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Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#1 Old 27th Jul 2009 at 7:47 PM Last edited by LouBarratt88 : 20th Aug 2009 at 7:27 PM.
Default The Past of Pleasantview - CHAPTER FOUR - MEET THE NEWBIES ADDED
I have re-written the first few chapters as I was not getting along with writing in first person. I'm still sticking to the same story line though.

It was a gloomy day in Sunset Valley, just as Herb Oldie expected after watching the weather update last night. He had lived in this town his whole life and he knew above many others not to expect much of the weather here.

As Herb peered out of the kitchen window, he let out a sigh.
"It's raining again" he shouted through to his wife.
"Make sure you run to the car so you don't get your suit wet, I ironed it yesterday!". Herb bit his bottom lip.
"Ok honey". With that he grabbed his suitcase, pecked his wife on the cheek and made his way out of the front door.

Coral looked thoughtfully at the front door, then too her husband who was apparently fighting his way into the company car. Coral tutted to herself while smiling. Walking into the kitchen, Coral made a start on the lunch. Although it was still early morning, she liked to be organised and one step ahead at all times. As she hummed cheerfully to herself, she heard a door open across the room.
"Morning Mary-Sue" Coral said, looking around to her daughter.

Mary-Sue had been adopted by the couple when she was just a tiny baby. There was a rather sad tale to tell about Mary-Sue's life before the Oldies, but we won't go into that now.
"Morning Mummy" said Mary-Sue, as she walked over to the sofa and switched the television on.

As with any other saturday, Coral and Mary-Sue spent time together laughing, playing and joking around. Later that evening while Coral was cooking dinner, she heard her husbands car pull up outside the house. She went to smile out of the window but stopped in her tracks as she saw Herb whispering into some womans ear.

Coral threw down the kitchen knife she was holding and stormed outside. When Herb saw his wife swing open the front door he jumped.
"Coral, I would like you to meet a very old friend of mine" he began.
"No thanks" Coral spat, storming back into the house leaving Herb and his female friend looking on in shock.

About five minutes later, Coral heard the front door open.
"What the hell was that all about?" asked Herb. He was quite clearly angy. Coral did not reply. Instead she went into the bedroom, locking the door behind her.
"Looks like I'm on the sofa tonight then" shouted Herb dryly. No one replied.

Herb threw himself onto the sofa, cursing Coral under his breath. He couldn't believe she reacted like that after the last time a similar thing happened at a party. She had gotten the wrong end of the stick when dancing with a old school friend of his. Why was she so jelous? His thoughts were interuptted by Mary-Sue's quiet voice coming from her bedroom. He peaked in to see what she was doing.
"We are going to split up daddy and leave the baby on her own again" she said, making Herb take a step back, stunned.

She heard everything.

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#2 Old 28th Jul 2009 at 7:52 PM
Default Meet the Oldies - Part Two
Chapter One, Part Two.

As told by Coral Oldie

"I have to say, that argument last night was so unlike Herb and I. We are not ones for bitterness and spite and to be honest it made me feel the worse I had ever felt".

"So, do you want to talk about last night? I had asked Herb as he chomped on the breakfast I had made him. I want nothing more then to sort things with you he replied between mouth fulls. This is all sillyness said Herb, We can't throw away 10 years of marriage for something so trivial".

"I know I said to him, staring into his eyes. Not a lot more was said at the table. I felt as if nothing had really been sorted but at least the ice was broken. As I began to say something else on the going on of last night, Mary-Sue came out from her room, stopping me in my tracks".

"Morning sweetheart Herb said, smiling over at her. Mary-Sue looked uncomftable, it was obvious she heard everything that happened last night. As she took cautious steps towards us, Herb stood up and gave her a hug, which made a smile appear on her face. Are you and mummy ok now? she asked quietly. We are fine sweety, go grab a plate of brekkie and come and tell me what you would like to do today. ".

"As Mary-Sue tucked into her breakfast, Herb came into the kitchen area to continue our conversation. Coral, I am sorry. I don't want to fight anymore, it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel like us. I gave him a thoughtful look, letting myself fall into his arms".

"Thats better, no more of this silliness ok . He said, stroking my hair. I couldn't argue with him, just couldn't bring myself to say how I still felt he was in the wrong. But I guess after it all he wouldn't react like that again with other women. Not when he knew how I felt, right?"

"The day began to feel more normal as it went on, Herb was playing with Mary-Sue outside, I heard her squeeling with joy as they played tag. Hopefully this would soon be forgetten for her, the last thing I want is for a six year old to learn what cheating is, hopefully she'll never expierence it either!"

"So, looks like we are the 'nice little family' we always were once again. Thats how people have labled us around here, I've also heard someone call us 'the perfect family'. We haven't got anything to hide, myself, Mary-sue or Herb, or so I thought..."

Next Family, The Calientes! Coming Soon!

