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#1 Old 11th Jun 2024 at 7:49 AM Last edited by |usagi : 11th Jun 2024 at 8:28 AM.
Default LifeDoc Challenge
Create a multi-generational legacy where each generation is controlled by the Sim's highest interest. Complete the legacy by exploring all 18 interests.

*Needed mods: Interest Ages Mod , All Careers in the Newspaper , Female Impregnation from Alien Abduction.
Create the Founder:
• Create a single Adult Sim to start your legacy. Choose their personality and aspiration freely.
• Move them into a modest home, semi furnished, with a starting budget of 20,000 Simoleons.

General Rules:
• No money cheats are allowed throughout the challenge.
• Increasing interest in reading a magazine or using a cheat is prohibited.
• Your founder and future heir life, and their major decisions, must be driven by their highest interest.
• The interest with the highest points will guide career choices, hobbies and major life events.
• Complete specific tasks associated with each interest to fully embrace that interest.
• If there is a tie between interests, roll a dice or use a randomizer to decide.

Gameplay Progression:

• The firstborn child (or chosen heir) of each generation will carry on the legacy. Their highest interest will dictate their life's direction.
• Keep track of the interests used to ensure all 18 interests are explored to complete the challenge.
• Adjust the heir's lifestyle, appearance, and goals according to their assigned interest.

Lifestyle by Interest:
• Food:
Appearance: Chef uniforms or foodie attire.
House Decorations: Cozy, with a well-equipped kitchen.
Career: Culinary.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Master cooking skill, host dinner parties.

• Environment:
Appearance: Casual, eco-friendly attire.
House Decorations: Green, with lots of plants and eco-friendly items.
Career: Science, Natural scientist or Gardener.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Be a vegetarian and maintain a garden.

• Politics:
Appearance: Formal and professional.
House Decorations: Elegant and sophisticated.
Career: Politics.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Visit community lots often, gain at least 7 friends and keep good reputation.

• Weather:
Appearance: Weather-appropriate clothing (e.g., hats, sunglasses).
House Decorations: Weather-themed decor.
Career: Adventurer.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Watch the weather channel daily, own a pool and a sauna.

• Crime:
Appearance: Mysterious or rebellious attire.
House Decorations: Dark, secretive, with hidden compartments.
Career: Criminal or Law Enforcement.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: If a criminal, be friends with a burglar. If working in Law, Aim to become a police chief.

• Culture:
Appearance: Artistic.
House Decorations: Eclectic, filled with art and cultural crafts.
Career: Artist or Dancer.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Visit museums and galleries, create art.

• Paranormal:
Appearance: Gothic or mystical attire.
House Decorations: Dark and eerie.
Career: Paranormal.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Have at least one tombstone/urn on the lot, own a Voodoo doll, visit community lots only at night.

• Sci-Fi:
Appearance: Futuristic clothing.
House Decorations: Modern, with futuristic technology and space-themed items.
Career: Journalism or Science.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Build robots and interact with aliens.

• Health:
Appearance: Athletic clothing.
House Decorations: Clean, minimalistic, with fitness equipment.
Career: Medicine.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Maintain a high fitness level and avoid high calories foods (e.g., Hamburger, Pizza, Grilled Cheese.

• Travel:
Appearance: Adventurous, traveler attire.
House Decorations: Souvenirs from various places and various decorations.
Career: Journalism or Adventurer.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Travel to at least three different destinations and collect souvenirs.

• Money:
Appearance: Wealthy and stylish.
House Decorations: Luxurious and wealthy.
Career: Business.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Earn a large sum of money, invest in family business, and live in a villa.

• Work:
Appearance: Professional, career-focused attire.
House Decorations: Functional and business-like.
Career: Intelligence.
Children: 1-2 children.
Tasks: Reach the top of the career ladder.

• Entertainment:
Appearance: Glamorous or trendy.
House Decorations: Flashy, with entertainment objects.
Career: Show Business or Entertainment.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Host parties and reach the top of the career ladder.

• Fashion:
Appearance: Stylish and fashionable.
House Decorations: Chic, with a lot of mirrors and closets.
Career: Architecture or Artist.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Own the Sewing Machine and sew outfits. Open a beauty salon and give sims a makeover.

• Sports:
Appearance: Athletic wear.
House Decorations: Sports or military theme.
Career: Athletic or Military.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Maintain high fitness and reach level 8 in the career path.

• Animals:
Appearance: Casual.
House Decorations: Animal-themed, with lots of pet items.
Career: Slacker or Oceanography.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Own every pet available until becoming an elder.

• School:
Appearance: Academic or nerdy.
House Decorations: Book-filled and study-friendly.
Career: Education.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Maintain your kid's high grades and reach the top of the career ladder.

• Toys:
Appearance: Playful, colorful attire.
House Decorations: Fun, with lots of entertainment objects.
Career: Gamer.
Children: 2-3 children.
Tasks: Have an arcade room and streamer room.

Win condition:
Successfully played through all your generations to explore all 18 interests.
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