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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 5th Jun 2019 at 6:02 AM
Default Converted Bomber Jacket BodyShop Help.
Hello, Im really new to converting clothes; Like started today. I followed MDPthatsme tutorial (Some instructions weren't explained I learned), went fine but when I go into SimPE and the unable to start toolplugin, It had worked before and now doesn't. The file is a SimPE file. Im also a bit lost on the how texture, alpha channel as well. Attached are the Sims Body shop tee, and the Bomber Jacket package file.

Unable to Start ToolPlugin. SimPE Version:
Default (

Exception Stack:
System.InvalidOperationException: SimPE does not support this type of file. SimPE is a package editor for Sims2 packages.
Spore packages are NOT supported.
at SimPe.Packages.HeaderData.Load(BinaryReader reader)
at SimPe.Packages.File.OpenByStream(BinaryReader br)
at SimPe.Packages.File.ReloadFromFile(String filename)
at SimPe.Packages.PackageMaintainer.LoadPackageFromFile(String filename, Boolean sync)
at SimPe.Packages.File.LoadFromFile(String flname)
at pj.BodyMeshExtractor.Main()
at pj.BodyMeshExtractor.ShowDialog(IPackedFileDescriptor& pfd, IPackageFile& package)
at SimPe.ToolMenuItemExt.ClickItem(Object sender, EventArgs e)


Execution Stack:
at SimPe.Packages.HeaderData.Load(BinaryReader reader)
at SimPe.Packages.File.OpenByStream(BinaryReader br)
at SimPe.Packages.File.ReloadFromFile(String filename)
at SimPe.Packages.PackageMaintainer.LoadPackageFromFile(String filename, Boolean sync)
at SimPe.Packages.File.LoadFromFile(String flname)
at pj.BodyMeshExtractor.Main()
at pj.BodyMeshExtractor.ShowDialog(IPackedFileDescriptor& pfd, IPackageFile& package)
at SimPe.ToolMenuItemExt.ClickItem(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Windows Version:

.NET Version:
Attached files:
File Type: rar  4t2 BomberJacket WIP.rar (864.7 KB, 8 downloads) - View custom content
Mad Poster
#2 Old 5th Jun 2019 at 6:46 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 5th Jun 2019 at 6:56 PM.
The quickest and easiest way to make a working texture file is to recolor an outfit (of the same type, in your case top) that already has a "noblend" or "alpha" layer, change textures, and link it up to the mesh file.

You need to fix the group names, because right now there's one called "default.bmp" (should be called something like "noblend" and be second on the list) and one named "body" which should be named "top" (you should always clone the proper type mesh - if you're making a top, you usually need to use a top mesh and recolor file, or you won't get the proper morphs or comments).

Also, 26290 polys? I can already see from the SimPE preview that you may get some issues with the bone assignments and ingame animations (the converting programs never get the bone assignments right, and some fixing is often required). The higher poly a mesh is, the more difficult it is to get right.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 5th Jun 2019 at 7:29 PM Last edited by RainMilk : 5th Jun 2019 at 8:39 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
The quickest and easiest way to make a working texture file is to recolor an outfit (of the same type, in your case top) that already has a "noblend" or "alpha" layer, change textures, and link it up to the mesh file.

You need to fix the group names, because right now there's one called "default.bmp" (should be called something like "noblend" and be second on the list) and one named "body" which should be named "top" (you should always clone the proper type mesh - if you're making a top, you usually need to use a top mesh and recolor file, or you won't get the proper morphs or comments).

Also, 26290 polys? I can already see from the SimPE preview that you may get some issues with the bone assignments and ingame animations (the converting programs never get the bone assignments right, and some fixing is often required). The higher poly a mesh is, the more difficult it is to get right.

Okay, I fixed the group names but I still have the problem with Unable to Start ToolPlugin. I've attached the file that SimPE says is not supported.
Oh and I followed th tutorial for beginners, I have it show up but the top is invisible
Attached files:
File Type: rar  BomberJacket SimPEfile.rar (800.4 KB, 7 downloads) - View custom content
Mad Poster
#4 Old 5th Jun 2019 at 9:15 PM
It does open up fine for me (by reimporting it into the mesh file you posted above), but the main group is still named "body" instead of "top".

Files exported from Milkshape are called "SimPE Packaged File" and files ready for the game are called "package-file" when you hover over the icons, under "type". Best not get them mixed up.

I do n't htink I've heard of the "ToolPlugin" - is it mentioned in the tutorial?
I'm just using the PluginView tab at the bottom of SimPE.

Also, looks like you're using the 0.72 version of SimPE - any reason for that? The 0.73 version is updated for M&G, and if you have the UC you may want to use the 0.75 version Quaxi posted a while back.

Have you done anything to the recolor file? It needs extra resources for the "noblend" group.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 6th Jun 2019 at 1:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
It does open up fine for me (by reimporting it into the mesh file you posted above), but the main group is still named "body" instead of "top".

Files exported from Milkshape are called "SimPE Packaged File" and files ready for the game are called "package-file" when you hover over the icons, under "type". Best not get them mixed up.

I do n't htink I've heard of the "ToolPlugin" - is it mentioned in the tutorial?
I'm just using the PluginView tab at the bottom of SimPE.

Also, looks like you're using the 0.72 version of SimPE - any reason for that? The 0.73 version is updated for M&G, and if you have the UC you may want to use the 0.75 version Quaxi posted a while back.

Have you done anything to the recolor file? It needs extra resources for the "noblend" group.