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 28th Jul 2009 at 9:55 PM
Looks like this will be a good story
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 29th Jul 2009 at 5:05 PM
Good job!
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#5 Old 31st Jul 2009 at 8:35 PM
Thanks guys .

Especially Mrs.Kuma, you were kind about my other story I wrote a while back . Thanks for taking the time to read this one.

More coming over the next couple of days.

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 1st Aug 2009 at 6:02 PM
No problem, i enjoyed your last story and cant wait to see what see what happens in this one!
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#7 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 9:49 AM Last edited by LouBarratt88 : 20th Aug 2009 at 4:36 PM.
Default Meet the Caliente's

It was early morning in Sunset Valley. As the sun was rising, it bounced fiercly from the chalk white villa's, stiuated by the coast. Only the darn lucky could get a hold of such a good home in this town, and Flamenco Caliente was one of them.

A few years back, his beloved parents were killed tragically in a airoplane crash when on the way back to their home counrtry. A few weeks after hearing the news, Flamenco was informed there was a will, to which he was left this villa in this somewhat strange town. He and his small family have lived her for the past 3 years, and life is pretty good for them.

Flamenco worked in the fasion industry as a suit designer. He was extremely stylish and up on todays looks, you wouldn't have thought such a thing looking at his simple wife, Nighat.

These are his two girls, Dina and Nina. They of course are twins, except for the odd difference in hair colours. Flamenco has found he bonds a lot better with Dina, often leaving Nina out in the cold. Nighat makes sure Nina gets all the love she needs, but Nina is picking up on her the fact her father prefers her sister.

Flamenco met his wife when they were teenagers. He had moved to this country, starting a new school. Everyone would bully him for being a Newbie but Nighat stood by him. They soon fell in love and got married, despite being completely opposite people.

Flamenco works in this building, a rather large and famous fasion firm named 'Gotcha'. Nighat often notices how his work hours are expanding and he is working until late. But as Flamenco puts it, if they want money you got to put in the hours. Nighat is currently hoping this doesn't start to strain their marriage, although, the cracks are beginning to show..

Please, Call Me Lou :D
#8 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 10:24 AM
This is cool
I loved TS3 but went back to TS2, however it's cool to read stories about it.

Call me Meg

lately i want everything
every star tied to a string

av credit
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#9 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 2:15 PM
Thanks Meggie .

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Test Subject
#10 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 7:34 PM
Sneaky sneaky flamenco...

Hee Hee Hee!!!Me likey the sims!
Field Researcher
#11 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 10:56 PM
I really like this - I hope you'll continue it soon.

"Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news."
Doctor: Good news - you are completely healthy!
Patient: NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [collapses and dies of chok]

http://www.iduniq.com - your own, personal unique ID - join the wave; I'm #3013 :D
#12 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 4:17 AM
Mary-Sue actually looks better here than in the real TS2.
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#13 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 4:14 PM
Thanks guys . Next part will be up soon, probably within the next few days .

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 5th Aug 2009 at 3:12 AM
Good start, looking forward to reading about the rest of the families and your take on them.

my stories:
Something Lost
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 5th Aug 2009 at 5:24 PM
Caliente! I like it so far! I went back to playing sims2 also, but i still enjoy seeing what people do with their sims3 simmies.
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#16 Old 6th Aug 2009 at 7:26 PM Last edited by LouBarratt88 : 20th Aug 2009 at 7:32 PM.
Default Meet the Caliente's - Part Two
Meet the Caliente's Part Two

As told by Nighat Caliente

"As I peered out of the kitchen window to watch Flamenco leave for work, I noticed that something was on his mind. He seemed so distant this morning, but he is never one for sharing his feelings. I don't know why he is so afraid to open up".

"The girls were playing up today just to top off the tense mood in the house. You could say this was starting to become something of a bad day indeed. As I cooked breakfast, I thought back to Flamenco's and I wedding day. What a day that was! His family are so glitzy and glam, and then you had my family, nearly all dressed in drab colours looking like they had mistaken that day for a funeral".

"Damn it! I yelled as thick smoke poured from the oven. I sighed heavily, wondering why things lately had been getting so bad. I decided that night I would ask Flamenco what was wrong, even though I was expecting the same answer as always - Nothing dear".

"Later that evening I heard a car pull up outside. Right, I thought as I got up from the computer desk. The girls are in bed, this is my chance to see whats wrong. I felt my stomach turn as a woman walked into my home followed by Flamenco".

"They were laughing hard at something. You are hilerious! said the woman, her eyes watering. Flamenco spotted me across the room. Hey honey, I want to introduce someone to you he said, ushering me to come over. I found it hard to hold my tongue as I made my way over".

"This is Natasha, my co-worker he said. Natasha smiled at me. Please forgive the attire, I was helping out at my mums resturant as its my day off from the office, Flamenco was kind enough to pick me up! I really didn't have anything to say, I looked over at Flamenco instead".

