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#1 Old 16th May 2011 at 6:46 AM
Default The Sims 2 - Sim Couples (v9)
Share pictures of your happy (or dysfunctional - whatever!) Sim couples here!!

- S2/S3 Sims For Download
Tiberius Arthur Glover - 06/09/09 / Atticus Oliver Leigh Glover - 08/12/09
Forum Resident
#2 Old 18th May 2011 at 5:02 AM
Samantha and Calvin dancing in the street in the rain. They've been married forever and have a son in college. It's going to be sad seeing them get old soon. I love them. :lovestruc

#3 Old 18th May 2011 at 12:33 PM

Siggeir Beaker and Grimhild Subject moments before they got engaged This is an older screenshot (it was taken early on in their Freshman year, and they're Juniors now) but it's one of my favorites.

Their personalities are near opposites -- Siggeir is 10/9/8/0/0 and Grimhild is 0/0/10/7/8 -- but they've been complete dorks for each other ever since they became teens.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 18th May 2011 at 3:28 PM
Is Calvin a Gavigan boy? He kind of has that look, but I'm bad at faces even IRL.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Forum Resident
#5 Old 18th May 2011 at 7:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Is Calvin a Gavigan boy? He kind of has that look, but I'm bad at faces even IRL.

What's Gavigan?
Mad Poster
#6 Old 18th May 2011 at 9:01 PM
I guess not. There's a family of premades, consisting of Nathan, Mary, and Isaiah Gavigan. She's had three other kids in my game, and the boys all look eerily similar to each other, though they're not clones. Calvin would fit right in with them. I'd show you a pic but the only one of them I have a halfway decent picture of (I only use the in-game camera) shows the one I've made over the most (beard, glasses) so I can tell him from the others.

It's a handsome set of genes, but I'm marrying them all off to black women (two of them to black women with some bizarre features in their gene pool) so the next generation will be easier to tell apart.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Forum Resident
#7 Old 19th May 2011 at 8:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I guess not. There's a family of premades, consisting of Nathan, Mary, and Isaiah Gavigan. She's had three other kids in my game, and the boys all look eerily similar to each other, though they're not clones. Calvin would fit right in with them. I'd show you a pic but the only one of them I have a halfway decent picture of (I only use the in-game camera) shows the one I've made over the most (beard, glasses) so I can tell him from the others.

It's a handsome set of genes, but I'm marrying them all off to black women (two of them to black women with some bizarre features in their gene pool) so the next generation will be easier to tell apart.

Oh, haha well no he's not a Gavigan. I made him myself. I made him along with 7 other attractive male sims (and I also created 8 attractive female sims) so my neighborhood would have some decent looking sims to marry off to.
Test Subject
#8 Old 25th May 2011 at 5:39 AM
A lovely photo of Joseph Hsu and Joy Canterbury. I think this photo was taken very soon after they got engaged in freshman year at uni.


Jack Hsu and Heidi Thompson (an NPC I had made over once she entered uni. She's the teen kid with the black dreadlocks normally). These two really cannot keep their hands off each other!
#9 Old 27th May 2011 at 8:02 AM
John and Bom Foxworthy

Mad Poster
#10 Old 27th May 2011 at 5:13 PM
Drama Alert at the frat house! It's David Ottomas's grad party, and he's invited everybody - his fiancee Susana Casa, who is also the sister of his frat brother Estebanico; Estebanico's fiancee Tosha Go, even Beverly Ku (AKA John Smith Tricou descendent 1F1), who has cheated on, literally, half the frat. Looks like she and JIm Spitzig have made up, anyway.

But wait! Estebanico comes out of the bathroom to find the cow mascot hitting on Tosha - and he blames Tosha. "Oh, c'mon, man, it's a cow mascot," says David. "She probably didn't do anything. Go talk to her." He does so, but her air of complete innocence only infuriates him.
Good thing Jim just studied couples counseling, but we'll have to pry him off Bev before he can apply it.

Then David turns around and what does he see on the way out the door but Susana hugging the cow mascot! He's so mad he slaps her and storms out without even take a decent change of clothes with him. Although all his plans are in tatters, he moves into the little house on Mendoza Street, where he and Susana had been supposed to get together and exchange virginities (it not being a good idea to do that on the same campus as her brother, a major macho hypocrite). On his way back from buying a new outfit, but before he has a chance to change, he finds Susana kicking over his trash can.

"Maybe I was a little hasty," he says.
"Maybe? You slapped me!"
"I'm sorry. Yes, that part was out of line. Even though I did see you hug him."
"He was saying he was sorry my Abuelo died!"
"He was copping a feel!"
"Maybe we need counseling."
(They both put up the couples counseling symbol in the conversation - she's studied it, but I don't know that he has. He might just be agreeing to anything she says that holds out a hope of fulfilling his locked lose-virginity-with-Susana want.)

