Les Miserables
Les Miserables
Inspired by "Sit Back and Watch" and "Asylum"
Who likes to make themselves miserable, than complain to YOU? Unless you know a teenager, it's got to be a SIM. So become a GOOD Sim-God, and give them free will. They say misery loves company, so what's more miserable than a group of Sims? You know they want it, they're so GOOD at it!
Yes, misery is it's own reward, so earn a point everytime they are miserable. I may even grant you a Godness license, if you follow my pointless regulations and arbitrary point system (like any government agency requires). On the other hand, the system might not even work. On the other other hand who cares.
CREATE: 2 men and 2 women, unrelated. One boy and one girl - attach them to whoever. Give some thought to personalities, attractions, and aspirations; they will effect things like wanting children, cleaning, and the all-important desire to cook. Move them onto any lot; use any money cheats to build anything you want. You can give them anything you want at any time. NOTE: no fire alarm, except outside. No burgler alarm. No deleting mail (the repo man is your friend!).
1) ACR will let THEM decide to form relationships and have babies. If you have this, set your gender preferrences as soon as they move in (and set everything else however you want - jealousy, fertility,etc). If you DON'T have ACR, set everyone's gender preferrence by haveing them flirt with --whoever.
2) Something to keep kids from being taken away. Babies and toddlers can't die, so their misery is OK. Kids won't starve even if no one is cooking, as long as they have a bake oven. I have a "no social worker" mod, some delete or have a "no-homework" mod. No, you don't HAVE to have babies - but having them opens up a whole new world of misery (do I hear an "Amen" from the parents out there?) So I encourage it by giving you lotta points for having babies (considering how easy it is for a pregnant person to starve).
3)Toddler beds - so they can put themselves to bed. I can only stand so much of the little cutties' tears!
4)A cheat to allow big families, if you want to shake it up a notch.
THE POINT: is to create BAD MEMORIES. {with some exceptions}. WIth that in mind, I give you lots of options: pets that run away or get taken away is likely - a good thing if it creates bad memories. Anyone can get a job (including pets); they aren't needed for money, but will keep someone from starving, and they are good for good OR bad memories. Remember, you want to give them the freedom to be just as miserable as they want, you DON'T want them dead!
PLAY: Except for controlling toddlers (which doesn't get you much), and pets, you will not be controlling ANYONE! {with a few exceptions}. You CAN look at aspirations and fears, and supply either as you see fit. In other words, you can buy a car, but you can't tell them to study for the advancement they want. You can supply them with any learning stuff you want, even addictive fun stuff - but you can't TELL them to use it (or to stop!). You CAN change the channel to "Yummy channel" if someone is watching it already (I haven't figured out what/who determines what channel is on anyway). You can provide coffee/cocoa but direct someone to make it ONLY ONCE.
>>>No maid, nanny, gardener, repairman (you can replace an UNUSEABLE broken thing). No exterminator unless EVERYONE is VERY sick.
EXCEPTIONS ----- If someone WANTS the baby, and has already developed their OWN relationship, you can direct them to try for baby.
------ if someone wants a pet, they can call to adopt. If a child wants a pet they ARE able to buy one at a pet store. You can then tell that person to fill a pet bowl - only this one time!
----- you can buy birds, fish, or rats whenever you want, and fill their food ONE TIME. Sure, they'll starve, but maybe someone will have a bad memory (a GOOD thing).
----- you can have someone tell a pet to make babies, if they have somehow created enough friendship to do so. You can add a full pet bowl for every new pet. There are points for having pets - and an increased likelyhood they will run away from lack of attention!
END GAME: When original 4 adults age to elder, or DIE.
REVISED SCORING: because challenges are SUPPOSED to have scoring. But mostly because it tells you what you are TRYING to accomplish:
Positive points -
1 point for every rose bush trimmed..."I never promised you a rose garden"
1 for every bad MEMORY
10 extra points if that bad memory is "got engaged, or married"
20 extra points if that bad memory is "had a baby"
10 points for any "grew up badly"
10 points for every tantrum, fit,begging in street (etc) or total breakdown (visit by "The Doctor",etc)
1 point for every new pet (bought or born)
NEGATIVE points:
Deleted "- 1 point for every GOOD memory" there are just too many of them!
Deleted "-10 for being happy you had that baby(hay, you almost DIED!)"
-10 for "grew up well" memory
-10 for any happy memory of job advancement
And, as usual, feedback is appreciated. Good OR bad - I get points either way.
Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..