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Aldridge - A Fully Furnished Starter Home

by Christine11778 Posted 13th Jul 2007 at 12:14 PM
20 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 18 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 5:08 PM
this is perfect!

"Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window
wishing I was somewhere else."
Test Subject
#3 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 6:14 PM
This is ridiculously adorable. Very well done

The clown ... he laughed a lot
Field Researcher
#4 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 6:15 PM
Thank you! It's lovely.
What just happend?
retired moderator
#5 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 6:32 PM
Brilliant little house. Thank you and well done!

Life is for LIVING so, LIVE it and have Fun

Please use "spell check" when posting!!!
Prejudice is the child of ignorance.
#6 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 9:54 PM
Very nice lot. Thanks for sharing with us!

Please check me out at Sims Crossing Please do not upload any of my lots,clothing, or other creations to other sites!
Field Researcher
#7 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 10:31 PM
I dont often download lots, but I've been needing new starter homes and have been holding out for something special....this is the something special that I have been waiting for. thank you so much!

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 14th Jul 2007 at 1:30 AM
this is an awesome house.
i have a site that is called the sims 2 real estate please take a look at it.
#9 Old 14th Jul 2007 at 1:58 PM
Thank you for this cute little dream starter!!
Original Poster
#10 Old 15th Jul 2007 at 1:00 AM
Thanks everyone!

Love will humiliate you and hate will cradle you.
Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
Test Subject
#11 Old 15th Jul 2007 at 5:24 PM
One word: Awesome.
That's all that can be said about this house. It makes my starter look like poop! :D

Test Subject
#12 Old 20th Jul 2007 at 11:36 AM
Thank you it's just what I need!

No regrets... they don't work...
No regrets now...they only hurt ...
Field Researcher
#13 Old 24th Jul 2007 at 5:33 AM
ugh, finally. I was looking for a starter house without the need of Pets/Seasons! And thank god this one doesn't need either! Thank you so much. This house is adorable. And the interior looks lovely too. Keep it up.

HAIR REQUEST: Long Curly Hair (i.e.: 01 & 02) for MALES (bld/br).
Field Researcher
#14 Old 25th Jul 2007 at 4:08 PM
that's creative use of 20 000 simoleons! great work and thank you sharing!
Test Subject
#15 Old 3rd Sep 2007 at 12:38 AM
Gorgeous. Thank you.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 2:30 PM
When I looked at the quality of the lot, I couldn't believe it was a starter house! It's so amazing that I couldn't resist downloading it and clicking the "thanks" button.
Test Subject
#17 Old 20th Sep 2007 at 2:44 AM
I love it!
Field Researcher
#18 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 9:43 PM
really beautiful house. thanks!

check out my story Faking It
Casting call for Eve's Apple currently going on PM me!
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 4th Nov 2007 at 6:39 AM
For a starter house this is very sweet, althought i was looking for a two bedroom house under 20k
retired moderator
#20 Old 16th Mar 2008 at 10:15 AM
This lot redefined my expectations for a starter. Thank you for sharing!
Test Subject
#21 Old 27th Feb 2016 at 8:12 PM
Thanks You!