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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 20th May 2005 at 8:00 PM Last edited by en7en : 27th May 2005 at 5:07 PM.
Default en7en's Ultimate Architecture Tutorial
Well, I finally did it.

My ultimate building tutorial is available on the Maxis site. It will show you the latest tricks for building a pagoda. Much better than my old methods.Click here.

It shows most of the tricks I use for my curved-roof buildings and pagodas.

If you find it useful, please post pics in this thread of what you do with it. That would really make my day!


en7en - "that pagoda guy..."
Forum Resident
#2 Old 20th May 2005 at 8:04 PM
Ha ... I forgot I admired you very much ... :D

All those buildings ...
Test Subject
#3 Old 20th May 2005 at 8:24 PM
Very nice tutorial en7en. Don't know when I will have the time to do all that but nice job gave you 5 * for it and also bookmarked it for future use.
Test Subject
#4 Old 1st Jun 2005 at 1:14 PM Last edited by SimSherry2 : 1st Jun 2005 at 1:20 PM. Reason: adding exchange info
en7en, Just wanted to say thank you for making this tutorial. I've had a Pagoda design in mind for ages, yet didn't know quite how to make it come about until you showed these techniques. Thanks so much! If you're interested to see the Pagoda I created, with the help of your tutorial, here is a link. http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/lot...asset_id=168360
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 4th Jun 2005 at 2:05 AM
Aggghhh! You put it on the official site! Aww...my compy throws a wonderful tizzy. It won't let the sie show the pictures. Lol! Any chance of it magically appearing here?

Anyway, I can only guess it's great! But from you, it can't be bad.
#6 Old 4th Jun 2005 at 7:08 PM
I've made one too. It is a 1 floor coffehouse with a pagoda roof. Don't worry TheSims2Freak, I'll upload it here soon. Here's the link to it: http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/lot...asset_id=170848
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 7th Jun 2005 at 9:27 PM
I need a printable version of the simple arch and L shaped stairs...won't print for me. Can you Help? I'm in Colorado Springs!
Test Subject
#8 Old 22nd Aug 2005 at 2:50 AM
First off I wanted to thank you for your tuts. They have helped me with my buildings alot. Ok with that out of the way. I resently started doing your newest tut (the one that is 6 stories scafold)Anyway I get to the point where i am on the forth floor and laying the tile down. And I ran into a slight problem. I have 2 open spaces right above the stealth stairs that rufuse to be tiled. I know that the stairs are caseing the problem ( I took them out and was abled to place the tiles my question is they can't be stealth if i have to take them out. right? so how can i get the tiles to lay right?I know the roof is even i have went over it several times with the level tool. I have worked on this roof for 3 days now and it looks so pretty with my water fall and swimmable lake. Also while i am thinking of it i did run into a nother glitch while doing this building. You said in your tut that
"When you're doing tile roofs, it's often necessary to find the center of a structure. The easy way is to drag a fence from one corner,ect..."
I couldn't figure out why my center point was not coming out exactly like yours. So i took a 3x2 lot and counted the squares just to make sure. A 3x2 lot is 30 squares by 20. In the beginning of the tut it says go in 2 squares on each side and place your walls. which would be 18 squares by 28 squares on each side. I did exactly that but i still was getting my center point off. So I counted your squares in your tut on the lot you where using and your building is 16x26. So that is why i kept getting off center.
Just thought i'd let you know. I know it's kinda trival. But when i start doing anything new i try to follow the tuts until i get the hang of it.
If i have confused you i am sorry. I just want to figure out how to lay those tiles. I am also sorry if i had offended you by bring up the lot info.
litangel :werd:

My computer is arunning like a problem child on crack.
It's about as unstable as Charles Manson...and i need help.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 22nd Aug 2005 at 6:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by daddyslitangel2000
I couldn't figure out why my center point was not coming out exactly like yours. So i took a 3x2 lot and counted the squares just to make sure. A 3x2 lot is 30 squares by 20. In the beginning of the tut it says go in 2 squares on each side and place your walls. which would be 18 squares by 28 squares on each side. I did exactly that but i still was getting my center point off. So I counted your squares in your tut on the lot you where using and your building is 16x26.
Just noticed your post, and thought I would point out that if you go in two squares on each side of a 30 x 20 lot you get 30 - 4 x 20 - 4, which does equal 26 x 16.

