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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 9:52 PM
Default Favorite Anime and Video Game Characters
Okay so who are your favorite anime characters?

Death Note- L, Light, Mello and Matt
Naruto- Kakashi, Iruka, Gaara, Rock Lee
Decendants of Darkness-Tsuzuki, Hisoka
Get Backers- Ban, Ginji, Emishi and Shido
Full Metal Alchemist- Envy
FF7 Advent Children- Reno, Rude, Yazoo, Kadaj
Yu-Gi-Oh- Seto Kaiba, Pegasus, Duke Devlin, Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor

Video Games

FF7- Reno, Rude
FF12- Balthier, Fran
FF4- Cecil, Kain
FF6- Locke, Celes, Edgar
FF8- Squall, Zell, Irvine, Selphie
F10- Tidus, Rikku, Waka, Lulu
FFX2- Rikku
Star Ocean (til the End of Time)- Albel, Cliff, Nel
Xenogears- Citan, Bart

*I know there are others I'm forgetting but you guys get the idea . I'll list more later on when I'm not at the library.

I am L...I am...Justice

http://i33.tinypic.com/dmcyut.jpg - There be Dragons..
#2 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 11:04 PM
Rozen Maiden- Evil doll
Shaman King-all of them (but Zeke special :lovestruc awww)
and much more....

Once and Forever-Lara Croft Tomb Raider
(but I HATE Angelina Jolie)

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#3 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 11:26 PM
Death Note- L and Kira

Lara Croft

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-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Field Researcher
#4 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 5:54 AM

My faves in anime are:

Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes and Edward Elric
.Hack//Sign: Sora
Deathnote: L


FF7: Cloud, Vincent, Reno, and Sephiroth
FF8: Squall, Seifer and Laguna
Tales of the Abyss: Guy Cecil, Luke Fon Fabre and Jade Curtiss
Tales of Vesperia: Raven and Yuri Lowell
Tales of Symphonia: Kratos Aurion, Lloyd Irving, and Zelos Wilder
Persona 3: Akihiko Sanada, Shinjiro Aragaki, and Junpei Iori
Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth
Zelda: Link
FF12: Balthier and Basch
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 12:35 PM

Gravitation - Ryuichi, Shuichi, Hiro, K
Death Note - L, Misa

FF7 - Cloud, Reno, Vincent, Kadaj, Sephiroth (never played the game but they're in the film so i hope it counts *n00b*
FF8 - Squall
Kingdom Hearts - Riku, Axel, Roxas, Zexion, Marluxia, Luxord, Demyx, Xigbar, Xaldin, Xemnas, King Mickey.
Test Subject
#6 Old 30th Jun 2009 at 2:21 PM
Pretty Cure: Nagisa, Saki, Nozomi, Rin, Setsuna and Love
Mermaid Melody: Luchia and Kaito
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: Marron and Chiaki
FullMoon wo sagashite: Mitsuki and Takuto
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 5:10 AM
Favorite Anime Characters:
Yusuke Urameshi, Hiei, and Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho
Spike from Cowboy Bebop
Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin
Rukia from Bleach (only in the Japanese...that English voice actress messed her up man...)
Gon and Kilua [proabaly didn't spell that right] from Hunter X Hunter
L from Deathnote
Tsukasa from Boys Over Flowers
Okayasu from Peach Girl

Favorite Game Characters:
Yosuke, Kanji, and Yukiko from Persona 4
Junpei and Mitsuru from Persona 3
Auron from FF10
Cloud and Sephiroth from FF7
CJ from GTA San Andreas..lol (That is so interesting I'm just gon listen)

When I blossom I shall be lovely
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 5:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Death Princess
Rozen Maiden- Evil doll
Shaman King-all of them (but Zeke special :lovestruc awww)
and much more....

Once and Forever-Lara Croft Tomb Raider
(but I HATE Angelina Jolie)

LOL! Why do you hate her? What did she do to you?

When I blossom I shall be lovely
Field Researcher
#9 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 7:32 AM

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles-Karogane and Faye (or Fai)
Sailor Moon-Sailor Pluto
Full Metal Alchemist-Edward and Gluttony
Cowboy Bebop-Ed
Howl's Moving Castle-Howl
Escaflowne-Allan Schezar
Rurouni Kenshin-Sanosuke
Naruto-Choji, Hinata Hyuga, Tenten
Avatar: The Last Airbender-Aang


Laura Croft: Tomb Raider
The little farmer dude from the Harvest Moon games
Field Researcher
#10 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 6:35 PM
After reading the last post, I just realized I forgot one of my favourite anime characters! It's Howl, from Howl's Moving Castle. Also, Seiji Amasawa ( I hope I spelled it right!) from Whisper of the Heart.

I just started watching Samurai 7. So far I think the young, green-haired samurai you first meet in the first episode is cool. I can't remember his name.
#11 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 11:15 PM Last edited by Torako-Tiger-Girl : 3rd Feb 2010 at 1:28 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Death Princess
Rozen Maiden- Evil doll
Shaman King-all of them (but Zeke special :lovestruc awww)
and much more....

By evil doll you mean Barasuishou right? Or Kirakishou (I'm not sure if I am spelling the names right.)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu - Nagato Yuki. voice act Chihara Minori is so good at making the Yuki voice.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu again - Suzumiya Haruhi. Hirano Aya is not my favorite voice actor but she's pretty good. Haruhi just reminds me of myself.

Raki Suta (Lucky Star) - Izumi Konata. (O_o) when I watched it I thought that she was EXACTLY like me.

Maria+Holic - Shidou Mariya. Actually a guy who dresses up as a girl. (I laughed when I saw Kanako's face when she realized it.) He's a complicated character.

