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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 22nd Jan 2010 at 9:53 PM
Default female characters in video games....
why are most of them so helpless? why can't they have more games like perfect dark or metroid without adding sex to it like tomb raider?
#2 Old 22nd Jan 2010 at 10:03 PM
Tira from SoulCalibur isn't!
She's this evil assassin girl XD
The girl on my avi is her :D
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Jan 2010 at 10:07 PM
thats cool but the keyword that i said was most
#4 Old 22nd Jan 2010 at 10:26 PM
yeah... I saw that... it really sucks, too!
all of the girls are either whiny princesses that are like 'save me! save me!'
or super skinny supermodel warriors
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 26th Jan 2010 at 7:25 PM
no kidding! >
#6 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 2:08 PM
why are there few female villains in computer games.
#7 Old 9th Apr 2010 at 6:19 PM
But... females are more evil IMO. but I'm female too. ha

I think it's because it's very hard to make a guy look hot, and they think most guys play more videogames than girls. So, they make the girls hot. The guys are hot too, but that's just so the game looks good.
Top Secret Researcher
#8 Old 17th Jun 2010 at 11:48 AM
There is one strong girl. Can't forget her if you've seen her. You know, that prehistoric hottie in Chrono Trigger? What's her name? Blond hair, she's a Berzerker... not much for brains but she's the brute force of the party. Ayla? She has this very "adventure" music theme playing when it's her part.

And in "Uncharted Waters, New Horizons", the female character you can pick is the most violent one of the 6 you get to pick from. She's the one who starts with the biggest ship and makes her way through the game winning battle after battle.

And there's another example. Sari? In Phantasy Star III. Second generation, with Ayn as main character. Near the end of his part, you meet this tough aggressive girl with the ponytail, Sari. She's also sortof the brute force of the party at that moment, and it's a pity that you get her so late.

And what about Nei, in Phantasy Star II ? The game keeps her weak with armor, and doesn't allow you to use her for long, but she's a great fighter.

And what about Terra in Final Fantasy VI ? Fighter, mage, healer, and even a half-esper. Isn't she an over-powerful type of character? She starts up as a slave, and needs help out of there. Ok. But then over time she becomes quite the fighter.

I know I can't do it, but I'm still going to do it. - M. C. Escher
#9 Old 3rd Feb 2011 at 11:16 PM
I do not anything adout the final fantasy games but the only thing i do know is that the graphics qulaity is great. if you want a woman with an attuide and some power try Morrigon off dragon age origins.
Test Subject
#10 Old 4th Feb 2011 at 7:07 PM
Sylvanis Windrunner from warcraft is pretty awsome to. She's prolly one of my favorite game characters of all time! I'll have to think a little more about girl characters but i can't think of any that are memorable.
#11 Old 5th Apr 2011 at 12:04 AM
i think there is a increase in better girls witch can fight and kill things ans our fun to play with.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 3rd Aug 2011 at 10:20 PM
Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins is my favourite, she has such an attitude! It makes me laugh, because I might actually say some of the things she says. And I also like Wynne from the same game, even though she isn't much of a fighter. She's so funny, especially when teasing Alistair!
Top Secret Researcher
#13 Old 25th Jun 2012 at 2:03 PM
Morrigan is the best female compaion character from dragon age origins, I never like isabella as she and morrigan had the same personality and well she did not have flemeth as a mother. I also like Nightsong from spellforce 2 shadow wars as she is a nice girl who is traveling with the hero as a last request from her father to warn king ulf adou the shadows. She does have some great lines but I ca'nt remeber any of them. Another from the same game as nightsong is one of the main villains, Sorvina who wants to kill nightsong after killing her father for killing husband for being a bad guy. She is also dieing from posion but she is putting of her own death by sheer will and magic. Solvina is a strong villainess.

There are so many good female characters in games and most of them are heros or damsils in detress.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 4th Jul 2012 at 10:43 AM
well there is that new game Lollipop Chainsaw where the main character is your avarage dumb blonde high school cheerleader zombie slayer named Juliet
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