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Rancho Grande

by JuanchoVzla Posted 10th Dec 2007 at 6:30 AM
8 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts
#2 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 8:45 AM
Cool, thanks for this. Its a nice neat house perfect for a modern lifestyle. My sims will love this! Thanks

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#3 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 2:55 PM
Thanks so much!!
#4 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 5:29 PM
Very cool! Great screenshots.
Test Subject
#5 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 6:18 PM
Son! I`m very happy for seeing you in here... by the way is your mom, Marle...
Beautiful the house, like always

Hijo! Estoy muy feliz de verte acá, por cierto es tu madre, Marle. Bella la casa, como siempre :D
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#6 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 6:29 PM
cmkb396 thanks for you comment, Mom thanks so much!!
Field Researcher
#7 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 6:55 PM
Great job on this house. The layout looks very playable. And have to agree, great screenshots as well!

Keep up the great work and Thanks for sharing.

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Forum Resident
#8 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 7:08 PM
Very attractive looking house - I lool forward to seeing more in the future.

I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something is wrong with me.
- Anonymous

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#9 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 7:44 PM Last edited by JuanchoVzla : 10th Dec 2007 at 7:50 PM.
Wow Thanks Neveah223 I´m very glad for your comment...

I`m very happy for seeing you in here.. i´m a big fan of you, i love your work

eedgan, Very Thanks!

sorry for my english, is not my first language