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#1 Old 10th May 2024 at 9:00 PM
Default Who's your Daddy and other scandalous scandals in YOUR neighborhoods
Recently I told the story of a very scandalous happening in my Tinsel Town, and the ever so hip SimSample suggested that there should be a button for "Scandalous!" on posts.

Then I countered that perhaps we should have a thread dedicated only to the most scandalous (and I mean drop your jaw stuff) stories from your game. SimSample heartily agreed.

I'll start it off:

Faye Eleanor Shaw, a freshman in college, living at home with Mom, stepdad and half-sister, became besotted with her stepfather, Sheldon Lloyd, and proceeded to make advances to him in front of her mother.

Extremely disturbed and bothered by this behavior, Sheldon suggested to her that he would pay for her to move out to her own place to keep the peace. She agreed and promptly moved out to a small convenient flat.

Among the people she met on her move in was one Stephen Hubbard, a well-known and beloved movie director (who is about to grab an Oscar for his latest picture) whom she was instantly and overwhelmingly attracted to. It did not matter to her that he is about 50 years older than her. They started off rather awkwardly but that did not last long before they hit on the subject of food, and before one could blink their eye, Faye and Stephen were having sex on her couch.

This would be pretty scandalous in itself, but what really makes it rock the conscience is that Stephen is also the long-time love of Faye's grandmother, Lynn Walton Meers, who's been carrying on with him for 50 years, in and out of her 2 marriages. It is unknown whether or not her 2nd husband, Judge Noel Meers has heard the rumors, but if he has, he's turned a blind ear to them.

Later, Faye called up Stephen's grandson, Franklin Hubbard for a booty call. It's all a family affair, I guess!

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#2 Old 10th May 2024 at 10:06 PM
I have pressed the 'Oooooh, the scandal!!!' button!

The biggest scandal in my hood was probably the Nouveau-Riche family. The richest sims in town, they looked presentable to the casual observer. Worthington and his wife Wilamena had built a fortune from nothing by selling electrical appliances, and their son Alaric had an elegant wife, Francesca, and three children- Ulysses, Verity and Tarquin. However, beneath the surface, tensions mounted. Alaric was unhappy running his father's businesses, and wanted to make a living with his fashion design. Selling potholders alongside the appliances wasn't bringing in much money, and he faced pressure from his father. In the meantime, his wife was discontented with her beautiful house and beautiful children. Two of the kids were juiceaholics by their teens, and Babbage, the butler, abused Ulysses, and his parents did little to prevent this. Later, Francesca fell pregnant again and for a while, things seemed better. One evening, Alaric was asleep in the spare room so that he didn't disturb his wife, when he heard the unmistakable sounds of labour (that and the cutscene music ). The baby was on its way! He rushed into the bedroom only to find Babbage sleepily rubbing his eyes, having just got out of Francesca's bed! When the baby was born, Francesca confessed that it was Babbage's. Alaric was heartbroken!

The baby was sent to the adoption pool (she was later adopted and is now an active member of the community, married, and in touch with her biological father, Babbage). Babbage was fired, and chose to retire and live out his life as a townie. Francesca missed Babbage so much that she had Sherman Boggle, the robot maker, craft her a replica. Alaric decided that he could put up with his wife having an affair of the heart with a robot, and was glad that she didn't nag him so much after all that. He had a fling of his own with the town beautician, Femme Fatale, and unknowingly fathered her child. He died a happy sim.

Also, Sim Sample had Sherman Boggle make him a 'personal' robot, Moana Amore.

As soon as she was activated he 'balinka'd her!

She got a body transplant and had her first kiss with Sim (I think this picture is so funny, look at Sim's lips Plus her head is falling off )

So now he keeps her turned off in the corner of the room whilst he woohoos his way through the town (didn't take him very long), and only turns her on when the party's over. He's not a nice sim!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#3 Old 10th May 2024 at 11:15 PM
I love both the concept and the name of this thread!
Mad Poster
#4 Old 11th May 2024 at 12:01 AM
As a premade player, all my drama was set in motion by Maxis. Don got Dina pregnant, and she panicked and rushed into marriage with Mortimer to pass the baby off as his. Meanwhile, Don and Cassandra also got married, and he had daughters with both women. When the kids were toddlers, he had a son with Nina. Nina was the only one who knew about all the kids, and she didn't mind. Everything was going smoothly for Don until Karen Gast (the mean nanny*) entered the picture. Karen was hired to watch both Cassandra's kids and Nina's. She was really kind until the day that Don got his timing mixed up and was still at his secret second home when Karen arrived to watch Nina's sons. As soon as Karen got off shift, she began insulting and shoving Nina, who fired her. So Karen went to Cassandra and told her everything.