Rozen Maiden - Suigintou. 1st of Rozen Maiden dolls series by dollmaker Rozen. Lovely gothloli BJD. lives in a church, medium is Megu, only doll in the Rozen Maidens to have wings

Rozen Maiden - Shinku. 5th of Rozen Maiden doll series created by the dollmaker Rozen. Victorian English BJD. Lives with Nori and Jun Sakurada, medium is Jun, likes tea lots

Those are only some of ... something rather likea billion.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 9th Jul 2009 at 5:56 AM
Naruto - Kakashi, Sasuke
Death Note - L, Matsuda
Code Geass - Zero, C.C.
Vampire Knight - Kaname
Howl's Moving Castle - Howl
Azumanga Daioh - Osaka, Tomo

Kingdom Hearts II - Sora, Roxas, Axel
Legend of Zelda - Link, Midna (from Twilight Princess)
Zombie Socks
#13 Old 14th Jul 2009 at 11:39 PM
Death Note- Light, L, Misa, Matt, Matsuda
Naruto- Haku, Kakashi
Full Metal Alchemist- Ed, Al, Hughes, Lust, Scar, Rose
FF7 Advent Children- Loz, Reno
Rozen Maiden: The chick with the scissors (shaddup, my memory is bad)

Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Riku, Goofy, Leon, Yuffie
FF 12: Larsa, Penelo, Fran, Basch, Vaan, Balthier, Ashe

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 27th Jul 2009 at 1:46 PM Last edited by Drake+Sims2 : 6th Dec 2009 at 2:42 PM.
Anime:Naruto-Choji,Naruto,(sexy justsu )Kiba
Azumanga Daioh-Yomo,Miss Yukari(craz),Chio-Chan
Death Note-L
Kingdom of Hearts-Sora,Goofy,Donald
Shaman King-Yoh,his fiance(cant remember name )
Can't Rember-Ultimo,Vice
Baku-you wish people liked Bakugan!
Can't think of anymore(i know about a hundred)
#15 Old 8th Nov 2009 at 5:20 PM
Anime: Naruto-Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto!!
DeathNote: Misa and L

Always and forever a Narutard!! <3

If u enjoy having emo/scene sims I found this awesome website! Here's the link

http://acrazythingsims.webs.com/ (WARNING! This site has mediafire)
Join my new social group Team Jacob

BVB rule!!!
#16 Old 5th Dec 2009 at 8:40 PM
Death Note: Misa, Light and Matsuda
I love Light but I have to confess I like L....
This is the first time I say it...
#17 Old 24th Jan 2010 at 8:56 PM
Vampire Knight: Zero!!!!!

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There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
#18 Old 6th Feb 2010 at 9:24 PM
Death Note: L and Light
Bleach: Toushiro, Byakuya, Urahara, Ulquiorra, Ichigo
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy and Edward
Top Secret Researcher
#19 Old 17th Jun 2010 at 12:02 PM
All the strong female characters, and some strongest male characters too. I guess strong females get my attention more because they are so rare, and I guess I relate to them.

Phantasy Star II - Main character and Nei
Phantasy Star III - Sari, Laya
Phantasy Star IV - Alys, Raja
Shining in the Darkness - The old man of the intro - too cool ! :D
Shining Force - Earnest
Shining Force 2 - Sarah/Karna
Chrono Trigger - Ayla
Final Fantasy VI - Terra

I know I can't do it, but I'm still going to do it. - M. C. Escher
Test Subject
#20 Old 19th Aug 2010 at 2:09 PM
Death Note : Ligth, Kira
Eyeshield 21: Hiruma, Agon, Sena, Rui
Kuroshitsuji: Ciel, Sebastian, Undertaker, Lau, Claude, Greil (Grell?)
Blood+: Diva, James Ironside
One Piece: Luffy, Ace, Inazuma, Hancock
DGM: Allen, Tykki
Bleach: Ichigo. Aizen
Prince of Tennis: Kevin, Sanada, Kirihara, Atobe, Kaidoh, Ryoma
Nabari no Ou: Yoite, Miharu
Durarara!!: Shizuo, Izaya, Mikado, Masaomi, Anri, Celty

Kingdom Hearts: Namine, Kairi, Roxas, Axel, Zexion,
Final Fantasy: Sephiroth, Cloud, Aeris
Left 4 Dead: Louis, Ellis
Tekken Series: Leo, Dragunov
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 31st Dec 2016 at 4:21 AM
Favorite anime characters
Pokemon:Ash, Gary, Cassidy, May and Serena
Sailor Moon:Usagi, Tuxedo Mask, Nephrite
Yu-Gi-Oh:Pegasus, Mai, Tea, Serenity, Dartz
Naruto:Hinata and Sasuke
Bleach:Rukia and Nelliel
Sword Art Online:Asuna
Favorite Video Game Characters
Ace Attorney:Miles Edgeworth(he's my Senpai), Kristoph Gavin and Dahlia Hawthorne
Fire Emblem:Arvis, Chrom, Ryoma, Xander, Sigurd, Seliph, Julia, Elise, Lissa and Virion
Sonic:Tails, Amy Rose, Shadow, Cream, Rouge, Tikal, Chao
Pokemon:Steven Stone, Maxie, Wallace, Juan(though he only appears in Emerald and 2 gen 5 games if you enter tournaments), Cynthia, Iris, Diantha, Calem, Bianca
Yandere Simulator:Yandere-Chan, Senpai and Osana Najimi
The Sims:Gunther Goth, Mr Humble, Count Tazama Towner(Generic named Grand Vampire), Mortimer Goth and Bella Goth
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