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#1 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 8:12 AM Last edited by nikkiforest99 : 14th Jan 2012 at 12:34 AM.
Default Premade Sims? Love them? Hate them?
Me, I don't mind them. Once you go in and change their makeup & clothes, they're usually not bad looking. One good example of this is Jamie Jolina. The way EA made her is hideous. Those glasses are horrible, and the girl looks like a clown with the horrid makeup she's wearing. I recently started playing her, and the first thing I did was go in and change her into something decent. Now, she's beautiful, if still a little nerdy in her fashion sense. I married her to Hank Goddard, and they do produce some very nice children
Edit: I mean the ones that come in the EA neighborhoods, not the ones in the CAS sim bin.
#2 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 10:07 AM
I have a lot of luck with EA's saved bin of sims for CAS. There's this one teen...the girl with the knit cap and the mole. If you age her to YA she's absurdly pretty.

I've noticed EA has this massive problem with putting on too much makeup. And mouths. Apparently they hate normal-looking mouths.

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#3 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 10:22 AM
Are we talking about those pudding who randomly pop up when we open CAS?
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 11:41 AM
Depends on which town and which bin we end up talking about. Getting them rid of makeup and a few fixes here and there tends to solve most of the problems.
#5 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 4:07 PM
The only premade Sims I don't wipe off from the face of the neighborhoods are the residents of Bridgeport.
Field Researcher
#6 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 4:57 PM
I like George Dean from Riverview. Take those goofy braids off of him and you've got a handsome looking Sim that makes cute babies.
#7 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 7:04 PM
i don't know whose in charge of making the pre-mades but they need canned!!

i ususally change them....when i run into them at the park or whatever....if you leave them
and you play with SP and Aging On....you have the potential for even uglier kids running around...
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 8:53 PM
As a Sims fan since the first Sims game, I have big old soft spot for the Goths, Brokes and Newbies. Right now I have a neighborhood where I plonked down copies of the Goth, Bachelor, Newbie, Landgraab and whatever Betty's family name is. I'm trying to age them up so that they're the same relative ages that they were in TS1 and TS2. Once Cassandra and Brandi are children I'm planning on adding the Brokes so Skip and Brandi can grow up together. Once they reach an age I like I'm planning on adding a family with Mama and a young adult to re-enact the storyline of the Sims console game with aging off :D

The newer premades I'm really not as fond of. If I took the time to play them I'm sure I'd warm up to them, eventually. I DO have this thing for Juan Darer from Twinbrook. He's so crazy.
#9 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 9:01 PM
I hate them.

90% of premade sims are ugly... really, really ugly. Some of them don't even look human, and they wear the most awful mismatched clothing.

But EA has improved; if you compare Sunset Valley sims with Bridgeport sims, there's a huge difference in terms of hideousness.

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#10 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 10:47 PM
For me, the answer depends a lot on what mental space I'm in, or trying to be in, when I'm playing.

When I'm being a geek critiquing a game, I agree with the negatives expressed here, especially about the mouths & the way an otherwise passably attractive Sim can produce horrific grimaces.

When I'm taking screenshots for a comic, I want stylistic consistency, i.e. all the Sims in a scene should look like they belong in the same scene. In my specific case, it is much easier because my characters are very up-front about being Sims, i.e. they live in Sunset Valley, not Toronto. Usually I adjust makeup to make it less obtrusive -- as someone here once said, lipstick might be needed to make them look like they're not wearing lipstick. But that's still within the realm of in-game adjustments to pre-made Sims.

When I'm daydreaming up a story, if I spend enough time thinking about and playing a Sim, they become less of an image and more of a story character, or a friend nearly. And then I no longer much notice their looks. (So if I ever produce any output, I have to set it aside and look at it later in order to see what it actually looks like.)
Mad Poster
#11 Old 7th Jan 2012 at 9:26 AM
Depends on the Sim. Some of them are pretty interesting. For me looks is secondary, character is the most important thing.

For some reason I can't get into the characters from SV. But with twinbrooks I'm having much better success. I think the problem with SV at least is that I feel that EA just dumped a bunch of people into the world and shipped it off. But with Twinbrooks the whole town has so much more character and the people in it don't feel so thrown together in a hurry. With Bridgeport it was a hit and miss. Some I thought were pretty awesome characters, while others felt again like they were just dumped with a half assed back-story.

The same with Quetzkotl. I also have a bit of a soft spot for some of the pre-mades. Like the Goth family, and the newbies. Most likely because those Characters have been there since the beginning, so they are the once I've played the most. With the newbies my soft spot is more for Bob and Betty instead of Brandy because even thought i did play her a lot, Brandie always felt like one of those half-assed thrown together characters. Mostly due to her never actually being played in the game and instead of making her really poor, EA just spent her 20k on pin-ball machines and an über expensive bed. With the Goth household i just love Cassandra, but hated her brother. That's usually the reason he always inherited the Goth estate because I found him so boring, that the idea of playing him made me gag, so I had him stay in the house after Mortimer died and then moved out with Cassandra and played her.