*She is the hero of the story, but she really was autonomously mean to Nina out of the blue, which worked so well.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 11th May 2024 at 2:15 AM
My Strangetown has some scripted scandals (the whole Curious-Smith rigmarole; the Beakers' abuse of Nervous; Olive Specter's dark past) and some that "just sort of happened".

1. Townie Abhijeet Cho fell in love with both Chloe and Lola Curious, couldn't decide which of them he loved more, and with their mutual agreement married them both (polygamy is legal in Strangetown). This worked out well for a while, with Chloe having two children by him and Lola one (and counting). But then Abhijeet started neglecting Chloe for Lola, Chloe's feelings were deeply hurt, and she started taking out her frustrations on Abhijeet. To top it off, Abhijeet wandered into Downtown, casually bumped into Tiffany Rogan at the apartment building he used to live in, she invited him to dinner at her pad, and one thing led to another.... Gossip got back to Chloe, she confronted Abhijeet with it, and he admitted his fling with Tiffany. Chloe divorced him and moved out, taking her two children. Lola, who was by this time expecting her second, decided the fling was less important than keeping the rest of the family together. (Abhijeet hasn't strayed since, but he still has a roving eye - this story may not be over.)

2. Tiffany Rogan seems determined to sleep her way through the entire adult male population of Strangetown, Downtown, etc. She has notched her bedpost with Rick Grant, Abhijeet Cho, Lester Forbes (her current live-in) and others. She considers married men "fair game" if they are willing to cheat on their wives.

3. Rick Grant has been "active" since high school, but unlike his younger brother Buddy (who decided as a boy that Jill Smith was his One And Only) shows no sign of settling down. He will take "No" for an answer, but would very much rather hear "Yes, oh YES!".

4. And then there's Rodger Shales, Downtown's answer to Don Lothario....
#6 Old 11th May 2024 at 2:50 AM
My custom BACC hood Trirnes has an arts quarter where Kasia Stawski and Eulálila Beja live (specifically, in a variant of Bella's Belles Townhomes). They moved in at roughly the same time and quickly became great friends, Kasia the painter and Eulália the ballerina. Eulália hopped from casual encounter to casual encounter, and would have two daughters, Paula and Carlota, as a single mother from those encounters, but Kasia quickly entered a stable relationship with Filipe Sims. They were effectively married, even if they never actually got the piece of paper to prove it, and they also had two sons together, Szymon and Grzegorz. However, Filipe and Eulália were having an affair, and shortly after Grzegorz was born he left Kasia to move in with Eulália, the apartment next door to Kasia's. This also meant Eulália's first proper relationship was an affair with the father of her best friend's children. Kasia eventually forgave Eulália, but never Filipe. Oh, and there's a possible romance brewing between their children...

In my Belladonna Cove, after years of a dead bedroom, Marissa Cleveland has realised she is actually attracted to women and is having an affair with Jessica Peterson. They met at the Center Drip Coffee Shop one night and did not get along at all at the start, but the tension was always there. Marissa has no intention of leaving her family though and sees Jessica as nothing more than a bit of fun, Jessica has fallen hard for Marissa and wants to marry her. Someone WILL have their heart broken in the near future.

