, used or not.
I will go read method 2, I think it was not there when I first read your how-to.
About the LotCompressor add-on..you say add this to your SimPE folder? @joandsarah77
There is one .exe in the zip. This is what goes into my SimPE folder?
Then you say, start the Lot Compressor...from where, from SimPE?
Sorry, it might look like silly questions.
Thank you!

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#6 Old 23rd Mar 2018 at 1:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
About the LotCompressor add-on..you say add this to your SimPE folder? @joandsarah77
There is one .exe in the zip. This is what goes into my SimPE folder?
Then you say, start the Lot Compressor...from where, from SimPE?

Yes, LotCompressor requires .DLLs from SimPE so if run from SimPe's folder it'll find them. Alternatively if one doesn't have SimPE then download Mootilda's original (http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=426409) which includes the DLLs and replace the executable.
To run it, create a shortcut to LotCompressor.exe and run it via that shortcut.
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#7 Old 23rd Mar 2018 at 2:53 PM
@Rosebine I simply opened my SimPE folder and tossed the Lot Compressor inside (yes it's the .exe inside the Rar) then clicked the lot compressor to start. Couldn't be easier. I didn't even make a shortcut.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
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#8 Old 23rd Mar 2018 at 6:28 PM
Well, I did create a shortcut though, since I find it more convenient than having to open my SimPE folder.

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#9 Old 24th Mar 2018 at 12:19 AM
My SimPE folder is on my desktop which is why I don't need one.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
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#10 Old 31st Mar 2018 at 3:36 PM
Oh, I'm so glad someone wrote a proper tutorial after I published my vague descriptions. Thanks so much, Jo!

Also, I didn't know Chris Hatch made a plug-in which removes all of the data.
But it only says that it would remove Sim Relations only... how about the SimDNA/ SimScores/SimInformation/Family Tree records, which are crucial as well?
Mad Poster
#11 Old 31st Mar 2018 at 5:49 PM
Thanks for the linksie, Jo. Now for a Q...
What do I do with Moo's Lot Compressor? Is it now obsolete? (I'm putting this one in my SimPE folder.)

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#12 Old 1st Apr 2018 at 4:02 AM Last edited by gazania : 2nd Apr 2018 at 2:11 AM.
I admit to being extremely confused by the original post. There seem to be a lot more steps than when I last remembered the last time I asked how to do this!

Originally, I was under the impression a couple of years ago (and I asked about it here and got this answer) that you if put a lot in a hood that is unplayed (important point ... I never move a played lot, cleaned or not) but accidentally has an NPC-generating item, such as a podium, in a test hood (and I ALWAYS put fresh lots in a test hood, whether they're mine or not), you get rid of the podium, clean the references, repackage the lot, get rid of the old lot. Now I'm obviously wrong? And you should make a new game, move files over, save them under another name, note that the price is really low ...

Whether I did it the Circa 2016 way or use Chris' tool now, I do NOT get an altered price, which is really confusing as well.


Well, there go MY neighborhoods.

I just accidentally put a lot with the concierge desk in a test hood. I used Chris' tool, saw that Sim Scores and ONE Sim Info file was still there after cleaning, deleted those. I repackaged the lot after deleting the strays. That might not be enough as well?

Oh, well. I guess my hoods had a long life, since I already did one lot this way prior to this one in 2016 (as well as a lot I did years ago that is in ALL my hoods now ... those were the two I asked about), but in the meantime, I think I'll just go to the other machine where I made the lot, delete the concierge desk in the lot there (I created the lot on my test machine), use Chris' tool and delete any strays (no strays on this version, strangely), repackage it, move it over to this machine, use Chris' tool, delete any stray references if I see them, re-package the lot, get rid of the old one and go that route. I also replaced the copy of the test hood where I put the original lot with the NPC with an older backup. Right now, starting a new game would be a real hassle for me, since my machine has trouble with multiple new games, and I can have only one at a time (which I do already ... that game is for making new lots only).

This already seems like quite a bit of overkill on my part!

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#13 Old 5th Apr 2018 at 12:34 AM Last edited by joandsarah77 : 5th Apr 2018 at 12:51 AM.
Sorry guys, I did not see your posts here.

@Jawusa Thank you! I actually held off so long because I thought you wanted to write one. We felt though for people uploading lots here that we wanted to be able to direct them to some set instructions.
Chris Pm'd me this after he saw my tutorial! It removes everything and very easily too. No need to package the lot or move a chair, just run and remove. As to Family Tree records I don't know as I haven't seen a lot showing that. I am calling Chris here to the thread.

@CatherineTCJD That's a really good question and one I don't have an answer for. I had never before used the Lot Compressor or even heard of it before I got this version. Since you have have used moo's, does this version one do all the same thing? I guess if it does you can get rid of the original. @Chris Hatch

@gazania You don't have to make a new game, I just think it's a cleaner safer easier environment to work in. For example, the lot bin will only have Maxis lots in it and since I don't know for sure if moving them all into a folder as I suggested is 100% safe for the bin lots (I am assuming it is, I have seen no indication that it isn't) is why I suggest a new game. Also with a test game and hood it doesn't matter if you mess up in SimPE because somebody might. I made this with total newbies in mind. If you feel comfortable doing it in your real Sims 2 folder go right ahead. If you use the SimPE method you should see an altered price.