I've not played in appalosa plains yet, so I don't have an opinion about them yet.
Mad Poster
#12 Old 7th Jan 2012 at 12:15 PM
I'm starting to Hate 'em. Every single one of 'em seems so boring and plain looking..

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

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#13 Old 9th Jan 2012 at 2:34 AM
I agree with what some said that I like the characters that have been around since Ye Olde TS and TS2 days. I'm playing the Bachelor family at the moment, and I'm having fun with the romance between Bella and Mortimer (they're still only teens).
Field Researcher
#14 Old 9th Jan 2012 at 9:38 AM
I never really looked at the CAS but from what I saw, I didn't like but I kinda like some of the people in town. the stories can be interesting to read and they're not always bad looking (they're at least average)

I think they're good if you're up for a challenge tho. I think I kinda mentioned this on a thread before but I felt really proud of myself when I played around with Blair Wainwright in CAS. it's fun to make over the hideous people
#15 Old 9th Jan 2012 at 8:28 PM
I don't care for them, never play them. There are some decent looking ones in Bridgeport, but in every other town, I don't think the females are nearly as good looking as I can make myself and the males are all so bland and non-distinctive. I don't wipe them out of the town or anything, I leave them in the town for my custom-made sims to interact with. My sims are usually morally corrupt, so they need other sims around whose lives and relationships they can ruin.

Resident wet blanket.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 9th Jan 2012 at 9:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by aGOLDENbox
I like George Dean from Riverview. Take those goofy braids off of him and you've got a handsome looking Sim that makes cute babies.

lol, honestly idk if it was my female sim or George, but the children they had together were ugly, it took alot to make the female sim's looks pass.
#17 Old 13th Jan 2012 at 7:09 AM
I like some of them, dislike others. The Goths, Bachelors, Brokes (now the Brookes in my 'hood), Bagleys, the bookish Constance YA from Riverview, the Kaminskis and the McDermotts have all become part of my neighborhoods in one way or another. Sometimes it's because my Sim falls in love with one of them, sometimes it's because I see them wandering around town and think, "Hey, that Sim is pretty gorgeous/interesting", and other times it's simply laziness because I can't be fussed to make another Sim myself. I admit, I sometimes do some plastic surgery to them to make them presentable but for the most part, it's storyline that draws me in, not looks. I play mostly in Sunset Valley and Riverview. The Bridgeport setting isn't my cup of tea since I like family dynasty sort of towns and Twinbrook has never grabbed my imagination like Riverview and Sunset Valley.

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#18 Old 15th Jan 2012 at 4:25 PM
Yeah, there are some handsome/ beautiful sims, but the mouths are kind of funny. Except for Agnes Crumplebottom. I think her eyes are too small, and her lips a little wide maybe, but I do make sims with almost anime eyes and almost round mouths because they are so full. Her nose seems a little wide, too, but I don't like wider noses (mostly cause I think my nose is way too fricking wide). It might just be the angle her face is at...

EDIT: I found the most beautiful picture of her! http://sims.wikia.com/wiki/Agnes_Crumplebottom In my opinion it's pretty...

Lab Assistant
#19 Old 15th Jan 2012 at 4:39 PM Last edited by lipglosschaos : 15th Jan 2012 at 10:17 PM.
I basically hate them all, which is why I have a massive bin of Sims other people make and I make to avoid the nasty pudding-face Sims.



Nuff said.

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Lab Assistant
#20 Old 17th Oct 2020 at 8:19 AM
I use CC on a select few and completely ignore the rest.

Case in point.



A lot of problems can be addressed with a little time and effort. ~evil grin~
Mad Poster
#21 Old 19th Oct 2020 at 12:08 AM
Yikes, a thread that died in 2012. I neither hate nor like them. I never play any other than world testing.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 19th Oct 2020 at 12:40 AM
My affinity for them is limited to the handful I give makeovers. The rest get gentrified out of their neighborhoods.

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#23 Old 19th Oct 2020 at 4:05 PM
I like most of them lol. I think they look ok. Some are bad and some are really attractive.

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#24 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 2:13 AM
Aight, I'mma be upfront and say that I've never really payed attention to how the sims in Sims 3 look unless I'm scouting for a spouse or sperm donor in my playthroughs. But the stories the premade sims carry with them, their stories; they really entertain me and for that alone I adore them.

Of course, I'm not saying that all premades in Sims 3 are interesting lore wise, but most are and I definitely find myself getting invested in them.

Oh c'mon. There better be a point to all this stress I'm under.
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