Nice Rachel we're having.
My Simblr! Now actually working!
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 11th May 2024 at 3:20 PM
I age up all my kids at the same time when the oldest ages to teen, so they all go off to school together. (I'm just not smart or patient enough to make sure their ages align properly tbh), so Anastasia (my heiress) went to college with her younger brothers Craig and Liam. Anastasia met Robert while at school and Craig met Kaylynn. Before long, Robert and Kaylynn were mad crushing on each other--even though they were both engaged to other people. Fast forward to after college: Robert gets Kaylynn pregnant and they have a son together. Kaylynn is now pregnant with her husband's ACTUAL son. Meanwhile, Anastasia, my Romance sim, ran into Prof. Christian Lam downtown. She was taken by his looks and they had a daughter together. So far that's the drama in my hood LOL
Mad Poster
#8 Old 11th May 2024 at 6:24 PM
Well, when Andrew and Julian started their relationships with Jack Gill and Ravi Bertino, I have to admit that I felt a bit scandalised. I mean, could I not clearly remember them solemnly promising, not so very long ago, before God and the assembled inhabitants on Veronaville, that they would hold together "for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, till Death [them did] part"? I mean what happened to the "forsaking all others" bit? But, on the other hand, if the four members of their ménage à quatre are all happy with it, what right do I really have to interfere? Indeed both Andrew and and Julian are now suggesting that the only reason I have for not being happy with their current romantic arrangements, is basically because I'm really just a fossilised old relic left over from a previous millennium!

Are they right?

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 11th May 2024 at 8:10 PM
@Charmful This post was basically made for the Randy Clan. Anything and everything they do needs a "scandalous!"-button!

I don't tend to do scandalous behavior all that often in my game, but there was a party hosted this past spring that some of the guests would describe afterwards as being highly scandalous. It resulted in one divorce, and set off a chain of events that's going to make waves in more than one area of town. Who knew a spring hookup party could turn so impactful?

And I guess the slightly wonky family tree of the core family is still somewhat scandalous. Karl isn't helping by going around town with his two best buds, acting the wingman for Lucas (who thinks he's great stuff and the one all the girls want) with the opening line "Hey gals, have you met my great uncle? He thinks you're real cute.". His grandma would probably prefer he not bring so much attention to the fact that her half brother is actually a couple of days younger than her first grandchild, but Karl thinks it's all a hoot.

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Mad Poster
#10 Old 12th May 2024 at 9:23 AM
I guess the scandals in my hood are not up to standard

To be fair, it is a new hood. I just have Mr Appleby, a rather handsome knowledge sim, who somehow thinks he is a romance sim and tends to bugger up a lot of my plans. (Which is fine with me. His wife has not found out yet, though).
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#11 Old 12th May 2024 at 10:26 AM Last edited by FranH : 12th May 2024 at 11:21 AM.
@Justpetro: Don't feel bad-it sometimes takes many hours to get to the level of scandal that some of these stories relate.

Another one story from my 'Scandals of Tinsel Town"

Andy Stewart:

Andy Stewart is the head coach of the Tinsel Town Tigers, and is very well known for his explosive temper. That has led to persistent rumors that he killed his first wife Sylvia Castro and her second husband about 30 years ago. They disappeared one night under suspicious circumstances and have not been heard from ever since.

Their disappearance was noted briefly but Sylvia was never very popular in town, so after a while, the story eventually died down.

It was a well known fact that Andy had taken Sylvia's falling in love with their butler and divorcing him to be a total humiliation. He was enraged by this and publicly was heard to swear revenge on them for their treachery.

It was also noted at that time Sylvia had thrown Andy out without a penny to his name, and he was reduced to living in a tiny shack after their very acrimonious and drama filled divorce. Andy was heard to bitterly complain about his loss of status and money to anyone who cared to listen.

The lurid story goes that Andy lured them to another spot and executed them in cold blood. Their bodies were never found.

After their disappearance, Andy took control of Sylvia's estate, immediately moved into their former marital home and adopted her children. He also gained access to Sylvia's substantial fortune, which rumor had that he had forced her to turn over to him at gun point before he executed her and her second husband.

Curious about what had really happened, Sylvia's son, Preston discovered the urns of his mother and father in a unused warehouse, and brought them home with the intent of scaring his step-father to death-which did not happen, much to his disappointment.

Neither Preston or his brother Claude have ever been friendly with Andy, suspecting him (rightfully) or murdering their parents.

After all, they were just babies when it happened, but some tiny residual memory of them is still part of their lives. Preston did see both of their ghosts while they were on the property, and they told him of the circumstances of their deaths.

But because there has been no official investigation into this, the boys have very little hope of ever finding justice for their parents.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#12 Old 12th May 2024 at 11:03 AM Last edited by simsample : 14th May 2024 at 2:42 PM.
I have some responses for you all. Due to the continued absence of a 'Scandal!' button, I'm using some fine examples from my collection of scandal gifs. (I told you I was old).