All lots have sim references, even blank unplayed with lots. You won't see zero. With Lot Compressor you don't package the lot at all. You just tell it which lot in game you want to clean and it cleans it.

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#14 Old 5th Apr 2018 at 2:42 AM Last edited by Jawusa : 5th Apr 2018 at 11:10 AM.
That's the point. The Sim Information record (SIMI) doesn't get deleted... otherwise it would reset the lot price. But it's not that case.
#15 Old 5th Apr 2018 at 4:03 PM
I don't remove the Sim Information, I don't see the point as it contains information on the lot's value and very little more. As far as I can tell it has nothing to do with sims.

One word of warning/advice if you ever remove sim relations from an occupied lot make sure when the lot was saved no sims were interacting with a car or are at work or school. It is only the relationship with the vehicle that ties them to it, if they were away then the car pool or school bus will return empty leaving the sims off world.
Mad Poster
#16 Old 5th Apr 2018 at 10:24 PM Last edited by gazania : 6th Apr 2018 at 2:51 AM.
I try to package ONLY unplayed lots. Never played ones. (I might have packaged a played lot years ago, but I have no evidence I did.) If I like a played lot, I'll take careful pictures and reconstruct it. Maybe that is why I don't go through all the detailed steps here. However, I do clean references before packaging any lot, and will NEVER put a lot in a played hood in my uploads here, even if I never played the lot itself in my hoods before packaging. I don't even use the same game for that ... always a fresh game for lot-building only ... never played. I don't wish to take any chances.

I now clean the lot references for lots in my lot bin as well, thanks to your exe file, Chris. I also delete any stray reference codes. Those lots are for my personal use, though.

Perhaps I don't see the odd price because I tend to package community lots more than residential. I would have to check the next time I make a residential lot. I could be wrong. I recall seeing odd prices in the lot bin for houses, but not for community lots.

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#17 Old 7th Apr 2018 at 2:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
I don't remove the Sim Information, I don't see the point as it contains information on the lot's value and very little more. As far as I can tell it has nothing to do with sims.

One word of warning/advice if you ever remove sim relations from an occupied lot make sure when the lot was saved no sims were interacting with a car or are at work or school. It is only the relationship with the vehicle that ties them to it, if they were away then the car pool or school bus will return empty leaving the sims off world.

@Chris Hatch

I delete it to reset the time... the lot value is just a side thing which needs to be fixed afterwards.
Is there another way of resetting the time without deleting Sim Information file? I understand that upon moving-in, the time will always reset itself to Monday 8 am... but how about occupied lots?

Sim DNA, Sim Wants & Fears, Family Tree records are found in packaged lots with sims... does your tool remove them as well?
By the way, I'm so glad there's a tool that removes everything all at once.
#18 Old 7th Apr 2018 at 6:56 PM
Currently it removes Relationships, Sim dna and Sim Scores. I haven't seen wants and fears or Family Tree records in lot file (except for occupied lots in the lot bin) but I can add them and update the file simply enough if you like.
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#19 Old 13th Apr 2018 at 3:59 PM
#20 Old 19th Apr 2018 at 7:49 PM
Should we recommend all players do this with the stock CAS! and YACAS! lots? Editing the lots myself, I've found a bunch of SRELs and Sim scores.

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#21 Old 21st Apr 2018 at 6:13 PM
@Chris Hatch

If you could add that option to your tool, I'd be super grateful!
Since previously occupied and binned lots have Family Tree and Wants and Fears records... have a look at EA's Kim and Kat lots... they have those references.
#22 Old 22nd Apr 2018 at 7:20 PM Last edited by Chris Hatch : 23rd Apr 2018 at 2:59 AM.
Wants & Fears is easy enough but I'll need to do a little testing for the Family Ties because it already uses that to check if the lot is an occupied lot in the lot bin and will abort if it finds any. I am testing it now with it set to remove them if the lot is not in the lot bin.

All good, all done.
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#23 Old 1st May 2018 at 7:55 PM
@Chris Hatch

Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate your work!
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 6th Sep 2018 at 5:37 AM
Is it relevant for lots already in the neighborhood? I mean, custom neighborhoods where a lot of people work on different lots and then combine them into one hood.
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#25 Old 6th Sep 2018 at 5:51 AM
While it's allowed on site for people to upload lots without cleaning when they built fresh that sims have not moved in or owned or had any items that could spawn NPC's. I tend to think it's best to clean when NPC items have been placed. Tills, hairdressing chairs, bars etc.
It's an odd thing, but community lots in build mode can go live for a split second while saving. It isn't just the sim that can spawn, other signs are fountains that ran and are now frozen and chef stoves lit up. A rule saying lots need to be cleaned first might make people feel more confident but it isn't required for upload.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
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