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Futuretec ~A Home for the Future~

by Brighten11 Posted 17th Jan 2007 at 10:48 AM
28 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 27 Feedback Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 8:17 PM
Hey this looks really good!
i'll try and download it but sometimes when that happens the Sims 2 pack intaller say 'double click on a custom content package' to install! Oh well lol!
Mad Poster
#3 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 8:20 PM
I am speechless !...
.... awesome bulding and furnishing !
thanks brighten !

You know a site allowing re-upload of free build/buy stuff in lots ? Help us to update the list !

* Plus j'échoue plus je m'approche de la réussite
* The more I fail the more I approach the success

(Lao patul MMVI AD)
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 8:44 PM
I love it!! Beatiful, Thank You.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 9:07 PM
Un.Be.Lievable! Amazing home, brighten; just excellent work! Thanks!

Test Subject
#6 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 9:09 PM
WOW this is going to make me get pets! I don't have pets so I can't download it but it's BEAUTIFULL!!!!!!!!! EXCELLENT JOB!
Space Pony
#7 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 9:26 PM

It's so cool, I'm defineately downloading this.



Like to see more, click here !
#8 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 10:15 PM
Very futuristic, nice work,
this is pretty cool!

Please do not re-upload my houses or Sims anywhere, even if it is just refurnished.

Thank you for your consideration.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 3:40 AM
Some Maxis recolours may help your purposes.
But I really like something here you did. Thanks
Test Subject
#10 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 3:50 AM really....WOW

that looks awesome! excellent job!!
Test Subject
#11 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 11:15 AM Last edited by IgnorantBliss : 30th Jan 2007 at 3:39 PM. Reason: converted to Thanks post
Great Job.Now all we need are "The Jetsons"...

Despite all my rage,I'm still just a rat in a cage..
"Bullet With Butterfly Wings"-Smashing Pumpkins
Test Subject
#12 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 5:40 PM
Outstanding work, you have a lot of imagination.
#13 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 6:20 PM
Hi Brighten, thank you for the PM, I wouldn't miss this fantastic lot.
You know, when I was a child I was sure that houses of 2K age would have this look, in my young mind houses of the future were exactly like this one.
It's nice to correct the present at least in the sims world, building the right modern and futuristic houses like yours.
Well done, I love this style so much! Kiss and ciao.
Test Subject
#14 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 1:48 AM
Hi! I've been thinking about a 'Jetson' house for the sims and this really reminded me of it! Teehee, I love it, I'm just about to try it out :P

Edit: Just noticed a person above is already on the same wavelength teehee!

Take care
Mad Poster
#15 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 6:19 PM
Nice lot brighten

Is it a release of the previous ?

You know a site allowing re-upload of free build/buy stuff in lots ? Help us to update the list !

* Plus j'échoue plus je m'approche de la réussite
* The more I fail the more I approach the success

(Lao patul MMVI AD)
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 6:20 PM
I thought you had uploaded this already. Nice lot thought.

Herald Between Two Lands
Test Subject
#17 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 6:29 PM
very nice, thanks
#18 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 6:37 PM
This does look a bit familiar. =)

Cagley Family Legacy (A Random Legacy Challenge)
Test Subject
#19 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 6:40 PM
hey this is great!
can i just ask, could you give me a link to a tutorial or something like that, to tell me how you create the bit where you have stairs to a raised level inside the house, like in the 3rd picture down? I dont know how to do it lol and i relle want to know
other than that its a fab lot!!!
Test Subject
#20 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 8:57 PM Last edited by IgnorantBliss : 30th Jan 2007 at 3:39 PM. Reason: converted to Thanks post
Very nice house thanks for sharing
Test Subject
#21 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 12:46 AM
Very cool.

Question: how and you move funiture sideways?

hehe, my sims are better than yours. xD
Field Researcher
#22 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:03 AM
Great house. Thanks!

"I always wanted to fly in strange machines"
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#23 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 10:31 AM
Thank you everybody! I'm so glad you all are enjoying this lot! Actually the Jetson's cartoon series was the inspiration behind both my recent "space-age" lots!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#24 Old 23rd Jan 2007 at 9:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by tom2700
hey this is great!
can i just ask, could you give me a link to a tutorial or something like that, to tell me how you create the bit where you have stairs to a raised level inside the house, like in the 3rd picture down? I dont know how to do it lol and i relle want to know
other than that its a fab lot!!!

Phew, now that I have the double post problem solved, I can answer some of these questions!

The bit of raised level inside with the stairs was created using the stage tool. It is found under the foundations tools and it came with the Open for Business EP. I just extended the stage over much of the floor, and used it to add drama and effect to the areas where you step up to separated living spaces.

Good luck with trying this, and all your future projects!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#25 Old 23rd Jan 2007 at 9:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by darkon
Very cool.

Question: how and you move funiture sideways?

Hi darkon,

To get furniture to go at an angle open up the cheat window by typing Ctrl C

In the cheat box type in allow45degreeangleofrotation true

While you have ahold of the piece of furniture to be angled, hit the period key or the comma key to angle the piece.

I hope this answers your question! Good luck!
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