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
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Mad Poster
#13 Old 12th May 2024 at 1:06 PM
If we are no longer bound by social convention, then this thread should not be labelled 'scandalous' lol.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#14 Old 12th May 2024 at 5:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
If we are no longer bound by social convention, then this thread should not be labelled 'scandalous' lol.

It's not that we're bound by social convention, it's more like this thread is about the most "WFT" moments you have observed or found to be outrageous enough to write about.

Some scenes were set up, true. Some were enabled by the player, and helped along. All came out a bit differently than was expected.

We humans are bound by social conventions, the pixels not so much, but they do have their own, after a fashion. Like jealousy-for a set of computer generated characters (along with ACR helping, of course) they sure do display some notable traces of humans!

Which is why it offends our sensibilities. We see them as extensions of our own selves and are shocked that they would act out in a way that we can relate to.

The pixels, not so much. In effect, they're not too bothered by what they or others do. They just accept it as normal..within bounds. We're the ones who are shocked.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Field Researcher
#15 Old 13th May 2024 at 9:05 PM
After six generations passing in the main neighborhood, my vacation locals and tourists absolutely despise each other. My playables rarely interact with the tourists and locals, so they have all stayed the same for several IRL years at this point. Community lots in vacation hoods are essentially combat zones at this point. I have the fight club mod and ACR, so fights can sometimes last hours in-game and there's the occasional "caught cheating" incidents among them too. Playable sims going for a nice relaxing getaway or honeymoon can barely get anything done because of the back to back fights! It's annoying yet entertaining enough that I haven't felt the need to actually do something about it like reset all their relationships or kill off and replace all the tourists and locals.
Link Ninja
#16 Old 13th May 2024 at 11:10 PM Last edited by Charmful : 13th May 2024 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Adding the Epic Picture
As @gummilutt inferred, The biggest Scandal going on now is the Randy Clan has finally started procreating. Mainly the eldest twin daughter, Randi, who is the discount THOT of Kashmire. Anyhow, local farm boy Calvin took a shining to her after he was already sorta seeing her younger sister, Randina. Also their mother, Pammy, he has a thing for too. We call it 'the Randussy' - it changed this boy and something was not right with him to begin with. I found pictures of him as a toddler eating pet food while wearing a tuxedo - it was all my sister's fault. If you've been around long enough you might remember me complaining about the Randys and my sister around 2015.

Anyway, Calvin and Randi had a kid, got engaged, then Randi went and stole genetic material from a different dude but had a cover-up woohoo with Calvin and had a baby bump when they got married. A baby bump of some other man's real child. Calvin doesn't know but he is kind of sus since that child has black hair and no one in their families do. Then Calvin knocked up Randina, Randina asked Randi to take care of her kid to avoid an unwed mother scandal but didn't mention Calvin was the baby daddy. So Randi is taking care of her nephew/stepson? They just tell everyone he is twins with her affair baby which makes sense timeline-wise but neither of them have the same biological parents. Then Randi got a fourth kid, this time Calvin's. Her kids are named Bertrand, Myranda, Randall (the rando), and Brandt

Oh and Calvin is called over to 'fix' plumbing at his mother-in-law's trailer often and often ends up sleeping with her. MESSY.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#17 Old 13th May 2024 at 11:44 PM
In Eden's Land is a place called World Stage, which is primarily a busking location for sims desperate to spruce up their homes and no access to sources of income like rabbit-hole jobs. In addition to the instruments it has a beer keg. Drunken brawls, vomiting sims, streaking, and drunken proposals are therefore more routine than scandalous.

So it should have been routine. Drunken proposal, check. Directed at Medb, the most beautiful, charismatic, and promiscuous sim in the hood. Even the fact that this happened while she was on a date (her first since her easygoing husband died) with a townie and the proposer was a playable wouldn't have made anyone blink an eye.

The problem was that the person getting down on one knee was her oldest son Mairne, who is married with three children and one on the way!

The other problem was, she accepted!

She then went home and was greeted by the Grim Reaper, so any possible repercussions of this will not materialize. Still -!