i've massacred my manicure, (am i poisoned flesh?)
and made a mess, (a sweet caress)
of morning light to midnight.
#10 Old 22nd Aug 2005 at 6:57 AM
Yeah printable versions would be NICE. I had to have my friend capture (with a capture utility she has) your pagoda tutorial page by page just so I could print it out. I don't know about anyone else on here, but there is NO way on earth I can remember more than 1-2 steps at a time, nevermind 60 or more. And I can't alt-tab my game - when I do and go back in, it acts weird. So I need something that's printable and you can't print anything from Maxis website. Half the time you can't even access the website or if you can the other half of the time, it won't show the pics or won't go to the next page or whatever. So if you could make it into a .pdf or something like that it would be great.

Test Subject
#11 Old 22nd Aug 2005 at 4:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SpaceDoll
Just noticed your post, and thought I would point out that if you go in two squares on each side of a 30 x 20 lot you get 30 - 4 x 20 - 4, which does equal 26 x 16.

Ok maybe i was just counting wrong. But I wanted to correct something it is not the house that is 26x16 it is the lot sorry. I didn't make it clearer
Ty for your response space doll.

My computer is arunning like a problem child on crack.
It's about as unstable as Charles Manson...and i need help.
Test Subject
#12 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 5:21 PM
First off i wanted to apoligize to en7 I figured out why i wasn't getting my center point I played around with the building. Come to find out i when i layed the foundation i went to many squares in instead of 2 i went 3 in I was using tiles as my marker and i was thinking 2 in from that. SO i really through myself off. I counted and i am 16x28. Silly me. I built the thing all the way through yesterday took down the walls and couldn't see my 4th floor no biggy i probably missed something. I am starting it again until i get it right. LOL Ty en7 for your tut.

My computer is arunning like a problem child on crack.
It's about as unstable as Charles Manson...and i need help.
Test Subject
#13 Old 30th Aug 2005 at 6:45 AM
Hey I have been trying to remember your name, en7en. You have the most beautiful structures. (I think I have them all, even created a whole asian hood with them). I also tried your tutorials. Even when I printed them. I still failed at the tut. Im pagoda roof challenged. I cannot get it to save my life.

The reason I was trying to remember your name is because I was wondering if you could help me. I have a little project called "spirited away bathouse". I have two versions of it. The 1st is the one on this page (see link below) and the 2nd is the one I was working on, sucky. That' where I need your help. I was wondering if you could build the bathouse with the pagoda roofs. I can do the rest (decorating,etc). Unless you can get it exactly like the picture (and see below link). The only specs are:

1. I dont have the ep yet
2. Do not decorate it. This causes ep items to be acidentally included; I dont want a one object holding me back. I already have everything to go inside it.
3. Residential lot.

That is all for now. If you want to help pm me or leave a message in the following link; if not then let me know if you dont want to do it. Thank you for your time and patience.


and finally the link to the project:

Lab Assistant
#14 Old 11th Sep 2005 at 8:11 AM
sims2freak, if the pics aren't showing up, have you tried right clicking on where the pics suposed to be and select 'show picture'?
Forum Resident
#15 Old 14th Sep 2005 at 3:17 AM
This is going to be hard. I cant read your tutorial and be on the game........

Onyx Sims is now open!
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 16th Sep 2005 at 5:57 AM
There's a tutorial on here somewhere showing how to make your game a window. Then, you can minimize and not be worried about the game going back to the loading screen. I find it useful for following complex tut's like this and doing screen shots.

