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#1 Old 9th Aug 2010 at 7:20 PM
Default Vocaloid ideas for the sims
In this topic you can post you're creations with the sims (1, 2 or 3) related with vocaloid or write you're ideas (also related with vocaloid).

I only have one idea, the idea is this, why not to make the vocaloid programs buyable on the sims 2 and how this would work, easy:

1st: The sim goes to a community lot, choses the vocaloid program Rack (wich could be a clonned version of the videogame rack), and then buys the program the player choses.

2nd: When the sim gets back home and the player choses the computer it will appear the option install vocaloid program (the installation must just happen in the chosen computer, the others will still have the installation option, if a vocaloid program wasn't installed in other computers)

3rd: when the installation is done, the computer should have these two option

-Unistall Vocaloid Program: Removes permanently the Vocaloid Program
-Use Vocaloid Program (if there are more vocaloids in the computer it should appear another menu with the names of the vocaloid programs, if you just installed one vocaloid, the name of that only vocaloid should appear in front of this option Ex: You just installed Leon, the option will be Use Vocaloid Program...Leon, but if you install Miriam and Lola the option wil appear normal, but when you click it, it will apear a circular menu with the names of the vocaloids installed) You're sim starts working in the song with the program, he can stop working with it, even if it's not finished but that will just make another option with is continue working with Vocaloid, also this raises creativity.

4th: After you finish the song, you have other two options:

-Upload Song (it's like the Use Vocaloid Program option if only one was used the name appear in front of the option, if more the circular menu) this option makes you upload the song you just made.
-Eliminate the Song (it's like the Use Vocaloid Program option if only one was used the name appear in front of the option, if more the circular menu)When used it will eleminate permanently the song you made, so if you don't want to upload it, just eliminate it.

5th: After uploading the song it will apper a a pop up box with a ranking bar wich shows how good was you're song, and this is what should be:

- Less than 2 Creativty Points: Horrible
- 2 or More Creativity Points but less than for 4: Bad
- 4 or More Creativity Points but less than 6: Not Bad
- 6 or More Creativity Points but less than 8: Good
- 8 or More Creativity Points but less than 10: Very Good
- 10 Creativity Points: Brilliant

So this is my idea.
Forum Resident
#2 Old 9th Jul 2011 at 12:45 AM
Someone should make it so we could get make cosplay easily for the sims 3.I would,but I'm too lazy,plus I need to save up space in my computer for MMD and the Rin/Len append program.I have the sims 3 already so I can't waste space on all those programs to make mods,I actually might have to give up downloading mods and play my game vanilla if I do get both programs.
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