To be fair, if that sort of thing's going to happen to anyone, it's going to happen to Medb.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#18 Old 13th May 2024 at 11:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
As @gummilutt inferred, The biggest Scandal going on now is the Randy Clan has finally started procreating.

They are so outrageously messy and it's hilarious! Really all you need to know about them is that 2nd picture from the wedding, it really sums up the vibe well in one picture. The other 5 pictures we have "wtf even is that"-father in law, sister in law drinking wine while pregnant with her sister's husbands baby, mother in law making out with son in law, a father holding his love child from his wife's sister that she dumped at their house, and finally the center figure that ties it all together, Randi, sitting on a couch with the latest batch of Randy spawn. Underbite and messy parentage surely ensures the shenanigans will carry on in future. And this doesn't even go in to the whole Randina-Pammy trailer mess that doesn't involve Calvin. Scandalous I tell you, scandalous!

I just hope Randall can fight his genes and be the one wholesome Rand-person in Kashmire :P

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Forum Resident
#19 Old 14th May 2024 at 2:02 AM
Lorelei Montgomery married her husband Gregory their sophomore year of uni in a shotgun wedding while she was pregnant with twins. They moved back to Lakeview Hills with 3 children and another on the way and settled down in a large house they could just barely afford. Gregory got a job in the architecture career and Lorelei planned look for a job as soon as the babies got older.

Except more babies kept coming. Lorelei was a romance sim who was married with a bunch of kids; woohoo wants were the only thing keeping her out of aspiration failure, but with risky woohoo comes consequences. They had 7 kids at near back to back pace. She was never not pregnant long enough to get a job and Gregory's salary could just barely cover the basics for their large family, let alone save for university, but coming from 2 well-to-do families who were legacies at Landgraab Prep private school, it would be unheard of for their children to not go to university.

Lorelei was also lonely. She had married only the second man she'd ever woohooed and spent most of her adult life barefoot and pregnant at home.

Then she met James Whitney Jr after her son Mason started to date his daughter Eleanor. James is the patriach of the second richest family in town. He's married with 3 children. He retired the moment he became an elder because he didn't actually need the money anymore and spent most of his time playing golf at the North Hills Country Club.

They had an affair while Gregory was at work and the older children were all at school. She became pregnant and after 7 brown-haired children, a blonde son came out (Jon Arryn: "The seed is strong"). Gregory began to suspect. He confronted Lorelei, who admitted to the affair with James.

James didn't want his wife or their children to find out, and even Gregory and Lorelei certainly don't want the scandal in their upper crust circle. So James Whitney paid them §50,000 to keep it quiet.

Gregory considered divorce, but he and Lorelei didn't want to risk attention being drawn to the situation. They eventually reconciled and now Lorelei is pregnant with twins again (babies # 9 and 10). Mason and Myles are off at uni and are none the wiser about where this sudden windfall came from. Lorelei is still miserable. James won't speak to her anymore. Mason and Eleanor are now engaged and have no idea they share a brother.
Mad Poster
#20 Old 14th May 2024 at 9:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Which is why it offends our sensibilities. We see them as extensions of our own selves and are shocked that they would act out in a way that we can relate to.

Doesn't really offend me lol. I just find it amusing. What does that say about me? XD

Although, I'd also never put a free for all romance hack in my game, because I like monogamy for some sims. I like some sims having their one and only and find 0 jealousy unrealistic.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#21 Old 14th May 2024 at 2:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
If we are no longer bound by social convention, then this thread should not be labelled 'scandalous' lol.


I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
Please send me a message if you would like a SimsFileShare account, I can send you an invite!
Mad Poster
#22 Old 14th May 2024 at 10:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I like some sims having their one and only and find 0 jealousy unrealistic.
Well, I find zero jealousy a bit unrealistic too, but what was I to do when my best friend asked me to put a no jealousy mod in, and moreover told me it was the only way to save his marriage? This after years in which he and Julian seemed perfectly happy in a monogamous relationship.

I suppose though that "no jealousy at all" does fit in with the general utopian tenor of my game!

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Forum Resident
#23 Old 15th May 2024 at 12:11 AM
There were three cousins (or, 18 actually, but three relevant to this) - Nessie, Sigma and Jaws. Nessie and Sigma (and Sigma's older brother) grew up together, so they were pretty much like siblings. Nessie's mother, Opal, had cheated on Nessie's father and left the house when Nessie was still very small, before Sigma and his brother were born (and was mostly stuck in time as I didn't play completely rotationally back then).