"Nice to meet you, and goodnight is all I managed to splutter, leaving my husband and her to watch me go upstairs. The last thing I heard was Flamenco mutter I think you should go followed by a goodnight from the both of them".

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#17 Old 17th Aug 2009 at 10:19 AM Last edited by LouBarratt88 : 20th Aug 2009 at 7:31 PM.
Default Meet the Goths

"Hey. My name is Mortimer, and I am a member of the infamous Goth Family. There isn't much to say about me, I don't like to talk about myself much and I don't hold an opinion of myself. But, if you were to ask others then the words to describe me and my life would be 'Rich', 'Scientific' and perhaps a little 'Snobby'."

"This is me, the young lad playing with my father, Gunther. He is a rather nobel man, in fact I would go as far as to call him my hero. He is a political master mind, along with what would seem every other person in this town. My father runs them all though as mayor of the town, and a darn good mayor at that".

"This is my beautiful mother, Cornelia. She is a simple lady who likes to do the usual things of cooking and reading. She is a bit of a loner and prefers to hide away in her room then to interact with anyone".

"Thats basically me and my family. But wait, have I not introduced the one person who is most dear to me?"

"Her name is Bella Batchelor. We have been friends since we were toddlers. And now we are older we are starting to get a whole new erray of feelings for one another".

"She is my world, above all else. No amount of money or science could come between us, and I know that one day I will marry this woman and be with her for the rest of my life" . . . .

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 18th Aug 2009 at 3:30 AM
Just read all the chapters, really nice story so far. I love sunset valley as much as i loved pleasentview. Its nice to see the families i enjoyed in TS2 roots so to speak. I liked "Meet the goths". Mortimer and Bella, Aww~ To bad in my game they are not together...

#19 Old 19th Aug 2009 at 10:26 AM
This is really creative! I liked the part where it says Mortimer knows people think he's rich and snobby.

I can't wait for the Brokes!
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#20 Old 20th Aug 2009 at 6:11 PM
Default Meet the Newbies
Thank you guys .

It was the evening following the hectic day in which Bob and Betty Newbie had. They had spent the day moving out of their old home into this rather small house. Of course, they wouldn't complain, compared to their old place this was a heavenly mansion.

"I can't believe some of the people in this town" said Betty, pulling up a chair next to her husband and sitting down to eat.
"Sweety, don't let them bother you. You know some people don't see past the end of their nose". Even though Betty knew Bob was right, she still felt pretty down about this mornings incident with a certain Mrs Crumplebottom.

"I can't believe how rude that old bag was!" Betty exclaimed, making Bob giggle.
"Whats so funny?" asked Betty, raising a brow at her husband.
"What you just said wasn't exactly kind Betts" he replied, putting his hand on his wifes arm.

"I'm only saying it because she was horrid. How could she be blatently rude like that?!". What Betty was reffering to was Agnes Crumplebottom's attack on the couples money status, and housing status at that. She had called them 'Tramps' when saying this town didn't need anymore of them.

Betty looked over at her daughter, playing with her toys without a care in the world. Bob knew exactly what Betty was thinking, that she hoped Brandi would never feel the wrath of snobbery. Before he could comfort his wife, she stood up and took Brandi into the bedroom to put her down for the night.

"Come here" said Bob sweetly to Betty when she emerged from the bedroom. He put his arms around her and looked into her eyes.
"Stop your fretting my darling, you know as well as I do that peoples comments do not matter". Betty smiled, letting herself get wrapped into Bobs arms.

"I know" she whispered in his ear.
"Tomorrow is a new start". Although Betty wanted nothing more then to believe in these words, she still couldn't stop the sickening feeling that her daughter was soon to learn the difference between poor and rich - the hard way.

Big thanks to Hrsaklis943 for letting me use this lovely home for my story !

Please, Call Me Lou :D
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 4:14 AM
Very nice chapter! Good job! Are you going to add the Dreamers?
#22 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 8:37 AM
I forgot that they used to be Newbies and not Brokes.

Anyway, good job... you might have to do Don Lothario, too.
#23 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 4:53 PM
Wow! It's Brandi's trailer! By the way, do you plan on writing long enough for it to catch up with TS1's storyline?
Sim Princess in Pink
Original Poster
#24 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 5:24 PM
Thanks so much Mrs.Kuma . Um, I wasn't planning on doing the Dreamers but I am willing to do it if you would like me to .
1ove - Thank you . I'm not going to give Don an introduction but I expect he will make an appearence later on in the story .
astrognash - It must certainly is! I downloaded it from this site, along with a few other Sims 2 converted houses. Yes, I was planning to catch up to the sims one, and possibly the beginning of sims 2 .

Please, Call Me Lou :D
#25 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 11:13 PM
Where did you get the trailer? I can't find it on Hrsaklis943's userpage!
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