Great! Wonderful! I love it so much. Now, I finally have a cool Asian house
Forum Resident
#17 Old 16th Sep 2005 at 7:08 PM
Great tutorial

Now known as CMW15
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 16th Sep 2005 at 8:18 PM
I already read it a while ago. Well i guess im here to say thanks.
Im sure you were half the reason i work houses for Parsimonious.org

Im Icey on http://parsimonious.org
A jerk is a tug, and a tug is a boat, and a boat is made of wood, and wood is nature, and nature is beautiful, so thanks, I know I am.
Test Subject
#19 Old 18th Sep 2005 at 12:39 AM
So far I am loving this tute. I ran into a problem at the same point as daddyslitangel2000. When I put the roof tiles on I have those two empty spots. I've run through the tutorial a couple of times to make sure I didn't forget anything or miscount, so now I'm stuck. This is the first time I've ever tried something this complicated so any help would be appreciated.
Mad Poster
#20 Old 21st Sep 2005 at 6:39 PM

This's what you missed.
"Get a roof dormer, and 'try' to position it as shown, on the fifth floor." quoted from the tutorial.

Which problem of daddyslitangel2000's? Post 13?

A foundation wall/deck normally support up to only 2 tile grids when not making up a whole level.
Test Subject
#21 Old 22nd Sep 2005 at 2:18 AM
Much further back than that. I was working happily away on the tutorial and when I got to the part where you're adding roofing tiles I had squares missing over the stairs. I believe en7en said to use moveobjects to cover it (been a couple of days and I'm busy trying out NL) but as far as I've ever seen moveobjects doesn't apply to flooring.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 22nd Sep 2005 at 11:38 AM
moveobjects cheat can enable tiling modification on the lot front though.

Em, actually, he was doing stealth stairs (a type of stair first widely publicised by Ralphael, to my best knowledge). If unsure how they're done fundamentally, you can read Ralphael's stealth stair tutorials to get the concepts first.

SimMasterRalph - Stealth Stairs Stacking
SimMasterRalph - Stealth Stairs Variable Size
SimMasterRalph - Stealth Stairs for Dormers

What en7en did in this version of his Pagoda tutorials for the stairs, he simply compress all floors together to a point that every floor is only 4-click-high (in terms of the terrain raising tools) in order to make the stealth stairs. For the ones depicted in this tutorial, they're only for one level sims accessment. So, only the 1x1 grid tiles right above the stairs cannot be tiled. (remember to set the "boolprop constrainfloorelevation true" before tiling, or the new tiling without the "shift" key will level the eight surrounding grids of every 1x1 grid tile. Skip this when not applied.)

After the stealth stairs were made, he used static build-columns to get the floors back up to 16-click-high height (the default floor height).

After that, he approached to make the Pagoda roof edges. Since it takes at least 16-click-high height (the default floor height) for sims to pass through (a limit pre-set in the game engine.) In his type of Pagoda edge roof, 2-click-down per tile. And since two tiles are there, that results 4-click-high lowered for the edge roofs. So as to make the areas under these roofs accessible to the sims, the height of the whole floor has to be made at least 4-click-high higher.

Well, in my categorisation,
there're 4 parts of the whole process of en7en type of Pagoda making in this tutorial.

1. build the outline
2. making stealth stairs (level compression and column-induced default floor height restoration)
3. Pagoda roof making (4-click-high wall height expansion and roof-deformation)
4. Basement making

Frankly, as much as I remember, he did not mention retiling the holes made during stealth stair process. But for the ones shown in this tutorial, only the 1x1 grid tiles right above the stairs cannot be tiled.

There's another version of his Pagoda tutorials in flash though. It's linked at the old unsticken building tutorial thread:
Building Tutorials
and the direct link to it:
"Architectural Arts Academy, here's our Pagoda Tutorial"

Just learn what are offered in that tutorial, but not suggested to get into the AAA controversy if it's still there anymore.

good lucks...
Test Subject
#23 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 5:01 PM Last edited by helloanni : 2nd Oct 2005 at 8:02 PM.
First of all, thanks for all of your tutorials,en7en!
I finally built a cellar but when I try to put doors in, it always says
"location out of bounds"!
I hope anyone can help me with this as all of you others don't seem to have problems with that...
Test Subject
#24 Old 25th Oct 2005 at 1:38 AM
im thinking your cellar might not be tall enough foor doors does it say the same things as your stairs??? :salute:
#25 Old 25th Oct 2005 at 1:47 AM
is it a foundation wall you are trying to add a door to or a normal wall? because you cant add doors or windows to foundation walls....
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