As adults, Jaws and Nessie live together. They have one child each with The Diva, so the kids are siblings as well as second cousins and Jaws and Nessie raise them together. Jaws has a son, Espresso, while Nessie has a daughter, Andromeda.

Meanwhile, Sigma meets a lady named Opal and they hit it off. With my blessing they become lovers and Opal "accidentally" becomes pregnant and gives birth to her son's cousin's son, Justice.

Many years later, Espresso and Andromeda become adults, and one of the first things Espresso decides to do is to leap into Nessie's arms, which causes them to instantly fall in love. Nessie, his father figure and his mother's cousin. (Meanwhile, Jaws is fanning herself over Andromeda, but Andromeda is straight so at least nothing happens on that end.)

Espresso later meets Ville, they fall in love, eventually marry, and Ville moves into the house where Espresso, Andromeda, Jaws and Nessie still live together, along with Andromeda's youngest son, Link. Espresso and Nessie carry on platonically, everything's fine. Ville gets along well with eveyrone in the family, including Andromeda's older children, among them Broadway.

Espresso eventually grows old and one day he decides to leap into Nessie's arms again. With Ville in the same room. Espresso is thrown out of the house. Ville keeps living with his now ex-husband's mum, the "other man" and the other man's grandkid. After Jaws, Nessie and Andromeda are all dead from old age, Ville and Link go live with Broadway, and since I recreated all these sims in Strangetown at that time, CAS demanded the now teenaged Link to be assigned a parent, so I made Ville his parent with the in-story explanation that he had adopted him.

One day in a club Downtown, Ville suddenly goes for a kiss with Broadway. They stay together and eventually marry. So Ville ends up the legal father of one of his ex-husband's nephews, and the husband of the other. And they both also happen to be the grandchildren of the man his ex-husband cheated on him with.

Espresso on his hand starts out living in a house of various elderly relatives. He spontaneously starts a romance with a certain Sigma, so another one of his mother's cousins, and later dies of old age but gets resurrected.

And by the end of his second elderhood, he starts a romance and even gets engaged to one of his second cousins. That second cousin is a man named Justice... as in, Sigma's son, and Nessie's brother.

I am Error.
Forum Resident
#24 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 3:41 AM
Olivia Hernandez was married to Allister Whitney. She divorced him when she caught him woohooing the babysitter Leighton Mayer. She ended up remarrying, to rich elder Kevin Donnelly. I intended for her to marry him for his money and have him die off quickly but he kept living and they ended up with a nice marriage and had 4 kids together.

Allister Whitney had an on-and-off affair with Samantha Carrington throughout his marriage to Olivia and his second marriage to Leighton before Samantha's husband caught them, threatened divorce and Samantha finally kept her distance.

Olivia's son Noah Donnelly is now a a teen and a romance sim. He has made both Samantha's daughter Eliza and Allister and Leighton's daughter Madison (the Twikkii Island whiner) to fall in love with him. I'm now trying to decide whose heart he will break first to enact some generational karmic revenge.
#25 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 3:36 PM
Ohh I have a good one. Two college couples and later married couples: Adriana and James; Naomi and Ian.
Naomi and Adriana are best friends since high school and James and Ian are college jocks and best friends. The couples were hanging out all the time and best friends with each other. James and Naomi have strong chemistry and James and Adriana used to have strong chemistry until she gained weight after having a baby and not working out regularly. Naomi had bad aspiration for days (a.k.a. was depressed), almost died during pregnancy and didn't enjoy being a mom and Ian was too focused on work and took care of the baby. Naomi and James hooked up. Now they're having a full fledged affair. It was unavoidable considering their strong chemistry. I'm planning to stage a dramatic scene of them being caught up.

My Traveller family went from a hippie live in the moment family to trailer trash. One of the daughters became pregnant as a teen with some local criminal. Before that, she dated a couple, but they weren't a throuple obviously, but rather the couple were cheating each other with the same person. Now she lives in a trailer and he's her baby daddy. The couple ghosted her after high school and got married. She was bitter at first and now wants to be friends with the wife.
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