View Poll Results: Whos your favorite organization member?
Xemnas,Xigbar, Xaldin
6 15.79%
Vexen, Leaxeus, Zexion
9 23.68%
Saix, Axel, Demyx
30 78.95%
Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene
13 34.21%
12 31.58%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 38. You may not vote on this poll

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#1 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 2:44 AM
Default Favorite Organization 13 member!?
Who's your favorite Organization 13 member!? Yah it's come to this lol. Who's your fave. organization 13 member/s and why!? :D

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
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#2 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 2:48 AM
Saix and Demyx tie for me^^

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#3 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 2:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by frankscrank99
Saix and Demyx tie for me^^

Those two kick butt. My faves demyx. He's just so...Demyx! lol
Zexion is a very close second and then it's Marluxia, then Xigbar.

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#4 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 3:26 AM
I need to play Chain and 358/2 as I barely know the other org members *sigh*

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#5 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 3:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by frankscrank99
I need to play Chain and 358/2 as I barely know the other org members *sigh*

lol yah I don't have a PSP *sighs with u* I wish i did though cuz 358/2 days looks awesome...and i wanna be play as demyx (and zexion)

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#6 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 6:31 AM
358/2 is on DS, which I don't particularly like as a system so I wont buy one. I have PSP though.

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#7 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 6:37 AM Last edited by deidara12 : 20th Oct 2009 at 11:54 PM.
Marluxia and Xion!
Marluxia is well...Marluxia (The flowers are pwetty too )
Xion because, I just finished playing 358/2 days and she has the biggest role in the entire series!
Oh, Roxas too!

Don't blink.
Test Subject
#8 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 1:19 PM
I cosplay Marluxia so I think its obvious I'm gonna love him as my favourite member

But Demyx, Saix and Axel rock ass too
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#9 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by deidara12
Marluxia and Xion!
Marluxia is well...Marluxia (The flowers are pwetty too )
Xion because, I just finished playing 358/2 days and she has the biggest role in the entire series!

Yah Marluxia kicks butt! :lovestruc

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#10 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 11:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Batqueen23
I cosplay Marluxia so I think its obvious I'm gonna love him as my favourite member

But Demyx, Saix and Axel rock ass too

Sweet! I want to cosplay but I don't have any I could maybe do zexion (just cuz i'm too short to be anyone else )

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 11:53 PM
I cosplay Xion, Zexion, and Marluxia.
Oh, and my dog cosplays Xigbar

Don't blink.
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#12 Old 20th Oct 2009 at 11:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by deidara12
I cosplay Xion, Zexion, and Marluxia.
Oh, and my dog cosplays Xigbar

OMG XIGDOG! that's so cool!

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 21st Oct 2009 at 12:05 AM
I just uploaded Castle Oblivion

Don't blink.
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#14 Old 21st Oct 2009 at 12:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by deidara12
I just uploaded Castle Oblivion

SWEET! *goes to look at* I'll add it to the list as well Once it actually get approved

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#15 Old 21st Oct 2009 at 4:24 PM
Oooo Castle oblivion! -goes to see-
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#16 Old 1st Nov 2009 at 12:12 AM Last edited by Eliskuya in darkness : 2nd Nov 2009 at 1:27 PM. Reason: oops I forgot somethin
Quote: Originally posted by deidara12
I just uploaded Castle Oblivion

I hope it looks good and useful for or org13 simmys and my fave in the org13 is Saix

"Anyone who dares oppose me no, the Life Fibers will suffer the same fate." ~Ragyo Kiryuin
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#17 Old 15th Nov 2009 at 9:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Eliskuya in darkness
I hope it looks good and useful for or org13 simmys and my fave in the org13 is Saix

yah saix kicks butt. I love his blue hair X3

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#18 Old 24th Nov 2009 at 11:56 AM
Gah, hmm if i had to choose it would be demyx, he seem like the only one who could truly have a heart. Oh and Marly XD I luffs Marly.
Yayy Just found out that supanova (a con over here in Aus) Isn't as expensive this year! So i'll be cosplaying as Zexion. I've got one friend whose begging to come with me so she can be Demyx XD

Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again. -Mary Pickford
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#19 Old 29th Nov 2009 at 1:00 AM
Zexion is my favorite, but that might be because I cosplay as him...
But seriously, who else can use illusions as skillfully?
And Demyx is cool! He is rather lazy however...
I do like Axel too, my overall impression of him was hurt when he killed Zexy.
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#20 Old 29th Nov 2009 at 9:18 PM
Axel All The Way!!!!! <333

I think I'm just about ready to give up on creating sims ;~;
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#21 Old 6th Dec 2009 at 5:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Xamceron
Zexion is my favorite, but that might be because I cosplay as him...
But seriously, who else can use illusions as skillfully?
And Demyx is cool! He is rather lazy however...
I do like Axel too, my overall impression of him was hurt when he killed Zexy.

OMG ME TOOO! I was like "axel okay" but now I'm like "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Demyx is lazy but that's what makes him demyx :p
I wish I could cosplay...I don't have money to do it...I'd have to do Zexion cuz I'm short XD

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#22 Old 13th Dec 2009 at 9:24 PM
Axel, Zexion and Demyx ^-^

though the list seems to be growing over time >->
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#23 Old 14th Dec 2009 at 2:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Aeterna11
Axel, Zexion and Demyx ^-^

though the list seems to be growing over time >->

Same with me :p
I love the organization :lovestruc

"I'm a- ye- Not a "crazed gunman", I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" ~RED Sniper
"I have no idea!" ~RED Medic
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#24 Old 27th Feb 2011 at 4:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Zexion577568
OMG ME TOOO! I was like "axel okay" but now I'm like "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Demyx is lazy but that's what makes him demyx :p
I wish I could cosplay...I don't have money to do it...I'd have to do Zexion cuz I'm short XD

But Axel didn't kill Zexion. Repliku(?) did. I know I'm a few years late here but still. Someone might read it xD
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 7:15 PM
Fave Orgy Member? Oh god that's Axel, Demyx, Marluxia, Zexion, and Roxas have all got to be my favorites easily...
And yeah, Axel killed Zexion in CO.
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