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#1 Old 9th May 2010 at 7:40 PM
Default translation help - Übersetzungshilfe
Hey Leute,
weil viele Leute in dieser Gruppe entweder englische oder deutsche Muttersprachler sind und die jeweils andere Sprache lernen, dachte ich, dass manche vielleicht Hilfe mit Übersetzungen brauchen. Ich weiß, dass es im Internet Wörterbücher gibt, mit denen man einzelne Wörter nachschlagen kann. Aber was ist mit Ausdrücken und Redewendungen? Wenn man diese richtig verwenden will, fragt man am besten einen Muttersprachler - und dafür ist dieser thread da.

Also, ich habe gleich die erste Frage: Omas in Deutschland sagen oft "Früher war alles besser." Gibt es ein ähnliches Sprichwort in Englisch? Könnte es vielleicht "At one time it was all better." oder "In former times everything was better." sein?

Hey guys,
since many people in this group are natives of either English or German and learning the other one of these languages, I thought that some people might need help with a translation. I know there are many online dictionaries to look up single words, but what about phrases and idioms? The best way to get these right is to ask a native speaker - and that's what this thread is all about.

So, I'm starting with the first question: German grandmas are often heard saying "Früher war alles besser." Is there a similar saying in English? Could it be "At one time it was all better." or "In former times everything was better"?
Test Subject
#2 Old 21st Jun 2010 at 10:09 PM

unfortunately I don't know the answer to your question, newsjunkie. But I have a question myself:

In German we say "Nörgeln auf höchstem Niveau" which means complaining about something that is actually not that bad or complaining about mistakes, that aren't big mistakes in contrast to the accomplishment one has achieved.

Example: I write an essay in English which has 20 pages. I don't make any mistakes but one comma. My teacher lectures me the whole night but ends with "Well, your essay was not that bad, it was quite good, actually. I "nörgel auf höchstem Niveau"."

Literally translated: Nagging at the highest stage

Is there a saying in English?
#3 Old 11th Jan 2011 at 5:20 AM
Newsjunkie: I know there has to be something but my mind is blank at the moment. I would probably translate that as "Earlier was always better" but there has to be a better phrasing then that....

Amaryilla: Would "I'm just being picky" work?

Hi I'm Paul!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 8th Mar 2011 at 10:18 PM
Amaryllia: Instead of "Nörgeln auf höchstem Niveau" you could also say "Ständiges Nörgeln" wich was in English "perpetual nagging". "Nörgeln in höchtem Maße", meaning quite the same, would be "nagging to the highest degree".

Hope that I could help

Greetings from Germany
#5 Old 8th Mar 2011 at 11:37 PM
Any particular reason why your name is Rhino Bike?

Hi I'm Paul!
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 12th Mar 2011 at 11:32 AM
I wear one for elven years now. And I didn't find a better name^^

Are you looking for translations of mods or catalogue descriptions?
I am a professional translator and interpreter for English-German and French-German.
Ask me if you need a translation into or from one of these three langauges, I'd love to provide! :)
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