Returning home from witnessing all this sturm-and-drang, Susana's friend Pigeon Hawkins wishes David would get sprayed by a skunk. (As far as I can tell, the only reason she would want this is because he slapped Susana - the two of them don't know each other well, but had only positive interactions at the party.) She's glad there's no such crap going on in her life. If her Ezekial Gavigan ever slapped her she'd slap him back so hard he wouldn't see straight for a week. But the question won't arise. Cow mascots aren't allowed in the house.

"Y'know what I wish?"
"Tell me and I'll see if I can grant it."
"I wish we had a car so we could woohoo in it."
"Well...we could pretend the couch is a bench seat."

(Why aren't woohoo-in-specific-places desires tied to the lot like other options? These two have a choice of double beds and a hot tub, but no room for a driveway, and they want to woohoo in a car just because they're on a date. A date in which they never get out the front door. Ah, Fortune sims in love!)

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Test Subject
#11 Old 27th May 2011 at 5:23 PM
o these are like really good
#12 Old 11th Jun 2011 at 10:19 AM
Alan Witts; A sad nobody who lives the criminal life and lives in his sisters backyard in a tent.
This is Alan with a strange girl at the beach. She always turns up and they always sit together and watch the waves at night time, I think it's sweet. ^^,

This is Cameron and Rebecca, Cam is Alan's nephew.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 12th Jun 2011 at 4:24 PM
Well, by the time Estebanico graduated he and Tosha, and Susana and David, had made up. Estebanico's going to hold it over her head a bit while he's busy cheating on her with townies and Romance playables who don't know he's engaged, though. Yeah, he's kind of a jackass. Got to have a few of them in the game, or the drama quotient's too low.

Susana and David, however, are getting along better than ever, having made up, um, really thoroughly (IYKWIM&ITYD) on his rotation between semester play. I doubt he ever slaps her again.

However, while these relationships were being fixed, the female cow mascot, Katelyn Bul, decided she wanted some action, too, and flirted with two non-frat engaged men at a sorority party - with oddly mixed results. Although neither accepted her flirt (caught cheating memory without the "had an affair with" memory - only Susana got that, so she really did let him cop a feel), their fiancees reacted very differently. Shy, medium-nice Billie Ghote, whose father is the worst sort of Romance sim, slunk away from the party, was furious with Oliver, and went so far as to call the most notorious male Romance sim in the Drama Acres MSA during his rotation. When she came by to kick over the trash can Oliver caught her and apologized, but he had to do it several times to wear her anger down. It's all very bewildering to him, as his sister (who hired Billie's granny as a live-in nanny while Billie and Oliver were teens) is half of Drama Acres's Great Love Story, his parents never look at anybody but each other (well, and the Hawkinses, but you can't help looking at them - pheremones; never a suggestion of touching one), and his subculture takes faithfulness as the norm.

"What makes you think I liked it when the stupid cow mascot grabbed me? "
"You didn't have to laugh. If you didn't enjoy it you wouldn't laugh."
"I laugh at a lot of things. What was I supposed to do, punch her in the face? I don't want anybody but you.Look at yourself, Billie! Why would I want anybody but you?"
"It's just - My father says men are like that. They can't help it."
"Bullshit. You lived with Sage Ann and Ernest. You know better."
"That's what Clovis said."
"When did you talk to Clovis?" Why did she talk to Clovis?
"Oh...after I talked to my father. I just felt so lonesome, and he was the only person I could think of that wouldn't automatically take your side. I thought--"
"You thought if all men are cheaters there's no percentage in faithfulness?"
"He didn't ask me out. And I wouldn't have gone. He took your side anyway."

As for Pigeon (3 nice points, but I never see her in a negative interaction unless I initiate it) and Ezekial (1 nice point): well, see for yourself. (I just love the "holding hands" flirt!)

"So, about the thing with that damn cow mascot -"
"I know, hon. It's not you I was ever mad at."
"You'd totally have kicked her ass if you'd caught her."
"I will catch her, you watch."

Pigeon's beloved big brother Harris is the only sim I've ever seen go off on the cow mascot instead of his SO in this situation, and that relationship never took a visible dip; and neither did this one as far as I could tell, so I reckon much the same thing happened, though I was so busy fixing the damage the male cow mascot had done, I never saw it. They visited Harris on his rotation so I guess any making up they had to do they did at his house.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#14 Old 13th Jun 2011 at 2:13 PM
Hey everyone! ^^ Wonderful photos! Every of your simmies is so sweet and they all look great together!