Okay, Its when I go to tools-PJSE-Body Mesh Tool-Extracting Stage that I get the error. The name of the group is named top for me. Also, I didn't know there was a version 0.73, I've downloaded it now.

No, I wanted to see the top at least in bodyshop first.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 6th Jun 2019 at 1:32 AM
You need to make sure SimPE is set up properly in "Extra --> Preferences" because it won't be able to extract meshes from ingame if it isn't pointing to the right folder paths. That might be why you're getting the error.

Do you get the error when you click on "Extracting Stage" or when you write in the mesh name for it to extract?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 6th Jun 2019 at 4:04 AM Last edited by RainMilk : 6th Jun 2019 at 9:32 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
You need to make sure SimPE is set up properly in "Extra --> Preferences" because it won't be able to extract meshes from ingame if it isn't pointing to the right folder paths. That might be why you're getting the error.

Do you get the error when you click on "Extracting Stage" or when you write in the mesh name for it to extract?

OH, I made the mistake! I need to extract the ts2 mesh. Sorry for the confusion. At least that is figure out

I tried another one, but it the same. Still indivisible. I saw on one forum that MustLuvCats had a simular problem and it was a skeleton problem. How would I fix that or is this a different problem. Ill include the file I used to import to body shop, The mesh file. One is the SimPE export (The group names are correct this time), and the other is the bodyshop file. I don't know why the mesh isn't showing in bodyshop. (The tutorial I used is Unimesh-1New Mesh Basics)

The photo is the blue shirt I used to import and use as a recolor (Also the second indivisible mesh of course)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  TutorialJacket.rar (1.40 MB, 7 downloads) - View custom content
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 1st Jun 2023 at 4:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by RainMilk
OH, I made the mistake! I need to extract the ts2 mesh. Sorry for the confusion. At least that is figure out

I tried another one, but it the same. Still indivisible. I saw on one forum that MustLuvCats had a simular problem and it was a skeleton problem. How would I fix that or is this a different problem. Ill include the file I used to import to body shop, The mesh file. One is the SimPE export (The group names are correct this time), and the other is the bodyshop file. I don't know why the mesh isn't showing in bodyshop. (The tutorial I used is Unimesh-1New Mesh Basics)

The photo is the blue shirt I used to import and use as a recolor (Also the second indivisible mesh of course)

I have the same problem with my overall:

Mad Poster
#9 Old 1st Jun 2023 at 5:13 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 1st Jun 2023 at 8:11 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Burinis
I have the same problem with my overall:

Your files were a bit confusing to look through, but assuming the "5fbc4dc9_dresstest - (something?)" and "dress mesh edit" are the files you're editing, the recolor file doesn't have the three lines in the PropertySet it needs for the "noblend" group to show up. That's why it's showing up invisible.

Click "add" to each of these so you have two sets, the original one for the "body" group and a new one for the "noblend" group. Go one level up for the number in the middle, so for the "override0shape" change to "override1shape", and so on.

Should look something like this for the "noblend" group:
override1shape = 0x00000000 (don't do anything to the number here)
override1subset = noblend (this is the subset name of the one you're adding)
override1resourcekeyidx = 0x00000002 (CORRECTION: Don't do anything to the number here, it's linked to the 3DIR)

Also set "numoverrides" to "2" instead of "1" (this one reflects how many groups there are)
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 1st Jun 2023 at 6:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Your files were a bit confusing to look through, but assuming the "5fbc4dc9_dresstest - (something?)" and "dress mesh edit" are the files you're editing, the recolor file doesn't have the three lines in the PropertySet it needs for the "noblend" group to show up. That's why it's showing up invisible.

Click "add" to each of these so you have two sets, the original one for the "body" group and a new one for the "noblend" group. Go one level up for the number in the middle, so for the "override0shape" change to "override1shape", and so on.

Should look something like this for the "noblend" group:
override1shape = 0x00000000 (don't do anything to the number here)
override1subset = noblend (this is the subset name of the one you're adding)
override1resourcekeyidx = 0x00000003 (one number up from override0resourcekeyidx)

Also set " numoverrides" to "2" instead of "1" (this one reflects how many groups there are)

I did it. Now how do I add a second texture to the file? To create my jumpsuit, I use a jumpsuit from deedee with her permission.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 1st Jun 2023 at 7:52 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 1st Jun 2023 at 8:18 PM.
If you make a new project/recolor with this file, it should add the texture for you.

The textures are going to be clones of the ones already existing in the file, so make sure you change the new one before exporting in Bodyshop, because otherwise you don't get two textures in SimPE (it uses the one from the "body" texture until you change it)

There's a more in-depth tutorial with pictures here:

(you can add the texture if you don't want to recolor - it's similar to how you would add a new non-recolorable texture to an object, in that you clone the TXMT + TXTR, change the names - in your case change "body" to "noblend" in 1 place for the TXTR and usually 3-4 places for the TXMT in the various tabs, do "Fix TGI" for both of the files, it's a blue button in the Plugin View - it's NOT "Fix integrity" in the menu!), and do "commit" before changing to a different resource. You also have to add it to the 3DIR via the "Package" menu, but add it to the bottom, don't move it up, because it will mess with the rest of the items in the list - when you recolor, Bodyshop moves them around. You can change the "value" for the "override1resourcekeyidx" to the number you added the MaterialDefinition (TXMT) to. Start counting the first one as 0)

EDIT: Correction from before, if you don't add new TXMT/TXTRs, then for the "override1resourcekeyidx", don't edit the number in the "Value"! Forgot that it's this one that's linked to the 3DIR. Fixed it in the post above.
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