Julia Morgan-Grey and Christian Grey, from my story, Mirrors from the Past ^^
She's a teacher for the first grade, while he's a painter, brother of her best friend.
Those are some photos from the Carnival, a surprise from Chris for his wife.

#15 Old 14th Jun 2011 at 10:26 AM Last edited by Saturnfly : 14th Jun 2011 at 10:41 AM.
Just a couple more pictures of my teen couples.

Rebecca Cromley and Cameron Witts still going strong. They're almost adults and are about to go to college together, oh fun!

And Ted Cromley (all grown up. ^^) trying to woo a girl from school with his spunky dance moves and sexy sandals.
#16 Old 18th Jun 2011 at 10:33 AM Last edited by linuslover30 : 3rd Sep 2011 at 1:27 PM. Reason: More than 4 images posted!
Rebecca Cromley and Cameron Witts are all grown up now. ^^ They graduated college and moved in together, then got married, woop woop!

Here's some pictures of their wedding night:

On the way to the wedding reception:

Cameron outside the chapel:


The interior of the local church where they got married:

The big moment. ^^ *whipes away tears*
First dance as a married couple:

And some bloopers. P:
#17 Old 19th Jun 2011 at 1:42 AM
Olive Specter got married for the fourth, final time.

(And, yes, she has been aged down to an adult. Being in such close quarters with Death himself has to have some odd side effects.)
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 19th Jun 2011 at 5:33 PM
How did you do that?? (Making out with the Reaper, not aging her down - I know how to do that) Is it a real grim reaper, or a CAS-made one?

Also, robots Nicholas and Rheo:

#19 Old 19th Jun 2011 at 11:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nissun
How did you do that?? (Making out with the Reaper, not aging her down - I know how to do that) Is it a real grim reaper, or a CAS-made one?

That's a CAS Grim Reaper that I stuck into his work uniform for that shot. (Since the story in my Strangetown is that the Grim Reaper is currently on vacation, he usually has a different look...which is why his head was cropped out of the picture, since I didn't use the invisible skin when building him).

Making a CAS Reaper is actually pretty easy. All you need is:

Some invisible genetics

And the Reaper costume, which can be found using the debug mode in CAS or can be downloaded from TSR. I prefer the downloaded one because it can be set for all clothing modes.

The only problem is that the hood and sleeves clip really badly in a lot of animations.
Field Researcher
#20 Old 20th Jun 2011 at 1:15 AM

Like this post? You'll love my Tumblr! 😉
Test Subject
#21 Old 20th Jun 2011 at 3:26 PM
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 21st Jun 2011 at 12:00 AM
My newest college simmies, newly engaged too. Jeffrey Hill and Rebecca Buckler.

Snuggling in Jeffrey's bed.

Part one of two of a hug.

Part two of two of a hug.
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 22nd Jun 2011 at 1:36 PM Last edited by RuthStar : 22nd Jun 2011 at 1:42 PM. Reason: Spelling error.
Olivia Jaine Blake with her Fiancee Corey William Carroll, (Shes probably thinking, WHY ISN'T HE HUGGING ME?, but he wasn't be co-operative when i was messing around with pose boxes but i liked the picture anyway, Corey seems to be more interested in the plasma tv thats outta shot than his wife to be who happens to be in the very early stages of pregnancy when this photo was taken)

anddd heres my fave couple in my game atm, Cheri Payne (A towine originally) and "Nate" Barker(Hes called Nathaniel but i tend to think of him as Nate). They live in the only apartment block i currently have in my town.

(RE: the interaction; I can't recall which EP it came with, but its such a cute interaction and makes for cute pictures).
Field Researcher
#24 Old 22nd Jun 2011 at 2:34 PM Last edited by Liv : 21st Feb 2012 at 7:49 PM.
@up: it came with Apartment Life EP

The couple I'm playing at the moment:

Günter and Simona Inek

Test Subject
#25 Old 23rd Jun 2011 at 4:47 PM
Default Test Subject revisted
Here are several pictures of one of my favorite couples. Look closely at the boy...do you recognize him?

I understand these aren't the best quality. (this is my first time uploading pictures, ever!) but the boy is Test Subject! Only in my game, his name is Thomas Littleton. He fell in love with Sarah Jacobs, a CAS sim I created.

Together, they helped Tommy break away from Loki and Circe. I have a story about it on the official Sims 2 site, you'll have to go to my page. My username is Carson Creator.

Sorry! Anyway, those are pictures of when they met, the engagement (surprise at the dinner table) the kiss (I adore that picture. :lovestruc ) and their twin sons! :D
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